New Arrivals
1 Levine, Howard B (ed)
Growth and turbulence in the container/contained : Bion-s
continuing legacy / Howard B Levine and Lawrence J Brown.
-- New York: Routledge, 2013.
xvii, 323p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415617413.
150.195092 BIO 138174
Wilfred Bion remains the most cited author in
psychoanalytic literature after Sigmund Freud. His
formulation of alpha function, waking dream thoughts, his
theory of thinking and of the container/contained have
proven seminal for the elaboration of psychoanalytic
theory and practice, as well as the exploration of
psychic functioning and the primordial mind. This book is
based on papers presented at the 2009 International Bion
Conference held in Boston, Massachusetts. It represents
the state of the art thinking of an outstanding
international group of Bion scholars and experts.
** Bion, Wilfred R (Wilfred Ruprecht), 1897-1979 ,
Top |
2 Rothlin, Stephan (ed)
Dimensions of teaching business ethics in Asia / Stephan
Rothlin and Parissa Haghirian.-- London: Springer, 2013.
xii, 181p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9783642360213.
174.4 ROT 138211
This book offers pedagogical methods for teaching ethics
in the context of the rich diversity of Asian cultures.It
presents curricula aimed at building capacity to deal
with corruption, intellectual property protection,
whistle blowing, consumer rights and more.
** Business ethics -- Study and teaching -- Asia ,
BUSINESS and ECONOMICS / Business Ethics , Economics
Top |
3 Bastia, Tanja (ed)
Migration and inequality / Tanja Bastia.-- New York:
Routledge, 2013.
xvi, 214p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415686853.
305.091724 BAS 138224
This book explores the relationship between migration and
inequality in Africa, Asia and Latin America by taking
into account economic and social inequalities. While the
focus on inequality as opposed to poverty is in itself
original, the book offers additional points of interest.
First, it combines chapters on internal and international
migration, thereby challenging the current focus in the
migration literature that focuses almost exclusively on
cross-border migration. Second, the theme of inequality
complements the existing focus in the migration-
development nexus on issues of poverty. Third, the
chapters focus on both economic and social inequalities,
often combining an analysis of different types of
inequalities. The book also covers governance and
migrants- rights, gender and intersectional, and
** Income distribution -- Developing countries , BUSINESS
Development / Economic Development , BUSINESS and ECONOMICS
/ Development / General , Developing countries --
Emigration and immigration ,
Top |
4 Handler, Scott P (ed)
International politics : classic and contemporary
readings / Scott P Handler.-- New Delhi: Sage
Publications, 2013.
xiii, 548p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9781452267999.
327 HAN 138227
This title offers four main parts - theoretical
traditions, war and peace, international political
economy, and emerging issues - dovetail with how IR
courses are taught.
** International relations
5 Sagan, Scott D
The Spread of nuclear weapons : a debate renewed : with
new sections on India and Pakistan, terrorism, and
missile defense / Scott D Sagan and Kenneth N Waltz.-- New
York: W W Norton and Company, 2003.
xii, 220p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9780393977479.
327.1747 SAG 138250
This text debates the pros and cons of nuclear weaponry.
It serves as an introduction to an issue that
encapsulates some of the most basic themes in
international relations: are states rational? Are states
sovereign? Does international organization work?
Price : RS **1293.60 (USD****20.00)
** Nuclear weapons , Arms race , Nuclear nonproliferation
Top |
6 Harvey, Andrew C
Dynamic models for volatility and heavy tails : with
applications to financial and economic time series /
Andrew C Harvey.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
xviii, 261p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781107630024.
330.015195 HAR 138212
It presents a statistical theory for a class of nonlinear
time-series models. The overall approach will be of
interest to econometricians and statisticians.
** Econometrics , Finance -- Mathematical models , Time-
series analysis ,
7 Koop, Gary
Analysis of economic data / Gary Koop.--4th ed-- West
Sussex: Wiley, 2013.
xvi, 256p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781118472538.
