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 003   SYSTEMS  
   1 Nelson, Barry L
Foundations and methods of stochastic simulation : a
first course / Barry L Nelson.-- New York: Springer, 2013
xiv, 276p. 24cm.
(International series in operations research and management
science, 187.)
ISBN : 9781461461593.
003.3 NEL 138606
This book covers modeling, programming and analysis of
simulation experiments and provides a rigorous treatment
of the foundations of simulation and why it works. It
introduces object-oriented programming for simulation,
covers both the probabilistic and statistical basis for
simulation in a rigorous but accessible manner (providing
all necessary background material), and provides a modern
treatment of experiment design and analysis that goes
beyond classical statistics.

** Simulation methods, Stochastic processes --
Mathematical models, Stochastic analysis.
   2 Sudha, T (ed)
Emerging trends in information and communication systems
security / T Sudha.-- New Delhi: Commonwealth Publishers,
326p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9788131104255.
005.8 SUD 138658
This book shows all aspects of the modeling, design,
implementation, deployment and management of security
algorithms, protocols, architectures and systems. It also
contributes devoted to the evaluation, optimization, or
enhancement of security and privacy mechanisms for
current technologies, as well as devising efficient
security and privacy solutions for emerging areas from
physical layer technology to the application layer, are

** Computer security -- Congresses, Computer networks --
Security measures -- Congresses, Telecommunication
systems -- Security measures -- Congresses
 170   ETHICS  
   3 Rathore, Sachin
Ethical business management / Sachin Rathore.-- New Delhi
: ALP Books, 2012.
304p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789382215493.
174.4 RAT 138660
This book implies analysis and evaluation of ethical
diagnosis of past actions and events which consists of
clarifying standards and lines of arguments. It also
tries to provide therapeutic advice and also suggests
solutions and policies facing the present dilemmas and
future dangers based on well- informed opinions.
** Business ethics, Industrial management

4 Schonfeld, Martin (ed)
Global ethics on climate change : the planetary crisis
and philosophical alternatives / Martin Schonfeld.--
London: Routledge, 2013.
xi, 126p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415509183.
179.1 SCH 138608
This book emphasizes volatility of climate change is
increasing. Many climatologists, policy analysts and
environmental groups regard the West as the largest
contributor to the problems caused by climate change. It
also raises questions concerning the systemic and
cultural reasons for Western countries- unwillingness to
bear full responsibility for their carbon emissions. Is
the Western paradigm failing? Can other cultures offer
solutions? Are there alternatives for designing a better
future? .

** Environmental ethics, Climatic changes -- Philosophy
   5 Laruelle, Francois
Anti-Badiou : on the introduction of Maoism into
philosophy / Francois Laruelle.-- London: Bloomsbury,
xli, 246p. 20cm.
ISBN : 9781441195746.
194 LAR 138635
This compelling and highly original book represents a
confrontation between two of the most radical thinkers at
work in France today: Alain Badiou and the author,
Franèois Laruelle.

** Badiou, Alain --Criticism and interpretation, Badiou,
Alain --Political and social views, Communism,
Philosophy, French --20th century.
   6 Gladwell, Malcolm
The Tipping point : how little things can make a big
difference / Malcolm Gladwell.-- London: Abacus, 2000.
279p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780349113463.
302 GLA 138548
This book explains and analyses the -tipping point-, that
magic moment when ideas, trends and social behavior cross
a threshold, tip and spread like wildfire. It also tells
the fascinating social dynamics that cause rapid change.

** Social psychology, Contagion (Social psychology),

7 Panigrahi, A K
Media industry : an analysis / A K Panigrahi.-- New Delhi
: ALP Books, 2012.
254p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789382215363.
302.23 PAN 138663
This book discusses the following topics: Media
Economics, Role of Government, Role of Media consumers,
Future of the Media Industry, Global Economics and
Research in Media Industry.

