New Arrivals
1 Martin, Craig
A Critical introduction to the study of religion / Craig
Martin.--2nd ed.-- London: Routledge, 2017.
xxi, 192p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415419932.
200.71 MAR 147271
** Religion--Study and teaching
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2 Lyon, Cherstin M (ed)
Citizenship and place : case studies on the borders of
citizenship / Cherstin M Lyon and Allison F Goebel.--
London: Rowman and Littlefield International, 2018.
xx,297p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781786605849.
323.6 LYO 147273
This book explores the ways in which individuals and
groups negotiate the meaning and rights associated with
their citizenship or lack thereof within the context of
diverse interpretations of "place."
** Citizenship -- Social aspects , Group identity --
Political aspects , Place attachment
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3 Erikson, Emily (ed)
Chartering capitalism : organizing markets, states, and
publics / Emily Erikson.-- Bingley: Emerald Group
Publishing, 2015.
xv, 285p. , 24cm.
(Political power and social theory , 29).
ISBN : 9781785600937.
330.122 ERI 147272
This volume covers the evolution of the chartered company,
contributions employ comparative methods, archival
research, case studies, statistical analyses,
computational models, network analyses, and new
theoretical conceptualizations to map out the complex
interactions that took place between state and commercial
actors across the globe.
** Capitalism , Commercial associations--Europe
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4 Kumar, Naveen B
The Use of technical and fundamental analysis in the
stock market in emerging and developed economies / Naveen
B Kumar and Sanjay Mohapatra.-- United Kingdom: Emerald,
xxv, 197p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781785604058.
332.6322 KUM 147270
This book gives a scientific and systematic approach to
trading in developing stock markets. As professional
traders do not trade purely on the basis of economic
fundamentals, but also take into account market movements
from other factors, knowledge of technical analysis is
important to anyone who would participate successfully in
the stock market.
** Stock exchanges -- Analysis , Stock exchanges --
Developing countries -- Analysis
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5 Jung, Chan Su
Performance goals in public management and policy : the
nature and implications of goal ambiguity / Chan Su Zhan.
-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018.
xvi, 271p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781788971843.
351 JUN 147268
In this book, the author provides a thorough review of
goal ambiguity in the public sector, exploring the
general assertions, arguments and empirical evidence
regarding performance goal ambiguity, particularly
highlighting its causes, consequences, and mediation
effects. The author proposes a new conceptual framework
for successful analysis of goal ambiguity that can
effectively relate to diverse organizational and program
** Public administration , Ambiguity
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6 Bolland, Eric J
Decision making and business performance / Eric J Bolland
and Carlos J Lopes.-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing
, 2018.
viii, 215p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781786430151.
658.403 BOL 147275
This book offers a better understanding of business
performance and recommendations for improved business
practices. Through the use of case studies and interviews
with business leaders based on 17 theorized measures of
performance, this breakthrough study not only clarifies
the impact of decisions on business performance, but also
defines and distinguishes decisions that lead to
successful and unsuccessful performance.
** Decision making , Management
7 Malecki, Catherine
Corporate social responsibility : perspectives for
sustainable corporate governance / Catherine Malecki.--
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018.
xii, 463p. ,24cm.
ISBN : 9781786433343.
658.408 MAL 147274
This book seeks to lay the foundations for a sustainable
corporate governance based on the European Commission
definition of Corporate social responsibility (CSR) as
`the responsibility of enterprises for their impacts on
society-. The book offers a comprehensive theoretical and
educational approach to CSR, with references to key
international, European and national texts on this
** Social responsibility of business
8 Gallo, Frank T
The Enlightened leader : lessons from China on the art of
executive coaching / Frank T Gallo.-- United Kingdom:
Emerald Publishing, 2015.
xvii, 298p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781785602078.
658.40920951 GAL 147269
** Leadership -- China , Management -- China , Leadership
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