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   1 Policelli, John
Active directory domain services 2008 how-to / John
Policelli.-- New Delhi: Pearson Publishing, 2011.
xiv, 492p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9788131758199.
005.71376 POL 137996
This book reflects the brand new version of Active
Directory introduced in Windows Server 2008, which
contains the most significant changes since AD was first

** Directory services (Computer network technology) ,
Microsoft Windows (Computer file)
   2 Neta, Ram (ed)
Arguing about knowledge / Ram Neta and Duncan Pritchard.-
London: Routledge, 2009.
xii, 583p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415448390.
121 NET 137982
What is knowledge? What is the value of knowledge? What
can we know? This examines the subject in an unorthodox
manner whilst covering the fundamentals of the theory of
knowledge. It includes classic and contemporary pieces
from philosophers ranging from Descartes, Russell to
Richard Feldman, Edward Craig, Gilbert Harman and
Roderick Chisholm.

** Knowledge, Theory of
   3 Korom, Frank J (ed)
The Anthropology of performance : a reader / Frank J
Korom.-- West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
viii, 296p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781118323991.
301 KOR 137952
This volume presents the theories, methods, and practices
of performance in cultures around the globe. Leading
anthropologists describe the range of human expression
through performance and explore its role in constructing
identity and community, as well as broader processes such
as globalization and transnationalism.

** Anthropology , Performance
   4 Bronson, P O
Top dog : the science of winning and losing / P O Bronson
and Ashley Merryman.-- London: Ebury Press, 2013.
vi, 335p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780091951559.
302.14 BRO 137974
Studying competitive arenas from the workplace, the stock
market, sport, politics, the military and schools, and
using the latest findings in genetics, neuroscience and
behavioral psychology, the authors unveil the
astounding, often counter-intuitive truths about how we
compete and the crucial ingredients that sometimes stand
between winning and losing.

** Self-help and personal development , Psychology ,
Failure (Psychology) , Success--Psychological aspects
   5 Jha, Anil Kumar
Gender inequality and women empowerment / Anil Kumar Jha.
-- New Delhi: Axis Books, 2012.
v, 272p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789381302552.
305.42 JHA 138002
Gender equality does not imply that women and men are the
same, but that they have equal value and should be
accorded equal treatment. The United Nations regard
gender equality as a human right. They point out that:
empowering women is also an indispensable tool for
advancing development and reducing poverty. Equal pay for
equal work is one of the areas where gender equality is
rarely seen, all too often women are paid less than men
for doing the same work.

** Sex discrimination , Women-s rights

6 Livholts, Mona (ed)
Emergent writing methodologies in feminist studies / Mona
Livholts.-- New York: Routledge, 2012.
xvi, 209p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415897440.
305.42 LIV 137976
This book focuses on the emergence of writing
methodologies in feminist studies and their implications
for the study of power and change. It explores some of the
central politics, ideas, and dimensions of power that
shape and condition knowledge, at the same time as it
elaborates critical, embodied, reflective and situated
writing practices. It also includes the complex
relationship between author, text and audiences.

** Feminism , Feminism and literature , Women and

7 Sinha, Harendra (ed)
Empowerment of women in north east India : socio-economic
perspectives / Harendra Sinha and J Zorema.-- New Delhi:
Concept Publishing, 2012.
xxii, 282p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180699078.
305.420954 SIN 138001
This book containing twenty-three papers, deals with
various issues/problems of empowerment of women in India
and North East India with special focus Mizoram

** Women in development -- India, Northeastern, Women in
development -- Government policy -- India, Northeastern.

8 Sagar, A Vidya
Sustainable livelihoods : collection and marketing of
NTFP by scheduled tribes with special reference to north
coastal Andhra Pradesh / A Vidya Sagar.-- New Delhi:
Concept Publishing, 2012.
269p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180698644.
305.80095484 SAG 138011
The study basically deals with Non-Timber Forest
Produce(NTFP) and its role in ensuring sustainable
livelihood to tribes living in the forest areas.