** Mass media.

8 Forsyth, Donelson R
Group dynamics / Donelson R Forsyth.--6th ed-- Australia:
Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2014.
xix, 732p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781285051444.
302.34 FOR 138609
This book combines an emphasis on research, empirical
studies supporting theoretical understanding of groups,
and extended case studies to illustrate the application
of concepts to actual groups. This book builds each
chapter around a real-life case, drawing on examples from
a range of disciplines including psychology, law,
education, sociology, and political science.

** Social groups.
   9 Hobsbawm, Eric
Uncommon people : resistance, rebellion and jazz / Eric
Hobsbawm.-- London: Abacus, 1998.
ix, 470p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780349112282.
305.562 HOB 138549
This essay opens up a new field of study and set
standards of wide ranging, evocative, incisive analysis.
It also highlights a passionate concern for the lives and
struggles of ordinary men and women- uncommon people, all
of them.

** Working class -- History
   10 Mikler, John (ed)
The Handbook of global companies / John Mikler.-- West
Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
xxii, 522p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780470673232.
322.3 MIK 138622
The Handbook of Global Companies brings together original
research addressing the latest theories and empirical
analysis surrounding the role of global companies in
local, national, and international governance. It covers
topics including the spatial locations of global
companies debate about the power they wield and their
role as catalysts in new forms of governance, and the
ways in which global companies share authority with the
state and international organizations to drive policy

** International business enterprises --Political aspects
Business and politics, International relations.
 330   ECONOMICS  
   11 Piros, Christopher D
Economics for investment decision makers : micro, macro,
and international economics / Christopher D Piros and
Jerald E Pinto.-- Hoboken: Wiley, 2013.
xxi, 769p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9781118105368.
330 PIR 138598
This guides all economics terms, concepts, theories,
practices, and principles that investment professionals
need to understand in order to make sense of global
economic events and to formulate investment decisions
based on a deep understanding of the economic realities
that drive the markets.

** Supply and demand, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics,

   12 Gueyie, Jean-Pierre (ed)
Microfinance in developing countries : issues, policies
and performance evaluation / Jean-Pierre Gueyie, Ronny
Manos and Jacob Yaron.-- New York: Palgrave Macmillan,
xiv, 244p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780230348462.
332 GUE 138618
Microfinance in Developing Countries is a collection of
studies by leading researchers in the field of
microfinance. It discusses key issues that the rapidly
growing microfinance industry currently faces. It offers
interesting views and innovative analysis of topical
matters concerning impact, performance, challenges and
innovations in the microfinance realm. Issues relating to
impact include measurement problems, the debate of
multiple versus single assessment criteria, and the
question of whether microfinance institutions are
effective in delivering the microfinance promise.

** Microfinance --Developing countries.

13 Babu, G Ramesh
Management of financial markets and services in India / G
Ramesh Babu.-- New Delhi: Concept Publishing, 2012.
xxiii, 416p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9788180698248.
332.04150954 BAB 138661

** Capital markets -- India -- Management , Financial
services industry -- India -- Management
   14 Engerman, Stanley L (ed)
Land rights, ethno nationality and sovereignty in history
/ Stanley L Engerman and Jacob Metzer.-- London:
Routledge, 2006.
xi, 403p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415771191.
333.3 ENG 138580
This book illuminates the diverse causes of ethno-
national land disputes, and the different forms of
adjustment and accommodation to the power differences
between the contesting groups. It appeals to economic
historians, economists, political scientists,
sociologists, anthropologists and all scholars interested
in the issues concerning ethno-nationality and land
rights in historical perspective.

** Land tenure -- Congresses, Sovereignty -- Congresses,
Property rights

15 Golusin, Mirjana
Sustainable energy management / Mirjana Golusin, Sinisa
Dodic and Stevan Popov.-- Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2013.
ix, 391p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780124159785.
333.794 GOL 138626
This book reports from the forefront of the energy
struggle in the developing world, offering a guide to
implementation of sustainable energy management in
practice. The authors provide new paradigms for measuring
energy sustainability, pragmatic methods for applying
renewable resources and efficiency improvements, and
unique insights on managing risk in power production
facilities. The book highlights the possible financial
and practical impacts of these activities, as well as the
methods of their calculation.

