New Arrivals
1 Gangadharaiah, G
Management of information products and services in
university libraries / G. Gangadharaiah.-- New Delhi:
Commonwealth Publishers, 2012.
328p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788131104279.
027.7095484 GAN 138662
The book measures the user satisfaction with the usage of
print and non-print including digital resources and
services rendered in University libraries and also aims
at evaluating the efficiency of Librarians and
information scientists who are information transfer
agents in the current context.
** Academic libraries -- India -- Andhra Pradesh --
Information services, Academic libraries -- India --
Andhra Pradesh -- Automation, Academic libraries -- India
-- Andhra Pradesh -- Electronic information resources
Top |
2 Duhigg, Charles
Power of habit: why we do what we do in life and business
/ Charles Duhigg.-- New York: Random House, 2012.
ISBN : 9781400069286.
158.1 DUH 138791
This book tells thrilling edge of scientific discoveries
that explain why habits exist and how they can be
changed. It also tells a whole new understanding of human
nature and its potential for transformation after taking
with penetrating intelligence and an ability to distill
vast amounts of information into engrossing narratives.
** Habit, Habit-Social aspects, Change (Psychology)
Top |
3 Yin, Robert K
Case study research : design and methods / Robert K Yin.-
5th ed-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2014.
xxviii, 282p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781452242569.
300.722 YIN 138687
This book offers comprehensive coverage of the design and
use of the case study method as a valid research tool and
shows how they are applied in practice. It also gives
access to exemplary case studies drawn from a wide
variety of academic and applied fields.
** Social sciences -- Research -- Methodology
Top |
4 Du Gay, Paul
Doing cultural studies : the story of the Sony walkman /
Paul Du Gay and others.--2nd ed-- Los Angeles: Sage
Publications, 2013.
xxxii, 175p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781849205504.
303.483 DUG 138690
What does the Walkman have to do with the 21st century?
The long-awaited second edition of this classic textbook
takes students on a journey to the past and back again,
giving them to skills do to cultural analysis along the
way. Through the -circuit of culture-, this book teaches
students to critically examine what culture means, and
how and why it is enmeshed with the media texts and
objects in their lives. Students will gain practical
experience with the historical comparative method and
learn to think about some of the cultural conundrums of
the present . It is an essential classic, reworked for
today-s students in cultural studies, media studies and
** Sound -- Equipment and supplies -- Social aspects
Top |
5 Kumar, S
Empowerment of tribal women / S Kumar.-- New Delhi: ALP
Books, 2012.
304p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789382215547.
305.40954 KUM 138659
The aim of this book is to get an insigt into the nature,
role and extent of participation of the elected women
panchayat members in Andhra Pradesh-s rural local self
government in tribal areas, and at the same time asses
the role played by the civil society in realization of
grass root democracy.
** Tribes -- Government policy -- India, Rural women --
Government policy -- India, Women in development -- India
6 Sangari, Kumkum (ed)
Recasting women :essays in colonial history / Kumkum
Sangari and Sudesh Vaid.-- New Delhi: Zubaan, 1989.
486p. , 20cm.
ISBN : 9789381017937.
305.40954 SAN 138684
In this book, contributors bring together some of India-s
leading historians and feminist theorists to examine the
impact of patriarchy on women-s daily lives during the
colonial period, specifically in relation to caste and
** Women -- India -- Social conditions, India -- History
- British occupation, 1765-1947.
7 Chakravarti, Uma
Rewriting history : the life and times of Pandita Ramabai
/ Uma Chakravarti.-- New Delhi: Zubaan, 1998.
xiii, 402p. , 20cm.
ISBN : 9788185107790.
305.42092 RAM 138683
** Ramabai Sarasvati, -- 1858-1922, Christian converts
from Hinduism -- India -- Maharashtra -- Biography,
Feminism -- India -- Maharashtra -- Biography.
Top |
8 Gilbert, Elizabeth
Committed : a skeptic makes peace with marriage /
Elizabeth Gilbert.-- New York: Viking, 2010.
xvi, 285p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780670021659.
306.81 GIL 138721
The book tells the story of one woman-s efforts through
contemplation, historical study and extensive conversion
with every soul she encountered along the way to make
peace with marriage.
** Divorced women-United States-Biography, Wives-United
States-Biography, Marriage
Top |
9 Neier, Aryeh
The International human rights movement : a history /
Aryeh Neier.-- Princeton: Princeton University Press,
379p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780691159607.
