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 001    KNOWLEDGE 
   1 Woodside, Arch G
Case study research : core skill sets in using 15 genres
/ Arch G Woodside.--2nd ed.-- Bingley: Emerald Group
Publishing, 2017.
xiii, 538p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781785604614.
001.42 WOO 145093
Case Study Research reviews and applies the best
literature on case study methods from several disciplines
providing strong rationales for adopting case study
research methods alone or in mixed-methods. This second
edition uses combination of a broad and deep coverage of
multiple case study research genres to comprehensively
explore the topic.

** Social sciences--Research--Methodology , Case method ,
   2 Sharma, Radha R
Executive burnout : Eastern and Western concepts, models,
and approaches for mitigation / Radha R Sharma and Cary
Cooper.-- Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing, 2017.
390p., 24cm.
ISBN : 9781786352866.
158.7 SHA 145097
This book provides analysis of the construct of burnout,
including its magnitude, a global research review, a
typology of models and comparisons between professions.
It also provides the views of mental health
professionals, causes, symptoms and coping techniques,
while comparing Eastern and Western approaches to
mitigate the effects of burnout.

** Executives - Job stress , Job stress , Burn out
   3 Lehtimaki, Hanna
The Strategically networked organization : leveraging
social networks to improve organizational performance /
Hanna Lehtimaki.-- Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing,
vii, 196p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781786352927.
302.35 LEH 145106
The Strategically Networked Organization- shows top and
upper-middle management how cultivating an understanding
of intra-firm social relations can help them to build
unique strategic advantage and make use of the day-to-day
knowledge that emerges in the social connections and
interactions within an organization.

** Organizational behavior , Social networks , Business and
Economics -Economics -- General.

4 Peltonen, Tuomo
Organization theory : critical and philosophical
engagements / Tuomo Peltonen.-- Bingley: Emerald Group
Publishing, 2016.
xiv, 262p. , 23cm.
(Critical management studies).
ISBN : 9781785609466.
302.35 PEL 145100
Understanding of the history and development of
organization theory has recently made advances through
work emerging on the history of management thought as
well as through the institutionalization of critical
approaches to organizations and organizational knowledge.
This book provides a new reading of the historical
development of organization.

** Organizational sociology , Psychology / Social Psychology

   5 Klenke, Karin
Qualitative research in the study of leadership / Karin
Klenke, Suzanne Martin and J Randall Wallace.--2nd ed.--
United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing, 2016.
xvii, 399p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781785606519.
303.34072 KLE 145110
This text offers comprehensive coverage of the design and
use of qualitative methods in leadership research. The
book equips leadership researchers at all levels with the
knowledge to make informed choices of research
strategies. The second edition features 50 percent new
research and includes new developments in qualitative
research methods.

** Leadership - Research - Methodology , Social Science-

   6 Edelenbos, Jurian (ed)
Critical reflections on interactive governance : self-
organization and participation in public governance /
Jurian Edelenbos and Ingmar van Meerkerk.-- Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2016.
xiii, 538p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781783479061.
323.042 EDE 145111
In many countries, government and society have undergone
a major shift in recent years, now tending toward
-smaller government- and -bigger society-. This
development has lent increased meaning to the notion of
interactive governance, a concept that this book takes
not as a normative ideal but as an empirical phenomenon
that needs constant critical scrutiny, reflection and
embedding in modern societies.

** Public administration - Citizen participation , Public
private sector cooperation , Public organization, public
   7 Della Peruta, Maria Rosaria
Building markets for knowledge resources : emerging
pervasive models of innovation in practice / Maria
Rosaria Della Peruta.-- United Kingdom: Emerald, 2016.
xix, 126p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781786357427.
338.064 DEL 145091
The book starts with the definition of markets for
knowledge resources and analyses the integration of
market players (e.g. suppliers, customers, competitors,
laboratories and research institute) such as the
fundamental prerequisite for promoting the development of
the new era of open innovation. By focusing on different
organizational models and considering both mechanisms
pecuniary and non-pecuniary, the book aims to compare the
theoretical assumptions and the managerial implications
of the emerging open business models with the traditional
closed innovation ones.

** Knowledge economy , Technological innovations ,
Information resources management.

8 Hanna, Nagy K
Mastering digital transformation : towards a smarter
society, economy, city and nation / Nagy K Hanna.--
Bingley: Emerald Publishing, 2016.
xxvi, 399p. , 23cm.
(Innovation, technology, and education for growth).
ISBN : 9781785604652.
338.47004 HAN 145098
Nagy Hanna presents a systematic approach to integrate
ICT into development policies and programs across sectors
of economy and society. This book bridges the current
disconnect between the ICT specialists and their
development counterparts in various sectors so as to
harness the ongoing ICT revolution to maximize
development impact.

** Information technology - Economic aspects , Economic
development , Information technology - Economic aspects -
Developing countries.

 370    EDUCATION 
   9 Govinda, R (ed)
India Education Report : Progress of basic education / R
Govinda and Mona Sedwal.-- New Delhi: Oxford University
Press, 2017.
xxi,265p, 27cm.
ISBN : 9780199474714.
370.954 GOV 145234

** Education, Elementary -India-Congresses, Education and
state- India-Congresses.
   10 Birdie, Arvind K
Employees and employers in service organizations :
emerging challenges and opportunities / Arvind K Birdie.-
Oakville: Apple Academic Press, 2017.
xviii, 373p. , 24cm.
(21st century business management).
ISBN : 9781771884730.
658.3 BIR 145107
This new book, Employees and Employers in Service
Organizations: Emerging Challenges and Opportunities, the
first volume in the 21st Century Business Management book
series, provides an in-depth exploration of recent
concepts and trends in business management in the service
industries. It looks at the changing expectations and
loyalties of young workers and others and the challenges
and opportunities presented for service employers. The
book considers theory and research findings, providing a
plethora of practical implications and applications for
these new workplace behavior dynamics.

