New Arrivals
1 Mascarenhas, Oswald A J
Corporate ethics for turbulent markets : the market
context of executive decisions / Oswald A J Mascarenhas.-
Bingley: Emerald Publishing, 2018.
viii, 320p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781787561885.
174.4 MAS 147317
This book focuses on the how of doing business - the
economic, social, ethical, moral and spiritual values we
bring to our business ventures - and how thereby we
impact the world.
** Marketing--Management , Risk management , Business
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2 Sri M
Apprenticed to a Himalayan master : a Yogi-s
autobiography / Sri M.-- Kodagu: Magenta Press, 2018.
ix, 329p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9788191009606.
294.5092 SRI 147309
The author Sri -M- is an extraordinary individual. His
uniqueness lies not only in the fact that at the young
age of 19 and a half, he travelled to snow clad Himalayas
from Kerala, and there he met and lived for several years
with a -real-time- yogi, Babaji, but also that he should
undertake such an unusual and adventurous exploration,
given his non-Hindu birth and antecedents.The
metamorphosis of Mumtaz Ali Khan into Sri -M-, a yogi
with profound knowledge of the Upanishads and deep
personal insights, born of first hand experiences with
higher levels of consciousness is indeed a fascinating
** Sri M., -- 1948- , Yogis -- India -- Biography , Yogis
-- Biography
3 Sri M
The Upanishads : Katha, Prashna, Mundaka / Sri M.--
Kodagu: Magenta Press, 2017. xix, 190p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9789382585206.
294.59218 SRI 147315
** Upanishads. -- Kathopanisad , Upanishads. --
Prasnopanisad , Upanishads. -- Mundakopanisad
4 Sri M
Wisdom of the rishis : the three Upanishads: Ishavasya,
Kena and Mandukya / Sri M.-- Kodagu: Magenta Press, 2018.
xx, 140p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9788191009637.
294.59218 SRI 147316
The Isavasya proclaims the all-pervasiveness of this
totality of consciousness which is here called Isha, the
Lord, and urges one to let go the narrow and self-
centered identity we are caught up in and rejoice in the
flow of the infinite wholeness of Life.The word Kena
means Who. This Upanishad concerns itself with the
question of ones ID. Is there a separate I or is it
merely a term used to describe the totality of
cognizance. Is there an I beyond the limited, self-
centered ID?The Mandukya examines the same idea but in a
different way, exploring the states of consciousness all
human beings experience namely, the waking state, the
dream state and the deep sleep state, and postulates that
there is a common experiencer in all these states, a
witness, not affected by the states and which is the
totality of consciousness called Turiya represented by
the Pranava, OM.
** Upanishads. -- Isopanisad -- Criticism,
interpretation, etc. , Upanishads. -- Kenopanisad --
Criticism, interpretation, etc. , Upanishads. --
Mandukyopanisad -- Criticism, interpretation, etc.
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5 Hubbard, R Glenn
Macroeconomics / R Glenn Hubbard and Anthony Patrick
O-Brien.--5th ed.-- Boston: Pearson Education, 2015.
734p. , 28cm.
Global Edition .
ISBN : 9781292059440.
339 HUB 147318
Macroeconomics, fifth edition makes economics relevant by
demonstrating how real businesses use economics to make
decisions every day. Regardless of their future career
path-opening an art studio, trading on Wall Street, or
bartending at the local pub-students will benefit from
understanding the economic forces behind their work.
** Macroeconomics
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