323 NEI 138734
The international human rights movement has had a crucial
hand in the struggle against totalitarian regimes,
cruelties in wars, and crimes against humanity. This book
offers a comprehensive account of this global force, from
its beginnings in the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries to its essential place in world affairs today.
** Human rights, Human rights -- History, Human rights
advocacy -- History.
10 Dalton, Russell J
Citizen politics : public opinion and political parties
in advanced industrial democracies / Russell J Dalton.--
6th ed-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2014.
xvi, 340p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781452203003.
323.042 DAL 138688
This book analyses focus on citizen politics in the
United States, Great Britain, France, and Germany with
frequent comparisons to other established democracies. It
shows debate on the vitality of contemporary democracy
and argues that ongoing processes of social modernization
are changing the values and behavior of the public. It
also concentrates people are becoming more active in the
political process, more likely to participate in elite-
challenging activities, more likely to vote on issues and
other policy criteria, and more demanding of their
** Political parties, Political participation, Democracy,
Public opinion, Comparative government
Top |
11 Ormrod, Robert P
Political marketing : theory and concepts / Robert P
Ormrod , Stephan C M Henneberg and Nicholas J. O-Sh.--
Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2013.
x, 209p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780857025814.
324.7 ORM 138692
Political Marketing: Theories and Concepts provides
students with a valuable and critical understanding of
how political parties use marketing to attain their aims.
Unlike other textbooks, this text explicitly focuses on
the theoretical underpinnings and cutting edge concepts
used by political parties, allowing students to gain key
insights into how they win elections and remain in power.
** Campaign management, Marketing
Top |
12 CQ researcher (ed)
Global issues 2013 edition : selections from CQ
researcher / CQ researcher(ed).--2013 ed-- Los Angeles:
Sage Publications, 2014.
xxi, 431p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781452241531.
327 GLO 138691
CQ Researcher is the choice of librarians, researchers,
and students seeking original, comprehensive reporting
and analysis on the most vital issues shaping our world.
Each weekly report offers in-depth, unbiased coverage of
a single topic. Written by CQ Press-s staff of
experienced reporters, these reports provide up-to-date
information on a wide range of social, economic,
political, environmental, and international issues.
** Globalization, International relations, Security,
Top |
13 Medema, Steven G (ed)
The History of economic thought : a reader / Steven G
Medema and Warren J Samuels.--2nd ed-- London: Routledge,
xii, 767p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415568685.
330.1 MED 138611
This book brings together readings from more than two
thousand years of writings on economic subjects covering
major themes that have preoccupied economic thinkers
throughout the ages, including price determination and
the underpinnings of the market system, monetary theory
and policy, international trade and finance, income
distribution, and the appropriate role for government
within the economic system.
** Economics-History
14 Harvey, David
Spaces of global capitalism / David Harvey.-- London:
Verso, 2006.
154p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9781844675500.
330.122 HAR 138590
In this book, author offers a comprehensive critique of
contemporary capitalism. He shows the way forward for
just such an understanding, enlarging upon the key themes
in his recent work: the development of neo-liberalism,
the spread of inequalities across the globe, and -space-
as a key theoretical concept.
** Capitalism, Regional economic disparities, Space in
15 Rege, Sharmila
Writing caste/writing gender: reading Dalit women-s
testimonios / Sharmila Rege.-- New Delhi: Zubaan, 2013.
xv, 525p. , 20cm.
ISBN : 9789381017920.
330.9 REG 138685
This book offers a powerful counter-narrative to the
mainstream assumptions about the development of feminism
in India in the 20th century. It covers different issues
such as food and hunger, community, caste, labor,
education, violence, resistance and collective struggle
of Dalit women-s.
** Dalits -- India -- Maharashtra -- Biography, Women --
India -- Maharashtra -- Biography, Feminism -- India --
16 Benner, Mats (ed)
Before and beyond the global economic crisis : economics,
politics and settlement / Mats Benner.-- Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar, 2013.
x, 262p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781781952009.
330.9051 BEN 138788
This book examines whether and how the finance-led growth
model can be transformed. It also analyses significant
contributions to understand global economic crisis since
2008 and the search for possible new paths beyond the
** Economic history -- 21st century, Global Financial
Crisis, 2008-2009
17 Berkowitz, Roger (ed)
The Intellectual origins of the global financial crisis /
Roger Berkowitz and Taun N Toay.-- New York: Fordham
University Press, 2012.
ix, 217p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780823249602.
