New Arrivals
1 Edwards, Rosalind
What is qualitative interviewing? / Rosalind Edwards and
Janet Holland.-- London: Bloomsbury, 2013.
xi, 127p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9781780938523.
001.433 EDW 143178
This book makes clear the procedures and practices
surrounding qualitative interviewing. Qualitative
interviews are a critical part of qualitative research,
but understandings of what it means to carry out
interviews have shifted over time. It provides the latest
studies and practical guidance on how to cater for a
broad range of research. It shows researchers and
students how to begin with key questions and theories and
the best interviewing tactic to take.
** Interviewing , Social sciences -- Research --
2 Tourangeau, Roger (ed)
Hard-to-survey populations / Roger Tourangeau and others.
-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
xxv, 648p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781107628717.
001.433 TOU 143165
This book provides the systematic examination of the
populations and settings that present unusual challenges,
from Irish travelers to natural disasters, discussing
methods to overcome these difficulties.
** Demographic surveys , Social surveys
Top |
3 Fielding, Nigel G (ed)
The Sage handbook of online research methods / Nigel G
Fielding, Raymond M Lee and Grant Blank.-- Los Angeles:
Sage Publications, 2012.
xvi, 570p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781412922937.
025.04 FIE 143196
This handbook provides comprehensive coverage of
contemporary and developing Internet and online social
research methods, spanning both quantitative and
qualitative research applications.
** Internet research , Social sciences -- Research
Top |
4 Rajagopalachari, Parthasarathi
My master / Parthasarathi Rajagopalachari.--3rd ed--
Shahjahanpur: Shri Ram Chandra Mission, 2014.
ix, 239p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9789383516018.
294.54 RAM 143106
This book is on the life and work of Ram Chandra, 1899-
1983, Hindu spiritual leader.
** Ram Chandra, -- 1899-1983 , Hindus -- India --
5 Ram Chandra
Complete works of Ram Chandra / Ram Chandra.--2nd ed--
Kolkata: Spiritual Hierarchy Publication Trust, 2014.
xii, 469p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9789383516988.
294.54 RAM 143105,V1
This book is on the life and work of Ram Chandra, 1899-
1983, Hindu spiritual leader.
** Ram Chandra,-1899-1983 , Spiritual life-Hinduism ,
Self realization-Religious aspects- Hinduism , Yoga, Raja
Top |
6 Garner, Roberta
Rethinking contemporary social theory / Roberta Garner,
Black Hawk Hancock and Grace Budrys.-- Boulder: Paradigm
Publishers, 2013.
vii, 232p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781612052595.
301 GAR 143210
This book outlines a new theoretical paradigm emerging
from out of social construction theory, conflict theory,
Marxism and critical theory and argues that these
insights are redefining social theory as a whole. The
authors select ten fields within sociology and in each
one trace the reception and impact of the new paradigm.
** Sociology
7 Seale, Clive (ed)
Researching society and culture / Clive Seale.--3rd ed--
Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2012.
xii, 636p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781849207980.
301.072 SEA 143123
This book expands its coverage to provide an
authoritative introduction to all of the social research
methods used to analyze qualitative and quantitative
data. It includes: a discussion of the philosophy,
methodology and use of historical perspectives in
research and an overview of the research methods used in
social science and cultural studies.
** Sociology-Methodology, Sociology-Philosophy, Sociology
Research, Culture-Research , Social sciences--Methodology
, Social sciences--Research , Social sciences--Philosophy
Top |
8 Christakis, Nicholas A
Connected : the surprising power of our social networks
and how they shape our lives / Nicholas A Christakis and
James H Fowler.-- New York: Little, Brown and Company,
xiii, 338p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780316036146.
302.3 CHR 143195
In this book, the authors present evidence for the
profound influence people have on one another-s tastes,
health, wealth, happiness, beliefs, even weight, as they
explain how social networks form and how they operate.
The book shows that our world is governed by the Three
Degrees of Influence Rule: we influence and are
influenced by people up to three degress removed from us,
most of whom we do not even know. The book overturns the
notion of the individual and provides a revolutionary
paradigm, that social networks influence our ideas,
emotions, health, relationships, behavior, politics, and
much more.
** Social networks
Top |
9 Mehrotra, Santosh (ed)
Countering naxalism with development : challenges of
social justice and state security / Santosh Mehrotra.--
New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2014.
xviii, 191p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9788132113935.
