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   1 Lewis, Hedwig
Body language : a guide for professionals / Hedwig Lewis.
--3rd rev ed-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2012.
xx,239p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9788132107200.
153.69 LEW 145112, 145114
-New World New Body Language- is the mantra for this
edition of Body Language. Soft skill is the most sought
after word today in the field of management. The
nurturing of soft skillst and the furthering of
individual growth come under one such modern-day demands.
Ever since the last edition of this book in 1998, there
have been dramatic societal changes, owing to the
increased use of the Internet. This edition factors in
these changes. With illustrations depicting body
positions, Hedwig Lewis aims at a systematic, in-depth
and comprehensive approach to non-verbal communication in
general and body language in particular.

** Body language, Nonverbal communication,

2 Todorov, Alexander
Face value : the irresistible influence of first
impressions / Alexander Todorov.-- Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2017.
327p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780691167497.
153.758 TOD 145204
We make up our minds about others after seeing their
faces for a fraction of a second--and these snap
judgments predict all kinds of important decisions. For
example, politicians who simply look more competent are
more likely to win elections. Yet the character judgments
we make from faces are as inaccurate as they are
irresistible, in most situations, we would guess more
accurately if we ignored faces.

** Psychology/ Social Psychology , Psychology /
Personality , Psychology / Cognitive Psychology.

   3 Ritzer, George
Modern sociological theory / George Ritzer and Jeffrey
Stepnisky.--8th ed.-- Los Angeles: SAGE, 2018.
xx, 639p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781506325620.
301.01 RIT 145199
Now with SAGE Publications and co-authored by one of the
foremost authorities on sociological theory, the Eighth
Edition of Modern Sociological Theory by George Ritzer
and Jeff Stepnisky provides a comprehensive overview of
the major theorists and theoretical schools, from the
Structural Functionalism of early 20th Century through
the cutting-edge theories of the late 20th Century and
early 21st Century. The integration of key theories with
biographical sketches of theorists and the requisite
historical and intellectual context helps students to
better understand the original works of contemporary

** Sociology - History , Schools of sociology - History ,
Schools of sociology

   4 Morris, Ian
Foragers, farmers, and fossil fuels : how human values
evolve / Ian Morris and Others.-- Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2015.
xxii, 369p. , 23cm.
(University Center for Human Values series).
ISBN : 9780691175898.
303.4 MOR 145205
Most people in the world today think democracy and gender
equality are good, and that violence and wealth
inequality are bad. But most people who lived during the
10,000 years before the nineteenth century thought just
the opposite. Drawing on archaeology, anthropology,
biology, and history, Ian Morris, author of the best-
selling Why the West Rules--for Now, explains why.

** Social values - History , Social evolution - History ,
Social change - History.

5 Mukherjee, Paramita (ed)
China and India : history, culture, cooperation and
competition / Paramita Mukherjee, Arnab K Deb and Pang
Miao.-- Los Angeles: SAGE, 2016.
xiii, 232p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9789385985690.
303.48251054 MUK 145115
This book brings together scholars and academicians from
China as well as India to present a well-rounded
perspective on various important cross-country issues and
their implications. Comprehensive in approach, it
encompasses history, culture, political relations and
current business strategies of both the nations. The book
explores the differences in the functioning of Indian and
Chinese economies and identifies the prime factors
responsible for this. In order to have an in-depth
understanding of the causes, the contribution of
sociocultural factors and the role of political and
strategic relationships are also closely examined.

** China - History , China - Foreign relations , China -
Economic conditions.

   6 Mishra, Deepak K
Internal migration in contemporary India / Deepak K
Mishra.-- Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications India, 2016.
xvi, 343p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9789351508571.
304.80954 MIS 145120
A comprehensive analysis of the diverse experiences of
migration in contemporary India. This volume addresses
the impact of migration on society, highlighting the
interlink ages between individual and societal
aspirations. It interrogates the role of the state and
non state agencies involved in various aspects of the
life and livelihoods of migrant workers and provides a
critical assessment of the policy frameworks and
instruments affecting migration. Focusing on the
diverse aspects and types of internal migration, the book
studies the exploitation and marginalization of migrants
on the basis of class, caste, religion, gender, ethnicity
and regional location in post-reform India.