330.90511 BER 138763
Commentary on the financial crisis has offered technical
analysis, political finger pointing, and myriad economic
and political solutions. But rarely do these
investigations reach beyond the economic and political
causes of the crisis to explore their underlying
intellectual grounds. The essays in this volume delve
deeper into the cultural and intellectual foundations,
philosophical ideas, political traditions, and economic
movements that underlie the greatest financial crisis in
nearly a century. Moving beyond traditional economic and
political science approaches, these essays engage
thinkers from Hannah Arendt to Max Weber and Adam Smith
to Michel Foucault.
** Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009, Financial crises -
Philosophy, Economics -- Philosophy
18 Harford, Tim
The Undercover economist / Tim Harford.-- London: Abacus,
xii, 368p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780349119854.
330.90511 HAR 138550
** Economic history -- 1990-, Economics, Consumer
19 Matthijs, Matthias M
Ideas and economic crises in Britain from Attlee to Blair
(1945-2005) / Matthias M Matthijs.-- London: Routledge,
xiv, 258p. 23cm.
(Routledge explorations in economic history, 49).
ISBN : 9780415533430.
330.941085 MAT 138733
Rather than simply retell the story of British economic
policymaking since World War II, this book offers a
theoretically informed version of events, which draws
upon the literatures on institutional path dependence,
economic constructivism and political economy.
** Financial crises --Great Britain --History, Great
Britain --Economic policy --1945-1964, Great Britain --
Economic policy --1964-1979.
Top |
20 Chatterjee, Piya
A Time for tea: women, labor and postcolonial politics on
an Indian plantation / Piya Chatterjee.-- New Delhi:
Zubaan, 2003.
xvi, 417p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9788186706534.
331.480954 CHA 138686
In this creative, ethnographic and historical critique of
labour practices on an Indian plantation, Piya Chatterjee
provides a sophisticated examination of the production,
consumption and circulation of tea.
** Women tea plantation workers -- India -- History --
20th century, Tea trade -- India -- History -- 20th
Top |
21 Toporowski, Jan (ed)
Handbook of critical issues in finance / Jan Toporowski
and Jo Michell.-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012.
xi, 326p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781849803700.
332 TOP 138759
This book presents key issues in finance that have been
widely discussed in the financial markets but have been
neglected in textbooks and the usual compilations of
conventional academic wisdom.
** Finance, Banks and banking
22 Quennouelle-Corre, Laure (ed)
Financial centres and international capital flows in the
nineteenth and twentieth centuries / Laure Quennouelle-
Corre and Youssef Cassis.-- Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2011.
xii, 269p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780199603503.
332.042 QUE 138782
The book brings together leading authorities in the field
to examine the direction of international capital flows
historically in light of the nature of the banking
system, market organization, the regulatory framework,
and contextual political and diplomatic factors.
Contributions discuss competition, collaboration,
withdrawal, and re-emergence of financial centres in
Europe, America, and Asia over the past two centuries.
Written from a historical perspective but taking full
account of recent studies in financial economics, the
book, with contributions from leading international
scholars, provides new research and approaches to a
highly topical issue and sheds light on the recent
financial crisis and its aftermath.
** Capital movements -- History -- 19th century, Capital
movements -- History -- 20th century , Banks and banking,
International -- History -- 19th century, Banks and
banking, International -- History -- 20th century
23 Freixas, Xavier (ed)
Handbook of European financial markets and institutions /
Xavier Freixas, Philipp Hartmann and Colin Mayer.--
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
xxi, 814p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780199229956.
332.094 FRE 138760
This book is a must-have reference for policymakers,
financial market practitioners, and graduate students and
academics with an interest in this increasingly important
area. It also contributes a rigorous but non-technical
fashion, drawing on the latest theories and empirical
evidence making them accessible to lay readers as well as
academic specialists.
** Finance -- Europe, Financial institutions -- Europe
24 Krippner, Greta R
Capitalizing on crisis : the political origins of the
rise of finance / Greta R Krippner.-- Cambridge: Harvard
University Press, 2011.
xv, 222p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780674066199.
332.0973 KRI 138719
In this book, the author traces the longer-term
historical evolution that made the rise of finance
possible, arguing that this development rested on a
broader transformation of the U.S. economy than is
suggested by the current preoccupation with financial
** Finance -- United States, Financial services industry
- United States, Monetary policy -- United States.