303.3720954 MEH 143182
This book presents an authentic assessment and
presentation of the human development and security
challenges faced by districts of the country that have a
high concentration of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes. The various chapters of the book discuss how the
law and order issues of the situation are inextricably
intertwined with the development problems faced by the
marginalized social groups of some 200 districts in the
country affected by Naxalism.
** Naxalite movement , Radicalism --India , Internal
security --India , Social justice --India , India --
Social policy , India --Economic policy
Top |
10 Toffin, Gerard (ed)
Facing globalization in the Himalayas: belonging and the
politics of the self / Gerard Toffin and Joanna Pfaff-
Czarnecka.-- New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2014.
x,471p. , 22cm.(Governance, conflict, and civic action , 5).
ISBN : 9788132111627.
305.80095496 TOF 143186
This book explores the complex relationships between
belonging and globalization in the contemporary Himalayan
world and beyond. Over the last decades, the
interrelations at local, national, and global scales have
intensified in historically unprecedented forms and
intensity. At the same time, homogenizing global
processes have generated parochial and vernacular
reactions. This book aims at developing an appropriate
analysis of these interactions and, thus, at
supplementing the previous collection on the Politics of
Belonging in the Himalayas.
** Ethnic groups --Himalaya Mountains Region , Group
identity --Himalaya Mountains Region , Nationalism --
Himalaya Mountains Region , National characteristics ,
Globalization --Himalaya Mountains Region , Himalaya
Mountains Region --Ethnic relations
11 Tripathy, Jyotirmaya (ed)
Becoming minority : how discourses and policies produce
minorities in Europe and India / Jyotirmaya Tripathy and
Sudarsan Padmanabhan.-- New Delhi: Sage Publications,
xx, 353p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9789351500353.
305.800954 TRI 143180
This book is intended to trace the processes through
which minorities perform as minorities, their discursive
formation, narrativization and representation. It
addresses a common platform from where both India and
Europe can articulate themselves vis-a-vis their minority
practices. The book draws upon European and Indian
experiences of cultural diversities as these regions are
two of the most culturally diverse regions in the world
and engage with diversity from within a democratic
** Minorities -- Government policy -- India -- History ,
Minorities -- Government policy -- Europe -- History ,
Ethnicity -- Political aspects -- India -- History
Top |
12 Mohanty, Prasanna K
Cities and public policy: an urban agenda for India /
Prasanna K Mohanty.-- New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2014.
xvii, 333p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9788132117933.
307.12160954 MOH 143181
This book acknowledges the role of agglomeration
externalities as the cornerstone of urban public policy
in India. India requires agglomeration-augmenting,
congestion-mitigating and resource-generating cities as
engines of economic growth, including rural development.
The book provides a large number of practical examples
from India and abroad to enable policy-makers undertake
reforms in urban and regional planning, financing, and
governance to meet the challenges of urbanization in
India. It combines theory and practice to draw lessons
for an urban agenda for India and recognizes the central
role of cities in catalyzing growth and generating public
finance for economic development.
** Urban policy --India , Urbanization --India
Top |
13 Gudavarthy, Ajay
Maoism, democracy and globalisation : cross-currents in
Indian politics / Ajay Gudavarthy.-- New Delhi: Sage
Publications, 2014.
xii, 243p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9788132118473.
320.954 GUD 143191
This book is an attempt to precisely map processes that
are internal to each of these currents while exploring
and identifying the moments of mutual influence, areas of
conflict and mutually exclusive pulls they bring to the
contemporary politics in India.
** Communism -- India , Democracy -- India ,
Globalization -- India
Top |
14 Thomas, K V
Left-wing extremism and human rights : the role of civil
liberties groups in Andhra Pradesh / K V Thomas.-- New
Delhi: Sage Publishers India, 2014.
xix, 287p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9788132111580.
323.095484 THO 143190
This book offers a deep analysis of the growth and
consolidation of Left-Wing Extremism (LWE) in India. It
also studies the profiles and roles of NGOs in promoting
rights for which specific case studies have been
** Human rights -- India -- Andhra Pradesh , Right and
left (Political science) -- India -- Andhra Pradesh ,
Human rights -- India
Top |
15 Subramanian, S
Essays in economics and other cheerful themes: a dismal
scientist-s occasional reflections on the world around
him / S Subramanian.-- New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2014
xxiii, 203p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9788132113737.
330 SUB 143184
This book addresses conceptual and empirical issues in
development at both national and global levels. The
philosophical bases of these issues are sought to be
addressed in relatively non-technical and accessible
terms. The book also makes space for essays that deal with
less solemn phenomena, such as cricket, film, the conduct
of academic institutions, and the esoteric excesses of
scholarly writing in the social sciences and humanities.
