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   1 Reflections and reminiscences : a compilation of
conservations with esteemed personalities / Department of
Management Studies.-- Jaipur: Department of Management
Studies, 2010.
187p. 21cm.
080 REF 137463
This book is a compilation of conversation with eminent
personalities and provides a unique mix of interviews
with people who have dared to stretch to reach for their

** Interviews.
 170   ETHICS  
   2 Wujastyk, Dagmar
Well-mannered medicine : medical ethics and etiquette in
classical Ayurveda / Dagmar Wujastyk.-- Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2012.
vi, 238p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780199859962.
174.295538 WUJ 137579
This book explores the moral discourses on the practice
of medicine in the foundational texts of Ayurveda. The
classical ayurvedic treatises were composed in Sanskrit
between the first and the seventh centuries CE, and later
works, dating into the sixteenth century CE, are still
considered strongly authoritative. As author shows, these
works testify to an elaborate system of medical ethics
and etiquette. Physicians looked to the ayurvedic
treatises for a guide to professional conduct. Ayurvedic
discourses on good medical practice depict the physician
as highly-educated, skilled, moral, and well-mannered.

** Medicine, Ayurvedic, Medical ethics -- India,
Medicine, Ayurvedic -- India.

3 Arnold, Denis G (ed)
Kantian business ethics : critical perspectives / Denis G
Arnold and Jared D Harris.-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar,
xii, 196p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781781004951.
174.4 ARN 137609
In this book, the authors engage Bowie-s influential body
of scholarship as well as contemporary themes in
business, including topics such as: the normative
foundations of capitalism, the applicability of Kantian
ethics, virtue ethics, and pragmatism in normative
business ethics, meaningful work, managerial ethics, the
ethics of high leverage finance capitalism, business
ethics and corporate social responsibility, and
responsibility for the natural environment.

** Bowie, Norman E., -- 1942-, Business ethics.

4 Leach, Mark M (ed)
The Oxford handbook of international psychological ethics
/ Mark M Leach and others.-- Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2012.
xxvii, 490p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9780199739165.
174.915 LEA 137572
This book covers the state-of-the-art source for
information on psychological ethics worldwide, and offers
an inclusive international review of contemporary and
emerging ethical issues within the profession and science
of psychology. There is no comparable book on the market,
notwithstanding the importance and timeliness of the
topics to be covered.

** Psychology - ethics, Ethics, Professional, Psychology
Moral and ethical aspects

5 Beckett, Chris
Values and ethics in social work / Chris Beckett and
Andrew Maynard.--2nd ed-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications,
2013. xiv, 176p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781446203200.
174.9362 BEC 137629
This edition is now split into two parts. Part I
considers the foundations of every persons values and
provides a background to moral philosophy. Part II
examines key ethical issues and how they determine
practice, such as using power, allocating resources,
treating others with respect and celebrating diversity.

** Social service - Moral and ethical aspects, Social
workers - Professional ethics

 220   THE BIBLE  
   6 Twomey, Jay
The Pastoral epistles through the centuries / Jay Twomey.
-- West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009.
xii, 259p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781405126144.
227.8307 TWO 137574
This commentary surveys the many theological, cultural,
literary, political, and artistic uses of the Pastorals,
offering both an overview of their place in the tradition
and an in-depth study of key moments in the
interpretation history of their most important passages.
In the process we learn about the Pastorals- complex
influence on church structures and rites, the roles of
women in Christian religious life, the authority of
scripture, the development of monastic orders, and much

** Bible. - Pastoral Epistles - Commentaries, Paulus -
Apostel, Pastoralbriefe
   7 McGrath, Alister E
Historical theology : an introduction to the history of
Christian thought / Alister E McGrath.--2nd ed-- West
Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
xiv, 305p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780470672860.
230.09 MAC 137586
Covering the entire history of Christian thought, this
book provides all the material needed for a broad
understanding of Christian theological development, from
the earliest days of the Church Fathers right up to the
present day. The book is ordered into four distinct
periods, the Patristic period, the middle Ages and
Renaissance, the Reformation and post-Reformation, and
the modern period, addressing the key ideas, processes
and people in each.

** Theology -- History.
   8 Stout, Daniel A
Media and religion : foundations of an emerging field /
Daniel A Stout.-- New York: Routledge, 2012.
x, 204p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780805863840.
261.52 STO 137637
This book examines the history, theory, cultural
context, and professional aspects of media and religion.
While religion has been explored more fully in
psychology, sociology, anthropology, and the humanities,
there is no clear bridge of understanding to the
communication discipline. Author tackles this issue by
providing a roadmap for examining this understudied area
so that discussions about media and religion can more
easily proceed.