** Renewable Energy, Energy development, Renewable energy

16 Exner, Andreas (ed)
Land and resource scarcity : capitalism, struggle and
well being in a world without fossil fuels / Andreas
Exner and others.-- London: Routledge, 2013.
ix, 307p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415630610.
333.82 EXN 138616
The book sets out to analyze how crises of energy,
climate, metals, minerals and the soil relate to the
global land grab which has accelerated greatly since
2008, as well as to examine the crisis of profit
production and political legitimacy. This integrative and
critical analysis brings together the issues with a
radical perspective on possibilities for future change as
well as a strong social economic and ethical dimension.

** Power resources, Fossil fuels, Renewable energy
sources Resource allocation, Land supply
   17 Reiman, Jeffrey
As free and as just as possible : the theory of Marxian
liberalism / Jeffrey Reiman.-- West Sussex: Wiley-
Blackwell, 2012.
xiv, 241p. 23cm.
(Blackwell public philosophy , 12).
ISBN : 9780470674123.
335.401 REI 138636
Grafting the Marxian idea that private property is
coercive onto the liberal imperative of individual
liberty, this new thesis from one of America-s foremost
intellectuals conceives a revised definition of justice
that recognizes the harm inflicted by capitalism-s hidden
coercive structures. In this book synthesis of elements of
Marxism and Liberalism will interest readers in both

** Liberalism --Philosophy, Philosophy, Marxist, Rawls,
John, 1921-2002.
   18 Kirton, John J
G20 governance for a globalized world / John J Kirton.--
Surrey: Ashgate, 2013.
xv, 495p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781409428299.
337.1 KIR 138607
This study mobilizes classic and contemporary
international relations theory to explain the causes of
observed G20 governance, and on this basis offers some
concluding predictions about its future course. In
particular it offers an account, grounded in the
competitive dynamics among international institutions in
a crowded world, rather than one based merely on the
older model of forum-shopping among states in an anarchic

** Group of Twenty, International economic relations,
International economic integration -- Case studies.
   19 Bajaj, Rajiv
Tourism Management / Rajiv Bajaj.-- New Delhi: ALP Books,
272p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789382215158.
338.4791 BAJ 138667
This book identifies the customer needs especially in a
tourism industry which has very high service base content
and is possible only through a systematic market research
analysis which becomes a basic for successful marketing.
It also provides answers to various questions pertaining
to the marketing activities in tourism sectors.

** Tourism, Tourism -- India

20 Forsgren, Mats
Theories of the multinational firm : a multidimensional
creature in the global economy / Mats Forsgren.--2nd ed--
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013.
viii, 203p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9781781006450.
338.88 FOR 138627
This book presents, analyses and compares six different
theories of the multinational firm that have dominated
the research in international business. Why MNCs exist,
how they compete, and their impact on society are the
big, eternal questions addressed by the book.

** International business enterprises.

21 Gupta, Asha
Beyond privatization / Asha Gupta.-- London: Macmillan
Press, 2000.
xix, 252p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780333791653.
338.925 GUP 138651
This book maps the developed and developing world,
covering the political, economic and socio-cultural
dimensions, pointing out the impediments and hazards on
the way and providing a preview of the path ahead. It
provides an insight into the theoretical and practical
aspects of privatization in the United Kingdom, Eastern
Germany, post-communist societies, developing countries
and India.

** Privatization.

22 Agyeman, Julian
Introducing just sustainabilities : policy, planning, and
practice / Julian Agyeman.-- London: Zed Books, 2013.
205p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9781780324081.
338.927 AGY 138615
Introducing Just Sustainabilities discusses key topics
such as food justice, sovereignty and urban agriculture,
community, space, place(making) and spatial justice, the
democratization of our streets and public spaces, how to
create culturally inclusive spaces, intercultural cities
and social inclusion, "green collar jobs" and the just
transition as well as alternative economic models such as
co-production. With a specific focus on solutions-
oriented policy and planning initiatives that
specifically address issues of equity and justice within
the context of developing sustainable communities, this
is the essential introduction to just sustainabilities.