** Economics -- Popular works , BUSINESS and ECONOMICS --
Economics -- General
16 Adelman, Jeremy
Worldly philosopher : the odyssey of Albert O Hirschman /
Jeremy Adelman.-- Princeton: Princeton University Press,
xv, 740p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780691163499.
330.092 HIR 143176
Worldly Philosopher chronicles the times and writings of
Albert O. Hirschman, one of the twentieth century-s most
original and provocative thinkers. In this gripping
biography, the author tells the story of a man shaped by
modern horrors and hopes, a worldly intellectual who
fought for and wrote in defense of the values of
tolerance and change. This is the first major account of
Hirschman-s remarkable life, and a tale of the twentieth
century as seen through the story of an astute and
passionate observer. Adelman-s riveting narrative traces
how Hirschman-s personal experiences shaped his unique
intellectual perspective, and how his enduring legacy is
one of hope, open-mindedness, and practical idealism.
** Hirschman, Albert O , Economists -- Biography ,
Top |
17 Singh, Ajit Kumar (ed)
Land policies for equity and growth: transforming the
agrarian structure in Uttar Pradesh / Ajit Kumar Singh
and Santosh Mehrotra.-- New Delhi: Sage Publications,
xviii, 408p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9788132113607.
333.31542 SIN 143189
This book discusses the need for modernising land
records, computerising them and, most importantly,
ensuring titling on the basis of ground-truthing actual
** Land reform -- India -- Uttar Pradesh , Land use --
Government policy -- India -- Uttar Pradesh , Agriculture
and state -- India -- Uttar Pradesh
18 Dickerson, Mechele
Homeownership and America-s financial underclass : flawed
premises, broken promises, new prescriptions / Mechele
Dickerson.-- New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014.
ix, 278p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781107663503.
333.33808900973 DIC 143166
This book argues that U.S. leaders need to reevaluate all
housing policies and develop new ones that ensure that
all Americans have greater access to affordable housing
whether rented or owned. After describing homeownership-s
most common myths, the book shows why the financial
circumstances America’s financial underclass now face
make it impossible for them to benefit from homeownership
because they cannot afford to buy homes. The book then
exposes the risks of "home buying while brown or black"
by discussing U.S. policies that made it easier for
whites to buy homes easily and cheaply, but harder and
more costly for blacks and Latinos to do so. The book
argues that remaining traces of racial discrimination and
certain demographic features continue to make it harder
for blacks and Latinos to receive homeownership-s
promised benefits.
** Home ownership --United States , Mortgage loans --
United States , Housing --United States --Finance , LAW /
Top |
19 Paul, Bappaditya
The First Naxal : an authorised biography of Kanu Sanyal
/ Bappaditya Paul.-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2015
xiv, 249p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9788132117872.
335.434092 SAN 143187
This book narrates the making of Kanu Sanyal right from
his childhood to the days of the Naxalbari uprising and
beyond. It delves deep into Sanyal’s evolution as a
Communist rebel and throws light on the various stages of
the Naxalite Movement with relevant background
** Sanyal, Kanu, -- 1929-2010 , Communist Party of India
Communists -- India -- Biography
Top |
20 Brummer, Chris
Minilateralism : how trade alliances, soft law and
financial engineering are redefining economic statecraft
/ Chris Brummer.-- New York: Cambridge University Press,
vii, 219p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781107053144.
337 BRU 143232
Economic diplomacy is changing. The multilateral
organizations that dominated the last half of the
twentieth century no longer monopolize economic affairs.
Instead, countries are resorting to more modest
-minilateral- strategies like trade alliances, informal
-soft law- agreements, and financial engineering to
manage the global economy. Like traditional modes of
economic statecraft, these tools are aimed at both
liberalizing and supervising international financial
policy in a world of diverse national interests. But
unlike before, they are specifically tailored to
navigating a post-American (and post-Western) world where
economic power is more diffuse than ever before. This
book explains how these strategies work and reveals how
this new diplomatic toolbox will reshape how countries do
business with one another for decades to come.
** International economic relations , Foreign trade
regulation , International finance-Law and legislation.
Top |
21 Christy, Ralph D (ed)
Innovative institutions, public policies and private
strategies for agro-enterprise development / Ralph D
Christy and others.-- Singapore: World Scientific
Publishing, 2015.
xxvii, 340p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9789814596602.