** Non-timber forest products industry --India --Andhra
Pradesh , Community forestry --India --Andhra Pradesh ,
Sustainable development --India --Andhra Pradesh , Andhra
Pradesh (India) --Scheduled tribes --Economic conditions
   9 Mohnot, S R (ed)
Human society at the crossroads : in search of a new
vision / S R Mohnot.-- New Delhi: Concept Publishing,
ix, 398p. 24cm.
Dr. L.M. Singhvi commemoration volume.
ISBN : 9788180698378.
306.0954 MOH 138004
This book represents a wide spectrum of issues, social
concern, human values, positive thoughts and advances
which were not only dear to Dr, Singhvi but on which he
devoted immense dedication and commitment. The essays and
discourses are penned by luminaries in the respective
areas of their rich work and contributions.

** India -- Social conditions, India -- Politics and
government, India -- Economic conditions.

   10 Shweta
Rural development and panchayati raj in India / Shweta.--
New Delhi: Kunal Books, 2011.
v, 279p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789380752358.
307.14120954 SHW 138007
Panchayati Raj is an ancient institution an antique as
India. In fact, it has been the backbone of Indian
villages since the beginning of recorded history. The
institution of Panchayati Raj is specifically designed
for rural population to take care of the problems of
rural areas. It provides the administrative apparatus for
implementation of the programmes of rural development.
The basic objective Panchayati Raj is to evolve a system
of democratic decentralization and devotion of people
with a view to ensuing rapid socio-economic progress and
speedier and inexpensive justice. Panchayats have been
the backbone of the Indian villages since the beginning
of the recorded history and to enlist people-s
participation in rural reconstruction in the 21st

** Rural development -- India, Panchayat -- India.

11 Giuffre, Katherine
Communities and networks : using social network analysis
to rethink urban and community studies / Katherine
Giuffre.-- Cambridge: Polity Press, 2013.
vii, 227p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780745654201.
307.76 GIU 137985
This book provides not only the theoretical grounding
necessary to understand how and why the burgeoning area
of social network analysis can be useful in studying
communities, but also clear technical explanations of the
tools of network analysis and how to gather and analyze
real-world network data. Network analysis allows to see
community life in a new perspective, with sometimes
surprising results and insights, and this book enables
readers to gain a deeper understanding of social life and
the relationships that build (and break) communities.

** Communities , Social networks , Cities and towns ,
Cities and towns --Study and teaching , Communities --
Network analysis
   12 McMenamin, Iain
If money talks, what does it say? : corruption and
business financing of political parties / Iain McMenamin.
-- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
x, 177p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780199665709.
324.4 MAC 137964
Why do businesses contribute to political parties? Is
money a universal language? Do business contributions to
political parties convey different messages in different
countries? This book answers these questions based on
intensive case studies of Australia, Canada, and Germany.

** Campaign funds , Corporate power , Lobbying ,
Political corruption
 330   ECONOMICS  
   13 Acharya, L M
Economy geography, migration and global politics / L M
Acharya.-- New Delhi: Kunal Books, 2012.
v, 256p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789380752785.
330.9 ACH 137999
This book contains the following contents : The economy
in transition, The rise of new capitalism, Regulating the
new capitalism, Spaces of production, The new
international division of labor, Spaces of Consumption,
Capitalizing on consumption and geography, Work,
employment and society, Greening of women-s labor, The
new gender order.

** Economic geography, Emigration and immigration, World

14 Mahajan, Vijay
The Arab world unbound: tapping into the power of 350
million consumers / Vijay Mahajan and Dan Zehr.-- San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2012.
xiii, 408p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9788126540112.
330.9174927 MAH 137957
This book reveals the myriad opportunities presented by
the Arab world-s market of 350 million consumers, who
collectively wield the ninth-largest economy in the
world. It shows how globally interconnected and vibrant
the Arab markets are.
** Marketing --Arab countries , International business
enterprises --Arab countries , BUSINESS and ECONOMICS /
International / Marketing

15 Uppal, R K
Globalisation of Indian economy : a potential market for
world / R K Uppal.-- New Delhi: Kunal Books, 2012.
ix, 295p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789380752624.
330.954 UPP 138003
This book addresses many issues related to India in the
emerging order and competitiveness in Indian economy.