** Sustainable development --Social aspects,
Globalization Sustainable development --Political
aspects. Environmental justice, Environmental policy,
Sustainable development.

23 Bettridge, Neela
New normal, radical shift : changing business and
politics for a sustainable future / Neela Bettridge and
Philip Whiteley.-- Surrey: Gower, 2013.
154p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781409455745.
338.927 BET 138619

** Sustainable development , Social responsibility of
business , Corporate governance

24 Rathore, Sachin
Economic development and business environment / Sachin
Rathore.-- New Delhi: ALP Books, 2012.
312p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789382215509.
338.954 RAT 138657
This book shows growth of the economy under the five year
plans was slow and erratic. The growth rate of per capita
income has been quite distressing up to the fourth plan,
it was almost zero during the third plan and below one
percent during the fourth plan and onwards fifth plan it
has shown continuous increase and reached a reasonably
high figure of 4.6 percent during the eight plan and
declined to 3.6 percent in the ninth plan.

** Economic development -- India, India -- Economic
policy -- 1947
   25 Lavoie, Marc (ed)
The Stock-flow consistent approach : selected writings of
Wynne Godley / Marc Lavoie and Gennaro Zezza.-- New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
xxii, 276p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780230293113.
339 GOD 138625
This book equips economists with new tools for the
achievement of sustainable economic growth. It also shows
challenges to accept wisdom in the field of macroeconomic
modeling, which did not reflect the economics that he had
learned by working on practical matters for the Treasury
in the 1960s. It is also based on post-Keynesian
traditions and created models which fully integrate
theory with the financial system and real demand and

** Macroeconomics , Stock-flow analysis , National income
-- Accounting
 346   PRIVATE LAW  
   26 Geiger, Christophe (ed)
Constructing European intellectual property :
achievements and new perspectives / Christophe Geiger.--
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013.
xxiii, 471p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781781001639.
346.24048 GEI 138640
Constructing European Intellectual Property offers a
comprehensive assessment of the current state of
intellectual property legislation in Europe and gives
direction on how an improved system might be achieved.

** Intellectual property -- European Union countries ,
European intellectual property
   27 Soll, David
Empire of water : an environmental and political history
of the New York city water supply / David Soll.-- Ithaca:
Cornell University Press, 2013.
x, 283p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780801449901.
363.61097471 SOL 138599
This book meticulously researched and persuasively
reasoned history explores the change in New York City-s
attitude towards water, from being indifferent to
profligate water waste and environmental pollution to
championing water conservation and protection.

** Water-supply -- Environmental aspects -- New York
(State) -- New York -- History , Water-supply --
Political aspects -- New York (State) -- New York --
History , Watershed management -- New York (State) -- New
York -- History , Water-supply engineering -- New York
(State) -- New York -- History
   28 Abbasi, Tasneem
Water quality indices / Tasneem Abbasi and S A Abbasi.--
Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2012.
xi, 362p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780444543042.
628.161 ABB 138628
This book covers water quality indices (WQI) in depth -
it describes what purpose they serve, how they are
generated, what are their strengths and weaknesses, and
how to make the best use of them.

** Water quality.
   29 Argote, Linda
Organizational learning : creating, retaining and
transferring knowledge / Linda Argote.--2nd ed-- New York
: Springer, 2013.
x, 217p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781461452508.
658.3124 ARG 138620
This book explores the dynamics of learning curves in
organizations, with particular emphasis on how
individuals and groups generate, share, reinforce, and
sometimes forget knowledge. It has been demonstrated that
organizations vary dramatically in the rates at which
they learn with profound implications for productivity,
performance, and managerial and strategic decision

** Organizational learning

30 Harbour, Jerry L
The Performance mapping and measurement handbook / Jerry
L Harbour.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2013.
ix, 175p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9781466571341.
658.3125 HAR 138621
Mapping and measuring techniques are particularly useful
when determining how something flows through time and
space. Yet systems and their associated processes occur
over widely varying spatial and temporal scales. Based on
the author’s more than three decades of experience
helping clients across various industries to better
understand, measure, and improve the performance of their
processes, this book provides performance maps that can
be used as templates for almost every setting. He
explains and illustrates their use in a simple and
understandable manner.