25 Johnson, R Stafford
Debt markets and analysis / R Stafford Johnson.-- Hoboken
: Bloomberg Press, 2013.
xiii, 706p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9781118600007.
332.632044 JOH 138776
This book is an essential guide in the field of Debt
market and analysis. It provides a better understanding
of the complexities and subtleties of the debt markets to
apply that knowledge to real-world investment decisions.
** Fixed-income securities, Debt, Bonds, Securities
26 Clark, Gordon L
Sovereign wealth funds : legitimacy, governance, and
global power / Gordon L Clark, Adam D Dixon and Ashby H B
Monk.-- Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013.
xxi, 212p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780691142296.
332.67252 CLA 138718
This book maps the global footprints of these financial
institutions, examining their governance and investment
management, and issues of domestic and international
legitimacy. Through a variety of case studies--from the
China Investment Corporation to the funds of several Gulf
States--the authors show that the forces propelling the
adoption and development of sovereign wealth funds vary
by country. The authors also show that many of these
investment institutions have identifiable commonalities
of form and function that match the core institutions of
Western financial markets.
** Sovereign wealth funds, Sovereign wealth funds -- Law
and legislation, Investments, Foreign -- Case studies.
27 Safley, Thomas Max
The History of bankruptcy : economic, social and cultural
implications in early modern Europe / Thomas Max Safley.-
London: Routledge, 2013.
x, 250p. 24cm.
(Routledge explorations in economic history, 60).
ISBN : 9780415687300.
332.750940903 SAF 138732
This book takes up bankruptcy in early modern Europe,
when its frequency made it not only an economic problem
but a personal tragedy and a social evil. Using legal,
business and personal records, the essays in this book
examine the impact of failure on business organizations
and practices, capital formation and circulation,
economic institutions and ethics, and human networks and
relations in the so-called "transition" to modern
society, from the early-sixteenth to the early-nineteenth
** Bankruptcy -- Europe -- History, Europe -- Economic
Top |
28 Hoekstra, Arjen Y
The Water footprint of modern consumer society / Arjen Y
Hoekstra.-- London: Routledge, 2013.
xvi, 204p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781849713030.
333.9113 HOE 138786
This book demonstrates how water scarce regions
sometimes, nevertheless, use lots of water for making
export products. It raises the issue of sustainable
consumption of how consumers, businesses and governments
get involved in reducing the water footprints of final
consumer goods.
** Water consumption, Water use, Water conservation
Top |
29 Birchall, Johnston
Finance in an age of austerity : the power of customer-
owned banks / Johnston Birchall.-- Cheltenham: Edward
Elgar, 2013.
ix, 235p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781781951835.
334.2 BIR 138781
This book explores history and current situation,
measures the impact of the banking crisis, and makes a
systematic study of their advantages, after comparing
alternatives. It also investigates their supervision and
governance structures providing hard evidence for the
superiority of customer-owned banks.
** Banks and banking, Cooperative
Top |
30 Austin, Gareth (ed)
Labour-intensive industrialization in global history /
Gareth Austin and Kaoru Sugihara.-- London: Routledge,
xiii, 310p. 24cm.
(Routledge explorations in economic history, 59).
ISBN : 9780415455527.
338.09 AUS 138736
This book is a collection of essays on the theme of
labour intensive industrialization. The editors seek to
identify it as a core theme of global economic history
and to set out a coherent debate among the authors and
** Industrialization -- History, Labor -- History.
31 Fligstein, Neil
The Transformation of corporate control / Neil Fligstein.
-- Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1990.
viii, 391p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780674903593.
338.604 FLI 138717
In this book, the author challenges prevailing theories
of the corporation and proposes radically new view in
which the firm is driven not so much by market forces as
by the state and its policies toward business. The author
traces the evolution, over the past century, of corporate
strategy from an initial emphasis on direct control, to
one on manufacturing, then sales and marketing, and
finally to today-s focus on finance.
** Trade regulation -- United States -- History,
Antitrust law -- United States -- History, Big business -
United States -- History.
32 Wigdor, Mitchell
No miracle : what Asia can teach all countries about
growth / Mitchell Wigdor.-- Surrey: Ashgate Publishing,
(Global finance).
ISBN : 9781409438113.
