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   1 Palshikar, Suhas
Indian democracy / Suhas Palshikar.-- New Delhi: Oxford,
(Oxford India short introductions).
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9780199479603.
320.954 PAL 145606
This short introduction will help the reader to put the
various debated issues in perspective and arrive at a
critical appreciation of the endeavour called democracy.
The book takes the reader through a tour of key issues of
contestations and mobilization that have occupied the
terrain of democratic politics in India.

** Politics and government , Indian democracy
   2 Diwakar, Rekha
Party system in India / Rekha Diwakar.-- New Delhi:
Oxford, 2017.
(Oxford India short introductions).
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9780199479597.
324.254 DIW 145595
This book analyses the characteristics, evolution, and
determinants of party system in India. Through a
combination of examining theoretical explanations and
interpreting empirical data, this short introduction
facilitates a clear comprehension of the various phases
of the Indian party system, from Congress- dominance to
the fragmentation of the party system, the emergence of
regional parties and coalition politics, and more
recently a move towards a BJP-centered party system. It
argues that the party system in India continues to be
shaped by a complex interaction of sociological,
institutional, and contextual factors. By situating the
Indian party system in the context of these determinants,
this book also attempts to provide a framework for
comparative analysis of party systems.

** Political culture , Political parties , India ,
Politics and government
   3 Chakrabarti, Rajesh
Shaping policy in India : alliance, advocacy, activism /
Rajesh Chakrabarti and Kaushiki Sanyal.-- New Delhi:
Oxford, 2017.
Includes bibliographic references and index.
ISBN : 9780199475537.
327.1160954 145596
The book explores the interaction of political parties,
bureaucracy, media, judiciary, and civil society groups
in shaping policy in contemporary India. By researching
the evolution of nine major legislations using a
consistent lens, the work interrogates the suitability of
existing political theories to explain the policy
development process in an emerging economy like India. It
covers recent events such as the agitation for the Jan
Lokpal Bill and the Nirbhaya case that have underlined
the role of non-government players in law-making in India
as well as long-standing movements like for right to
information, right to education, and food security.

** International relation , Foreign policy , Alliance

 330   ECONOMICS  
   4 Biorn, Erik
Econometrics of panel data : methods and applications /
Erik Biorn.-- Clarendon: Oxford University Press, 2017.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9780198753445.
330.015195 BIO 145637
Panel data is a data type increasingly used in research
in economics, social sciences and medicine. Its primary
characteristic is that the data variation goes jointly
over space and time. Panel data allow examination of
problems that cannot be handled by cross-section data or
time-series data. Panel data analysis is a core field in
modern econometrics and multivariate statistics, and
studies based on such data occupy a growing part of the
field in many other disciplines. This work is intended as
a text for master and advanced undergraduate courses.

** Panel analysis , Econometrics

5 Mohan, Rakesh(ed)
India transformed : 25 years of economic reforms / Rakesh
Mohan.-- Haryana: Penguin, 2017.
ISBN : 9780670089512.
330.0954 MOH 145605
This book provides India-s top business leaders and
economic luminaries come together to provide a balanced
picture of the consequences of the economic reforms,
initiated in 1991.

** Economics , Economics history , Indian economics

   6 Betcherman, Gordon (ed)
Jobs for development : challenges and solutions in
different country settings / Gordon Betcherman and Martin
Rama.-- Clarendon: Oxford, 2016.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9780198754848.
331.12 BET 145609
This book is a sequel to the World Bank-s World
Development Report 2013: Jobs. The central message of
that report was that job creation is at the heart of
development. Jobs raise living standards and lift people
out of poverty, they contribute to gains in aggregate
productivity, and they may even foster social cohesion.
In doing so, jobs may have spillovers beyond the private
returns they offer to those who hold them. Poverty
reduction is arguably a public good, making everybody
better off, higher productivity spreads across co-
workers, clusters, and cities, and social cohesion
improves the outcomes of collective decision-making.

** Job creation , Public welfare , Developing countries ,
Economic development , Labor market , Labor policy

7 Hamermesh, Daniel S.
Demand for labor : the neglected side of the market /
Daniel S.Hamermesh , Corrado Giulietti and Klaus
F.Zimmerman.-- New York: Oxford, 2017.
(IZA prize in labor economics series).
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9780198791379.
331.123 HAM 145635
The book collects articles published by Daniel Hamermesh
between 1969 and 2013 dealing with the general topic of
the demand for labor. The first section presents
empirical studies of basic issues in labor demand,
including the extent to which different types of labor
are substitutes, how firms- and workers- investments
affect labor turnover, and how costs of adjusting
employment affect the dynamics of employment and patterns
of labor turnover.