** Globalization -- India, International economic
   16 Srivastava, Ajay Kumar
Women labour force and Indian economy / Ajay Kumar
Srivastava and Nidhi Jetwant.-- New Delhi: Axis Books,
v, 226p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789381302132.
331.40954 SRI 138013
The influential role of gender equality on economic
growth is most directly illustrated in the participation
of women in the labor force. When women are not involved
in the workforce, only part of the able workforce is
being utilized and, thus, economic resources are wasted.
Gender equality allows for an increase in women in the
working sector, thereby leading to an expansion of the
labor force and an increase in economic productivity. The
increasing contribution of women to the gross domestic
product (GDP) as well as to the economic growth of
country, proving that an increase in female participation
in the workforce undoubtedly will create economic growth.

** Women -- Employment -- India , Women in economic
development -- India

   17 Sinclair, Hugh
Confessions of a microfinance heretic : how microlending
lost its way and betrayed the poor / Hugh Sinclair.--
Noida: HarperCollins, 2012.
xviii, 268p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9781609947668.
332 SIN 137960
This book argues that microfinance is an industry focused
on maximizing profits and plagued by predatory lending
practices, scandals, cover-ups and corruption, and offers
solutions for the future.

** Microfinance , Poor , Finance -- Developing countries
   18 Biondi, Yuri (ed)
Accounting and business economics : insights from
national traditions / Yuri Biondi and Stefano Zambon.--
New York: Routledge, 2013.
xxii, 514p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415887021.
338.509 BIO 137956
Accounting and Business Economics brings together leading
international scholars to examine the current state of
accounting theory and its fundamental connection with the
economics and finance of firms, viewing the business
entity from not only accounting, but also national,
economic, social, political, juridical, anthropological,
and moral points of view.

** Accounting , Managerial economics

19 Rai, Rameshwar
MNCs and world economy / Rameshwar Rai and Dinesh Kumar
Jha.-- New Delhi: Crescent Publishing, 2012.
v, 288p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788183422208.
338.88 RAI 138005
This book analyses the role of multinational corporations
in the world economy, in an eclectic, nuanced manner. It
is written in an entertaining and easy to-understand
style, and the explanation are precise and informative.

** International business enterprises, International

20 Hermann, Christoph (ed)
Privatization of public services : impacts for
employment, working conditions, and service quality in
Europe / Christoph Hermann and Jorg Flecker.-- New York:
Routledge, 2012.
viii, 213p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415884938.
338.9405 HER 137978
While evaluations of the successes of public services
have focused on prices and efficiency, much less
attention has been paid to the impacts of liberalization
and privatization on employment, labor relations, and
working conditions. This book addresses this gap by
illustrating the ways in which liberalization has
contributed to increasing private and foreign ownership
of public services, the decentralization of labor
relations has amplified pressure on wages, and decreasing
employment numbers and increasing workloads have improved
productivity partly at the cost of service quality.

** Privatization -- Europe , Public utilities -- Europe ,
Free enterprise -- Europe

21 Bhagwati, Jagdish (ed)
Reforms and economic transformation in India / Jagdish
Bhagwati and Arvind Panagariya.-- Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2013.
xiv, 292p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780198092391.
338.954 BHA 137973
The hypothesis of the volume is that the smaller
reduction in poverty has been the result of slower
transformation of the economy from a primarily agrarian
to a modern, industrial one. Even as the GDP share of
agriculture has seen rapid decline, its employment share
has declined very gradually. More than half of the
workforce in India still remains in agriculture. In
addition, non-farm workers are overwhelmingly in the
informal sector. Against this background, the nine
original essays by eminent economists pursue three broad
themes using firm level data in both industry and

** India -- Economic policy -- 1991- , Industrial policy
- India -- History -- 21st century , Commercial policy --
India -- History -- 21st century

   22 Dowdle, Michael W (ed)
Asian capitalism and the regulation of competition :
towards a regulatory geography of global competition law
/ Michael W Dowdle, John Gillespie and Imelda Maher.--
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
xii, 376p.23cm.
ISBN : 9781107027428.
343.50721 DOW 137958
It explores the implications of Asian forms of capitalism
for the emerging global competition law regime.

