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 001   KNOWLEDGE  
   1 Adams, Kathrynn A
Research methods, statistics, and applications / Kathrynn
A Adams and Eva K Lawrence.--2nd ed.-- Los Angeles: Sage
Publications, 2019.
xxv, 646p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781506350455.
001.422 ADA 147292
This book consistently integrates methods and statistics,
and engages students by including brand new examples and
practical applications.

** Research -- Statistical methods , Research --
Methodology , Statistics
   2 Yogananda, Paramahansa
The Second coming of Christ : the resurrection of the
Christ within you : a revelatory commentary on the
original teachings of Jesus / Paramahansa Yogananda.--
Kolkata: Yogoda Satsanga Society of India, 2018.
2vols. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9788189955007.
294.52 YOG 147305,V1, 147306,V2
In this book, the author takes the reader on a profoundly
enriching journey through the four Gospels. Verse by
verse, he illumines the universal path to oneness with
God taught by Jesus to his immediate disciples but
obscured through centuries of misinterpretation: How to
become like Christ, how to resurrect the Eternal Christ
within one-s self.

** Jesus Christ -- Oriental interpretations ,
Christianity and yoga , Jesus Christ

3 Yogananda, Paramahansa
God talks with Arjuna : the Bhagavad Gita : royal science
of god-realization : the immortal dialogue between soul
and spirit : a new translation and commentary /
Paramahansa Yogananda.-- Kolkata: Yogoda Satsanga Society
of India, 2018.
2vols. , 24cm.
V. 1. Chapters 1-5 and V. 2. Chapters 6-18.
ISBN : 9788189535018.
294.5924047 YOG 147303,V1, 147304,V2
The Bhagwat Gita is one of the best books that tell us
about the teachings of Lord Krishna to Arjuna. Every
character in Mahabharata has been given a particular role
that plays in our environment and body. It is a
magnificent book that explains every little detail of how
each character holds a meaning. All 700verses of Gita has
been significantly written for a reference guide for all
problems a man faces in a lifetime. The author uses Lord
Krisna’s teachings to tell us how we can them in our
daily lives. The author discusses how one can reach self-
mastery, control one-s mind and the connection between
yoga and meditation.It also speaks about the double
nature of the soul in creation and the various changes of
God-s nature.The book talks about the forces of good and
bad and how they compete with each other to attain

** Bhagavadgita , Bhagavadgita--Commentaries

   4 Prakash, B A (ed)
Kerala-s economic development : emerging issues and
challenges / B A Prakash and Jerry Alwin.-- New Delhi:
Sage Publications, 2018.
xi, 411p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9789352807659.
338.95483 PRA 147296
This book provides an in-depth analysis of the major
development issues and challenges faced by the state.
Kerala’s development experience has attracted worldwide
attention due to its paradoxical development: attaining
higher quality of life of people on the one hand and
continuation of the backward productive sectors on the
other. The state’s economy remained backward in many
respects and relied heavily on the remittance of Keralite
emigrants. This book examines the state’s economic growth
as well as the issues that have accompanied the policy

** Economic development -- India -- Kerala , Kerala
(India) -- Economic policy , Kerala (India) -- Economic
   5 Worth, Michael J
Nonprofit management : principles and practice / Michael
J Worth.--5th ed.-- Thousand Oaks: CQ Press, 2019.
xxv,550p. , 26cm.
ISBN : 9781506396866.
658.048 WOR 147290
In this book, the author covers the scope and structure
of the non-profit sector from leadership of non-profits
to social entrepreneurship. Balancing research, theory
and practitioner literature with current cases and
examples, the fifth edition includes new social networks
and social media content, expanded discussions of risk
management and updated chapters on financial management
and fundraising.

** Nonprofit organizations--Management

6 McDavid, James C
Program evaluation and performance measurement : an
introduction to practice / James C McDavid, Irene Huse
and Laura R L Hawthorn.--3rd ed.-- Los Angeles: Sage
Publications, 2019.
xvii, 546p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781506337067.
658.4013 MAC 147291
This book offers a conceptual and practical introduction
to program evaluation and performance measurement for
public and non-profit organizations. The authors cover
the performance management cycle in organizations, which
includes: strategic planning and resource allocation,
program and policy design, implementation and management,
and the assessment and reporting of results.

** Organizational effectiveness -- Measurement ,
Performance -- Measurement , Project management --




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