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New Arrivals




   1 Shafritz, Jay M.
Cases in public policy and administration / Jay M.
Shafritz and Christopher P. Borick.-- London: Routledge,
xvii, 281 p. : ill. , 23 cm.
ISBN : 9780205607426.
320.60973 SHA 146440
This book highlight the great drama inherent in public
policy -- and the ingenuity of its makers and
administrators -- in this new casebook that brings
thrilling, true life adventures in public administration
to life in an engaging, witty style. Drawing on a unique
assortment of literary, historic, and modern examples,
Cases in Public Policy and Administration exposes
students to public administration in practice by telling
the tales of: How Thurgood Marshall led the legal fight
for civil rights and made it possible for Barack Obama to
become president.

** Public administration--United States , Political
planning , Policy sciences



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