** Antitrust law -- Asia , Capitalism -- Asia , Restraint
of trade -- Asia
   23 Jha, Kameshwar
Social legislation and human rights / Kameshwar Jha.--
New Delhi: Axis Books, 2012.
v, 288p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789381302637.
344.01 JHA 138009

** Social legislation , Human rights
   24 Durant, Robert F (ed)
Debating public administration : management
challenges, choices, and opportunities / Robert F Durant
and Jennifer R S Durant.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2013.
xxv, 341p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781466502369.
351 DUR 137987
Debating Public Administration: Management Challenges,
Choices, and Opportunities tackles some of the major
management challenges, choices, and opportunities of the
twenty-first century facing public managers across
various subfields of public administration. Informed by
contemporary pressures on public managers to
reconceptualize purpose, redefine administrative
rationality, recapitalize human assets, reengage
resources, and revitalize democratic constitutionalism,
the book offers an opportunity to take stock and ponder
the future of practice and research in public

** Public administration , POLITICAL SCIENCE / Public
Affairs and Administration

25 Jha, Anil Kr
Right to public service / Anil Kr Jha.-- New Delhi: Axis
Books, 2013.
139p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789381302620.
351.54 JHA 138006

** Public administration -- India, Local government --
 370   EDUCATION  
   26 Rizvi, Sadaf (ed)
Multidisciplinary approaches to educational research :
case studies from Europe and the developing world / Sadaf
Rizvi.-- New York: Routledge, 2012.
xviii, 205p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415899147.
370.72 RIZ 137979
This book provides an original perspective on a range of
controversial issues in educational and social research
through case studies of multi-disciplinary and mixed-
method research involving children, teachers, schools and
communities in Europe and the developing world.

** Education -- Research -- Cross-cultural studies ,
Education -- Research -- Europe -- Case studies ,
Education -- Research -- Developing countries -- Case

27 Barik, Narayan
Current trends in education / Narayan Barik and Kunjalata
Das.-- New Delhi: Kunal Books, 2012.
vii, 255p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789380752853.
370.954 BAR 137998
The book intends the readers to apprehend the emerging
needs of the society and the individuals for the present
and future. Besides it sustains how the message of
innovations and experiments in the field of philosophy,
problems of education in the field of research, distance
education, inclusive education, science and technology
have brought a new vista to change the mode of
contemplation, planning and looking into the problems in
a global context.

** Education -- India , Education and state -- India
   28 Ghosh, Birajlakshmi
Empowering women through education : aspects agencies and
strategies / Birajlakshmi Ghosh and Jayanta Mete.-- New
Delhi: Kunal Books, 2012.
xiii, 182p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789380752983.
371.8220954 GHO 138000
This book includes 5 chapters. 1St chapter discusses the
concept of empowerment, position of women in India,
concept of women empowerment, its need, theories etc. 2nd
chapter deals with review of related studies and
literature. 3rd chapter discusses on design of the study,
methodology, population and sample of the study,
rationale of the sample, tools used, its administration
and construction, techniques. 4th chapter is analysis of
the study which consists different thrusts areas. And the
last chapter of this book discusses on general findings
of the study, and based upon this it also discusses on
its educational significance, suggestive measures and
suggestion for future research.

** Women -- Education -- India, Women in development --
   29 Kolhatkar, M R
Survey of higher education, 1947-2007 / M R Kolhatkar.--
New Delhi: Concept Publishing, 2012.
xxiv, 423p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180698880.
378.54 KOL 138010
A systematic survey of higher education based on
documentary sources.