338.9270959 WIG 138790
This book highlights the role of institutions in bridging
the -digital divide- between rich and poor nations and
what that means for the country-s integration into a
global economy. It also shows case studies of the
economic development strategies of Singapore and Malaysia
from 1960 demonstrate that institution-building and
economic development may be as much about process as the
specific policies governments pursue.
** Information technology-Economic aspects, Institution
building-Economic aspects, Digital divide, Investments,
Foreign-Developing countries, Economic development-
Singapore, Economic development-Malaysia
Top |
33 Garon, Sheldon
Beyond our means : why America spends while the world
saves / Sheldon Garon.-- Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 2012.
475p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780691159584.
339.43 GAR 138726
This book highlights the role of institutions and moral
suasion in shaping habits of saving and spending. It
shows how the encouragement of thrift was not a relic of
indigenous traditions but a modern movement to confront
rising consumption.
** Saving and investment, Thriftiness -- United States,
Thriftiness -- Asia.
Top |
34 Lerner, Hanna
Making constitutions in deeply divided societies / Hanna
Lerner.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
ix, 262p. , 23 cm.
ISBN : 9781107610576.
342.02 LER 138681
While most theories discuss constitution-making in the
context of a moment of revolutionary change, Hanna Lerner
argues that an incrementalist approach to constitution-
making can enable societies riven by deep internal
disagreements to either enact a written constitution or
function with an unwritten one. She illustrates the
process of constitution-writing in three deeply divided
societies - Israel, India and Ireland - and explores the
various incrementalist strategies deployed by their
drafters. These include the avoidance of clear decisions,
the use of ambivalent legal language and the inclusion of
contrasting provisions in the constitution. Such
techniques allow the deferral of controversial choices
regarding the foundational aspects of the polity to
future political institutions, thus enabling the
constitution to reflect a divided identity.
** Constitutional law -- Israel, Constitutional law --
India, Constitutional law -- Ireland
Top |
35 Pilot, Sara (ed)
The Fear that stalks : gender based violence in public
spaces / Sara Pilot and Lora Prabhu.-- New Delhi: Zubaan,
x, 337p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9789381017135.
362.8808 PIL 138682
** Women -- Violence against -- India -- Congresses,
Women -- Legal status, laws, etc. -- India -- Congresses,
Family violence -- India -- Congresses
Top |
36 Yar, Majid
Cybercrime and society / Majid Yar.--2nd ed-- Los Angeles
: Sage Publications, 2013.
x, 214p. , 24cm.
ISBN : 9781446201947.
364.168 YAR 138689
Cybercrime is a complex and ever-changing phenomenon.
This book offers a clear and engaging introduction to
this fascinating subject by situating it in the wider
context of social, political, cultural and economic
change. Taking into account recent developments in social
networking and mobile communications, this new edition
tackles a range of themes spanning criminology,
sociology, law, politics and cultural studies,.
** Computer crimes
Top |
37 Olsson, Sven-Olof (ed)
Managing crises and de-globalisation : Nordic foreign
trade and exchange 1919-1939 / Sven-Olof Olsson.-- London
: Routledge, 2010.
xi, 228p. 23cm.
(Routledge explorations in economic history, 47).
ISBN : 9780415561723.
382.094809042 OLS 138737
This book discuss why and how this rather successful
Nordic experience was achieved. The topics covered
include commercial and monetary policies but also
important industries such as forestry, agriculture and
fishing. Many of the chapters are comparative and discuss
economic developments in two or more Nordic countries.
** Scandinavia -- Commercial policy -- History -- 20th
century, Monetary policy -- Scandinavia -- History --
20th century, Foreign exchange -- Scandinavia -- History
- 20th century.
Top |
38 Moore, Will H
A Mathematics course for political and social research /
Will H Moore and David A Siegel.-- Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2013.
xix, 430p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780691159171.
510.72 MOO 138738
This book begins with the fundamental building blocks of
mathematics and basic algebra, then goes on to cover
essential subjects such as calculus in one and more than
one variable, including optimization, constrained
optimization, and implicit functions.
** Mathematics --Study and teaching (Higher) --
Methodology Mathematics --Study and teaching (Higher) --
Social aspects, Mathematics --Study and teaching (Higher)
--Political aspects
Top |
39 Murugan, K
Techniques of record management / K Murugan.-- New Delhi:
ALP Books, 2012.
239p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789382215356.