** Mass media -- Religious aspects -- Christianity, Mass
media in religion.
   9 Kepnes, Steven
The Future of Jewish theology / Steven Kepnes.-- West
Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
xiii, 282p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780470659601.
296.3 KEP 137547
This engaging argument for the future of Jewish theology,
written by a renowned Jewish scholar, provides a rounded
introduction to the faith, its history, and its place in
the modern world.

** Judaism - Doctrines, Judaism - 21st century
   10 Silverman, David (ed)
Qualitative research : issues of theory, method and
practice / David Silverman.--3rd ed-- Los Angeles: Sage
Publications, 2012.
xiv, 450p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9788132110385.
300.72 SIL 137625
Its provides some real insight into qualitative practices
the whys and the what, enabling one to become a more
sensitive and thoughtful research practitioner...what
Silverman and the contributors to this third edition have
done is to provide readers- the graduate students,
researchers, teachers and perhaps those involved in
funding qualitative research-with ideas that develop and
enrich our sensibilities about the nature and practice of
qualitative research.

** Social sciences - Research, Social sciences -
   11 Bauman, Zygmunt
Moral blindness : the loss of sensitivity in liquid
modernity / Zygmunt Bauman and Leonidas Donskis.--
Cambridge: Polity, 2013.
218p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780745662756.
302.17 BAU 137598
Evil is not confined to war or to circumstances in which
people are acting under extreme duress. Today it more
frequently reveals itself in the everyday insensitivity
to the suffering of others, in the inability or refusal
to understand them and in the casual turning away of
one-s ethical gaze. Evil and moral blindness lurk in what
we take as normality and in the triviality and banality
of everyday life, and not just in the abnormal and
exceptional cases.

** Apathy , Social ethics.

12 Stokes, Jane
How to do media and cultural studies / Jane Stokes.--2nd
ed-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2013.
xvi, 247p.24cm.
ISBN : 9781849207867.
302.23072 STO 137611
This book provides an essential guide to the process of
research and writing. It covers all the key stages - from
formulating a research question to writing up. This book
covers both quantitative and qualitative methods -
Includes separate chapters of how to analyze media and
cultural texts, industries and audiences - Works through
a series of key examples of media and cultural research -
Includes a list of useful library resources and essential
web sites Suitable for use as a course book.

** Mass media -- Research -- Methodology, Culture --
Research -- Methodology.

   13 Hasan, Arif
The unplanned revolution : observations on the processes
of socio-economic change in Pakistan / Arif Hasan.--
Oxford: Oxford University Press,
xxxiii, 307p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780195476699.
303.4095491 HAS 137357
The book is divided into six sections, representing the
different ecological regions of Pakistan. These sections
are the Mountains, Indus Plains and Western Islands, The
Desert, the River (Indus), the Coast and the City. The
social, economic, physical and governance related changes
that have taken place in these regions are described
through extracts from reports, field notes for different
development related work and media articles. The writings
identify past socio-economic conditions as viewed by the
communities the author worked or interacted with, present
conditions and emerging trends. It also identifies the
actors of change, their relationships with each other and
with the large physical and political context on the

** Pakistan -- Social conditions , Pakistan -- Economic
conditions ,

14 Gudavarthy, Ajay
Politics of post-civil society : contemporary history of
political movements in India / Ajay Gudavarthy.-- Los
Angeles: Sage Publications, 2013.
x, 262p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9788132110415.
303.4840954 GUD 137623
Its explained about an attempt to map the discourse and
politics of contemporary political movements in India
that have been negotiating with the hegemonic effects
born out of the insidious co-habitation of political
principles and practices in the domain referred to as the
civil society. In course of constructing the political
landscape of these movements, the book foregrounds the
various strategies through which they are pushing and
nudging towards a new politics of post-civil society.

** Social movements - India, Civil society - India

15 Frenkel, Amnon (ed)
Societies in motion : innovation, migration and regional
transformation / Amnon Frenkel,Peter Nijkamp and Philip
McCann.-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012.
xx, 377p. 24 cm.
ISBN : 9780857939937.
303.49071 FRE 137048
This unique book deals with the complex issues raised by
these transformations, focusing particularly on the
impacts on regional development, technological
innovation, and the flows and mobility of ideas,
knowledge, people and firms.

