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   1 Smith, Justin E H
The Philosopher : a history in six types / Justin E H
Smith.-- Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017.
xii, 272p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9780691178462.
100 SMI 145666
What would the global history of philosophy look like if
it were told not as a story of ideas but as a series of
job descriptions--ones that might have been used to fill
the position of philosopher at different times and places
over the past 2,500 years? The Philosopher does just
that, providing a new way of looking at the history of
philosophy by bringing to life six kinds of figures who
have occupied the role of philosopher in a wide range of
societies around the world over the millennia--the
Natural Philosopher, the Sage, the Gadfly, the Ascetic,
the Mandarin, and the Courtier.

** Philosophy , Philosophers

   2 Rawat, Prem
Splitting the arrow : understanding the business of life
/ Prem Rawat and Aya Shiroi.-- Nagano: Bunya Publishing
Corporation LLC, 2016.
42p. , 20cm.
ISBN : 9784907298012.
158.1 RAW 145686,B, 145687,H, 145688,E

** Self-realization , Life , Gratitude
   3 Martin, John Levi,
Thinking through methods : a social science primer / John
Levi Martin.-- Chicago: The University of Chicago, 2017.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9780226431727.
301.072 MAR 145668
Sociological research is hard enough already--you don-t
need to make it even harder by smashing about like a bull
in a china shop, not knowing what you-re doing or where
you-re heading. Or so says John Levi Martin in this
witty, insightful, and desperately needed primer on how
to practice rigorous social science. Thinking Through
Methods focuses on the practical decisions that you will
need to make as a researcher--where the data you are
working with comes from and how that data relates to all
the possible data you could have gathered. This is a
user-s guide to sociological research, designed to be
used at both the undergraduate and graduate level.

** Social sciences--Research--Methodology Sociology--

   4 Rueschemeyer, Dietrich
Usable theory : analytic tools for social and political
research / Dietrich Rueschemeyer.-- Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2009.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9780691129594.
320.072 RUE 145665
Shows graduate students and researchers how to construct
theory frames and use them to develop valid empirical
hypotheses in the course of empirical social and
political research. This title seeks to mobilize the
implicit theoretical social knowledge used in everyday
life. It also relates theoretical ideas to problems of

** Political science--Philosophy , Political science--
Research--Methodology , Social sciences--Philosophy

   5 Greer, Ian
The Marketization of employment services : the dilemmas
of Europe-s work-first welfare state / Ian Greer and
others.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
198p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780198785446.
331.128 GRE 145629
What is marketization, and what are its effects? This
book uses employment services in Denmark, Germany, and
Great Britain as a window to explore the rise of market
mechanisms. The authors discuss the internal workings of
these markets and the organizations that provide the
services. This book gives readers new tools to analyse
market competition and its effects. It provides a new
conceptualization of the markets themselves, the dilemmas
and tradeoffs that they generate, and the differing
services and workplaces that result.

** Employment agencies -- Europe , Labor market -- Europe
, Markets -- Europe
   6 MacDonald, Ronald
Exchange rate economies : selected essays / Ronald
MacDonald.-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2009.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9781843761983.
332.456 MAC 145683
This essential book contains a number of academic
orientated papers that postgraduate students and
academics will find invaluable for their research.
Practitioners in the financial sector will also be
extremely interested in the chapters on exchange rate
forecasting and issues relating to equilibrium exchange

** Foreign exchange , Foreign exchange futures

7 Schelkle, Waltraud
The Political economy of monetary solidarity :
understanding the Euro experiment / Waltraud Schelkle.--
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017.
xii, 370p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780198717935.
332.494 SCH 145630
This book provides a political economy approach to
examine how the euro experiment came about and was
sustained despite a severe crisis.

** Economic and Monetary Union , Europe--European Union
countries , Monetary policy

8 Sinn, Hans-Werner
The Euro trap : on bursting bubbles, budgets, and beliefs
/ Hans-Werner Sinn.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press,
xix, 380p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780198791447.
332.494 SIN 145627
This book offers a critical assessment of the history of
the euro, its crisis, and the rescue measures taken by
the European Central Bank and the community of states. It
describes what the author considers to be a dangerous
political process that undermines both the market economy
and democracy, without solving southern Europe-s
competitiveness problem. The book argues that the
Eurozone has to rethink its rules of conduct by limiting
the role of the ECB, exiting the regime of soft budget
constraints and writing off public and bank debt to help
the crisis countries breathe again.

** Euro -- History , Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 ,
European Central Bank

 338    PRODUCTION  
   9 Smith, Brian D
Darwin-s medicine : how business models in the life
sciences industry are evolving / Brian D Smith.-- London:
Routledge, 2017.
xi, 281p. , 26cm.
ISBN : 9781472420718.
338.476151 SMI 145634
Darwin-s Medicine goes much deeper into the drivers of
industry change and how leading pharmaceutical and
medical technology companies are adapting their
strategies, structures and capabilities in practice. The
author explores the speciation of new business models in
the Life Sciences Industry.

** Pharmaceutical industry , Biotechnology industries ,

10 McCaffrey, Matthew (ed)
The Economic theory of costs : foundation and new
directions / Matthew McCaffrey (ed).-- London: Routledge,
(Routledge frontiers of political economy , 236).
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9781138670938.
338.5101 MAC 145685
This book is a cornerstone of economic thinking, and
figures crucially in the study of human action and
society. From the first day of a principles-level course
to the most advanced academic literature, costs play a
vital role in virtually all behaviors and economic
outcomes. How we make choices, why we trade, and how we
build institutions and social orders are all problems
that can be explained in light of the costs we face.

