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 170   ETHICS  

1 Diehl, Sandra (ed)
Handbook of Integrated CSR Communication / Sandra Diehl
and others.-- Cham: Springer, 2017.
xiii, 501p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9783319446981.
174.4 DIE 147007
This handbook pursues an integrated communication
approach. Drawing on the various fields of organizational
communication and their relevance for CSR, it addresses
innovative topics such as big data, social media, and the
convergence of communication channels, as well as the
roles they play in a successfully integrated CSR
communication program.

** CSR, Corporate social responsibility, Organisational
communication, Integrated marketing communication,
Sociology, Marketing, Social media
2 Appleton, Naomi
Shared characters in Jain, Buddhist and Hindu narrative :
gods, kings, and other heroes / Naomi Appleton.-- London:
Routledge, 2016.
xvi, 212p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781472484451.
294 APP 146984

** India -- Religion -- To 1200 , Gods, Indic , India --
Kings and rulers -- Religious aspects
   3 Boylan, Thomas A
Philosophy of mathematics and economics : image, context
and perspective / Thomas A Boylan and Paschal F O-Gorman.
-- New York: Routledge, 2018.
xii, 242p. , 24cm.
(Routledge INEM advances in economic methodology , 16).
ISBN : 9780415161886.
330.0151 BOY 146983
This book re-analyses the divergent rationales for
mathematical economics by some of its principal
architects. The authors also critically evaluate
developments in the philosophy of mathematics to expose
the inadequacy of aspects of mainstream mathematical
economics, as well as exploiting the same philosophy to
suggest alternative ways of rigorously formulating
economic theory for our digital age. This book represents
an innovative attempt to more fully understand the
complexity of the interaction between developments in the
philosophy of mathematics and the process of
formalisation in economics.

** Economics, Mathematical
   4 Liu, Mingwei (ed)
China at work : a labour process perspective on the
transformation of work and employment in China / Mingwei
Liu and Chris Smith.-- London: Palgrave, 2016.
xix,399p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781137433282.
331.110951 LIU 146979
This book aims at students and scholars interested in the
Chinese workplace and the impact that China is having on
work internationally. It uses labour process analysis to
examine work and employment in China.

** Marxian economics , Work environment -- China , Labor
supply -- China
5 Endres, Alfred
Economics for environmental studies : a strategic guide
to micro- and macroeconomics / Alfred Endres and Volker
Radke.--2nd ed.-- Heidelberg: Springer, 2018.
xiv, 291p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9783662548264.
333.7 END 146980
This book provides a concise introduction to micro- and
macroeconomics and demonstrates how economic tools and
approaches can be used to analyze environmental issues.

** Environmental economics , Microeconomics ,
6 Lei, Zou
The Political economy of China-s Belt and Road Initiative
/ Zou Lei.-- New Jersey: World Scientific, 2018.
ix, 392p. , 24cm.
(Series on China-s Belt and Road Initiative , 1).
ISBN : 9789813222656.
337.51 LEI 146967
This book analyzes the BRI through the approach of
political economy and establishes the analytic framework
of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) from historical and
comparative perspectives. It clearly displays the
strategic considerations, future vision, constructing
framework, governmental actions, latest achievements,
multiple opportunities and potential risks of BRI.

** China -- Foreign economic relations , China --
Commercial policy , Economic development -- China ,
Regionalism -- China

 346    PRIVATE LAW  
   7 Tomasic, Roman (ed)
Routledge handbook of corporate law / Roman Tomasic.--
London: Routledge, 2017.
x, 285p. , 26cm.
ISBN : 9781138786899.
346.066 TOM 146952
This book provides an accessible overview of current
research in the field, from an international and
comparative perspective. In recent years there has been
an explosion of corporate law research, as this area of
law continues to develop rapidly throughout the world.
Traditionally, Anglo-American corporate law theory has
dominated debates and publications, however, this
handbook readdresses the balance by exploring the
treatment of corporate law in both Europe and Asia, as
well developments in the US and UK.

** Corporate law , Business enterprises--Law and

   8 Devy, G N (ed)
The Being of bhasha : a general introduction / G N Devy.-
New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2014.
xxii, 130p. , 25cm.
(The people-s linguistic survey of India , 1).
ISBN : 9788125054887.
418.02 DEV 146950
This book provides an overview of the extant and dying
languages of India, as perceived by their speakers. The
work chronicles the evolution of these languages until
2011, and incorporates their socio-political and cultural
dimensions. Critically, it encapsulates the world view of
the speakers of the languages.

** India -- Languages , Language surveys -- India ,
Language and languages
   9 Paolella, Marc S
Fundamental statistical inference : a computational
approach / Marc S Paolella.-- Hoboken: John Wiley, 2018.
xvii, 564p. , 26cm.
ISBN : 9781119417866.
519.5 PAO 146953
This book offers a practical and detailed approach to the
field of statistical inference, providing complete
derivations of results, discussions, and MATLAB programs
for computation. It emphasizes details of the relevance
of the material, intuition, and discussions with a view
towards very modern statistical inference.

** Mathematical statistics

10 Martino, Luca
Independent random sampling methods / Luca Martino,
David Luengo, Joaquin Miguez.-- Cham: Springer, 2018.
xii, 280p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9783319726335.
519.52 MAR 147008
This book addresses the design and analysis of efficient
techniques for independent random sampling. It presents
fundamental results and methodologies in the field,
elaborating and developing them into the latest
techniques. The main problem addressed in the book is how
to generate independent random samples from an arbitrary
probability distribution with the weakest possible
constraints or assumptions in a form suitable for
practical implementation. The authors review the
fundamental results and methods in the field, address the
latest methods, and emphasize the links and interplay
between ostensibly diverse techniques.