** Migration, Internal -- India -- History -- 21st
century , Migration, Internal

   7 Dobbin, Frank
The New economic sociology : a reader / Frank Dobbin.--
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004.
vii, 565p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780691049069.
306.3 DOB 145259
Economic sociology is an expanding field, applying
sociology-s core insight - that individuals behave
according to scripts that are tied to social roles - to
economic behavior. This book comprises twenty of the
representative and read articles in the field-s history.

** Economics - Sociological aspects

8 Anderson, Elizabeth
Private government : how employers rule our lives (and
why we don-t talk about it) / Elizabeth Anderson and
Stephen Macedo.-- Princeton: Princeton University Press,
xxiii, 196p. , 22cm.
(University Center for Human Values series).
ISBN : 9780691176512.
306.36 AND 145208
Based on two lectures given in 2014 by the author during
the Tanner Lectures on Human Values delivered at
Princeton University, followed by four commentaries by
eminent scholars and the author-s response to the
commentators. Anderson questions the authoritarian
control workers have been forced to give to their
employers in order to remain employed and historically
why this goes against American ideology of free market

** Work , Quality of work life

   9 Miller, Mark M
Economic development for everyone : creating jobs,
growing businesses, and building resilience in low-income
communities / Mark M Miller.-- Abingdon: Routledge, 2017.
vii, 238p , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781138647107.
307.140973 MIL 145212
Economic Development for Everyone collects, organizes,
and reviews much of the current research available on
creating economic development in low-income communities.
Part I offers an overview of the harsh realities facing
low-income communities in the US today, their many
economic and social challenges, debates on whether to try
reviving local economies vs. relocating residents, and
current trends in economic development that emphasize
high tech industry and high levels of human capital. Part
II organizes the sprawling literature of applied economic
development research into a practical framework of five
dynamic dimensions: empower your residents: begin with
basic education, enhance your community: build on
existing assets, encourage your entrepreneurs, diversify
your economy, and sustain your development.

** Community development -- United States , Economic
development -- United States , Poverty -- United States
   10 Atasoy, Yildiz (ed)
Hegemonic transitions, the state and crisis in neoliberal
capitalism / Yldz Atasoy.-- London: Routledge, 2009.
xiv, 290p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415473842.
327.101 ATA 145201
Offers a comprehensive theoretical examination of
neoliberal restructuring as a complex political process.
This book provides a forum for rethinking politics that
represents a turn to societal forces as essential not
only to the uncovering of this complexity but also to the
formulation of democratic possibilities beyond global
hegemonic projects.

** Hegemony , Globalization - Economic aspects ,
Globalization -- Political aspects
   11 Das, Mausumi (ed)
Economic challenges for the contemporary world : essays
in honour of Prabhat Patnaik / Mausumi Das, Sabyasachi
Kar and Nandan Nawn.-- Los Angele: SAGE, 2016.
xvi, 324p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9789351508786.
330 DAS 145117
In view of Prabhat Patnaik’s role in advocating
progressive reforms and ideas in the global economy, this
volume, in his honour, questions conventional thinking in
mainstream economics and policy. This book brings
together diverse scholarship on various aspects of
economic development that underscore the importance of
tackling dominant and contemporary issues concerning the
national and global economy. Divided into five distinct
themes economic growth, engaging with globalization,
poverty and inequality, macroeconomic issues, political
economy and developmental aspects the essays outline
significantly contrasting methodologies that are used to
deal with issues of vital importance.