** Economics , Production , costs

11 Bayliss, Kate (ed)
The Political economy of development : the World Bank,
neoliberalism and development research / Kate Bayliss,
Ben Fine and Elisa Van Waeyenberge.-- London: Pluto Press
, 2011.
(Political economy and development).
Includes bibliogaphical references and index.
ISBN : 9780745331034.
338.9 BAY 145684
This book provides tools for gaining this understanding
and applies them across a range of topics.The research,
practice and scholarship of development are always set
against the backdrop of the World Bank, whose formidable
presence shapes both development practice and thinking.
This book brings together academics that specialise in
different subject areas of development and reviews their
findings in the context of the World Bank as knowledge
bank, policy-maker and financial institution. The volume
offers a compelling contribution to our understanding of
development studies and of development itself.

** Economic development , Developing countries , Economic
history , World Bank , Neoliberalism

12 Hickey, Samuel (ed)
The Politics of inclusive development : interrogating the
evidence / Samuel Hickey, Kunal Sen and Badru Bukenya.--
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.
xx, 396p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9780198788829.
338.9 HIC 145632
This collection brings together internationally-renowned
experts to offer a comprehensive review of how politics
shapes inclusive development in the global south. Each
aspect of development is covered: social, economic,
environmental, and cultural with each chapter offering a
review of the evidence in the relevant field.

** Economic development , Developing countries --
Economic integration , International economic integration

13 Jones, Andrew (ed)
Services and the green economy / Andrew Jones and others.
-- London :: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9781137527080.
338.927 JON 145679
This book addresses a significant gap in the knowledge
and understanding of sustainable economic development.
Bringing together a range of expert contributions the
book analyses the role of services and service industries
in the transition to a greener economy. Framed by an
approach within environmental economic geography,
chapters written by leading researchers from a range of
disciplines explore how service industries, service firms
and service activities are at heart of green economic
processes. Adopting a global perspective, it includes
research from the US, Europe, South America and Japan,
providing a detailed insight into how the crucial role of
service industry activity has often been ignored in
current understandings of a green economic transition.

** Sustainable development , Service industries--
Environmental aspects , Environmental economics

 346    PRIVATE LAW  
   14 Georgopoulos, Aris (ed)
The Internationalization of government procurement
regulation / Aris Georgopoulos, Bernard Hoekman and
Petros C. Mavroidis.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press,
xvii., 627p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9780198796756.
346.023 GEO 145628
This book examines how international norms for government
procurement are reflected in purchasing practices at the
national level and whether there is convergence in
policies and approaches across countries.

** Public contracts , Commercial treaties , Government
purchasing -- Law and legislation , Commercial treaties ,
Government purchasing -- Law and legislation , Public

15 Keay, Andrew
The Corporate objective / Andrew Keay.-- Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar, 2011.
(Corporations, globalisation, and the law.)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9781848447714.
346.066 KEA 145677
The book goes on to develop a new theory, called the
Entity Maximisation and Sustainability Model. Under this
model, directors are to endeavour to increase the overall
long-run market value of the corporation as an entity. At
the same time as maximising wealth, directors have to
ensure that the corporation survives and is able to stay
afloat and pursue the development of the corporation-s
position.Postgraduate students in corporate law and
corporate governance, directors, and government
regulators will also find much to interest them in this

** Stockholders , Corporate governance , Corporation law

   16 Rogers, Jim
The death and life of the music industry in the digital age
/ Jim Rogers.-- New Delhi: Bloomsbury India, 2013.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9789386250834.
384 ROG 145680
This book challenges the conventional wisdom that the
internet is -killing- the music industry. While
technological innovations have evolved to threaten the
economic health of major transnational music companies,
Rogers illustrates how those same companies have
themselves formulated highly innovative response
strategies to negate the harmful effects of the internet.
In short, it documents how the radical transformative
potential of the internet is being suppressed by legal
and organisational innovations. Grounded in a social
shaping perspective, the Death and Life of the Music
Industry in the Digital Age contends that the internet
has not altered pre-existing power relations in the music
industry where a small handful of very large corporations
have long since established an oligopolist dominance.

** Communication , Telecommunication , Music industry ,
Digital age ,

   17 Darwin, Charles,
The Quotable Darwin / Charles Darwin, Janet Browne (ed).--
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2017.
xxix, 348p. , 20cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9780691169354.
576.82092 DAR 145667
A treasure trove of illuminating and entertaining
quotations from the legendary naturalist Here is Charles
Darwin in his own words--the naturalist, traveler,
scientific thinker, and controversial author of On the
Origin of Species, the book that shook the Victorian
world. Featuring hundreds of quotations carefully
selected by world-renowned Darwin biographer Janet
Browne, The Quotable Darwin draws from Darwin-s writings,
letters to friends and family, autobiographical
reminiscences, and private scientific notebooks. It
offers a multifaceted portrait that takes readers through
his youth, the famous voyage of the Beagle, the
development of his thoughts about evolution, his gradual
loss of religious faith, and the time spent turning his
ideas into a well-articulated theory about the natural
origin of all living beings--a theory that dangerously
included the origin of humans.

** Evolution , Natural history , Biography




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