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   1 Smith, Angela
The Language of journalism : a multi-genre perspective /
Angela Smith and Michael Higgins.-- London: Bloomsbury
Academic, 2013.
vii, 143p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781849660662.
070.4014 SMI 141992
This book is an accessible, clearly structured guide to
different language conventions. It clearly explains the
different styles and issues involved with each platform,
covering theory as well as practice.

** Journalism -- Language
   2 Roeckelein, Jon E
The Concept of time in psychology : a resource book and
annotated bibliography / Jon E Roeckelein.-- Westport:
Greenwood Press, 2000.
xiv, 335p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9780313311000.
153.753 ROE 142626
This book provides a current and comprehensive review of
the literature on psychological time, and traces the
evolution of the concept of time in psychology from
ancient to modern periods.

** Time -- Psychological aspects , Time perception , Time
-- Psychological aspects -- Bibliography
   3 Savonius-Wroth, S J
The Continuum companion to Locke / S J Savonius-Wroth,
Paul Schuurman and Jonathan Walmsley.-- London: Continuum
International Publishing, 2010.
xx, 330p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780826428110.
192 LOC 141984
John Locke (1632-1704) was a leading seventeenth-century
philosopher, widely considered to be the first of the
British Empiricists and one of the most influential
Enlightenment thinkers. His works and ideas have had a
significant impact on the development of key areas in
political philosophy and epistemology.

** Philosophy, English , Locke, John, -- 1632-1704 ,
Philosophy, English -- 17th century , Philosophy

   4 Ali, Ayaan Hirsi
The Caged virgin : an emancipation proclamation for women
and Islam / Ayaan Hirsi Ali.-- New York: Free Press, 2006
xviii, 188p. , 21cm.
ISBN : 9780743288347.
297.082 ALI 142601
Muslims who explore sources of morality other than Islam
are threatened with death, and Muslim women who escape
the virgins- cage are branded whores. So asserts Hirsi
Ali-s meditation on Islam and the role of women, the
rights of the individual, the roots of fanaticism, and
Western policies toward Islamic countries and immigrant
communities. This controversial book is a call to arms
for the emancipation of women from religious and cultural
oppression and from an outdated cult of virginity. It is
a defiant call for clear thinking and for an Islamic
Enlightenment. But it is also the courageous story of how
Hirsi Ali herself fought back against everyone who tried
to force her to submit to a traditional Muslim woman-s
life and how she became a voice of reform. She relates
her experiences as a Muslim woman so that oppressed
Muslim women can take heart and seek their own

** Women in Islam , Women-s rights -- Religious aspects -
Islam , Women-s rights -- Islamic countries
   5 McGrath, Joseph E
Temporal matters in social psychology : examining the
role of time in the lives of groups and individuals /
Joseph E McGrath and Franziska Tschan.-- Washington, DC:
American Psychology Association, 2003.
viii, 227p. , 26cm.
ISBN : 9781591470533.
304.23 MAC 142619
This book explores and ponders the ways in which temporal
matters affect how individuals, groups, and larger
collectives behave. It examines how people conceptualize
time and live within prescribed and personal timeframes
and how time is measured and enters into social
psychological phenomena at multiple levels, in different
functional roles, and as different types of processes.

** Time -- Sociological aspects , Social psychology ,
Social groups

6 Birth, Kevin K
Objects of time : how things shape temporality / Kevin K
Birth.-- New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
x, 211p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781137017888.
304.237 BIR 142620
This book looks at how the objects we use to think about
time shape our thoughts. Such objects empower us to think
about time certain ways, but they also contain hidden
assumptions about time that deflect our awareness away
from the complicated rhythms of our lives and our world.

** Time -- Sociological aspects , Time -- Philosophy ,
Time perception

7 Hassard, John (ed)
The Sociology of time / John Hassard.-- New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2002.
xx, 255p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9780333440926.
304.237 HAS 142617
This book consists of five main parts, with early
sections dealing with philosophical and conceptual
issues, while the latter sections deal with specific
research topics in the social sciences.