338.1091724 CHR 143168
This book contains the major papers presented at the
symposium, which feature a wide range of country and
regional experiences and examine the influence of markets
and technology transfer to agro-enterprises on food
security, poverty, and economic growth. The contributions
also identify alternative market access strategies for
sustainable economic development. This volume will enrich
existing knowledge of agro-enterprises as a channel for
promoting inclusive growth and reducing poverty levels
across developing and emerging markets.
** Agricultural industries -- Developing countries ,
Produce trade -- Developing countries , Agriculture --
Economic aspects
22 Toninelli, Pier Angelo (ed)
The Rise and fall of state-owned enterprise in the
western world / Pier Angelo Toninelli.-- Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2008.
xiii, 320p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9780521088862.
338.6209 TON 143194
This book examines the rise and fall in the twentieth-
century Western world of state-owned enterprises, a chief
instrument of state economic intervention. It offers
historical perspective on the origins and purpose of
state owned enterprises, their performance, and the
reasons for their precipitate decline from their heyday
in the 1960s to the waves of privatization in the 1980s
and 1990s.Looking to the future as well as the past of
state business, this book explores the concept of state-
owned enterprise and its context in Western political
economy, as well as the permutations and future prospects
of the institution in practice. The contributors present
studies of the development of state-owned enterprises in
seven Western European countries and the United States.
** Government business enterprises --History
23 Taneja, Nisha (ed)
India-Pakistan trade : strengthening economic relations /
Nisha Taneja and Sanjib Pohit.-- New Delhi: Springer,
xx, 347p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9788132219484.
338.915405491 TAN 143167
The primary aim of this book is to bridge the gaps in
existing literature on India-Pakistan economic engagement
and to examine various aspects of the trade normalization
process. The book includes familiar themes of India-
Pakistan bilateral trade in goods and services, providing
new insights into the potential for trade and the
challenges involved in realizing it. The respective
chapters examine the current trade trends and identify
the possible sectors for bilateral FDI flows between the
two countries, which could help forge deeper economic
ties between them.
** India -- Foreign economic relations -- Pakistan ,
Pakistan -- Foreign economic relations -- India ,
BUSINESS and ECONOMICS -- Industries -- General
24 Jiang, Yanqing
Openness, economic growth and regional disparities : the
case of China / Yanqing Jiang.-- Heidelberg: Springer,
xi, 335p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9783642406652.
338.951 JIA 143207
This book investigates the mechanisms through which
openness affects regional economic growth and
interregional disparities in China. Based on the latest
data and employing a variety of panel data regression
techniques, it provides readers with new findings that
shed light on the effects of openness on China’s regional
economic growth and the evolution of the country’s
interregional disparities.
** Economics , Regional planning , Endogenous growth
25 Subramanian, Ramesh (ed)
Access to knowledge in India : new research on
intellectual property, innovation and development /
Ramesh Subramanian and Lea Shaver.-- London: Bloomsbury
Academic, 2011.
xix, 172p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781849665261.
338.954 SUB 143175
This book features four parts on current issues facing
intellectual property, development policy (especially
rural development policy) and associated innovation, from
the Indian perspective. Each chapter is authored by
scholars taking an interdisciplinary approach and
affiliated to Indian or American universities and Indian
think-tanks. Each examines a policy area that
significantly impacts access to knowledge. These include
information and communications technology for development
the Indian digital divide, networking rural areas,
copyright and comparative business models in music, free
and open source software, patent reform and access to
medicines, the role of the Indian government in promoting
access to knowledge internationally and domestically.
** Intellectual property -- India , Information networks
- Law and legislation -- India , Knowledge management –
Top |
26 Akerlof, George (ed)
What have we learned? : macroeconomic policy after the
crisis / George Akerlof and others.-- Cambridge: The MIT
Press, 2014.
vii, 359p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780262027342.
339.5 AKE 143177
Since 2008, economic policymakers and researchers have
occupied a brave new economic world. Previous consensuses
have been upended, former assumptions have been cast into
doubt, and new approaches have yet to stand the test of
time. Policymakers have been forced to improvise and
researchers to rethink basic theory. George Akerlof,
Nobel Laureate and one of this volume-s editors, compares
the crisis to a cat stuck in a tree, afraid to move. In
April 2013, the International Monetary Fund brought
together leading economists and economic policymakers to
discuss the slowly emerging contours of the macroeconomic
future. This book offers their combined insights.
** Monetary policy , Fiscal policy , Financial crises --
Government policy , Economic policy , Macroeconomics
Top |
27 Dill, Janina
Legitimate targets? : social construction, international
law and US bombing / Janina Dill.-- Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2015.
xviii, 358p. , 23cm. (Cambridge studies in international
relations, 133)
ISBN : 9781107694866.
