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   1 Gerrits, Lasse
Understanding collective decision making : a fitness
landscape model approach / Lasse Gerrits and Peter Marks.
-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2017.
viii,240p., 24cm.
Includes appendixes, bibliographical references and index
ISBN : 9781783473144.
300 GER 145419
This book takes a refreshing look at collective decision
making by using models of evolutionary biology and
naturalistic decision making to analyse real-world cases.
These cases include the rise and fall of the Dutch high-
speed railway project and the unexpected effects of
introducing public-private partnerships to connect the
new Thai national airport to Bangkok. Gerrits and Marks
successfully guide the reader towards an in-depth
understanding through rich empirical research and uncover
the beautiful complexity of collective decision making.

** Social science , Social evolution

   2 SyamRoy, Bedprakas
India-s journey towards a sustainable population /
Bedprakas SyamRoy.-- Switzerland: Springer International
Publishing, 2017.
xix, 388p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9783319474939.
301.32954 SYA 145391
This book makes a thorough investigation of the
population problem issues in India from diverse angles-
demographic, policy and programmed. Discussing the
theoretical background of population control, the book
also deals with all mundane issues - social, cultural,
religious, legal and health issues, and attempts to
capture the state of preparedness of India to reach
sustainable population.

** India -- Population policy , Birth control -- India

 338    PRODUCTION  
3 Sotiriadis, Marios (ed)
The Handbook of managing and marketing tourism
experiences / Edited by Marios Sotiriadis and Dogan
Gursoy.-- Bingley: Emerald, 2016.
Includes about the authors and index.
ISBN : 9781786352903.
338.4791 SOT 145417
This book describes the planning, design, management and
marketing of experiences for tourism markets is a major
challenge for tourism destinations and providers in a
globalized and highly competitive market. This book
bridges the gap in contemporary literature by carefully
examining the management and marketing of tourism

** Tourism , Tourism--Management , Tourism--Marketing

   4 Missoni, Eduardo
Management of international institutions and NGOs :
frameworks, practices and challenges / Eduardo Missoni
and Daniele Alesani.-- London: Routledge, 2017.
xxiv,442p. : 23cm.
ISBN : 9781138282933.
352.11 MIS 145411
International Institutions (IIs), International NGOs
(INGOs) and Transnational Hybrid Organizations (THOs)
play a hugely important role in the modern world economy.
Despite having been studied by scholars from a range of
disciplines, these organizations have never been
approached from a management perspective before this
book. This ambitious book analyzes the management
challenges associated with international cooperation and
sheds light on how these organizations have evolved as
the political, economic and business environments have
changed around them.

** International agencies -- Management , Non-
governmental organizations -- Management , International
 370    EDUCATION  
   5 Mertler, Craig A
Action research : improving schools and empowering
educators / Craig A Mertler.--5th ed.-- Thousand Oaks:
SAGE, 2017.
xxi,337p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781483389059.
370.72 MER 145409
The new edition demonstrates more fully the procedure of
classroom-based action research, for practising

** Action research in education
   6 Thomas, David C
Cross-cultural management : essential concepts / David C
Thomas and Mark F Peterson.--4th ed.-- New Delhi: Sage
Publications, 2018.
xxi,313p., 24cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN : 9781452257501.
658.049 THO 145410
This book focuses on the interactions of people from
different cultures in organizational settings. The
approach used is to understand the effect of culture in a
way that can then be applied to a wide variety of cross-
cultural interactions in a number of organizational
contexts. Extensively revised and updated, this Fourth
Edition continues the tradition of previous volumes in
that it extracts key concepts on management from a cross-
cultural perspective and condenses them into an
accessible tool for both students and teachers alike.

** Management , Communication in management ,
Intercultural communication

7 Garcia Marquez, Fausto Pedro (ed)
Big data management / Fausto Pedro Garcia Marquez and
Benjamin Lev.-- Cham: Springer, 2017.
xvi, 267p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9783319454979.
658.4038 GAR 145393
This book focuses on the analytic principles of business
practice and big data. Specifically, it provides an
interface between the main disciplines of
engineering/technology and the organizational and
administrative aspects of management, serving as a
complement to books in other disciplines such as
economics, finance, marketing and risk analysis.

** Business Management , Industrial management

8 Senft, Sandra
Information technology control and audit / Sandra Senft,
Frederick Gallegos and Aleksandra Davis.--4th ed-- Boca
Raton: CRC Press, 2017.
xxxv, 740p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781138705517.
658.4038 SEN 145308
This book provides a comprehensive overview of IT
controls and audits. It facilitates a fundamental
understanding of IT governance, controls, auditing
applications, systems development, and operations.
Supporting and analyzing the COBIT model, the book
prepares IT professionals for the CISA and CGEIT exams.