** Time -- Social aspects , Time - Sociological
   8 Darling, Rosalyn Benjamin
Disability and identity : negotiating self in a changing
society / Rosalyn Benjamin Darling.-- Boulder: Lynne
Rienner Publishers, 2013.
xii, 189p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781588268648.
305.908 DAR 142616
This book offers a sweeping examination of disability
identity, tracing its history and parsing the shifting
forces that have shaped individual and societal
understandings of ability and impairment across time. The
author focuses on the relationship between societal views
and the self-conceptions of people with mental and
physical impairments. She also illuminates the impact of
the disability rights movement, life-course dynamics, and
race and gender in creating a diversity of disability
identities. Her seminal work reveals the remarkable
resilience of individuals in the face of profound social
and material barriers, at the same time that it enhances
our understanding of the construction and experience of
difference in our changing society.

** People with disabilities , Group identity , Sociology
of disability

   9 Storey, John
Cultural studies and the study of popular culture / John
Storey.--3rd ed-- Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,
vii, 192p. , 21cm.
ISBN : 9780748640386.
306.071 STO 141986

** Culture -- Study and teaching , Popular culture --
Study and teaching , SOCIAL SCIENCE -- Anthropology --

   10 Porter, Tony (ed)
Transnational financial regulation after the crisis /
Tony Porter.-- London: Routledge, 2014.
xv, 232p. ,23cm.
(Routledge/RIPE studies in global political economy, 38).
ISBN : 9780415822688.
332.1 POR 142018
This book examines the transnational response that relied
heavily on a set of relatively informal transnational
regulatory groupings that had been constructed over
previous decades. During the crisis these arrangements
were made stronger and more inclusive, but they remain
very complex. Thousands of pages of new rules have been
created by various transnational bodies, and the
implementation of these rules relies heavily on domestic
law and regulation and private rules and practices. This
book analyses this complex response, showing that its
overly technical and incremental character, the
persistence of tensions between transnational processes
and state-centred politics, and the ongoing power of
private actors, have made the regulatory response fall
short of what is needed.

** International finance , Financial institutions -- Law
and legislation , Banks and banking -- Government policy

11 Glantz, Morton
Multi-asset risk modeling : techniques for a global
economy in an electronic and algorithmic trading era /
Morton Glantz and Robert Kissell.-- Amsterdam: Elsevier,
xxvii, 516p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780124016903.
332.6 GLA 142011
This is the essential financial multi-asset risk modeling
reference text for students and professionals, providing
a single source of information about all asset classes.

** Investments , Portfolio management , Risk management -
Mathematical models , Investment analysis , Risk
assessment --Statistical methods
   12 Laclau, Ernesto
The Rhetorical foundations of society / Ernesto Laclau.--
London: Verso, 2014.
229p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781781681701.
335.01 LAC 142000
This book explores the specificity of social antagonisms
and answers the question "What is an antagonistic
relation?"--an issue which has become increasingly
crucial in our globalized world, where the proliferation
of conflicts and points of rupture is eroding their links
to the social subjects postulated by classical social
analysis. This leads the author to a second line of
questioning: What is the ontological terrain that allows
us to understand the nature of social relations in our
heterogeneous world?" This is a task he addresses with
theoretical instruments drawn from analytical philosophy
and from the phenomenological and structuralist

** Socialism -- Philosophy , Sociology -- Philosophy ,
Social sciences -- Philosophy

13 Althusser, Louis
On the reproduction of capitalism : ideology and
ideological state apparatuses / Louis Althusser.-- London
: Verso, 2014.
xxxiv, 285p., 23cm.
ISBN : 9781781681640.
335.412 ALT 141997
This book develops the author-s conception of historical
materialism, outlining the conditions of reproduction in
capitalist society and the revolutionary struggle for its

** Production (Economic theory) , Marxian economics ,
   14 Alizadeh, Parvin (ed)
Iran and the global economy : petro populism, Islam and
economic sanctions / Parvin Alizadeh and Hassan Hakimian.
-- London: Routledge, 2014.
xv, 222p. , 24cm.
(The Routledge political economy of the Middle East and
North Africa series, 12).
ISBN : 9780415505543.
337.55 ALI 141990
This book presents a comprehensive overview of the
Iranian economy, including the oil sector, banks and
financial markets, social policies, and the impact of UN-
imposed sanctions. It argues that the success of other
developing countries demonstrates that a more open and
market driven economy is needed in Iran.