** Technology -- Social aspects , Human geography

   16 Luther, Catherine A
Diversity in U.S. mass media / Catherine A Luther,
Carolyn Ringer Lepre and Naeemah Clark.-- West Sussex:
Wiley-Blackwell, 2011.
xii, 370p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781405187923.
305.0973 LUT 137632
This book provides comprehensive coverage of the
evolution and issues surrounding portrayals of social
groups within the mass media of the United States.
Focuses on past and current mass media representations of
social groups, Provides an overview of key theories that
have guided research in mass media representations and
stereotyping, Discusses the impact new media has on
representation and how technology is giving a new voice
to various social groups.

** Minorities in mass media, Cultural pluralism in mass
media, Mass media and minorities -- United States.

17 Devi, Thokchom Binarani
Women-s movement in Manipur / Thokchom Binarani Devi.--
New Delhi: Concept Publishing, 2011.
xix, 232p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180697791.
305.42095417 DEV 136088, 137603
This book elaborates women-s movement in Manipur making
an attempt to analyze their contribution related to the
socio-economic and political development in a democratic
way besides explaining the impact of modernization,
industrialization, globalization, science and technology
etc. towards women. It also traces role of women
pertaining to marginalization, values, rights, liberties,
education and other activities apart from empowerment and
subordination of women in different societies.

** Feminism --India --Manipur, Women --India --Manipur --
Social conditions, Women --India --Manipur --Economic
conditions, Pressure groups --India --Manipur, Women --
Political activity --India --Manipur,

18 Mishra, Asha (ed)
Tribal movements in Jharkhand 1857-2007 / Asha Mishra and
Chittaranjan Kumar Paty.-- New Delhi: Concept Publishing,
2010. 208p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180696862.
305.5680954127 MIS 136147, 137606
Jharkhand, during the period from 1857 to 2007. Unfolding
the saga of heroic struggle of the people of Jharkhand to
assert their political and cultural identity, the
contributors deliberate on the Great Revolt of 1857,
portrayal of gender in tribal movements, the genesis and
impact of Mulkui Larai, the role of Christian
missionaries, the socio-religious movements, the struggle
for separate state, and the contemporary assertion over

** Jharkhand (India) --History --Autonomy and
independence movements --Congresses, Jharkhand (India) --
Scheduled tribes --Politics and government --Congresses,

19 Lean, Nathan
The Islamophobia industry : how the right manufactures
fear of muslims / Nathan Lean.-- London: PlutoPress, 2012
xiii, 222, 21cm.
ISBN : 9780745332536.
305.697 LEA 137326
This is a disturbing account of the rising tide of
Islamophobia sweeping through the United States and
Europe. Nathan Lean takes us through a world of
conservative bloggers, right-wing talk show hosts,
evangelical religious leaders and politicians, all united
in their quest to exhume the ghosts of 9/11 and convince
their compatriots that Islam is the enemy. Lean uncovers
their scare tactics, reveals their motives and exposes
the ideologies that drive their propaganda
machine. Situating Islamophobia within a long history of
national and international phobias, The Islamophobia
Industry challenges the narrative of fear that has for
too long dominated discussions about Muslims and Islam.

** Islamophobia , Ethnic conflict , Islam - Public

20 Hays, Pamela A
Connecting across cultures : the helper-s toolkit /
Pamela A Hays.-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2013.
ix, 124p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781452217918.
305.8 HAY 137617
This book offers strategies for connecting with people
across differences related to ethnicity, religion,
nationality, disability, age, gender, and class.

** Multiculturalism, Culture, Interpersonal relations.
   21 Carruthers, Bruce G
Economy/society : markets, meanings, and social structure
/ Bruce G Carruthers and Sarah L Babb.--2nd ed-- Los
Angeles: Sage Publications, 2013.
viii, 235p. 23cm.
(Sociology for a new century).
ISBN : 9781412994965.
306.3 CAR 137621
In this long-awaited second edition of Economy/Society
Markets, Meanings, and Social Structure, authors
Carruthers and Babb continue to offer an accessible
introduction to the way social arrangements affect
economic activity, and shows that economic exchanges are
deeply embedded in social relationships. Understanding
how society shapes the economy helps us answer many
important questions.

** Economics - Sociological aspects, United States -
Economic conditions - 1981-2001

22 Hernandez-Campoy, Juan Manuel (ed)
The Handbook of historical sociolinguistics / Juan Manuel
Hernandez-Campoy and Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre.-- West
Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
xxx, 674p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9781405190688.
306.4409 HER 137636
This book features 35 newly-written essays that explore
how sociolinguistic theoretical models, methods,
findings, and expertise can be applied to the process of
reconstruction of a language-s past in order to account
for diachronic linguistic changes and developments.