** India. University Grants Commission --Rules and
practice , Education, Higher --India , Education, Higher
-Research --India
 381   COMMERCE  
   30 Mohanty, Sangeeta
Consumers retail store choice dynamics : an empirical
analysis / Sangeeta Mohanty and Abhaya Kumar Panda.-- New
Delhi: Kunal Books, 2012.
vii, 243p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789380752600.
381.10954133 MOH 137997

** Retail trade -- India -- Orissa , Consumer behavior --
India -- Orissa
   31 Molinsky, Andy
Global dexterity : how to adapt your behavior across
cultures without losing yourself in the process / Andy
Molinsky.-- Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2013.
xxii, 200p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9781422187272.
395.52 MOL 137963
This book offers the tools needed to simultaneously adapt
behavior to new cultural contexts while staying authentic
and grounded in natural style. It reveals an approach to
adapting while feeling comfortable--an essential skill
that enables you to switch behaviors and overcome the
emotional and psychological challenges of doing so.

** International business enterprises --Management --
Cross cultural studies , Management --Cross-cultural
studies , Corporate culture --Cross-cultural studies ,
Intercultural communication , Diversity in the workplace
Business etiquette
 400   LANGUAGE  
   32 Byrne, Darragh (ed)
Arguing about language / Darragh Byrne and Max Kolbel.--
London: Routledge, 2010.
xiii, 600p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415462440.
401 BYR 137983
This title looks at the field, addressing both
fundamental problems and topics with the classic views of
Frege, Russell and Kripke and Quine, as well as the
influential pieces by philosophers including Jason
Stanley, David Chalmers and Crispin Wright.

** Language and languages --Philosophy , Language and

   33 Webster, Allen
Introductory regression analysis : with computer
application for business and economics / Allen Webster.--
New York: Routledge, 2013.
xvi, 472p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415899338.
519.536 WEB 137989
Introductory Regression Analysis focuses on the use and
interpretation of software, while also demonstrating the
logic, reasoning, and calculations that lie behind any
statistical analysis. Furthermore, the text emphasizes the
application of regression tools to real-life business
concerns. This multilayered, yet pragmatic approach fully
equips students to derive the benefit and meaning of a
regression analysis.

** Commercial statistics , Economics --Statistical
methods , Regression analysis
 610   MEDICINE and HEALTH  
   34 Goldacre, Ben
Bad pharma : how drug companies mislead doctors and harm
patients / Ben Goldacre.-- London: Fourth Estate, 2012.
xvii, 430p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9780007509553.
615.10724 GOL 137959
-Bad Science- hilariously exposed the tricks that quacks
and journalists use to distort science. Doctors and
patients need good scientific evidence to make informed
decisions. But instead, companies run bad trials on their
own drugs, which distort and exaggerate the benefits by
design. It is showing exactly how the science has been
distorted, how our systems have been broken, and how easy
it would be to fix them.

** Drugs --Testing , Drugs --Testing --Moral and ethical
aspects , Clinical trials --Moral and ethical aspects ,
Pharmaceutical industry --Moral and ethical aspects ,
Drugs --Quality control
   35 Georgieva, Petia (ed)
Advances in intelligent signal processing and data mining
: theory and applications / Petia Georgieva, Lyudmila
Mihaylova and Lakhmi C Jain.-- New York: Springer, 2013.
xiii, 349p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9783642286957.
621.3822 GEO 137981
This volume presents the most efficient statistical and
deterministic methods for information processing and
applications that allow the extraction of targeted data
and the discovery of hidden patterns.