** Iran -- Economic conditions , Iran -- Economic policy
Iran -- Foreign economic relations
   15 Carayannis, Elias G
Unpacking open innovation : highlights from a co-
evolutionary inquiry / Elias G Carayannis, Manlio Del
Giudice and Maria Rosaria Della Peruta.-- New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2013.
xiv, 187p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9781137359322.
338.064 CAR 142020
This book aims at giving an overview of the emerging
research field of open innovation in a phase that is
still very fluid.

** Technological innovations , Diffusion of innovations ,
Research, Industrial

16 Lundstrom, Jenny S Z Eriksson (ed)
Managing open innovation technologies / Jenny S Z
Eriksson Lundstrom and others.-- Heidelberg: Springer,
xvi, 299p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9783642316494.
338.064 LUN 141994
This book focuses on some of the key dimensions of open
innovation and open innovation technologies. It is
divided into three themes: theme 1 deals with open
innovation as it is in use today, including theoretical
underpinnings and lessons from related research fields.
Theme 2 analyzes the use of open innovation in
organizations today in order to extract best practices.
Theme 3 presents forward-looking theoretical research as
well as practical future uses of open innovation.

** Technological innovations -- Management , TECHNOLOGY and
ENGINEERING / Industrial Technology , Economics

17 Fforde, Adam
Understanding development economics : its challenge to
development studies / Adam Fforde.-- London: Routledge,
xxix, 354p. , 24cm.
(Economics as social theory, 35).
ISBN : 9780415869836.
338.9 FFO 142019
The aim of this book is to show how the two disciplines
have interacted, as well as how they differ. This is
crucial in forming an understanding of development work,
and to thinking about why policy recommendations can
often lead to severe and continuing problems in
developing countries.This book introduces development
economics to those coming from two different but linked
perspectives, economists and students of development who
are not economists. In both explaining and critiquing
development economics, the book is able to suggest the
implications of these findings for development studies,
and more broadly, for development policy and its

** Development economics , Economic development
 346   PRIVATE LAW  
   18 Gibson, Johanna
The Logic of innovation : intellectual property, and what
the user found there / Johanna Gibson.-- Surrey: Ashgate
Publishing, 2014.
xiii, 356p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781409454175.
346.048 GIB 141993
This book examines the efficacy and relevance in a
digital environment of intellectual property and the
nature of innovation and creativity, by means of an
interlocutory through literature and the imagination of
new scenarios for language, business and legal reform.

** Intellectual property -- Philosophy
   19 Wang, Chang
Inside China-s legal system / Chang Wang and Nathan H
Madson.-- Oxford: Chandos Publishing, 2013.
xxxv, 353p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780857094605.
349.51 WAN 141989
This book provides readers with a comprehensive look at
the system including how it works in practice,
theoretical and historical underpinnings, and how it
might evolve. The first part of the book explains the
Communist Party-s utilitarian approach to law: rule by
law. The second part discusses Confucian and Legalist
views on morality, law and punishment, and the influence
such traditional Chinese thinking has on contemporary
Chinese law. The third part focuses on the roles of key
players (including judges, prosecutors, lawyers, and
legal academics) in the Chinese legal system. The fourth
part offers Chinese legal case studies in civil,
criminal, administrative, and international law. The book
concludes with a comparison of China-s fundamental
governing and legal principles with those of the United
States, in such areas as checks and balances, separation
of powers, and due process.

** Law -- China , Justice, Administration of -- China ,
Justice, Administration of
   20 Kane, Thomas M
Strategy : key thinkers : a critical engagement / Thomas
M Kane.-- Cambridge: Polity Press, 2013.
196p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9780745643540.
355.02 KAN 142017
The book introduces the ideas of major strategic thinkers
whose work explores the complex challenges associated
with the use of military force. Early chapters deal with
the foundational work of Sun Tzu (Sunzi), Thucydides,
Vegetius, Machiavelli and Carl von Clausewitz and their
relevance to problems facing Western militaries today.
The book then considers broader issues, such as the
distinctive importance of air and maritime operations,
the difficulty of waging offensive land warfare in the
face of modern firepower, the implications of nuclear
weapons, and the potential of irregular warfare. It
concludes by highlighting key themes which connect - and
distinguish - the works under consideration, noting how
these similarities and differences can inform the
strategic debates of the early twenty-first century.