** Sociolinguistics -- History, Sociolinguistics --
Handbooks, manuals, etc.

23 Thornton, Sarah
Club cultures : music, media and subcultural capital /
Sarah Thornton.-- Middletown: Wesleyan University Press,
x, 191p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780819562975.
306.484 THO 137608
This book is a highly innovative contribution to the
study of popular culture. Focusing on the youth cultures
that revolve around dance clubs and raves, it highlights
the values of authenticity and hipness, and explores the
complex hierarchies that emerge within the domain of
popular culture. Using a combination of methods, the book
paints a picture of club cultures as "taste cultures"
brought together by micro-media (like flyers and
listings), transformed into self-conscious "subcultures"
by niche media (like the music and style press), and
sometimes recast as "movements" with the aid of mass
media (like tabloid newspaper front pages).

** Subculture -- Great Britain, Popular culture -- Great
Britain, Music and youth -- Great Britain.

   24 Kernell, Samuel (ed)
Principles and practice of American politics : classic
and contemporary readings / Samuel Kernell and Steven S
Smith.--5th ed-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2013.
xiii, 731p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781452226286.
320.0973 KER 137624
It-s an engaging collection of readings that balances
classics of political science with more contemporary
analyses of current politics and public policy. Kernell
and Smith have drawn from a variety of sources and
schools of thought to present a coherent collection. In
addition, many selections are drawn from rich political
sources such as the CQ Weekly that comparable readers
cannot offer.

** Political culture - United States, United States -
Politics and government

25 Coakley, John
Nationalism, ethnicity and the state : making and
breaking nations / John Coakley.-- Los Angeles: Sage
Publications, 2012.
xi, 308p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781446247433.
320.54 COA 137614
This book offers a truly comprehensive account of the
vibrant topic of nationalism. This book examines this
powerful and remarkable political force by exploring: -
Definitions of nationalism- Language and nationalism-
Religion and Nationalism- Nationalist history- The social
roots of ideologies and the significance of race, gender
and class- Nationalist movements, from dominant
majorities to peripheral minorities socio-economic and
sociological perspectives- State responses to

** Nationalism.

26 Gould, William
Hindu nationalism and the language of politics in late
colonial India / William Gould.-- Cambridge: Cambridge
University press, 2011.
xv. 303p.
ISBN : 9788175962514.
320.540954 GOU 137567
Explores one of the most important and controversial
themes in 20th century Indian history and politics: The
nature of India nationalism as an ideology and political
language, rather than concentrating on the main
institutions of the Hindu right in India.

** India - History - British Period, India - Nationalism,
Indian National Congress - History

27 Peters, B Guy
American public policy : promise and performance / B Guy
Peters.--9th ed-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2013.
xvii, 581p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781452218717.
320.60973 PET 137616
In this book, the author gives a clear exposition of the
public policy environment from agenda setting to
evaluation, identifying the governmental structures and
procedures through which policy is designed and
implemented. With characteristic flair for lucid and
lively discussion, Peters examines the problems, goals,
and important issues in substantive policy areas,
including health care, social security and welfare,
education, energy, environment, defense and law

** United States -- Politics and government, Political
planning -- United States, Policy sciences.
   28 Burgess, Michael
Comparative federalism : theory and practice / Michael
Burgess.-- London: Routledge, 2013.
xii, 357p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415364553.
321.02 BUR 137310
A new examination of contemporary federalism and
federation, which has delivers a detailed theoretical
study underpinned by fresh case studies. It is grounded
in a clear distinction between -federations-, particular
kinds of states, and -federalism-, the thinking that
drives and promotes them. This book will be of great
interest to students and researchers of federalism,
devolution, comparative politics and government.

** Federal government, Federal government --United States
Comparative government
   29 Art, Robert J
International politics : enduring concepts and
contemporary issues, / Robert J Art and Robert Jervis.--
11th ed-- Boston: Pearson, 2013.
xvi, 585p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780205851645.
327 ART 137607
This book provides comprehensive coverage of the most
important IR concepts, trends, and current issues. This
collection places contemporary essays alongside classics
of the discipline and includes divergent views to ensure
a balanced perspective. The anthology presents clear,
theoretical works that inspire a deeper understanding of
the forces that shape today-s world.

** International relations, World politics -- 1989-,

30 Haas, Peter M (ed)
Controversies in globalization : contending approaches to
international relations / Peter M Haas and John A Hird.--
2nd ed-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2013.
lxiii, 577p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781608717958.
327 HAS 137618
Debate-style readers can be effective and provocative
teaching tools in the classroom. But if the readings are
not in dialogue with one another, the crux of the debate
is lost on students, and the reader fails to add real
depth to the course. This book solves this issue by
inviting 15 pairs of scholars and practitioners to write
specifically for the volume, directly addressing current
and relevant questions in international relations through
brief "yes" and "no" pieces.