330.015195 KOO 138223
It introduces students to basic econometric techniques
and shows the reader how to apply these techniques in the
context of real-world empirical problems.
** Econometrics , Economics -- Statistical methods
8 Rosefielde, Steven
Asian economic systems / Steven Rosefielde.-- London:
World Scientific, 2013.
xviii, 276p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9789814425384.
330.12 ROS 138235
It provides readers with an analytic framework, concepts
and narrative highlighting contemporary Asia-s systemic
diversity. This book offers the tools needed for training
students in how to apply microeconomic, macroeconomic and
financial principles to practical issues of systems and
policies. It focuses on East and Southeast Asia.
** Asia -- Economic conditions -- 21st century
Top |
9 Bhalla, V K
Investment management : security analysis and portfolio
management / V K Bhalla.--19th ed-- New Delhi: S Chand
and Company, 2013.
xviii, 1420p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9788121912488.
332.6 BHA 138231
This book describes techniques, vehicles, and strategies
for planning ,implementing ,and overseeing the optimal
allocation of the funds of an investor(s) and/or an
institution(s) in the changing investment environment.
** Investments , Investment analysis , Portfolio
10 Penman, Stephen H
Financial statement analysis and security valuation /
Stephen H Penman.--3rd ed-- New Delhi: McGraw Hill, 2013.
xxi, 776p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780070668195.
332.632042 PEN 138240,RS(Ref.)
This book describes valuation as an exercise in financial
statement analysis. It title helps students to learn to
view a firm through its financial statements and to carry
out the appropriate financial statement analysis to value
the firm-s debt and equity.
** Financial statements
Top |
11 Berek, Peter
The Economics of the environment / Peter Berck and Gloria
Helfand.-- New Delhi: Prentice Hall, 2011.
xx, 508p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9788120343689.
333.7 BER 138238,RS(Ref.)
This book integrates economics and environmental issues
and explains how both market successes and failures
affect the environment. It also shows readers how to
measure the value of environmental goods, the use of
these measurements in weighing environmental costs
against the benefits of economic activity, and the
implementation of policies to correct market failures.
** Economic policy -- Environmental aspects
Top |
12 Dung, Tran Huu (ed)
A Microeconomics reader / Tran Huu Dung.-- London:
Routledge, 2013.
xvi, 602p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415771931.
338.5 DUN 138217
This book draws together the key contributions to the
major areas of microeconomic theory from the last few
decades. The main themes covered include consumer theory,
the theory of the firm, the theory of markets, pricing
theory, and labor compensation theory, with the common
threads of transaction costs, strategic decisions, and
information imperfections.It also draws attention to
methodological issues and heterodox approaches to
** Microeconomics.
13 Binswanger, Hans Christoph
The Growth spiral : money, energy, and imagination in the
dynamics of the market process / Hans Christoph
Binswanger.-- London: Springer, 2013.
xii, 165p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9783642318801.
338.9 BIN 138213
This book offers an analysis of the economic process
based on a truly dynamic approach. It understands modern
economic activity as manifesting itself in a growth
spiral driven by monetary dynamics and natural resources.
** Economic development ,
14 Jones, Charles I
Introduction to economic growth / Charles I Jones.--2nd
ed-- New Delhi: Viva Books, 2013.
xiv, 237p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9788130922904.
338.9 JON 138244,RS(Ref.)
This text discusses economic growth, how economists have
come to understand the growth of countries, how the poor
are poor, and how fast rich and poor countries grow.
** Economic development , Economic indicators
Top |
15 Schneider, Gary P
E-commerce : strategy , technology and implementation /
Gary P Schneider.--9th ed-- New Delhi: Cengage Learning,
527p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9788131516232.