** Statistics , Computer science / Mathematics ,
Economics, Mathematical
   11 Tunez-Lopez, Miguel (ed)
Communication : innovation and quality / Miguel Tunez-
Lopez snd others.-- Cham: Springer, 2019.
xiv, 513p. , 24cm.
(Studies in systems, decision and control , 154).
ISBN : 9783319918594.
621.382 TUN 147005
This book explores the disruptive changes in the media
ecosystem caused by convergence and digitization, and
analyses innovation processes in content production,
distribution and commercialisation. The book includes
contributions from European and American experts, who
offer their views on the audio visual sector, journalism
and cyber journalism, corporate and institutional
communication, and education. It particularly highlights
the role of new technologies, the Internet and social
media, including the ethics and legal dimensions.

** Communications Engineering, Networks , Multimedia
Information Systems , Media and Communication

12 Ellermann, Horst (ed)
The Palgrave handbook of managing continuous business
transformation / Horst Ellermann, Peter Kreutter and
Wolfgang Messner.-- London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
xlix, 610p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781137602275.
658 ELL 147003
This handbook provides a comprehensive and unparalleled
reference point for studying continuous business
transformation. It takes an interdisciplinary approach
weaving together strategic concepts with real-life
experiences, connecting human resource issues with shifts
in information technology and linking customers with the
businesses from which they buy.

** Industrial management , Business , Manpower policy

13 Knoth, Sven (ed)
Frontiers in statistical quality control 12 / Sven Knoth
and Wolfgang Schmid.-- Cham: Springer, 2018.
xvii, 366p., 24cm.
ISBN : 9783319752945.
658.4013 KNO 147006
This book provides insights into important new
developments in the area of statistical quality control
and critically discusses methods used in on-line and off-
line statistical quality control.

** Statistics , Quality control -- Statistical methods ,

14 Maimone, Fabrizio
Intercultural knowledge sharing in MNCs : a glocal and
inclusive approach in the digital age / Fabrizio Maimone.
-- Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
xvii, 195p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9783319572963.
658.4038 MAI 147010
This book provides a systematic view of current and
future research perspectives on intercultural knowledge
sharing and offers a model for the growth of
organizational knowledge in the digital age.

** Knowledge management , Intercultural communication ,
Communication and culture

15 Lindgreen, Adam (ed)
Communicating corporate social responsibility in the
digital era / Adam Lindgreen and others.-- London:
Routledge, 2018.
xxxv, 364p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781472484161.
658.408 LIN 146973
Drawing on marketing, management, and communication
disciplines, among others, this book examines how
organizations construct, implement, and use digital
platforms to communicate about their corporate social
responsibility and thereby achieve their organizational

** Social responsibility of business , Business
communication , Social media

16 Buckley, Peter J
The Global factory : networked multinational enterprises
in the modern global economy / Peter J Buckley.--
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2018.
xv, 289p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781786431325.
658.5 BUC 147004
This book brings together the key works on the global
factory - a unique approach to the modern global economy
that focuses on the orchestrating role of key
multinational firms that control an integrated
international network of independent firms. The book
examines the internationalisation theory of the multinational
enterprise as it applies to global interfirm networks,
and pays particular attention to multinational firms from
emerging countries. It examines the governance and
performance of global factories, their
internationalisation and knowledge management strategies
and the potential for multinational firms to address
societal failures.

** International business enterprises , Globalization

17 Upadhyay, V (ed)
Productivity and quality : a multidisciplinary
perspective / V Upadhyay.-- New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing, 2006.
xxiii, 1090p. , 25cm.
proceedings of the 11th Conference on Productivity and
Quality Research, December 12-15, 2005, I.I.T. Delhi.
ISBN : 9780070610798.
658.5620954 UPA 146965

** Management -- Congresses , Industrial productivity --
Congresses , Quality control -- Congresses

18 Singh, Ramendra (ed)
Bottom of the Pyramid marketing : making, shaping and
developing BOP markets / Ramendra Singh.-- United Kingdom
: Emerald Publishing, 2019.
xiv, 219p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781787145566.
658.80091724 SIN 146969
BOP marketing practices are new and still evolving,
despite the ground-level challenges, and several
failures. This edited book extends the knowledge on
bottom of pyramid (BOP) through contributions by leading
scholars in this domain, and embodies the knowledge that
would be useful for marketing practice coming from top
BOP marketing scholars.

** Low-income consumers , Marketing

19 Samli, A Coskun
International consumer behavior : its impact on marketing
strategy development.-- Westport: Quorum Books, 1995.
xviii, 186p. bibliog. 23cm.
ISBN : 089930883X.
658.8342 SAM 102500, 103049-103052, 146968

** Consumers-Attitudes, Export marketing, Intercultural


20 Hutchinson, Anjalee Deshpande
Acting exercises for non-traditional staging : Michael
Chekhov reimagined / Anjalee Deshpande Hutchinson.-- New
York: Routledge, 2018.
xvi, 271p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781138236257.
792.028 HUT 147002
This book offers a new set of exercises for coaching
actors when working on productions that are non-
traditionally staged in arenas, thrusts, or alleys. All
of the exercises are adapted from Michael Chekhov-s
acting technique, but are reimagined in new and creative
ways that offer innovative twists for the practitioner
familiar with Chekhov, and easy accessibility for the
practitioner new to Chekhov. Exploring the methodology
through a modern day lens, these exercises are energizing
additions to the classroom and essential tools for more a
vibrant rehearsal and performance.

** Acting -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. , Acting



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