** Globalization.

31 Nau, Henry R (ed)
Worldviews of aspiring powers : domestic foreign policy
debates in China, India, Iran, Japan and Russia / Henry R
Nau and Deepa M Ollapally.-- Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2012.
xiv, 241p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780199937493.
327 NAU 137580
This book provides a serious study of the domestic
foreign policy debates in five world powers who have
gained more influence as the US-s has waned: China,
Japan, India, Russia and Iran. Featuring a leading
regional scholar for each essay, each essay identifies
the most important domestic schools of thought--
nationalists, realists, globalists,
idealists/exceptionalists--and connects them to the
historical and institutional sources that fuel each
nation-s foreign policy experience.

** Middle powers -- History -- 21st century,
International relations -- Philosophy -- History -- 21st
century, International relations -- History -- 21st

32 Beasley, Ryan K (ed)
Foreign policy in comparative perspective : domestic and
international influences on state behavior / Ryan K
Beasley and others.--2nd ed-- Los Angeles: Sage
Publications, 2013.
xx, 366p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781608716968.
327.1 BEA 137622
Widely regarded as the most comprehensive comparative
foreign policy text, Foreign Policy in Comparative
Perspective has been completely updated in this much-
anticipated second edition. The editors have brought
together fifteen top scholars to highlight the importance
of both internal and external forces in foreign

** International relations, Foreign policy

33 Gill, Peter
Intelligence in an insecure world / Peter Gill and Mark
Phythian.--2nd ed-- Cambridge: Polity, 2012. xv, 264p.
ISBN : 9780745652795.
327.12 GIL 137591
What exactly is intelligence? Who seeks to develop it and
how? What happens to intelligence once it is produced,
and what dilemmas does this generate? How can liberal
democracies seek to mitigate problems of intelligence,
and what do we mean by "intelligence failure?"- In this
book, the authors explore these and other questions.
Together they set out a comprehensive framework for the
study of intelligence, discussing how -intelligence- can
best be understood, how it is collected, analyzed,
disseminated and acted upon, how it raises ethical
problems, and how and why it fails.

** Intelligence service.

   34 Boeri, Tito (ed)
Brain drain and brain gain : the global competition to
attract high-skilled migrants / Tito Boeri and others.--
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
xviii, 317p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780199654826.
331.12791 BOE 137566
The worldwide race to attract talents is getting tougher.
The US has been leading the race, with its ability to
attract PhD candidates and graduates not only from
emerging countries, but also from the European Union.
However, a growing number of countries have adopted
immigration policies specifically aimed at selecting and
attracting skilled workers. This book describes the
global competition to attract talents. It focuses in
particular on two phenomena: the brain gain and brain
drain associated with high-skilled migration.

** Brain drain, Labor mobility, Skilled labor -

35 Rajeshkar, D
Institutional design for tackling child labour problem :
a study of the state child labour project in Karnataka /
D Rajeshkar, K G Gayathri Devi and V Anil Kumar.-- New
Delhi: Concept Publishing Company, 2011.
xiv, 122p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180698170.
331.31095487 RAJ 136140, 137604
Despite the existence of government policies and
programmes, the incidence of child labour is high in
India. Taking State Child Labour Programme (SCLP)
implemented in Karnataka as a case, this book suggests
the institutional changes that are needed to tackle the
problem of child labour. SCLP did well in the
identification and rehabilitation of child labourers. In
order to reduce the problem of child labour, the
government should rehabilitate children through
residential bridge schools, reserve seats in the
government schools with hostels for rehabilitated child
labourers and provide appropriate vocational education to
children uninterested in regular school education.

** State Child Labour Project (Karnataka, India), Child
labor --India --Karnataka --Prevention, Child labor --
Government policy --India --Karnataka,

36 Harrod, Jeffrey (ed)
Global unions? : theory and strategies of organized
labour in the global political economy / Jeffrey Harrod
and Robert O-Brien.-- London: Routledge, 2002.
xx, 282p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415288118.
331.88091 HAR 137582
This book examines the interaction between industrial
relations and international relations in the global
economy and analyses the key developments in union
strategy on a local, national, regional and global level.

** Labor unions, International labor activities,

   37 Holton, Robert J
Global finance / Robert J Holton.-- London: Routledge,
viii, 118p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9780415619172.
332.042 HOL 137581
This book charts the current shape of global finance and
tries to explain why the crisis arose - and what can be
done about it.