** Performance --Measurement, Performance standards,
Performance --Evaluation.

31 Christiansen, James A
Building the innovative organization : management systems
that encourage innovation / James A Christiansen.--
London: Macmillan Press, 2000.
xiv, 357p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780333804834.
658.4063 CHR 138652
This book, based on three years of INSEAD research, shows
how the more innovative companies differ in such
fundamental areas as organization structure,
communications systems, incentives, project funding
systems and so on. In all, twenty key areas of large
company management are explored.

** Technological innovations -- Management, Business
enterprises -- Technological innovations, Industrial

32 Christiansen, James A
Competitive innovation management : techniques to improve
innovation performance / James A Christiansen.-- London:
Macmillan Press, 2000.
xxiii, 291p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780333800522.
658.4063 CHR 138655
This book answers the question of how to improve the
innovation performance of large companies. It describes
the most effective way at what management systems to
change first, how to change them, and who to involve in
the process. Finally, it discusses how the ideal
innovation system differs across industries and how
managers should take industry differences into account as
they work to improve their innovation systems.

** Technological innovations -- Management, Creative
ability in business, Organizational change.

33 Jackson, David
Becoming dynamic : creating and sustaining dynamic
organisations / David Jackson.-- London: Macmillan Press,
xiii, 232p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780333735411.
658.4063 JAC 138650
In this book, author describes the change management
process using a unique "double loop" model and uses this
to clarify processes which can otherwise appear
intimidating, such as environmental scanning, direction
setting, change planning, implementation and sustaining

** Organizational change.

34 Brownlie, Douglas (ed)
Expanding disciplinary space : on the potential of
critical marketing / Douglas Brownlie, Paul Hewer and
Mark Tadejewski.-- London: Routledge, 2013.
xvi, 225p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415816151.
658.8 BRO 138604
This book provides an introduction to the major
perspectives in critical marketing studies. It contains
theoretical reflections on critical marketing whilst
building on the key concepts and ideas, which are vital
to the subject, through detailed empirical studies.

** Marketing, Marketing research, Consumer behavior.

35 Paliwal, Pramod
Cases in business marketing / Pramod Paliwal, Ramendra
Singh and Sudhir Yadav.-- New Delhi: McGraw Hill, 2012.
xxii, 419p. , 23cm.
ISBN : 9781259026560.
658.8 PAL 138678-138680
This book aligns with the need of emerging business
education. It shows the cases which are on contemporary
management thinking and subject-areas that reflect the
real business marketing issues. The cases vary in
background (such as Natural Gas, Manufacturing, Print
Media and ITES) and address a host of emerging issues
such as value and its assessment, vendor management,
strategic marketing, supplier-buyer relationship, off-
shoring and cross-functional coordination.

** Business marketing -- Case studies

36 Yadav, D P
Strategies of marketing management / D P Yadav.-- New
Delhi: ALP Books, 2012.
272p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789382215448.
658.8 YAD 138665
This book is completely based on sales management
strategies for adding value to the organization by
attaining financial objectives, contributory objectives
and market position. It also shows how to achieve this
added value by investing and managing the corporate
resources of money, machines, materials, people and time.

** Marketing -- Management

37 Kotler, Philip
Rethinking marketing : sustainable marketing enterprise
in Asia / Philip Kotler and others.--2nd ed-- Singapore:
Pearson, 2008.
xiv, 224p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9789810677947.
658.80095 KOT 138624
This book offers a fresh perspective on understanding how
successful business strategies are crafted. It provides
insights into the challenges and opportunities present in
changing Asian business environment. Concepts are
presented through models and frameworks. These are
illustrated by case studies of a broad spectrum of Asian
businesses, ranging from manufacturing to logistics
planning to retailing and services. Readers will be
better able to understand the problems encountered by
Asian companies, and to apply useful conceptual tools to
formulate effective strategies in solving them. .