381.142 SCH 138233,RS(Ref.)
It presents an overview of today-s electronic commerce
** Electronic commerce
Top |
16 de Pinto, Marco
International trade and unemployment : on the
redistribution of trade gains when firms matter / Marco
de Pinto.-- London: Physica-Verlag, 2013.
ix, 112p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9783642332357.
382 DEP 138215
What are the implications of trade liberalization for
labor market in presence of trade unions if we account
for firm and worker heterogeneity? What are implications
of a redistribution policy if government chooses
unemployment benefits to compensate losers of trade
liberalization? This book presents a theoretical analysis
to answer the questions.
** Free trade --Social aspects , Unemployment --Economic
aspects , Unemployment insurance
Top |
17 Kumar, Sanjay
Communication skill / Sanjay Kumar and Pushp Lata.--
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
xvi, 668p. 24cm.+ 1 CD-ROM.
ISBN : 9780198069324.
428.34 KUM 138234,RS(Ref.)
Communication Skills is a textbook in technical English
to develop linguistic and communicative competence. The
aim of the book is to help students acquire the ability
to effectively speak and write in English in real-life
** Interpersonal communication , English language --
Grammar -- Textbooks for foreign speakers , English
language -- India
Top |
18 Das, Abhijit
Computational number theory / Abhijit Das.-- Boca Raton:
CRC Press, 2013.
xviii, 596p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781439866153.
512.70285 DAS 138210
Computational Number Theory presents a complete treatment
of number-theoretic algorithms. The book covers many
computational aspects of number theory and highlights
important and interesting engineering applications. It
first builds the foundation of computational number
theory by covering the arithmetic of integers and
polynomials at a very basic level. It then discusses
elliptic curves, primality testing, algorithms for
integer factorization, computing discrete logarithms, and
methods for sparse linear systems. The text also shows
how number-theoretic tools are used in cryptography and
** Number theory -- Data processing , Data encryption
(Computer science) , COMPUTERS / Security / Cryptography
MATHEMATICS / Applied , MATHEMATICS / Number Theory ,
Top |
19 Hogg, Robert V
Introduction to mathematical statistics / Robert V Hogg,
Joseph W McKean and Allen T Craig.--7th ed-- Boston:
Pearson, 2013.
x, 694p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780321795434.
519.5 HOG 138216
This book offers a proven approach designed to provide
students with an excellent foundation in mathematical
statistics. Continuing its proven approach, the edition
has been updated with new examples, exercises, and
content for an even stronger presentation of the
** Mathematical statistics.
Top |
20 Considine, Brett
Accounting information systems : understanding business
processes / Brett Considine and others.--4th ed--
Australia: John Wiley, 2012.
xiii, 762p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780730302476.
657.0285 CON 138222
This textbook available to students who are required to
study a subject on accounting information systems. It
continues to detail the important role of accounting and
information systems in business. The text explores the
business processes that are central to many organisations
and explains the many issues associated with accounting
information systems.
** Accounting -- Data processing -- Textbooks ,
Information storage and retrieval systems -- Accounting -
21 Powers, Marian
Financial accounting / Marian Powers and Belverd E
Needles.--11th ed-- New Delhi: Cengage Learning, 2012.
xxv, 705p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9788131518434.
657.044 POW 138239,RS(Ref.)
Financial Accounting continues a distinguished tradition
of combining academic needs with professional thought to
prepare students for a dynamic business world.
** Accounting
22 Bhalla, V K
International business / V K Bhalla.-- New Delhi: S Chand
and Company, 2013.
xxi, 1114p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9788121942805.
658.049 BHA 138230
International Business explores the subject with an
emphasis on economic and multinational issues.
** International trade , International finance ,
Investments, Foreign , International business enterprises
-- Management , International economic relations
23 Boyns, Trevor
A History of management accounting : the British
experience / Trevor Boyns and Jonh Richard Edwards.-- New
York: Routledge, 2013.
xv, 350p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415416238.