** International finance, Banks and banking,
   38 Barbier, Edward B
A new blueprint for a green economy / Edward B Barbier
and Anil Markandya.-- London: Routledge, 2012.
xv, 195p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9781849713535.
333.7 BAR 137601
This book summarizes the main messages from Blueprint for
a Green Economy and explains why, given rapid and
widespread global environmental degradation, they are
still relevant. The book examines the progress since
Blueprint for a Green Economy in implementing policies
and other measures to improve environmental valuation,
accounting and incentives. The book highlights the new
policies and approaches needed for economic management of
today-s environmental concerns.

** Economic development -- Environmental aspects,
Sustainable development, Environmental impact charges,
Environmental policy.
   39 Kappler, Marcus (ed)
Business cycle synchronisation and economic integration :
new evidence from the EU / Marcus Kappler and Andreas
Sachs.-- Berlin: Physica-Verlag, 2013.
vi, 193p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9783790828542.
337.142 KAP 137086
This book offers the reader a state-of-the-art overview
on theory and empirics of business cycle synchronisation,
structural reform and economic integration. Focusing on
the ongoing integration process in the Euro area and the
EU, it analyses the integration process that has taken
place since the 1980s and which is marked by the advent
of the euro and the substantial enlargement that resulted
from the accession of 12 new Member States in East and
Southern Europe.

** Economic policy , International economic integration ,
Europe - European Union countries , Integration
   40 Raychaudhuri, Ajitava
International trade in services in India : implications
for growth and inequality in a globalizing world /
Ajitava Raychaudhuri and Prabir De.-- New Delhi: Oxford
University Press, 2012.
xx, 265p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780198079378.
338.40954 RAY 137554
Discussing the theoretical and empirical basis of
flourishing world trade in services, this book analyses
its composition and sectoral prospects for India.
Highlighting the implications of rising services trade
for pro-poor growth, it delineates why removal of
barriers to trade in services may be welfare enhancing.

** Service industries - India, Foreign trade and
employment - India, Globalization -- Social aspects --

41 Sinha, U P
Bihar tourism : retrospect and prospect / U P Sinha and
Swargesh Kumar.-- New Delhi: Concept Publishing, 2012.
300p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180697999.
338.47910954 SIN 136085, 137602
The development of tourism in India is a fascinating
subject. India-s glorious traditions and rich cultural
heritage are closely linked with the development of
tourism. Its magnificent monuments attract a large number
of visitors from all over the world. Many major issues
relating to socio-economic and cultural impact of tourism
are widely discussed in the book that will help to
understand economic development and activities of tourism

** Tourism, Tourism--Government policy, Tourism--
Marketing India--Bihar,

42 Unoki, Ko
Mergers, acquisitions and global empires : tolerance,
diversity and the success of MandA / Ko Unoki.-- London:
Routledge, 2013.
ix, 265p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415528740.
338.83 UNO 137596
In this book, the author weaves a unique narrative that
looks at both empires of business created from MandA and
global empires from world history in an attempt to answer
the question: why do certain empires endure for long
periods while others collapse in a short space of time.

** Consolidation and merger of corporations,
International business enterprises.

43 Zhang, Si
Multinationals in China : business strategy, technology
and economic development / Si Zhang and Robert Pearce.--
New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
vii, 159p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780230577411.
338.880951 ZHA 137630
This book analyses the results of an in-depth survey of
subsidiaries in China of leading manufacturing
multinational enterprises (MNEs). It investigates the
strategic roles played by these subsidiaries and the
sources of technologies they access or generate in doing
this. It provides an original contribution to the
understanding of important issues in international
business, the economic development of China and

** BUSINESS and ECONOMICS / International / Economics
   44 Gerber, David J
Global competition : law, markets, and globalization /
David J Gerber.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
xx, 394p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780199652006.
343.0721 GER 137563
This book examines competition law on the global level
and reveals its often complex and little-understood
dynamics. It focuses on the interactions between national
and international legal regimes that are central to these
dynamics and a key to understanding them.