** Marketing -- Asia, Marketing -- Asia -- Management

38 Kavitha, N V
Retail management and customer experience / N V Kavitha
and J P Bharathi.-- New Delhi: Commonwealth Publishers,
2013. 184p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788131104323.
658.87 KAV 138664
This book provides a comprehensive view of retailing, an
analysis of the retail environment and exposure to issues
and developments in the industry.

** Retail trade -- Management, Retail trade.

39 Perrey, Jesko
Retail marketing and branding : a definitive guide to
maximizing ROI / Jesko Perrey and Dennis Spillecke.--2nd
ed-- West Sussex: Wiley, 2013.
xxii, 374p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781118489529.
658.87 PER 138623
This book is to contribute to the demystification of
marketing and branding discussions. It has been compiled
with practical guide on how to maximize the return on
marketing investment in retail based on the experience
derived from hundreds of retail marketing and branding

** Branding (Marketing) , Brand name products , Rate of
   40 Atwood, Margaret
The Blind assassin / Margaret Atwood.-- London: Virago
Press, 2000.
641p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9781860498800.
813.54 ATW 138544

** Sisters --Death --Fiction , Fiction --Authorship --
Fiction , Women novelists --Fiction , Older women --
Fiction , Widows --Fiction

41 Auel, Jean M
The Plains of passage / Jean M Auel.-- London: Hodder and
Stoughton, 1990.
xii, 831p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9781444704372.
813.54 AUE 138529
Ayla and Jondalar leave the safety of the lands of the
Mammoth Hunters and embark on a seemingly impossible
journey across an entire continent. Their goal is the Cro
Magnon settlement in what is now southern France where
Jondalar lived as a young man. Accompanied by the half-
tame Wolf, the superb stallion, Racer, and the mare,
Whinney, they brave both savage enemies and the elemental
dangers of weather and terrain in their search for the
place that will become Home.

** Prehistoric peoples -- Fiction , Ayla (Fictitious
character) -- Fiction , Glacial epoch -- Fiction
   42 McCall Smith, Alexander
44 Scotland street / Alexander McCall Smith.-- London:
Abacus, 2005.
x, 326p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780349118970.
823.914 MAC 138551
Pat rents a room from the handsome and cocky Bruce, at 44
Scotland Street, and discovers that she has also acquired
some colorful new neighbors, including Domenica, an
eccentric widow.

** Young women -- Fiction , Art galleries, Commercial --
Employees -- Fiction , Edinburgh (Scotland) -- Fiction

43 Smith, Alexander McCall
The Double comfort safari club / Alexander McCall Smith.-
London: Abacus, 2010.
247p. 20cm.
ISBN : 9780349119991.
823.914 MAC 138557

** Ramotswe, Precious (Fictitious character) -- Fiction,
No. 1 Ladies- Detective Agency (Imaginary organization) -
Fiction, Women private investigators -- Botswana --

44 McCall Smith, Alexander
The Limpopo academy of private detection / Alexander
McCall Smith.-- London: Abacus, 2012.
261p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780349123158.
823.914 MAC 138566

** Ramotswe, Precious (Fictitious character)-Fiction, No.
1 Ladies- Detective Agency (Imaginary organization)-
Fiction, Women private investigators-Botswana-Fiction

45 McCall Smith, Alexander
Love over Scotland : a 44 Scotland street novel /
Alexander McCall Smith.-- London: Abacus, 2006.
355p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780349119717.
823.914 MAC 138567

** Edinburgh (Scotland) -- Social life and customs --

46 McCall Smith, Alexander
The Right attitude to rain / Alexander McCall Smith.--
London: Abacus, 2006.
314p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780349118055.
823.914 MAC 138530