** Signal processing -- Digital techniques -- Data
processing , Data mining , Engineering
   36 Harvard Business Review
HBR-s 10 must reads on making smart decisions.-- Boston:
Harvard Business Review Press, 2013.
v, 183p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9781422189894.
658.403 HAR 137971

** Decision making

37 Miller, Paddy
Innovation as usual : how to help your people bring great
ideas to life / Paddy Miller and Thomas Wedell-
Wedellsborg.-- Boston: Harvard Business Review Press,
vi, 218p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9781422144190.
658.4063 MIL 137965
This book is about getting to a state of -innovation as
usual,- where regular employees-in jobs like finance,
marketing, sales, or operations-make innovation happen in
a way that-s both systemic and sustainable.

** Creative ability in business , Creative thinking ,
Diffusion of innovations --Management , Organizational
behavior , New products

38 Sarmistha, Sarma
A Service marketing view of customer delight / Sarma
Sarmistha.-- New Delhi: Kunal Books, 2012.
v, 133p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789380752907.
658.812 SAR 138008
This book designed to elaborate the concept of customer
delight with respect to service marketing. This book is a
monograph on the service marketing view of customer
delight. It is a literature review of the various
relevant texts in the subject.

** Customer services, Consumers.

39 Hinterhuber, Andreas (ed)
Innovation in pricing : contemporary theories and best
practices / Andreas Hinterhuber and Stephan Liozu.-- New
York: Routledge, 2013.
xix, 416p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415521642.
658.816 HIN 137977
This book examines how innovation in pricing can drive
profits. The text examines innovation in pricing from
four complementary perspectives. It illustrates how
companies implement innovative pricing strategies.
Innovation in Pricing Tactics deals with innovative tools
to measure and increase customer willingness to pay and
to communicate value to B2B and B2C customers. It looks
at state-of-the art approaches to embed the pricing
function in the organization. Psychological Aspects of
Pricing illustrates how companies can influence customer
perceptions of value and price in their question to
implement innovation in pricing.

** Pricing , Marketing --Technological innovations
   40 Knoppers, Laura Lunger (ed)
The Oxford handbook of literature and the English
revolution / Laura Lunger Knoppers.-- Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2012.
xxvii, 715p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780199560608.
820.935842067 KNO 137942
The Handbook provides up-to-date scholarship on current
issues as well as historical information, textual
analysis, and bibliographical tools to help readers
understand and appreciate the bold and indeed
revolutionary character of writing in mid-seventeenth-
century England. The volume provides an indispensable
guide to the innovative and exciting texts of the English
Revolution and reevaluates its long-term cultural impact.

** English literature -- Early modern, 1500-1700 --
History and criticism , Great Britain -- History --
Revolution of 1688 -- In literature ,

41 David, Deirdre (ed)
The Cambridge companion to the Victorian novel / Deirdre
David.--2nd ed-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
xvii, 265p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780521182157.
823.809 DAV 137984
In the Victorian period, the British novel reached a wide
readership and played a major role in the shaping of
national and individual identity. As we come to understand
the ways the novel contributed to public opinion on
religion, gender, sexuality and race, we continue to be
entertained and enlightened by the works of Dickens,
George Eliot, Thackeray, Trollope and many others.
Designed to appeal to readers, these essays reflect the
latest approaches to reading and understanding Victorian

** English fiction --19th century --History and criticism
, LITERARY CRITICISM / European / English, Irish,
Scottish, Welsh
   42 Lansing, Carol (ed)
A Companion to the medieval world / Carol Lansing and
Edward D English.-- West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
xii, 584p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9781118425121.
940.1 LAN 137953
This volume covers the major issues in the study of
medieval Europe, highlighting the significant impact the
time period had on cultural forms and institutions
central to European identity.

** Middle Ages , Civilization, Medieval , Europe -
History - 476-1492
   43 Gandhi, Mahatma
Understanding Gandhi speeches and writings : that reveal
his mind methods and mission / Anil Dutta Mishra.-- New
Delhi: Concept Publishing, 2012.
310p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180697784.
954.035 GAN 138012
This book brings out his writings and speeches at one
place for proper understanding of Gandhi-s life, thought
and action.

** India -- Politics and government -- 1919-1947,
Nationalism -- India.




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