** Information technology-auditing-Handbooks, manuals

9 Ross, Alastair
Innovating professional services : transforming value and
efficiency / Alastair Ross.-- Farnham: Gower, 2015.
xv,280p., 25cm.
Includes index.
ISBN : 9781472427915.
658.4063 ROS 145426
This book is about the opportunities and means for
professional services firms to employ innovation to make
them more competitive. It draws on both academic thinking
and practical experience to provide a practical guide for
planning, implementing and sustaining innovation in
professional service firms.

** Professional corporations , Service industries--
Management , Organizational changes

   10 L-Etang, Jacquie (ed)
The Routledge handbook of critical public relations /
Edited by Jacquie L-Etang and others.-- London: Routledge
, 2016.
(Routledge companions in business, management and
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9780415727334.
659.2 LET 145418
This book takes stock of how, and where, critical public
relations has emerged via three main foci: theoretical
traditions, critique and action, along with
methodological and future implications. As mainstream
public relations has become established and critical
public relations is reaching a critical mass in the
discipline, this book seeks to capture both the coherence
and the plural nature of this fast-growing area. Compiled
by a high-profile and widely respected team of academics
and bringing together the key scholars in the field, this
comprehensive international collection will be a major
contribution to forming and directing how critical theory
increasingly informs public relations and communication.
It is an essential reference for educators teaching
advanced undergraduate and post-graduate courses,
scholars and students around the world in the field of
public relations and critic.

** Public relations , Management

   11 Williams, Eric R.
Screen adaptation : beyond the basics techniques for
adapting books, comics, and real-life stories into
screenplays / Eric R. Williams, with illustration by
Tyler Ayres.-- New York: Routledge, 2018.
xi,307p. , 23cm.
includes index.
ISBN : 9781138948860.
791.436 WIL 145413
This book teaches readers new ways to engage with source
material in order to make successful adaptation decisions
regardless of the source material and also discussed
that screen writing is an act, it can be rehearsed,
discussed, presented, experienced, and revamped. and the
adaptation process that the script can be examined under
different lenses so adaptation is an art.

** Film adaptation , Motion pictures and literature

12 Buckland, Warren (ed)
Hollywood puzzle films / Edited by Warren Buckland.-- New
York: Routledge, 2014.
xii,308p., 23cm.
(AFI Film readers series).
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN : 9780415622462.
791.43684 BUC 145425
This book discusses puzzle movies borrow techniques like
fragmented spatio-temporal reality, time loops, unstable
characters with split identities or unreliable narrators-
more commonly attributed to art cinema and independent

** Motion pictures , Motion pictures--Philosophy ,
Narration , Space and time in motion pictures

13 DiZazzo, Ray
The Corporate media toolkit : advanced techniques for
producer, writers and directors / Ray DiZazzo.-- New York
: Routledge, 2017.
Includes index and appendixes.
ISBN : 9780415787796.
791.450232 DIZ 145416
This book offers corporate writers, producers and
directors an accessibly-written, hands on guide to
practical techniques important in producing high quality,
nuanced work in a corporate environment.

** Video recordings--Production and direction ,
Industrial television , industrial television--Authorship

   14 Bucher, John
Storytelling for virtual reality : methods and principles
for crafting immersive narratives / John Bucher.-- New
York: Routledge, 2018.
Includes glossary and index.
ISBN : 9781138629660.
808.066302 BUC 145415
This book serves as a bridge between students of new
media and professionals working in the emerging world of
VR technology and the art form of classical storytelling.
It examines the timeless principles of storytelling and
how they are being applied, transformed and transcended
in virtual reality. Interviews conversations and case
studies with both pioneers and innovators in VR
storytelling are featured, including industry leaders at
LucasFilm,20th century fox, Oculus, Insomniac Games and

** Massmedia--Authorship , Rhetoric , Virtual reality

15 Stevens, Andrew
Screenwriting for profit : writing for the global
marketplace / Andrew Stevens.-- New York: Routledge, 2017
ISBN : 9781138950603.
808.23 STE 145414
This book teaches readers how global trends define the
marketplace for saleable screenplays in key international
territories as well as the domestic market. Veteran
writer, producer, and director Andrew Stevens gives the
insider edge we need to write for the global marketplace,
sharing decades of experience producing and financing
everything from micro-budget independent films to major
studio releases. In this book we will learn how to
determine specific subject matter, genre, and story
elements to make the most of international sales trends
and harness the power of these insider strategies to
craft a screenplay that is poised to sell.

** Motion picture , Motion picture authorship




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