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1 Raman, P
The Post-truth media-s survival sutra : a footsoldier-s
version / P Raman.-- Delhi: Aakar Books, 2018.
212p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9789350025574.
079.54 RAM 147229
The book provides valuable information about the way
journalism has evolved in India since Independence, the
idealism and missionary zeal of the early pioneers and
-foot-soldiers,- the changing technology and mores of
reportage, the joint resistance by owners and journalists
to the government-s moves to tame the media, and the
shift from the primacy of the editor to that of the
owner, and eventually into the inexorable logic of the
market paradigm of the news media.

** Raman, P. -- (Political correspondent) , Journalism --
India -- History , Newspapers -- History

 200   RELIGION 
2 Marsden, Lee
Religion and international security / Lee Marsden.--
Cambridge: Polity Press, 2019.
x, 270p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9780745663630.
201.727 MAR 147214
In this book, the author explores the return of religion
as a major cause of insecurity in the contemporary world.
He guides readers through the different theoretical
perspectives surrounding the study of religion and
security, arguing that the secular bias that marginalized
the role played by religion in recent times must change
to reflect the realities of the emerging post-secular
international order. Packed with examples from around the
world, the book offers a thoughtful and nuanced
exploration of religion and security through key themes
such as religiously motivated and inspired terrorism and
warfare, the human security of women and gay people in
religiously dominated communities, and the capacity for
religious communities and leaders to heal conflict
through peace building.

** Security, International -- Religious aspects ,
Religion and international relations , Violence --
Religious aspects
3 Ghosh, Parimal
What happened to the Bhadralok / Parimal Ghosh.-- Delhi:
Primus Books, 2016.
xii, 200p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9789384082994.
305.550954 GHO 147231
This book suggests that the arrival of new consumers of
culture, drawn from the rural middle class and the
unorganized working-class and small business people from
the city further accentuated the process. Whether this
has led to a proper democratization of our society, is
however a different question.

** Middle class -- India -- Kolkata -- History -- 19th
century, Kolkata (India) -- Social conditions -- 20th
century, Kolkata (India) -- Politics and government --
20th century
4 Jodhka, Surinder S (ed)
Village society / Surinder S Jodhka.-- New Delhi: Orient
Blackswan, 2015.
x, 252p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9788125046035.
307.14120954 JOD 147230
This book presents a set of readings which primarily
focus on the social, political and cultural aspects of
village life. A few readings discuss issues of agrarian
change and the economy of rural India. A comprehensive
introduction provides a detailed historical analysis of
the study of rural India, the changes in rural social
life and the forces shaping life in villages today. The
articles, drawn from writings over four decades (1972 to
2010), cover various features of village society: caste
and community, land and labour, migration, discrimination
and use of common property resources, among others.

** Rural development -- India , India -- Social life and
customs , India -- Economic conditions
5 Russell, Dalton J
Political realignment : economics, culture, and electoral
change / Russell J Dalton.-- Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2018.
xvi, 268p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780198830986.
320.91812 RUS 147213
This book tracks the evolution of citizen and elite
opinions on economic and cultural issues from the 1970s
to the 2010s-and the impact of these changes on electoral
politics and public policy. Citizen positions on these
cleavages have realigned over time, producing a similar
realignment in the structure of the party systems to
represent these demands. Economic issues remain
important, now joined by divisions on cultural issues as
a backlash to modernization. Assembling an unprecedented
time series of empirical evidence, this study explains
the new forces of elector change in both Europe and the
United States.

** Western countries -- Politics and government -- 21st
century , Political sociology -- Western countries ,
Political participation -- Western countries

6 Swaminathan, Padmini (ed)
Women and work / Padmini Swaminathan.-- New Delhi: Orient
Blackswan, 2012.
xii, 394p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9788125047773.
331.480954 SWA 147232
While economic factors predominantly determine a man’s
participation in employment, the reasons why women work,
or do not work, or whether they work part-time or full-
time, can be diverse and are often rooted in a complex
interplay of economic, cultural, social and personal
factors. In India, as in most other parts of the world,
fewer women participate in employment compared to men.
This is the backdrop against which this book analyses a
wide range of issues from what counts for work to the
economic contribution of women to how gendering of work
has many significant and related consequences. It also
demonstrates how policies and programmes anchored around
data based on national income accounts and/or labour
force surveys seriously disadvantage women in more ways
than one.