651.5 MUR 138666
This book and explains different methods of record
management in a office starting from methods of file
management to sampling techniques and form designing to
work measurement and many other functions in modern
** Management information systems, Industrial management,
Business -- Data processing
Top |
40 Pandian, I D
Business management / I D Pandian.-- New Delhi: ALP Books
, 2012.
270p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789382215103.
658 PAN 138653
** Business management.
41 Seth, Amita
Capital management and commercial banking / Amita Seth.--
New Delhi: ALP Books, 2012.
304p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789382215073.
658.152 SET 138654
** Business enterprises -- Finance, Working capital.
Human capital -- Management.
42 Wilson, Mark A (ed)
The Handbook of work analysis : methods, systems,
applications and science of work measurement in
organizations / Mark A Wilson and others.-- New York:
Routledge, 2012.
xl, 778p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9781848728707.
658.306 WIL 138610
This book is on work design and job analysis practice and
research in over 20 years. It consists of four parts:
Methods, Systems, Applications and Research/Innovations.
** Job analysis, Work measurement.
43 Gass, Saul I (ed)
Encyclopedia of operations research and management
science / Saul I Gass and Michael C Fu.--3rd ed-- New
York: Springer, 2013.
xxvi, 816p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9781441911377.
658.403403 GAS 138838-138839
This encyclopedia provides decision-makers in Operations
Research with a comprehensive overview of the range of
ideas and forces that combine in OR/MS. New topics for
the third edition include yield management, flexible
queuing systems, service management, local search,
tolerance sensitivity analysis, influence diagrams,
knowledge management, strategy and policy making, school
districting, computational biology.
** Operations research -- Encyclopedias, Management
science -- Encyclopedias
Top |
44 Auel, Jean M
The Land of painted caves : a novel / Jean M Auel.--
London: Hodder Stoughton, 2011.
x, 784p. 17cm.
ISBN : 9781444720570.
813.54 AUE 138565
** Ayla (Fictitious character) --Fiction, Prehistoric
peoples --Fiction, Women --Europe --Fiction, Glacial
epoch --Fiction, Europe --Fiction.
45 Auel, Jean M
The Mammoth hunters / Jean M Auel.-- London: Hodder and
Stoughton, 1985.
xi, 718p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9781444704358.
813.54 AUE 138568
** Prehistoric peoples --Fiction, Ayla (Fictitious
character) --Fiction, Glacial epoch --Europe --Fiction.
46 Brown, Dan
Digital fortress / Dan Brown.-- New York: Thomas Dunne
Books, 1998.
371p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9780312263126.
813.54 BRO 138724
** Intelligence officers--Fiction, Computer security--
Fiction, Cryptographers--Fiction
47 Clark, Mary Higgins
Daddy-s gone a hunting : a novel / Mary Higgins Clark.--
New York: Simon and Schuster, 2013.
viii, 338p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781451668940.
813.54 CLA 138723
** Family-owned business enterprises --Fiction, Arson
investigation --Fiction, Murder --Investigation --
48 Clark, Mary Higgins
Loves music, loves to dance / Mary Higgins Clark.-- New
York: Pocket Books, 1991.
304p. 17cm.
ISBN : 9780671758899.
813.54 CLA 138744
** New York (N.Y.) -- Fiction, Mystery and detective
stories, Thrillers
49 Jordan, Robert
The Eye of the World / Robert Jordan.-- New York: A Tom
Doherty Associates Book, 1990.
814p. 17cm.
(The wheel of time).
ISBN : 9780812511819.
813.54 JOR 138780
** Fantasy fiction
50 Steel, Danielle
44 Charles street / Danielle Steel.-- London: Corgi Books
, 2011.
380p. 17cm.
ISBN : 9780552158992.
813.54 STE 138631
** Boardinghouses --Fiction, Domestic fiction, West
Village (New York, N.Y.) --Fiction.
51 Steel, Danielle
Betrayal : a novel / Danielle Steel.-- London: Corgi
Books, 2012.
397p. 17cm.
ISBN : 9780552159050.
813.54 STE 138634
** Women public officers -- United States -- Fiction ,
Conspiracy -- Fiction , Betrayal -- Fiction , Mothers and
daughters -- United States -- Fiction , Military-
industrial complex -- Fiction , Suspense fiction ,
52 Gimenez, Mark
The Abduction / Mark Gimenez.-- London: Sphere, 2007.
533p. 17cm.
ISBN : 9780751539462.