** Antitrust law (International law), Conflict of laws -
Foreign trade regulation

45 Cengiz, Firat
Antitrust federalism in the EU and the US / Firat Cengiz.
-- London: Routledge, 2012.
xix, 234p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415674638.
343.240721 CEN 137307
This book analyses multi-level governance in competition
policy, or "antitrust federalism" as it is called by
students of competition policy, in the US and the EU from
a comparative perspective. The book compares how
competition laws and authorities of different levels -
the federal and the state levels in the US and the
national and the supranational levels in the EU -
interact with each other. The EU and the US stand among
the strongest existing examples of multi-level polities
and they developed mature competition policies. Despite
such similarities, however, recent developments imply
that they are moving in different directions in the field
of antitrust federalism. The book is essentially
multidisciplinary in its effort to initiate dialogue
between the Law and Political Science literatures in this
field. This book will be of particular interest to
academics, students and practitioners of
Competition Law, Constitutional Law and Political

** Antitrust law --United States, Antitrust law --
European Union countries, Federal government --United
States, Federal government --European Union countries

 346   PRIVATE LAW  
   46 Voiculescu, Aurora (ed)
The business of human rights : an evolving agenda for
corporate responsibility / Aurora Voiculescu and Helen
Yanacopulos.-- London: Zed Books, 2011.
viii, 245p. 21cm
ISBN : 9781848138629.
346.066 VOI 137308
This book is an essential text that provides a human
rights framework to facilitate a critical approach to
corporate responsibilities, and the place of these
responsibilities within society across the globe. It
provides for the reader a unique introduction to many
questions of law, politics, economics, and international
relations and how they relate to one another, while also
encouraging non-legal perspectives on business

** Corporate governance --Law and legislation, Social
responsibility of business, Human rights
   47 Baum, Lawrence
The Supreme court / Lawrence Baum.--11th ed-- Los Angeles
: Sage Publications, 2013.
xiii, 255p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781452220963.
347.7326 BAU 137627
This book provides a brief yet comprehensive introduction
to the U.S. Supreme Court, one that is balanced and
illuminating. In successive chapters, the book examines
each major aspect of the Court: the selection,
backgrounds, and departures of justices, the creation of
the Court-s agenda, the decision-making process and the
factors that shape the Court-s decisions, the substance
of the Court-s policies, and the Court-s impact on
government and American society.

** United States - Supreme Court, Constitutional law -
United States

   48 Charalabidis, Yannis (ed)
Empowering open and collaborative governance :
technologies and methods for online citizen angagement in
public policy making / Yannis Charalabidis and Sotirios
Koussouris.-- Heidelberg: Springer, 2012.
xviii, 296p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9783642272189.
351.02854678 CHA 137633
The collection of articles in this book covers the
subject of empowering open and collaborative governance
comprehensively and demonstrates the diversity of tools
and methods, when tackling the issues and concerns in
research and practice. It provides an important
contribution for researchers of all forms of digital

** Internet in public administration, Political
participation, Internet -- Political aspects.
   49 Weerakkody, Vishanth (ed)
Public sector transformation through e-government
experiences from Europe and North America / Vishanth
Weerakkody and Christopher G Reddick.-- New York:
Routledge, 2013.
xiv, 263p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415527378.
352.3802854678 WEE 137575
This book examines e-governmentts potential to transform
public services from a theoretical perspective, and
provides practical examples from leading public sector
institutions that have utilized e-government as a basis
to bring about change. It further investigates the
relationship between citizens and government and how they
are affected by e-government policies and programs. Aimed
at students and researchers of public
administration/management and information systems, this
book serves as a welcome tool for examining and
understanding e-government and transformational change.

** Public administration - Technological innovations,
Internet in public administration, Public administration
Technological innovations - Europe, Internet in public
administration - Europe
   50 Karnani, Aneel
Fighting poverty together : rethinking strategies for
business, governments, and civil society to reduce
poverty / Aneel Karnani.-- New York: Palgrave Macmillan,
2011. 297p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780230105874.
362.584091724 KAR 137634
In this book, the author demonstrates what is wrong with
today-s approaches to reducing poverty. He proposes an
eclectic approach to poverty reduction that emphasizes
the need for business, government and civil society to
partner together to create employment opportunities for
the poor.

** Poverty -- Government policy -- Developing countries,
Job creation -- Developing countries.
   51 Ranjan, Alok (ed)
Population and health India 2007 : selected papers of
Bhopal seminar 2007 / Alok Ranjan.-- Bhopal: Shyam
Institute, 2008.
259p. 24cm.
ISBN : 8190259229.
363.96 RAN 137472

** Health , Population policy , Health Planning

52 Ranjan, Alok (ed)
Population and health India, 2008 : selected papers of
Bhopal seminar 2008 / Alok Ranjan.-- Bhopal: Shyam
Institute, 2008.
270p. 24cm.
ISBN : 8190259237.
363.96 RAN 137471

** Health , Population policy , Health Planning
   53 Chamberlain, John Martyn
Understanding criminological research : a guide to data
analysis / John Martyn Chamberlain.-- Los Angeles: Sage
Publications, 2013.
252p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781446208588.
364.072 CHA 137628
Criminological research lies at the heart of
criminological theory, influences social policy
development, as well as informs criminal justice
practice. The ability to collect, analyze and present
empirical data is a core skill every student of
criminology must learn.