** Service industries workers , Service industries -
Personnel management.

11 Betz, Frederick
Strategic thinking : a comprehensive guide / Frederick
Betz.-- Bingley: Emerald Publishing, 2016.
xi, 355p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781785604676.
658.4012 BET 145105
The purpose of proper strategic thinking is to eliminate
top-down only communication that leads to the wishful
thinking way of organizational strategy. Strategic
thinking is necessary at every level of an organization.
This book uses actual histories of business successes and
failures to illustrate theoretical concepts in strategic

** Strategic planning , Business planning ,
Organizational effectiveness.

12 Hawryszkiewycz, Igor
Designing creative organizations : tools, processes and
practice / Igor Hawryszkiewycz.-- United Kingdom: Emerald
xi, 270p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781787140356.
658.4012 HAW 145096
This is one of the first books to cover ways to organize
creativity, innovation and business model development in
a way that provides a seamless transition from an idea
generated through team brainstorming to a business
solution. It provides systematic ways to design new
business models, and how to choose technologies to
support them.

** Technological innovations - Management , Business
enterprises - Technological innovations , Group problem

13 Coleman, Sarah (ed)
Organizational change explained : case studies on
transformational change in organizations / Sarah Coleman
and Bob Thomas.-- New York: Kogan Page, 2017.
xvi, 355p., 23cm.
ISBN : 9780749475475.
658.406 COL 145101
The book includes a range of cases from different sectors
and countries including GlaxoSmithKline and the NHS to
offer insights no matter the scale of the change
management programme. Organized around central themes
such as shaping and design, change leadership, and
communication and engagement, Organizational Change
Explained presents each case alongside an introduction,
conclusion, list of key learning points, questions for
reflection and sources of further reading. The book is
invaluable to anyone tasked with leading or managing
change within their teams, projects, departments or
divisions, whether at local level or across geographic
locations, countries and cultures" - From the publishers.

** Organizational change , Organizational change - Case
studies , Work environment.

14 Hodges, Julie
Consultancy, Organizational Development and Change: A
Practical Guide to Delivering Value / Julie Hodges: Kogan
Page., 2017.
ix, 308p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9780749478636.
658.406 HOD 145094
Deliver effective change management as an internal or
external consultant with this complete guide.

** Organizational change - Management , Organizational

15 Perkin, Neil
Building the agile business through digital
transformation / Neil Perkin and Peter Abraham.-- London:
Kogan Pag, 2017.
ix, 275p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9780749480394.
658.406 PER 145092
Build an agile business through digital transformation
more quickly and easily with this practical guide.

** Business enterprises - Technological innovations ,
Strategic planning , Creative ability in business.

16 Murray, Kevin
People with purpose : how great leaders use purpose to
build thriving organizations / Kevin Murray.-- London:
Kogan Page, 2017.
xiv, 270p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9780749476953.
658.4092 MUR 145102
People with Purpose explores the competitive advantage of
having a compelling purpose at the heart of your business
strategy, especially when combined with powerful values
and a focus on relationships.

** Leadership , Communication in management , Employee

17 Eagle, Simon
Demand-driven supply chain management : transformational
performance improvement / Simon Eagle.-- New York: Kogan
Page, 2017.
vii, 262p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9780749479978.
658.5 EAG 145095
Operate a demand-driven supply chain and adopt the
process in your company successfully.

** Business logistics , Materials management , Business and
Economics-- Industrial Management.

18 Fuller, Matthew
Strategic tendering for professional services : win more,
lose less / Matthew Fuller and Tim Nightingale.-- London:
Kogan Page, 2017.
xvii, 190p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9780749478513.
658.723 FUL 145104
The essential guide to improving the success rate,
efficiency and profitability of your competitive bidding
in the professional services sector.

** Letting of contracts , Negotiation in business ,
Business consultants.

19 Andaleeb, Syed Saad (ed)
Strategic marketing management in Asia : case studies and
lessons across industries / Syed Saad Andaleeb and Khalid
Hasan.-- Brighton: Emerald Publishing, 2017.
xxxvi,552p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781786357465.
658.8 AND 145103
With a view to continue the current growth momentum,
excel in all phases of business, and create future
leadership in Asia and across the globe, there is a felt
need to develop a deep understanding of the Asian
business environment, and how to create effective
marketing strategies that will help growing their

** Marketing - Asia - Management , Marketing - Management

20 Burgess, Bev
A Practitioner-s guide to account-based marketing :
accelerating growth in strategic accounts / Bev Burgess
and Dave Munn.-- London: Kogan Page, 2017.
xx, 265p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9780749479893.
658.804 BUR 145090
Explores the development of account-based marketing (ABM)
as a business practice, the pitfalls to avoid, and a step
by-step process for those wishing to set up an ABM
programme and run it strategically.

** Marketing -- Key accounts , Selling -- Key accounts ,
Relationship marketing.

21 Rowles, Daniel
Mobile marketing : how mobile technology is
revolutionizing marketing, communications, and
advertising / Daniel Rowles.--2nd ed.-- London: Kogan
Page, 2017.
xiii, 256p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9780749479794.
658.872 ROW 145099
Learn how to optimize a multi-screen generation of mobile
technology and integrate the latest developments into the
heart of your digital strategy, with this structure and
comprehensive guide to mobile marketing.

** Internet marketing , Internet advertising , Mobile



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