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   1 Stinson, Douglas R
Cryptography : theory and practice / Douglas R Stinson,.-
3rd ed-- Boca Raton: Chapman and Hall, 2006.
593p. 24cm.
(Discrete mathematics and its applications).
ISBN : 9781584885085.
005.82 STI 144963
Providing mathematical background in a "just-in-time"
fashion, informal descriptions of cryptosystems along
with more precise pseudo code, and a host of numerical
examples and exercises, the book offers comprehensive, in
depth treatment of the methods and protocols that are
vital to safeguarding the mind-boggling amount of
information circulating around the world.

** Coding theory, Cryptography

   2 Kar, Arpan Kumar (ed)
Advances in smart cities : smarter people, governance and
solutions / Arpan Kumar Kar and others.-- Boca Raton: CRC
Press, 2017.
xii, 217p. , 26cm.
ISBN : 9781498795708.
307.1216 KAR 144960
This is an edited book based on the selected submissions
made to the conference titled "International Conference
in Smart Cities". The project provides an innovative and
new approach to holistic management of cities physical,
socio-economic, environmental, transportation and
political assets across all domains, typically supported
by ICT and open data.

** Cities and towns -- Technological innovations , City
planning -- Technological innovations , Urban policy
   3 Borowiak, Dale S
Financial and actuarial statistics : an introduction /
Dale S Borowiak and Arnold Shapiro.--2nd ed-- Boca Raton:
CRC Press, 2014.
xi, 420p. ; 24cm.
ISBN : 9781420085808.
332.015195 BOR 144964
This book enables readers to obtain the necessary
mathematical and statistical background. It also advances
the application and theory of statistics in modern
financial and actuarial modeling. The book considers
financial and actuarial modeling from a statistical point
of view while adding a substantial amount of new

** Finance -- Statistical methods , Insurance --
Statistical methods , Finance -- Mathematical models.

   4 Del Moral, Pierre
Stochastic processes : from applications to theory /
Pierre Del Moral and Spiridon Penev.-- Boca Raton: CRC
Press, 2017.
xlviii, 865p. ; 26cm.
ISBN : 9781498701839.
519.2 DEL 144957
This book includes concrete applications that students
will find interesting such as gambling, finance, physics,
signal processing, statistics, fractals, and biology. It
contains many illustrations, photos and pictures, along
with several website links. Computational tools such as
simulation and Monte Carlo methods are included as well
as complete toolboxes for both traditional and new
computational techniques.

** Stochastic processes

5 Beichelt, Frank
Applied probability and stochastic processes / Frank
Beichelt.--2nd ed-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2016.
560p. ; 24cm.
ISBN : 9781482257649.
519.23 BEI 144962
This book presents a self-contained introduction to
elementary probability theory and stochastic processes
with a special emphasis on their applications in science,
engineering, finance, computer science, and operations
research. It covers the theoretical foundations for
modeling time-dependent random phenomena in these areas
and illustrates applications through the analysis of
numerous practical examples. The author draws on his 50
years of experience in the field to give your students a
better understanding of probability theory and stochastic
processes and enable them to use stochastic modeling in
their work.

** Stochastic processes ; Engineering economy

6 Kulkarni, Vidyadhar G
Modeling and analysis of stochastic systems / Vidyadhar G
Kulkarni.--3rd ed-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2017.
xxii,583 p. ; 24 cm.
ISBN : 9781498756617.
519.23 KUL 144949
This book covers the most important classes of stochastic
processes used in the modeling of diverse systems. The
text includes its definition, characterization,
applications, transient and limiting behavior, first
passage times, and cost/reward models. The book provides
thorough coverage of general tools that enable the
solution and analysis of stochastic models.

** Stochastic processes

7 Ekstrom, Claus Thorn
The R primer / Claus Thorn Ekstrom.--2nd ed-- Boca Raton:
CRC Press, 2016.
xvii, 408p, 21cm.
ISBN : 9781138631977.
519.502855133 EKS 144953
This book provides a collection of concise examples with
solutions and interpretations of R problems frequently
encountered by new users of this statistical software.
Maintaining all the material from the first edition and
adding substantial new material, the second edition of
The R Primer contains numerous examples that illustrate a
specific situation, topic, or problem, including data
importing, data management, classical statistical
analyses, and high-quality graphical production.

** R (Computer program language); Mathematical statistics
--Data processing

8 De Leon, Alexander R (ed)
Analysis of mixed data : methods and applications /
Alexander R De Leon and Keumhee Carrie
e Chough.-- Boca
Raton: CRC Press, 2013.
xxvii, 234p. ; 26cm.
ISBN : 9781439884713.
519.535 DEL 144961
This book summarizes the fundamental developments in the
field. Case studies are used extensively throughout the
book to illustrate interesting applications from
economics, medicine and health, marketing, and genetics.

** Multivariate analysis ; Mathematics -- Probability and
Statistics -- General

9 Rahman, Azizur
Small Area Estimation and Microsimulation Modeling /
Azizur Rahman and Ann Harding.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press,2017.
xxvi, 495p. ; 24cm.
ISBN : 9781482260724.
519.544 RAH 144954
This book presents modern statistical SAE methods in the
framework of ultramodern spatial microsimulation modeling
while providing the novel approach of creating synthetic
spatial microdata. The authors illustrate the practical
application of the techniques to a large number of
substantive problems, including how to build up models,
organize and link data, create synthetic microdata,
conduct analyses, yield informative tables and graphs,
and evaluate how the findings effectively support the
decision making processes in government and non-
government organizations.

** Small area statistics ; Statistical matching
   10 Dubey, Umeshkumar
Quantitative techniques in business, management and
finance : a case-study approach / Umeshkumar Dubey, D P
Kothari and G K Awari.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2017.
xxvi, 475p. , 26cm.
ISBN : 9781498769464.
650.072 DUB 144952
This book is especially relevant to undergraduates,
postgraduates and researchers studying quantitative
techniques as part of business, management and finance.
It is an interdisciplinary book that covers all major
topics involved at the interface between business and
management on the one hand and mathematics and statistics
on the other. Managers and others in industry and
commerce who wish to obtain a working knowledge of
quantitative techniques will also find this book useful.

** Business enterprises -- Finance , Decision making --
Methodology , Quantitative research.



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