341.63 DIL 143170
This book investigates the effectiveness of international
humanitarian law (IHL) in regulating the conduct of
warfare. Through a comprehensive examination of the IHL
defining a legitimate target of attack, the author
reveals a controversy among legal and military
professionals about the -logic- according to which
belligerents ought to balance humanitarian and military
imperatives: the logics of sufficiency or efficiency.
** Air warfare (International law) , Humanitarian law ,
War (International law)
Top |
28 Bissell, Rick
Preparedness and response for catastrophic disasters /
Rick Bissell.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2015.
xiv, 402p.24cm.
ISBN : 9781466511897.
363.347 BIS 143172
This book provides important insight into plans to
mitigate and respond to the devastation caused by large-
scale catastrophic events. The book defines what
constitutes a catastrophic event, outlining both the
factors that can lead to catastrophes and the unique
logistical, planning, and response challenges posed by
them. It also examines why catastrophes must be approached
differently. If governments, public administrators, and
emergency management professionals are to succeed in
protecting our populations, there must be consensus,
decisiveness, and leadership in both the coordination and
response. The book explores how catastrophes can
dramatically affect populations and addresses new,
innovative, and fundamentally unique strategies
communities can institute to better prepare populations
for catastrophic events and their aftermath.
** Emergency management , Preparedness -- Government
policy , Disaster relief -- Finance
Top |
29 Arndt, Sven W
Evolving patterns in global trade and finance / Sven W
Arndt.-- Singapore: World Scientific, 2015.
xvi, 332p. 24cm. ( World scientific studies in international
economics, 39)
ISBN : 9789814603409.
382 ARN 143185
In this book, the author offers succinct and rigorous
explanations of important developments in trade, finance
and international monetary relations. It provides
critical assessments of existing policies and practices,
develops theoretical foundations for new and emerging
patterns in trade and finance, and evaluates how well
economists and policy makers are dealing (or have dealt)
with the challenges they face.
** International trade , International finance ,
International economic relations
30 Brenton, Paul
International trade, distribution and development :
empirical studies of trade policies / Paul Brenton.--
Singapore: World Scientific, 2015. xiii, 417p. , 24cm.
(World Scientific studies in international economics, 38)
ISBN : 9789814603379.
382.3 BRE 143188
This book brings together a collection of papers that
have sought to assess empirically the impacts of policy
measures affecting trade. The papers analyze the impact
of trade barriers and their removal, with a focus on
distributional consequences and economic development. The
book covers a range of policy issues such as impacts of
trade on wages, non-tariff barriers, trade preferences,
export survival and carbon labeling. An invaluable
reference for readers seeking to understand the impact of
trade policies, it also seeks to shed light on future
research, especially for research on developing
countries. .
** Commercial policy , International trade
Top |
31 Wyer, Mary (ed)
Women, science, and technology : a reader in feminist
science studies / Mary Wyer and others.--3rd ed-- New
York: Routledge, 2014.
xxxiv, 599p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415521093.
500.82 WYE 143198
This book provides an introduction to the gendering of
science and the impact women are making in laboratories
around the world. The republished essays included in this
collection are both personal tales from women scientists
and essays on the nature of science itself, covering such
controversial issues like the under-representation of
women in science, reproductive technology, sociobiology,
evolutionary theory, and the notion of objective science.
** Women in science , Women in technology , Feminism and
Top |
32 Harris, Michael
Mathematics without apologies : portrait of a problematic
vocation / Michael Harris.-- Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2015.
xxii, 438p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780691154237.
510 HAR 143341
This book offers an eclectic panorama of the lives and
values and hopes and fears of mathematicians in the
twenty first century, assembling material from a
startlingly diverse assortment of scholarly,
journalistic, and pop culture sources. Drawing on his
personal experiences and obsessions as well as the
thoughts and opinions of mathematicians from Archimedes
and Omar Khayyam to such contemporary giants as Alexander
Grothendieck and Robert Langlands, the author reveals the
charisma and romance of mathematics as well as its darker
** Mathematics , Mathematicians
33 Benjamin, Arthur
The Fascinating world of graph theory / Arthur Benjamin,
Gary Chartrand and Ping Zhang.-- Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2015. xi, 322p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780691163819.