** Economic development , Economics.

12 Kumekawa, Ian
The first serious optimist : A.C. Pigou and the birth of
welfare economics / Ian Kumekawa.-- Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2017.
x, 332p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9780691163482.
330.1556092 KUM 145211
The First Serious Optimist is an intellectual biography
of the British economist A. C. Pigou (1877-1959), a
founder of welfare economics and one of the twentieth
century-s most important and original thinkers. Though
long overshadowed by his intellectual rival John Maynard
Keynes, Pigou was instrumental in focusing economics on
the public welfare. And his reputation is experiencing a
renaissance today, in part because his idea of
"externalities" or spillover costs is the basis of carbon
taxes. Drawing from a wealth of archival sources, Ian
Kumekawa tells how Pigou reshaped the way the public
thinks about the economic role of government and the way
economists think about the public good.

** Pigou, A. C. - (Arthur Cecil), -- 1877-1959 ,
Economists - Great Britain , Welfare economics.

13 Jannakaraajan, S (ed)
Indian economy in transition : essays in honour of C.T.
Kurien / S Jannakaraajan, L Venkatachalam and R Maria
Saleth.-- New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 2015.
xiii, 363p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9789351500452.
330.954 JAN 145119
Although India-s growth experience is well documented,
the issues and implications that have emerged both in the
general and at the sectoral contexts during and after the
transition process remain a major area for policy
concern. This volume, published in honour of C.T. Kurien,
provides a scholarly assessment of India-s growth
performance and its implications over the last decade and
a half.

** India -- Economic policy -- 1991- , India -- Economic
conditions -- 1991- , Economic development -- India.

14 Arnold, Drew
Latin America 2040 : breaking away from complacency : an
agenda for resurgence. / Drew Arnold and Others.--2nd ed-
Los Angeles: SAGE, 2013.
xiii, 296p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9788132111405.
330.98 ARN 145121
Latin America 2040 presents a longer term vision of Latin
American society and economies, within which current
policy debates and actions must be anchored. It presents
a set of multigenerational issues that must be tackled
urgently in order for countries in the region to sharply
reduce inequities as well as raise their economic growth
rates. While most Latin American-s have weathered the
latest economic turmoil reasonably well, the fact is that
the region has been underperforming Asia for the past
thirty years. Much of Latin America is mired in the
--middle income trap--.

** Economic development - Latin America - Statistics ,
Latin America - Economic conditions - 21st century ,
Latin America -- Economic policy.

   15 Kostyuk, Alexander (ed)
The Theory and practice of directors- remuneration : new
challenges and opportunities / Alexander Kostyuk, Markus
Stiglbauer and Dimitry Govorun.-- Bingley: Emerald, 2016.
xxxii, 266p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781785606830.
331.2816584 KOS 145215
This book argues for a correct balance between risk and
reward and for Directors- remuneration to be equitable to
all parties and stakeholders. By examining the current
theories, practices and regulations and explaining them
in detail it provides a state of the art overview of one
of the key corporate governance issues of our time.

** Directors of corporations - Salaries , Corporate
governance , Directors of corporations - Salaries--
European Union countries

16 Banerjee, Supurna
Activism and agency in India : nurturing resistance in
the tea plantations / Supurna Banerjee.-- London:
Routledge, 2017.
xv, 203p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781138238428.
331.4833720954 BAN 145202
This book is an interdisciplinary and intersectional work
examining the nature of victimhood and agency among women
workers on tea plantations in North Bengal, India. The
author views tea plantations as social spaces, rather
than only economic units of production. Focusing on the
lived experiences of the workers from the perspective of
their multiple identities, the author uses the everyday
as the entry point for understanding the exercise of
agency, the negotiation of different spaces, gender roles
and norms therein, as well as acts of protest.

** Women tea plantation workers - Political activity ,
Women tea plantation workers - Social conditions

   17 Gemzik-Salwach, Agata (ed)
Financialization and the economy / Agata Gemzik-Salwach
and Krzysztof Opolski.-- London: Routledge, 2017.
viii, 202p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781138241039.
332 GEM 145203
There can be no doubt that the influence of the financial
sphere has intensified rapidly in recent years, but there
is much debate about the effect of that influence. The
aftermath of the Financial Crisis has led to numerous
discussions of the phenomenon of so-called
financialization: the increasing impact of financial
institutions on the activity of all business entities,
emerging threats related with dynamically developing
financial markets and the growing importance of financial
themes. In light of these issues, which appear in all
economies and touch all entities and every area of
economic activity, there is a need for a summary and
evaluation of the role of financialization in the world