813.6 GIM 138552
** Kidnapping --Fiction.
53 Griham, John
Theodore Boone: the accused / John Griham.-- London:
Hodder and Stoughton, 2012.
271p. 17cm.
ISBN : 9781444757194.
813.6 GRI 138536
** Mysteries and Detective Stories, Action and Adventure.
54 Paretsky, Sara
Hardball : A V I Warshawski novel / Sara Paretsky.--
London: Hodder and Stoughton, 2009.
xi, 446p. 17cm.
ISBN : 9780340839164.
813.6 WAR 138562
** Warshawski, V. I. (Fictitious character) -- Fiction,
Women private investigators -- Fiction -- Illinois --
Chicago, Detective and mystery stories.
Top |
55 Galsworthy, John
The Forsyte saga : over the river / John Galsworthy.--
London: Headline Publishing, 2007.
304p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780755340934.
823.912 GAL 138561
** Forsyte family (Fictitious characters) --Fiction.
56 Galbraith, Robert
The Cuckoo-s calling / Robert Galbraith.-- New York:
Mulholland Books, 2013. 455p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780316206846.
823.914 GAL 138722
** Private investigators -- England -- London -- Fiction,
Afghan War, 2001- -- Veterans -- Fiction, Murder --
Investigation -- Fiction.
57 Rowling, J K
The Casual vacancy / J K Rowling.-- New York: Little,
Brown, 2012.
503p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780316228534.
823.914 ROW 138720
** City council members-Death-Fiction, Local elections-
Fiction, City and town life-England -Fiction
58 McCall Smith, Alexander
Espresso tales : the latest from 44 Scotland street /
Alexander McCall Smith.-- London: Abacus, 2005.
viii, 342p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780349119700.
823.917 MAC 138558
** Edinburgh (Scotland) -- Social life and customs --
Fiction, Apartment houses -- Fiction.
59 Lawrence, Caroline
The Roman mysteries : the man from Pomegranate Street /
Caroline Lawrence.-- London: Orion Children-s Books, 2009
262p. 19cm.
(The Roman mysteries, 17).
ISBN : 9781842556085.
823.92 LAW 138531
** Titus, -- Emperor of Rome, -- 40-81 -- Death and
burial -- Juvenile fiction, Gemina, Flavia (Fictitious
character) -- Juvenile fiction, Rome -- History --
Flavians, 69-96 -- Juvenile fiction.
60 McCall Smith, Alexander
The Saturday big tent wedding party / Alexander McCall
Smith.-- London: Abacus, 2011. 248p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780349123134.
823.92 MAC 138532
** Ramotswe, Precious (Fictitious character) -- Fiction,
No. 1 Ladies- Detective Agency (Imaginary organization) -
Fiction, Women private investigators -- Botswana --
61 Roberts, Gregory David
Shantaram / Gregory David Roberts.-- London: Abacus, 2013
x, 933p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780349138978.
823.92 ROB 138547
** Fugitives from justice -- Australia -- Fiction ,
Fugitives from justice -- India -- Bombay -- Fiction ,
Organised crime -- India -- Bombay -- Fiction
Top |
62 Mishra, Pankaj
From the ruins of empire : the revolt against the West
and the remaking of Asia / Pankaj Mishra.-- London:
Penguin Books, 2012.
xi, 356p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780241954669.
950.3 MIS 138585
In this book, the author re-tells the history of the past
two centuries, showing how a remarkable, disparate group
of thinkers, journalists, radicals and charisma tics
emerged from the ruins of empire to create an unstoppable
Asian renaissance, one whose ideas lie behind everything
from the Chinese Communist Party to the Muslim
Brotherhood, and have made our world what it is today.
** Asia -- History -- 19th century, Asia -- History --
20th century, East and West -- History -- 19th century.
63 Mishra, Pankaj
Temptations of the west: how to be modern in India and
beyond / Pankaj Mishra.-- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2006.
438p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780143421252.
954.05 MIS 138583
In this sparkling collection from one of our greatest
essayists, Pankaj Mishra looks at the surprising ways
modernity has come to South Asia. With lurid and
astonishing characters, including, among others, heroin
addicted jihadis, Indian mafia dons, Bollywood stars and
Tibetan Buddhist activists, Mishra paints a picture of
societies that are still struggling to define themselves.
** South Asia -- Description and travel, South Asia --
Civilization -- Western influences, Mishra, Pankaj --
Travel -- South Asia
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