511.5 BEN 143340
This book explores the questions and puzzles that have
been studied, and often solved, through graph theory. In
doing so, the book looks at graph theory-s development
and the vibrant individuals responsible for the field-s
growth. Introducing graph theory-s fundamental concepts,
the authors explore a diverse plethora of classic
problems such as the Lights Out Puzzle, the Minimum
Spanning Tree Problem, the Konigsberg Bridge Problem, the
Chinese Postman Problem, a Knight-s Tour, and the Road
Coloring Problem. They present every type of graph
imaginable, such as bipartite graphs, Eulerian graphs,
the Petersen graph, and trees.
** Graph theory
Top |
34 Price, Sara (ed)
The Sage handbook of digital technology research / Sara
Price, Carey Jewitt and Barry Brown.-- Los Angeles: Sage
Publications, 2013. xvi, 496p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781446200476.
621.381072 PRI 143124
This book explores the issues of rapid technological
development, social change, and the ubiquity of computing
technologies which have become an integrated part of
people-s everyday lives. It addresses the key aspects of
research within the digital technology field and provides
a clear framework for readers wanting to navigate the
changeable currents of digital innovation.
** Human-computer interaction -- Research , Digital
electronics -- Research
Top |
35 Jones, Phil
Strategy mapping for learning organizations : building
agility into your balanced scorecard / Phil Jones.--
Surrey: Gower, 2015.
xviii, 317p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9788186268513.
658.4012 JON 143192
This book incorporates the latest strategic thinking on
strategy maps and modern balanced scorecards. It explains
the underlying thinking and techniques that help
organizations to manage with greater flexibility and
** Strategic planning , Communication in management
36 Paley, Norton
Clausewitz talks business : an executive-s guide to
thinking like a strategist / Norton Paley.-- Boca Raton:
CRC Press, 2015.
xx, 244p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781482220278.
658.4012 CLA 143209
This book transposes Clausewitz-s most enduring concepts
on leadership and strategy to help today-s executives and
managers think like strategists. The book uncovers
potential solutions to some of the most obstinate
competitive problems. The book explains how the human
element influences the outcome of a competitive
confrontation. It provides tips on the physical and
psychological dimensions of conflict, which include
Clausewitz-s discussions about dealing with the
inevitable forces of friction, chance, and luck that
operate in the "fog of war."
** Clausewitz, Carl von, 1780-1831 , Strategic planning
37 Sengupta, Shombit
Strategic pokes : the business Jalebi / Shombit Sengupta.
-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2014.
xviii, 305p. , 21cm.
ISBN : 9788132111634.
658.4012 SEN 143231
This book rides through the Indian and European
landscape, spanning across history, to explore the
perceptible, exciting distinction that customers value.
** Management , Strategic planning.
38 Linde, Charlotte
Working the past : narrative and institutional memory /
Charlotte Linde.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
viii, 249p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780195140286
658.4038 LIN 143322
This book shows how stories that might otherwise be seen
as part of mundane daily life are in fact essential to
the formation and maintenance of individual and group
identity. Analyzing the re-telling of certain key
stories, the author shows how the formation of "core"
stories and their multiple re-tellings and modifications
provide a means of formulating and promoting a cohesive
group identity -- which in turn shapes the stories and
identities of the individuals within the collective. She
also looks at silences, and how stories not told also
convey their version of the past.
** Communication in organizations -- Case studies ,
Corporate culture -- Case studies , Corporate image --
Case studies , Knowledge management
39 North, Klaus
Knowledge management : value creation through
organizational learning / Klaus North and Gita Kumta.--
Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
xxv, 326p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9783319036977.
658.4038 NOR 143169
This book brings together European, Asian and American
perspectives on knowledge-based value creation. It is
intended not only for academic education but also for
providing guidance to managers, consultants, trainers,
coaches and those interested to learn about organizations
in a knowledge economy in business, public administration
and non-profit organizations. Many case studies,
examples, questions, assignments as well as easy to use
knowledge management tools make this work a compendium
for learning, and for implementing knowledge management
** Knowledge management , Economics/Management Science ,
Innovation/Technology Management
40 Benoliel, Michael (ed)
Negotiation excellence : successful deal making / Michael
Benoliel.--2nd ed-- New Jersey: World Scientific
Publishing, 2015.
xxxviii, 495p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9789814556941.
658.4052 BEN 143171
The book includes chapters ranging from: preparing and
planning for successful negotiations, building
relationships and establishing trust between negotiators,
negotiating creatively to create mutual value and win-win
situations, understanding and dealing with negotiators
from different cultures, to managing ethical dilemmas.