** Strategy , Military planning , Military policy

   21 Zipperer, Lorri (ed)
Knowledge management in healthcare / Lorri Zipperer.--
Surrey: Gower Publishing, 2014.
xxx, 219p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781409438830.
362.1068 ZIP 141991

** Health services administration , Knowledge management

22 Malhotra, Ravi
Exploring disability identity and disability rights
through narratives : finding a voice of their own / Ravi
Malhotra and Morgan Rowe.-- London: Routledge, 2014.
xi, 232p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415532358.
362.401 MAL 142615
This book examines the life stories of twelve physically
disabled Canadian adults through the prism of the social
model of disablement. Using a grounded theory approach
and with extensive reporting of the thoughts of the
participants in their own words, the book uses narratives
to explore whether an advocacy identity helps or hinders
dealings with systemic barriers for disabled people in
education, employment, and transportation.

** People with disabilities -- Legal status, laws, etc ,
Capacity and disability , Identity (Psychology) ,
Sociology of disability , People with disabilities--Civil
   23 Chaudhuri, Arijit
Modern survey sampling / Arijit Chaudhuri.-- Boca Raton:
CRC Press, 2014.
xvii, 262p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781466572607.
519.52 CHA 141995
This book details what a sample can communicate about an
unknowable aggregate in a real situation. The author
lucidly develops and presents numerous approaches. He
details recent developments and explores fresh and unseen
problems, hitting upon possible solutions. The book
introduces sampling and discusses how to select a sample
for which a selection-probability is specified to
prescribe its performance characteristics. The author
then explains how to examine samples with varying
probabilities to derive profits. He then examines how to
use partial segments to make reasonable guesses about a
sample-s behavior and assess the elements of
discrepancies. The book highlights special survey
techniques needed to capture trustworthy data and put it
to intelligent use. It then discusses the model-assisted
approach and network sampling, before moving on to
speculating about random processes.

** Sampling (Statistics) , MATHEMATICS / Probability and
Statistics / General

24 Boyd, Stephen
Convex optimization / Stephen Boyd and Lieven
Vandenberghe.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
xiii, 716p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9780521833783.
519.6 BOY 142611
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the
subject, and shows in detail how such problems can be
solved numerically with great efficiency. The book begins
with the basic elements of convex sets and functions, and
then describes various classes of convex optimization
problems. The focus of the book is on recognizing convex
optimization problems and then finding the most
appropriate technique for solving them.

** Mathematical optimization , Convex functions
   25 Wincel, Jeffrey P
People, process, and culture : lean manufacturing around
the real world / Jeffrey P Wincel and Thomas J Kull.--
Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2013.
xxii, 131p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781466557895.
658 WIN 141998
This book examines the global cultural influences on the
understanding and application of Lean production systems
within various geographic and cultural areas. It
identifies the cultural values as examined against Lean
manufacturing disciplines to derive culturally based Lean
manufacturing values. The approach of people, process,
and culture will help managers better understand the
potential limitations and performance shortfalls that
result from varying interpretations and applications of
Lean systems. This approach will help readers demystify
the sometimes complex characteristics of a Lean

** Lean manufacturing , Corporate culture , Industrial

26 Townsend, Andrew S
Safety can-t be measured : an evidence-based approach to
improving risk reduction / Andrew S Townsend.-- Surrey:
Gower Publishing, 2013. xviii, 178p. , 22cm.
ISBN : 9781409453116.
658.382 TOW 142001
Safety improvement has actually slowed to a standstill.
In this book, the author suggests the main reason is the
failure to recognise the evolution in accident causation
and to evolve with it. He contends that everyone is
trying to continuously improve something in which
improvement cannot be measured.

** Industrial safety , Risk management

27 Kossmann, Mario
Requirements management : how to ensure you achieve what
you need from your projects / Mario Kossmann.-- Surrey:
Gower Publishing, 2013.
xxvi, 183p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781409451372.
658.404 KOS 142015
The book offers illustrated examples of systems of
different levels of complexity (one simple system, one
complex, and one highly complex system) to help you
categorize your own system and enable you to select the
right level of formality, a suitable organization and a
set of techniques and tools to carry out your
requirements work. It includes a series of comprehensive
checklists which can be used immediately to improve
urgent requirements aspects.