658.15110941 BOY 138214
A survey of the literature on costing and management
accounting. It covers the development of British
accounting, and offers a review of changing theories and
** Accounting --Great Britain --History , Managerial
accounting --Great Britain --History
24 Bhalla, V K
Working capital management / V K Bhalla.-- New Delhi: S
Chand and Company, 2014.
xv, 900 p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9788121943024.
658.15244 BHA 138229
This book reflects the theoretical and practical forces
that have brought about dramatic changes in the
management of working capital.The aim of this book is to
provide a strong conceptual foundation to build the
future financial activities and decisions.
** Finance , Working capital
25 Veronesi, Pietro
Fixed income securities : valuation, risk, and risk
management / Pietro Veronesi.-- New Delhi: Wiley, 2010.
xxiii, 805p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9788126531714.
658.155 VER 138247,RS(Ref.)
Providing a description of the forces that affect the
valuation, risk and return of fixed income securities,
this text outlines the importance of parameter data and
the role of financial models.
** Fixed-income securities , Risk management
26 Bhalla, V K
International financial management (text and cases) / V K
Bhalla.-- New Delhi: S Chand and Company, 2014.
xvi, 1076p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9788121942911.
658.1599 BHA 138232
It provides a thorough exposition of the developments in
international business both at macro and micro levels.
** International finance , Foreign exchange -- Accounting
27 Levitt, Gail
Team planning for project managers and business analysts
/ Gail Levitt.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2013.
xvii, 207p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781439855430.
658.4022 LEV 138225
This book provides the planning materials required to
increase team collaboration and productivity in a global
workplace. It evaluates the strengths and performance gaps
in each of the five stages of team development-forming,
storming, norming, performing, and adjourning-and
outlines methods for creating a team development plan and
addressing the challenge of gaining upper management
** Teams in the workplace , Project management , Business
planning ,
28 Simchi-Levi, D
Designing and managing the supply chain : concepts
strategies and case studies / D Simchi-Levi and others.--
3rd ed-- New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
xxix,531p. 24 cm. + 1 CD-ROM.
ISBN : 9780070666986.
658.5 SIM 138237,RS(Ref.)
This text presents a treatment of the principles of the
mechanical behaviour of materials. Its focus is on the
relationship amongst macroscopic properties, material
microstructure and the fundamental concepts of bonding
and crystal structure.
** Physical distribution of goods -- Management ,
Marketing channels -- Management , Business logistics ,
Industrial procurement ,
29 Kotler, Philip
Marketing management : a south Asian perspective / Philip
Kotler and others.--14th ed-- New Delhi: Pearson, 2013.
xxv, 596p. 28cm.
ISBN : 9788131767160.
658.8 KOT 138241,RS(Ref.)
It reflects changes in marketing theory and practice.
** Marketing -- Management , Marketing -- Asia --
30 Linoff, Gordon S
Data mining techniques for marketing , sales and customer
support / Gordon S Linoff and Michael J A Berry.--3rd ed-
New Delhi: Wiley, 2011.
xl, 847p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9788126534722.
658.802 LIN 138246,RS(Ref.)
This book shows business managers, marketing analysts,
and data mining specialists how to harness fundamental
data mining methods and techniques to solve common types
of business problems.It covers a new data mining
technique with each successive chapter and then
demonstrates how you can apply that technique for
improved marketing, sales, and customer support to get
immediate results.
** Business -- Data processing , Data mining , Marketing
- Data processing ,
Top |
31 Metcalf, Barbara D
A Concise history of modern India / Barbara D Metcalf and
Thomas R Metcalf.--3rd ed-- Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2012.
xxxiv, 326p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781107619128.
954 MET 138236
The narrative focuses on the fundamentally political
theme of the imaginative and institutional structures
that have successively sustained and transformed India,
first under British colonial rule and then, after 1947,
as an independent country. Woven into the larger
political narrative is an account of India-s social and
economic development and its rich cultural life.
** India -- History , India-s British period (1785-1947)
Indian recent period (1947-)
Top |