** Negotiation in business , Negotiation , BUSINESS and
ECONOMICS / Industrial Management
41 Lessem, Ronnie
Transformation management : towards the integral
enterprise / Ronnie Lessem and Alexander Schieffer.--
Surrey: Gower, 2015.
xiii, 352p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9788186268643.
658.406 LES 143193
This book provides the opportunity for the application of
the first significant world-wide innovation in the way we
manage since Drucker put management itself on the map in
the 1950s. In a book that draws on seminal theses and
practical examples from the four corners of the world,
the authors provide leaders, students of leadership,
managers and change agents with a trans-culturally
tested, integrated approach to leadership and management.
** Management --Social aspects , Social responsibility of
business , Industrial organization --Social aspects ,
Organizational sociology
42 Western, Simon
Leadership : a critical text / Simon Western.--2nd ed--
Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2013.
xxiv, 360p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781446269893.
658.4092 WES 143118
This book provides a critical review and analysis of the
key debates within leadership, and challenges the notion
of the individual or -hero- leader. The author develops
the idea of leadership as a distributed process between
lots of agents in an organization. In doing so he
provides a new framework which readers can use to
understand and implement this -distributed- type of
leadership. Chapters include vignettes and case studies
to support readers- understanding of ideas, and
pedagogical features emphasize core learning points.
** Leadership , Industrial management
43 Szycher, Michael
The Guide to entrepreneurship / Michael Szycher.-- Boca
Raton: CRC Press, 2015.
xx, 407p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781482209075.
658.421 SZY 143164
The book explores what constitutes entrepreneurial timber
and the leadership skills to raise all the needed
capital. Most new venture business failures arise from
two sources: (1) opportunity is not real, or (2) the
means required to pursue the idea is not available. This
book will provide the aspiring entrepreneur with a "how-
to guide" to success, with concrete action plans.
** Entrepreneurship , New business enterprises , New
products , Success in business , BUSINESS and ECONOMICS /
Management Science , TECHNOLOGY and ENGINEERING /
Industrial Engineering , TECHNOLOGY and ENGINEERING /
44 Butscher, Stephan A
Customer loyalty programmes and clubs / Stephan A
Butscher.--2nd ed-- Surrey: Gower Publishing, 2015.
xiv, 206p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9788186268483.
658.812 BUT 143211
This book presents a step-by-step guide which argues that
the key to customer loyalty lies in the right mix of
financial and non-financial benefits. The book takes the
reader through the necessary steps to research, plan and
launch a programme that builds and develops the
relationship between company and customer. It places
special emphasis on value measurement and selection of
the right benefits and aims to help the reader integrate
the loyalty programme into every part of the
organization. It also offers techniques to measure the
ongoing success of the strategy and for developing and
growing the programme.
** Customer clubs , Customer loyalty programs
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45 Rushton, Richard
Cinema after Deleuze / Richard Rushton.-- London:
Continuum International Publishing, 2012.
174p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9781441163387.
791.4301 DEL 143174
This is a clear and concise overview of and introduction
to Deleuze-s theories of cinema. This book offers a clear
and lucid introduction to Deleuze-s writings on cinema
which will appeal both to undergraduates and specialists
in film studies and philosophy. The book provides
explanations of the many categories and classifications
found in Deleuze-s two landmark books on cinema and
offers assessments of a range of films and directors,
including works by John Ford, Sergei Eisenstein, Alfred
Hitchcock, Michelangelo Antonioni and Alain Resnais. The
author also discusses contemporary directors such as
Steven Spielberg, Lars von Trier, Martin Scorsese and
Wong Kar-Wai in the light of Deleuze-s theories and in
doing so brings Deleuze-s Cinema books right up to date.
"Cinema After Deleuze" demonstrates why Deleuze is
rightly considered today to be one of the great theorists
of cinema.
** Deleuze, Gilles, -- 1925-1995 -- Criticism and
interpretation , Motion pictures -- Philosophy
46 Choi, Jinhee (ed)
Cine-ethics : ethical dimensions of film theory,
practice, and spectatorship / Jinhee Choi and Mattias
Frey.-- New York: Routledge, 2014.
x, 255p. , 23cm. (Routledge advances in film studies, 29).
ISBN : 9780415821254.
791.43684 CHO 143197
This book looks at the significance and range of ethical
questions that pertain to various film practices. Diverse
philosophical traditions provide useful frameworks to
discuss spectators- affective and emotional engagement
with film, which can function as a moral ground for one-s
connection to others and to the world outside the self.