** Project management

28 Levitt, Tom
Welcome to GoodCo : using the tools of business to create
public good / Tom Levitt.-- Surrey: Gower Publishing,
xiv, 252p. , 25cm.
ISBN : 9781472409317.
658.408 LEV 142021
Welcome to GoodCo follows Tom Levitt-s, critically
acclaimed, Partners for Good which postulated that
elements within the private sector now understood the
social obligations of the corporate citizen and were
willing to play that role. This book explores that change
in attitude and examines how the processes, structures.

** Social responsibility of business -- Great Britain ,
Public-private sector cooperation -- Great Britain ,
Common good

29 Johnsen, Thomas E
Purchasing and supply chain management : a sustainability
perspective / Thomas E Johnsen, Mickey Howard and Joe
Miemczyk.-- London: Routledge, 2014.
xxi, 420p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415690881.
658.7 JOH 141999
This book aims to inspire the development of current and
future purchasing and supply chain leaders. In addition
to explaining the basic principles and processes of both
purchasing and supply chain management, the book
evaluates how to develop strategic and sustainable
purchasing and supply chain management. A key message is
that purchasing and supply chain management needs to
focus on value creation rather than cost cutting.

** Business logistics , Purchasing

30 Underhill, Paco
Why we buy : the science of shopping / Paco Underhill.--
New York: Simon and Schuster Paperbacks, 2009.
xii, 306p. , 21cm.
ISBN : 9781416595243.
658.8342 UND 142609-142610
Is there a method to the madness when it comes to
shopping? The author answers with a definitive "yes" in
this witty, eye-opening report on the nation-s ever-
evolving consumer culture.

** Marketing research , Consumer behavior , Shopping

   31 Cobley, Paul
Narrative / Paul Cobley.--2nd ed-- London: Routledge,
x, 292p. , 19cm.
ISBN : 9780415834445.
808.8023 COB 141996
This book covers a range of narrative forms and their
historical development from early oral and literate forms
through to contemporary digital media, encompassing
Hellenic and Hebraic foundations, the rise of the novel,
realist representations, narratives of imperialism,
modernism, cinema, postmodernism and new technologies.

** Narration (Rhetoric) , Fiction -- History and
   32 Brown, Dan
Deception point / Dan Brown.-- New York: Atria Books,
xiii, 557p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780743490306.
813.54 BRO 142602

** Americans -- Arctic regions -- Fiction , Presidents --
Election -- Fiction , Arctic regions -- Fiction

33 Grisham, John
A Painted house / John Grisham.-- New York: Bantam Books,
2001. 372p. , 20cm.
ISBN : 9780385337939.
813.54 GRI 142604

** Boys -- Fiction , Arkansas -- Fiction , Farm life --

34 Grisham, John
The Runaway jury / John Grisham.-- New York: Doubleday
Dell Publishing, 1996.
401p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 0385472943.
813.54 GRI 142605
In Biloxi, Mississippi, a woman sues a tobacco company
for the death of her husband from lung cancer. The
protagonists are a jury fixer, that is a lawyer whose
role is to assure a jury favorable to the company, and a
rogue juror whom the fixer cannot eliminate or control.
This is a landmark tobacco trial with hundreds of
millions of dollars at stake which begins routinely, then
swerves mysteriously off course. The jury is behaving
strangely, and at least one juror is convinced he-s being
watched. Soon they have to be sequestered. Then a tip
from an anonymous young woman suggests she is able to
predict the jurors- increasingly odd behavior. Is the
jury somehow being manipulated, or even controlled? If
so, by whom? And, more important, why?

** Trials (Products liability) -- Fiction , Jury --
Fiction , Biloxi (Miss.) -- Fiction

35 Green, John
The Fault in our stars / John Green.-- New York: Dutton
Books, 2012.
318p. , 21cm.
ISBN : 9780525478812.
813.6 GRE 142606
-The fault in our stars- is the story of a teenage girl,
Hazel Grace Lancaster, who prefers staying at home and
watches marathons of America-s Top Model. However, her
life takes a drastic turn when she is diagnosed with
terminal cancer. Hazel begins attending a support group
for young cancer patients and survivors. She is cynical
about the whole thing, but then she meets Augustus
Waters, who is in remission at a support group for kids
with cancer. This is when her life begins to change for
the better. The book portrays the amusing, tragic and
breathtaking moments that are felt while feeling alive
and being in love.