** Economics , Labor economics , Demand for labor

8 Hirway, Indira (ed)
Mainstreaming unpaid work : time-use data in developing
policies / Indira Hirway.-- New Delhi: Oxford, 2017.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9780199468256.
331.4133 HIR 145611
This book establishes that there is an urgent need to
measure unpaid work and incorporate it in analyzing the
critical concerns of an economy. As a first step, it
focuses on gathering quality statistics and methodologies
required to conduct time-use surveys in moving towards
integrating unpaid work in policymaking. Assessing
various time-use surveys from the global South Asia
Pacific, Latin America, and Africa the book moves on to
address critical socioeconomic concerns such as poverty
alleviation, employment, gender equality, women-s
empowerment, as also the overall well-being and
development of a nation. With in-depth theoretical
foundations and empirical analysis, it builds the case
for aggregating quality time-use data for sustainable
development of the global South.

** Sex discrimination in employment , Women employees ,
Southern Hemisphere , Unpaid labor , Economic development

   9 Dastidar, Krishnendu Ghosh
Oligopoly, auctions and market quality / Krishnendu Ghosh
Dastidar.-- Tokyo: Springer, 2017.
xv,189p. , 24 cm.
(Economics, law, and institutions in Asia Pacific).
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9784431553953.
338.82 DAS 145645
This book provides an economic analysis of various
aspects of -market quality-, a new concept which emerged
in the 21st century, using the tools of -oligopoly
theory- and -auction theory- that evolved over the 19th
and 20th centuries. While the book is mainly theoretical
in nature, it also discusses some specific issues related
to the problems of market quality in emerging economies
like India. Illustrated by carefully chosen examples,
this book is highly recommended to readers who seek an in
depth and up-to-date integrated overview of the new field
of market quality economics and are interested in some
open research problems in this area.

** Oligopolies , Game theory , Auction theory , Economic
systems , Development economics

10 Haslam, Paul A.
Introduction to international development : approaches,
actors, issues and practice / Paul A. Haslam, Jessica
Schafer and Pierre Beaudet.--3rd ed.-- Ontario: Oxford
University Press Canada, 2017.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9780199018901.
338.91 HAS 145643
Introduction to International Development integrates the
work of leading experts from disciplines as varied as
geography, history, sociology, political science,
economics, gender studies, and anthropology. Contributed
chapters present foundational overviews as well as in-
depth coverage of issues at the heart of today-s most
pressing international debates. In addition to a new part
focused exclusively on the practice of international
development with six new chapters on measuring poverty,
planning projects, development ethics, humanitarian
assistance, and global poverty reduction, this edition
has new chapters on alternatives to development, gender
and development, China and the emerging economies, and
climate change.

** Political development , Developing countries ,
Economic assistance , Economic development

   11 Singh, Raghvendra
Law and regulation of public offering of corporate
securities / Raghvendra Singh and Shailendera Singh.--
New Delhi: Oxford, 2016.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9780199466689.
346.540666 SIN 145610
This title examines the legal framework affecting the
concept of public offerings of securities in India. It
also deals with the liability of the players involved, as
well as protection available to the investors. The
overarching goal is to provide a comprehensive legal
exposition of public offering of securities in the
backdrop of corporate finance and securities laws.

** India , Going public (Securities)--Law and legislation
, Stock exchanges , Close corporations--Finance

   12 Ogden, Chris
Indian national security / Chris Ogden.-- New Delhi:
Oxford, 2017.
(Oxford India short introductions).
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9780199466474.
355.033054 OGD 145607
This book provides that India is a country of increasing
domestic complexity and mounting international
importance. As she rises to prominence, this Oxford India
Short Introduction provides an invaluable introduction to
both the internal and external aspects of her national
security. In an increasingly interdependent and
globalizing world, appreciating the interests and
principles structuring India-s national security has
never been so important, in particular, how they relate
to international security issues.

** Military science , Military situation and policy

   13 Dolvik, Jon Erik (ed)
European social models from crisis to crisis : employment
and inequality in the era of monetary integration / Jon
Erik Dolvik and Andrew Martin.-- New York: Oxford
University Press, 2017.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9780198798866.
361.61094 DOL 145639
This book analyzes the interaction of European social
models -- the institutions structuring labor markets-
supply side -- and their turbulent macroeconomic
environment from the deep Europe-wide recession, ending
Germany-s post-unification boom, through monetary union-s
establishment, to the Great Recession following the
recent financial crisis.

** Europe , Politics and government , Social conditions ,
Economic policy , Social policy , Social legislation

   14 Kumar,C. Raj (ed)
The future of Indian universities : comparative and
international perspectives / C. Raj Kumar.-- New Delhi:
Oxford, 2017.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9780199480654.
378.54 KUM 145600
The Volume provides international and comparative
perspectives on higher education, and will be immensely
useful in highlighting issues being faced by Indian

** Higher education , University , Indian university,

   15 Azoulay, Vincent
Pericles of athens / Vincent Azoulay Translated by Janet
Lloyd.-- Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2014.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9780691178332.
938.505092 AZO 145654
Pericles has had the rare distinction of giving his name
to an entire period of history, embodying what has often
been taken as the golden age of the ancient Greek world.
This book reassesses the life and legacy of one of the
greatest generals, orators, and statesmen of the
classical world.

** Statesmen , Greece--Athens , Politics and government ,




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