** Rural women -- Employment -- India , Rural women --
India -- Economic conditions , Rural women -- India --
Social conditions

7 D-Souza, Rohan (ed)
Environment, technology and development : critical and
subversive essays / Rohan D-Souza.-- New Delhi: Orient
BlackSwan, 2012.
x, 394p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9788125045069.
338.927 DSO 147233
The essays in this book capture the intense discussions
in India that were debated as problems and questions over
the environment, technology and development. As a
collection, this book proposes a fresh and new analytical
coherence for these essays by resituating them with an
engaging introduction under the broader themes of
criticality and subversion. It address the needs of a
rapidly growing interest in interdisciplinary programmes
and will also carry appeal amongst development and policy
practitioners and those who wish to pursue
interdisciplinary research questions.

** Sustainable development , Economics , Environmental
8 Sarkar, Sumit
Essays of a lifetime : reformers, nationalists,
subalterns / Sumit Sarkar.-- Ranikhet: Permanent Black,
xiv, 630p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9788178245157.
361.10954 SAR 147234
Sumit Sarkar, however, changed the face not only of
modern Indian history monographs and textbooks, he also
radically altered the capacity of the historical essay.
As Beethoven stretched the sonata form beyond earlier
conceivable limits, Sarkar can be said to have expanded
the academic essay. In his hands, the shorter form
becomes in miniature both monograph and textbook. The
present collection, which reproduces many of his finest
writings, shows an intellectually scintillating,
sceptical Marxist mind at its sharpest.

** India -- History -- British occupation, 1765-1947 ,
Nationalism -- India , Social change -- India

   9 Marx, Karl
Karl Marx : mathematical manuscripts / Karl Marx.--2nd
ed.-- Delhi: Aakar Books, 2018.
xxxvi, 396p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9789350025628.
515.33 MAR 147221
Karl Marx conducted his mathematical studies and
investigations from around early 1850s till his death.
These studies became more and more intensive during the
1870s and 1880s.The present volume also contains
extensive editorial notes and some appendices on the
concept of limit, the theorems of Taylor and MacLaurin
and, Lagrange-s theory of analytical functions in the
sources consulted by Marx, the lemmas of Isaac Newton
cited by Marx, Leonhard Euler-s calculus of zeroes, The
Residual Analysis of John Landen, and, the principles of
differential calculus according to Jean-Louis Boucharlat
indicated and/or excerpted by Marx.

** Differential calculus , Mathematics
   10 Subrahmanyam, Sanjay
Empires between Islam and Christianity, 1500-1800 /
Sanjay Subrahmanyam.-- Ranikhet: Permanent Black, 2018.
xiv, 457p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9788178245225.
909.08 SUB 147220
It is a wide-ranging consideration of early modern Muslim
and Christian empires, covering the Iberian, Ottoman and
Mughal worlds, including questions of political economy,
images and representations, and historiography.

** Islam -- History , Church history , Islam and politics
-- History
   11 Sen, Sudipta
Ganga : the many pasts of a river / Sudipta Sen.--
Gurgaon: Penguin Viking, 2019.
xiii, 443p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780670092192.
954.1 SEN 147215
The Ganga enjoys a special place in the hearts of
millions. In this book, the author tells the fascinating
story of the world-s third-largest river from prehistoric
times to the present. He begins his chronicle with the
river-s first settlers, its myths of origin in Hinduism
and its significance in popular Buddhism. He traces the
communities that arose on its banks, the merchants that
navigated its waters and the many empires that shaped the
river-s identity. Seamlessly weaving together geography,
ecology and religious history, this lavishly illustrated
volume paints a remarkable portrait of India-s most
sacred and beloved river.

** Ganges River -- Description and travel , Ganges River
Valley , Human geography




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