** Edinburgh (Scotland) -- Fiction , Women editors --
Fiction , Housekeepers -- Fiction
   47 Hobsbawm, Eric
The Age of extremes : the short twentieth century 1914-
1991 / Eric Hobsbawm.-- London: Abacus, 1994.
xii, 627p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780349106717.
909.82 HOB 138541

** History, Modern -- 20th century, World -- History,
   48 Allen, Charles
Ashoka : the search for India-s lost emperor / Charles
Allen.-- London: Abacus, 2012.
xix, 460p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780349122380.
934.045092 ALL 138543
In Ashoka: The Search for India-s Lost Emperor, the
author tells the incredible story of how a few
enterprising archaeologists deciphered the mysterious
lettering on keystones and recovered India-s ancient

** Asoka, -- King of Magadha, -- active 259 B.C. , India
- History -- To 324 B.C.

49 Holland, Tom
Persian fire : the first world empire and the battle for
the west / Tom Holland.-- London: Abacus, 2005.
xxv, 418p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780349117171.
935.05 HOL 138527
The book tells in the fifth century BC, a global
superpower was determined to bring truth and order to
what it regarded as two terrorist states. The superpower
was Persia, incomparably rich in ambition, gold and men.
The terrorist states were Athens and Sparta, eccentric
cities in a poor and mountainous backwater of Greece. It
also tells how the citizens took on the most powerful man
on the planet.

** Greece -- History -- Persian Wars, 500-449 B.C,
Salamis, Battle of, Greece, 480 B.C
   50 Hobsbawm, Eric
The Age of revolution : Europe1789-1848 / Eric Hobsbawm.-
London: Abacus, 1962.
413p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780349104843.
940.27 HOB 138542

** Europe -- History -- 1789-1900

51 Hobsbawm, Eric
The Age of capital : 1848-1875 / Eric Hobsbawm.-- London:
Abacus, 1975.
413p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780349104805.
940.28 HOB 138539

** History, Modern -- 19th century, Economic history --
1750-1918, Cultuurgeschiedenis.

52 Hobsbawm, Eric
The Age of empire : 1875-1914 / Eric Hobsbawm.-- London:
Abacus, 1987.
404p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780349105987.
940.28 HOB 138540

** History, Modern 19th century, Economic history 1750-

53 Greaves, Adrian
Lawrence of Arabia : mirage of a desert war / Adrian
Greaves.-- London: Phoenix, 2008.
260p. 20cm.
ISBN : 9780753823668.
940.415092 GRE 138564

** Lawrence, T. E. -- (Thomas Edward), -- 1888-1935 ,
World War, 1914-1918 -- Campaigns -- Middle East ,
Soldiers -- Great Britain -- Biography

54 Gott, Richard
Britain-s empire : resistance, repression and revolt /
Richard Gott.-- London: Verso, 2011. vii, 568p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781844677382.
942 GOT 138637
This book reveals a history of systemic repression and
almost continual violence, showing how British rule was
imposed as a military operation and maintained as a
military dictatorship. For colonized peoples, the
experience was a horrific one of slavery, famine, battle
and extermination. .

** Great Britain-Colonies-History, Commonwealth countries
History, Government, Resistance to-Great Britain-Colonies
History, Great Britain-Civilization, Imperialism-History
   55 Allen,Charles
Plain tales from the raj : images of British India in the
twentieth century / Charles Allen.-- London: Abacus, 2013
287p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780349104973.
954.03 ALL 138528
** British -- India -- Social life and customs , India --
Social life and customs , India -- History -- British
occupation, 1765-1947

56 Sebag Montefiore, Simon
Jerusalem : the biography / Simon Sebeg Montefiore.--
London: Phoenix, 2011.
xliv, 720p. 20cm.
ISBN : 9781780220253.
956.94420099 SEB 138563

** Jerusalem -- History

57 Hopkirk, Peter
Foreign devils on the silk road : the search for the lost
treasures of Central Asia / Peter Hopkirk.-- Lonodn: John
Murray, 1980.
x, 252p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780719564482.
958 HOP 138560

** Asia, Central -- Antiquities , Silk Road



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