** Finance , Financial institutions , Economic

18 Rammanohar Reddy, C
Demonetisation and black money / C Rammanohar Reddy.--
Hyderabad: Orient BlackSwan, 2017.
xxvi, 244p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9789386392619.
332.460954 RAM 145262
This book takes a close look at the various facets of the
demonetization story. What was the rationale for
Demonetization 2016? Can it stamp out black money as
promised? Were there other options, which would have
avoided causing immense grief to countless Indians? What
next after demonetization? The book also explores the
drive to digitalization of payments which post-
demonetization has emerged as an important point on the
agenda of the government.

** Money laundering -- India , Corruption -- India ,
Monetary policy -- India

   19 Enarth, Shashidharan
Community natural resource management and poverty in
India : evidence from Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh /
Shashidharan Enarth and others.-- New Delhi: SAGE
Publications, 2016.
xii, 412p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9789351506522.
333.70954 ENA 145116
This book examines whether the introduction of CNRM
schemes in rural India made an impact on poverty
alleviation. These programmes were implemented in various
phases and manners in different states over the last two
decades and their comparative performance as well as
successes and failures are analysed. Inspired by the
-Millennial Development Goals- established by the United
Nations in 2000, the book focuses on participatory
irrigation management, watershed development, joint
forest management and inland fishing cooperatives.

** Natural resources - India - Gujarat - Management -
Citizen participation , Natural resources - India -
Madhya Pradesh - Management - Citizen participation ,
Poverty - India - Gujarat.

   20 Singh, Lakhwinder (ed)
Technology, innovations and economic development : essays
in honour of Robert E. Evenson / Lakhwinder Singh, K J
Joseph and Daniel K N Johnson.-- New Delhi: SAGE
Publications, 2015.
xxxv, 335p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9789351502692.
338 SIN 145123
Provides a fresh perspective to the ongoing debate on the
core themes of development economics. This book, in honour
of Robert E. Evenson, brings together diverse, yet
interrelated, areas of innovations such as agricultural
development, technology and industry while assessing
their combined roles in developing an economy.
Thematically structured, it covers innovation and
economic development, technological progress and
agricultural development, and technology transfer,
national innovation systems and industrial
development. With essays addressing the significant
aspects in development economics.

** Economic development -- Technological innovations ,
Technological innovations -- Economic aspects ,
Technology transfer

21 Shah, Shekhar (ed)
India Policy Forum 2015/16 / Shekhar Shah, Subir Gokarn
and Karthik Muralidharan.-- New Delhi: SAGE, 2016.
Xx, 236p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9789386062086.
338.954 SHA 145118
The India Policy Forum (IPF) is organized by the National
Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER) in New Delhi
in partnership with the Brookings Institution,
Washington, D.C. It aims to examine India-s economic
reforms and its economic transition using policy-relevant
empirical research. The IPF comprises an annual
international conference in July in New Delhi and the IPF
Volume that brings together the conference papers. These
papers undergo detailed revisions after the conference
based on discussants- comments at the IPF and the
guidance provided by the editors. This book comprises
papers and highlights of the discussions from the Twelfth
India Policy Forum Conference held on 14-15 July 2015.

** India - Economic policy - 1991- Congresses , India-
Economic conditions- 1991- Congresses , Economic history.

   22 Brooks, Andrew
The End of development : a global history of poverty and
prosperity / Andrew Brooks.-- London: Zed Books, 2017.
286p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9781786990204.
339.46 BRO 145214
A scathing indictment of the current development agenda,
and an impassioned call for a new and radical approach to
alleviating global poverty.