** Cancer in adolescence -- Juvenile fiction , Terminally
ill -- Juvenile fiction , Terminally ill children --
Juvenile fiction

   36 Archer, Jeffrey
False impression / Jeffrey Archer.-- New York: St.
Martin-s Press, 2006. 538p. , 19cm.
ISBN : 9780312939779.
823.914 ARC 142603
When an aristocratic old lady is brutally murdered in her
country home the night before 9/11, it takes all the
resources of the FBI and Interpol to work out the
connection between her and the possible motive for her
death ° a priceless Van Gogh painting. It°s a young woman
in the North Tower when the first plane crashed into the
building who has the courage and determination to take on
both sides of the law and avenge the old lady°s
death. Anna Petrescu is missing, presumed dead, after 9/11
and she uses her new status to escape from America, only
to be pursued across the world from Toronto to London, to
Hong Kong, Tokyo and Bucharest, but it is only when she
returns to New York that the mystery unfolds.Why are so
many people willing to risk their own lives and others-
to own the Van Gogh Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear?

** Missing persons -- Fiction , Art thefts -- Fiction ,
Revenge -- Fiction

37 Galbraith, Robert
The Silkworm / Robert Galbraith.-- New York: Mulholland
Books, 2014.
728p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780316410717.
823.914 GAL 142608
When novelist Owen Quine goes missing, his wife calls in
private detective Cormoran Strike. At first, Mrs. Quine
just thinks her husband has gone off by himself for a few
days--as he has done before--and she wants Strike to find
him and bring him home. But as Strike investigates, it
becomes clear that there is more to Quine-s disappearance
than his wife realizes. The novelist has just completed a
manuscript featuring poisonous pen-portraits of almost
everyone he knows. If the novel were to be published, it
would ruin lives--meaning that there are a lot of people
who might want him silenced. When Quine is found brutally
murdered under bizarre circumstances, it becomes a race
against time to understand the motivation of a ruthless
killer, a killer unlike any Strike has encountered

** Private investigators -- England -- London -- Fiction
Missing persons -- Investigation -- Fiction , Murder --
Investigation -- Fiction

38 Kinsella, Sophie
Shopaholic to the stars : a novel / Sophie Kinsella.--
New York: The Dial Press, 2014.
472p. , 21cm.
ISBN : 9780812993868.
823.92 KIN 142607

** Bloomwood, Becky (Fictitious character) -- Fiction ,
Shopping -- Fiction , Motion picture industry -- Fiction
   39 McCaffery, Peter (ed)
The Cultural history reader / Peter McCaffery and Ben
Marsden.-- London: Routledge, 2014.
lvii, 349p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415520430.
909 MAC 141985
This book provides a survey of texts about cultural
history. It demonstrates the distinctive contributions
made by cultural historians to a range of
historiographical methods and illustrates the insights to
be gained from analyses of how cultural factors have
shaped people-s experience of the world and guided their

** Civilization -- History , Readers -- Civilization
   40 Moore-Gilbert, Bart
The Setting sun : a memoir of empire and family secrets /
Bart Moore-Gilbert.-- London: Verso, 2014.
xi, 306p. , 21cm.
ISBN : 9781781682685.
954.0359092 MOO 142002
This book is the story of the dying days of an empire,
combined with gripping family history, in an
extraordinary literary voyage across India.When a letter
from an Indian historian arrives out of the blue,
informing leading academic Moore Gilbert that his
beloved, deceased father, a member of the Indian Police
before Independence,took part in the abuse of civilians,
his world is shaken as his cherished childhood memories
are challenged. He sets out in search of the
truth°discovering much about the end of empire, the state
of India today, and whether his father really was a
terrorist.Crisscrossing western India, and following
leads from bustling Mumbai to remote rural scenes, he
finally pieces together the truth, ultimately discovering
that the same story links the past with the present,
colonial India with its modern incarnation, terrorism
through the ages and father with son. .

** Police misconduct -- India -- Satara (District) --
Histor -- 20th century , Police -- India -- Satara
(District) -- History -- 20th century , Terrorism --
India -- Satara (District) -- History -- 20th century



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