These traditions encompass theories of emotion,
phenomenology, the philosophy of compassion, and analytic
and continental ethical thinking and environmental
** Motion pictures --Philosophy , Motion pictures --Moral
and ethical aspects , PERFORMING ARTS / Film and Video /
History and Criticism , SOCIAL SCIENCE / Media Studies ,
PHILOSOPHY / Aesthetics
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47 Gerges, Fawaz A (ed)
The New middle east : protest and revolution in the Arab
world / Fawaz A Gerges.-- New York: Cambridge University
Press, 2014.
xviii, 502p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781107028630.
9009.0974927083 GER 143233
The New Middle East is one of the first comprehensive
books written by prominent scholars of the region and of
comparative politics to critically examine the Arab
popular uprisings of 2011-2012. While these uprisings
prompted a number of cursory publications, this volume
contains meticulous and thoughtful reflections on the
causes, drivers and effects of these seminal events on
the internal, regional and international politics of the
Middle East and North Africa. Although specific
conditions in individual countries that have experienced
large-scale popular mobilizations are investigated, they
are neither treated in isolation nor separated from
broader developments in the region. Instead, the authors
highlight connections between individual case studies and
systemic conditions throughout the Arab arena. These include
the crisis of political authority, the failure of economic
** Protest movements--Middle East--History--21st century,
Protest movements--Arab countries--History--21st century,
Middle East--Economic conditions--21st century, Arab
countries--Economic conditions--21st century, Revolutions
-Middle East--History--21st century, Revolutions--Arab
countries--History--21st century.
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48 Mukherjee, Pranab
The Dramatic decade : the Indira Gandhi years / Pranab
Mukherjee.-- New Delhi: Rupa Publications, 2015.
x,321p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9788129135742.
954.045092 MUK 143179
This book focuses on one of the most fascinating periods
in the life of this nation, the decade of the 1970s. This
was when Indira found herself engaging with the true
meaning of democracy. Later, between 1975 and 1977,
during the Emergency, she found herself grappling with
the limits of personal expression. Finally, in 1977,
India saw the emergence of the politics of coalition,
with the Janata Party an amalgam of Indian parties
opposed to the Emergency, comprising the Congress (O),
the Bharatiya Lok Dal, the Jana Sangh and the Socialists,
coming to power. This was the decade when Pranab
Mukherjee committed himself to the role of a political
activist. As one of the keenest observers of and
participants in this dramatic decade, Pranab Mukherjee-s
insights are invaluable. Drawing from personal diary
extracts, conversations with key players of the 1970s,
and vital secondary literature, Pranab Mukherjee presents
an exceptional portrait of a complex nation.
** Mukherjee, Pranab,-1935- , Politicians-India-Biography
49 Prakash, Gyan
Mumbai fables / Gyan Prakash.-- Princeton: HarperCollins
Publishers, 2011.
xi, 396p. , 21cm.
ISBN : 9789350291665.
954.792 PRA 143323
This book explores the mythic inner life of this
legendary city as visualized by its inhabitants,
journalists, planners, writers, artists, film-makers and
political activists. In this remarkable cultural history
of one of the world-s most important urban centres, the
author unearths the stories behind its fabulous history,
viewing Mumbai through its turning points and
kaleidoscopic ideas, comic book heroes and famous
scandals. Shedding light on the city-s past and present,
the book offers an unparalleled look at this
extraordinary metropolis.
** Mumbai (India) -- Civilization , Mumbai (India) --
50 Jafa, Dhirendra S
Death wasn-t painful: stories of Indian fighter pilots
from the 1971 war / Dhirendra S Jafa.-- New Delhi: Sage
publications, 2014.
xiv, 247p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9788132117896.
954.9205148092254 JAF 143183
This book offers a true account of the experiences of a
former Indian fighter pilot, who was taken prisoner
during the 1971 Indo-Pak/Bangladesh Liberation War. While
depicting the intrepid life of fighter pilots in active
combat, the book also has an introspective side where it
portrays the soldier-s reactions to the terrifying
realities of war. The experiences of prisoners of war are
finely drawn, as we share the emotions of war-death,
alienation, loneliness and grief. Through heart-warming
anecdotes and conversational passages of interactions
with Pakistani interrogators, attendants, jailors and
civilians, the book juxtaposes the metaphor of physical
battles in the sky with the conflict of minds between two
** India-Pakistan Conflict, 1971 -- Personal narratives,
East Indian , India-Pakistan Conflict, 1971 -- Aerial
operations, East Indian , India-Pakistan Conflict, 1971 -
Prisoners and prisons, Pakistani
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