** Poverty -- Prevention , Economic development --
History , Economic geography.
   23 Estevadeordal, Antoni (ed)
New frontiers in Asia-Latin America integration : trade
facilitation, production networks, and FTAs / Antoni
Estevadeordal, Masahiro Kawai and Ganeshan Wignaraj.--
Los Angeles: SAGE, 2015.
xiv, 311p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9788132109761.
382.91 EST 145122
Economic ties between Asia and Latin America are growing
as a part of a global shift toward more South-South
cooperation. Yet trade costs remain high, which may
impede future interregional trade and integration.
Furthermore, an emerging trans-Pacific trade architecture
based on free trade agreements (FTAs) carries risks of a
noodle bowl effect. This book examines new frontiers in
Asia-Latin America integration through interregional
comparative studies in three key areas: trade
facilitation, logistics, and infrastructure, production
networks, supply chains, and small and medium-sized

** Free trade -- Asia , Free trade -- Latin America ,
Asia -- Foreign economic relations -- Latin America

   24 Sorensen, Janet
Strange vernaculars : how eighteenth-century slang, cant,
provincial languages, and nautical jargon became English
/ Janet Sorensen.-- Princeton: Princeton University Press
, 2017.
x, 334p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780691169026.
422 SOR 145210
Strange Vernaculars delves into how these published works
presented the supposed lexicons of the "common people"
and traces the ways that these languages, once shunned
and associated with outsiders, became objects of
fascination in printed glossaries--from The New Canting
Dictionary to Francis Grose-s Classical Dictionary of the
Vulgar Tongue--and in novels, poems, and songs, including
works by Daniel Defoe, John Gay, Samuel Richardson,
Robert Burns, and others. Janet Sorensen argues that the
recognition and recovery of outsider languages was part
of a transition in the eighteenth century from an
aristocratic, exclusive body politic to a British
national community based on the rhetoric of inclusion and
liberty, as well as the revaluing of a common British

** English language - Etymology , Native language.

   25 Chamberland, Marc
Single digits : in praise of small numbers / Marc
Chamberland.-- Princeton: Princeton University Press,
xii, 226p., 24.5 cm.
ISBN : 9780691161143.
510 CHA 145209
The numbers one through nine have remarkable mathematical
properties and characteristics. For instance, why do
eight perfect card shuffles leave a standard deck of
cards unchanged? Are there really "six degrees of
separation" between all pairs of people? And how can any
map need only four colors to ensure that no regions of
the same color touch? In Single Digits, Marc Chamber land
takes readers on a fascinating exploration of small
numbers, from one to nine, looking at their history,
applications, and connections to various areas of
mathematics, including number theory, geometry, chaos
theory, numerical analysis, and mathematical physics.

** Mathematical analysis, Sequences (Mathematics) ,
Combinatorial analysis, Mathematics--Miscellanea

26 Harris, Michael
Mathematics without apologies : portrait of a problematic
vocation / Michael Harris.-- Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2017.
xxviii, 438p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9780691175836.
510 HAR 145206
What do pure mathematicians do, and why do they do it?
Looking beyond the conventional answers--for the sake of
truth, beauty, and practical applications--this book
offers an eclectic panorama of the lives and values and
hopes and fears of mathematicians in the twenty-first
century, assembling material from a startlingly diverse
assortment of scholarly, journalistic, and pop culture

** Mathematics , Mathematicians
   27 Khristenko, V B
Methodological school of management / V B Khristenko, A G
Reus and A P Zinchenko.-- London: Bloomsbury, 2014.
xxxvii, 945p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781472910295.
658 KHR 145213
A comprehensive guide for business people, government
administrators and specialists in management methodology,
Methodological School of Management details the original
and applied thinking, methods and approaches established
by the school in the Soviet era and still operating
successfully in modern Russia today. The Methodological
School of Management is not an educational institution,
but a range of management tools, which evolved as a part
of the -systems movement- during the second half of the
twentieth century.

** Management - Methodology.

28 Stone, Brad
The Upstarts : how Uber, Airbnb and the killer companies
of the new Silicon Valley are changing the world / Brad
Stone.-- New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2017.
x, 527p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780316396813.
658.1144 STO 145261
The author illuminates the smart, driven, and often
comically flawed people who are upending industries and
changing the way we all live and work. The world today is
vastly different than it was even ten years ago, and it
is due to the upstarts. In this book, he provides the
rollicking narrative that shows the how our latest-- and
perhaps greatest-- technological wave was born.

** Airbnb (Firm) , Uber (Firm) , New business enterprises

29 Isson, Jean Paul
People analytics in the era of big data : changing the
way you attract, acquire, develop, and retain talent /
Jean Paul Isson and Jesse S Harriott.-- Hoboken: Wiley,
xxv, 388p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781119050780.
658.3 ISS 145207
People Analytics in the Era of Big Data provides a
blueprint for leveraging your talent pool through the use
of data analytics. Written by the Global Vice President
of Business Intelligence and Predictive Analytics at
Monster Worldwide, this book is packed full of actionable
insights to help you source, recruit, acquire, engage,
retain, promote, and manage the exceptional talent your
organization needs. With a unique approach that applies
analytics to every stage of the hiring process and the
entire workforce planning and management cycle, this
informative guide provides the key perspective that
brings analytics into HR in a truly useful way.

** Personnel management , Employees - Recruiting.

30 Ryall, Michael D
Inference and intervention : causal models for business
analysis / Michael D Ryall and Aaron L Bramson.-- New
York: Routledge, 2014.
xiv, 261p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415657600.
658.40101519542 RYA 145260
The authors cover the full spectrum of causal modeling
techniques useful for the managerial role, whether for
intervention, situational assessment, strategic decision-
making, or forecasting.

** Decision making -- Mathematical models , Decision
making -- Statistical methods , Business planning --
Statistical methods

31 Sund, Kristian J (ed)
Uncertainty and strategic decision making / Kristian J
Sund, Robert J Galavan and Anne Sigismund Huff.-- United
Kingdom: Emerald, 2016.
xvii, 223p. , 24cm.
(New horizons in managerial and organizational cognition)
ISBN : 9781786351708.
658.403 SUN 145216
he study of management and organization has transitioned
from approaches to deal with steady state management, to
approaches that can cope with unknown or unknowable
futures. The strategy field has moved from business
policy, through strategic planning, onto strategic
management and now grapples with dynamic contexts as the
new normal. In that trend the field has seen a broad
movement in research interests in corporate and
competitive strategies towards an emphasis on the
managers strategic role. Through this shift, strategy has
moved from a concept of something organizations have
towards something that managers do.

** Decision making , Risk management , Strategic

32 Santos, Shawn
How companies succeed in social business : case studies
and lessons from Adobe, Cisco, Unisys, and 18 more brands
/ Shawn Santos.-- Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education,
xiii, 354p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780134036489.
658.872 SAN 145263
Reflecting the pioneering experience of executives at
pioneering companies ranging from Adobe to Xerox, this
book offers a unique, unprecedented insider-s view of
what it takes to succeed with social business. Each
chapter, written by a different social media thought
leader, reveals their most intense struggles, biggest
wins, and hardest-won lessons in social business. These
case studies illuminate the differences between "social
media for social-s sake" and practical use cases that
drive real business value.

** Social media , Success in business , Internet

   33 Panja, Shormishtha (ed)
Performing Shakespeare in India : exploring indianness,
literatures and cultures / Shormishtha Panja and Babli
Moitra Saraf.-- New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 2016.
Vii, 268p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9789351509745.
792.950954 PAN 145113
This book delves into what constitutes Indianness in the
postcolonial context by looking into the text and sub-
text of the Bard of Avon-s plays adapted in visual
culture, translation, stage performance and cinema. The
book is an important intervention in the ongoing
explorations in social and cultural history, as it
explores how Shakespeare has impacted the emergence of
regional identities around questions of language and
linguistic empowerment in various ways. It reveals an
extraordinary negotiation of colonial and postcolonial
identity issues--be it in language, in social and
cultural practices or in art forms.

** Shakespeare, William, -1564-1616 - Stage history -
India , Shakespeare, William, - 1564-1616 - Appreciation
India , English drama - Appreciation - India



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