** Criminology - Research, Criminology - Research -

   54 Tompkins, Gail E
Language arts : patterns of practice / Gail E Tompkins.--
8th ed-- Boston: Pearson, 2013.
xxv, 463p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780132685757.
372.6 TOM 137595
This book continues to ground language arts instruction
in the contemporary classroom. Its strengthened focus on
the needs of English learners, as well as its new
coverage of Common Core Standards for English Language
Arts and its integrated treatment of technology as a
teaching tool combine to make this new edition an
invaluable tool for pre-service and elementary language
arts teachers.

** Language arts (Primary).
   55 Sovic, Silvia (ed)
International students negotiating higher education :
critical perspectives / Silvia Sovic and Margo Blythman.-
London: Routledge, 2012.
xii, 243p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415614702.
378.1982691 SOV 136905
This insightful book offers a critical stance on
contemporary views of international students and
challenges the way those involved address the important
issues at hand. To do this, the authors focus
specifically on giving voice to the student experience.
In particular, the authors show how international student
experience can be a ready asset from which to glean
valuable information, particularly in relation to
teaching and learning, academic support and the formal
and informal curriculum. In this way, the issues
affecting international students can be seen as part of
the larger set of difficulties that face all students at
university today.

** Students, Foreign , Education, Higher ,
   56 Cavusgil, S Tamer
Doing business in emerging markets / S Tamer Cavusgil,
Pervez N Ghauri and Ayse A Akcal.--2nd ed-- Los Angeles:
Oxford University Press, 2013.
xx, 394p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781849201544.
382.6 CAV 137620
This edition has been completely revised and updated to
reflect the challenges and opportunities facing
businesses in emerging markets. Written in a clear and
accessible way, this text covers all of the key topics
students need to understanding in International Business
in the context of emerging markets. Real life examples
and supporting research on emerging markets further
enable the reader to form a realistic picture of the
challenges facing firms entering emerging markets.

** International business enterprises, Export marketing
 398   FOLKLORE  
   57 Majumdar, Dakshinaranjan Mitra
Tales from Thakurmar Jhuli : twelve stories from Bengal /
Dakshinaranjan Mitra Majumdar.-- New Delhi: Oxford
University Press, 2012.
xxiii, 150p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780198082200.
398.2095414 MAJ 137201
Bringing together twelve stories from Thakurmar Jhuli,
originally compiled by Dakshinaranjan Mitra Majumdar in
1907, this book opens a window to the true spirit of
grandmother-s yarns. From -Dalim Kumar-, the story of a
prince who has to match his wits against a demoness to
save his brothers to -Fox the Schoolteacher-, a morbid
tale about a wily fox whose evil deeds leads to his own
downfall, these stories are told in a language that is
simple and full of rhymes and songs. Originating in
centuries-old tales passed down through generations in
the villages of Bengal, the collection recovers the fast-
disappearing heritage of traditional fairytales that were
once an oral legacy of every child in India. These twelve
stories-freshly translated for the volume and accompanied
by evocative line drawings-capture the spirit of the
original stories while retaining their readability.

** Fairy tales --India --West Bengal --Translations into
   58 English, James F
The Global future of English studies / James F English.--
West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
xv, 202p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780470654941.
420.7 ENG 137635
This book presents a succinct, carefully documented
assessment of the current state and future trajectory of
English studies around the world.

** English language -- Study and teaching.

 500   SCIENCE  
   59 Firestein, Stuart
Ignorance : how it drives science / Stuart Firestein.--
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
viii, 195p. 18cm.
ISBN : 9780199828074.
501 FIR 137589
The book concludes with four case histories--in cognitive
psychology, theoretical physics, astronomy, and
neuroscience--that provide a feel for the nuts and bolts
of ignorance, the day-to-day battle that goes on in
scientific laboratories and in scientific minds with
questions that range from the quotidian to the profound.

** Science -- Philosophy, Ignorance (Theory of knowledge)
Discoveries in science.
   60 Balakrishnan, N (ed)
Methods and applications of statistics in the social and
behavioral sciences / N Balakrishnan.-- Hoboken: Wiley,
xxi, 560p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9780470405079.
519.5 BAL 137597
This book outlines the statistical concepts and
techniques for application that are essential for
understanding data gathered from modern research in the
social and behavioral sciences.

** Social sciences --Statistical methods, Psychology --
Statistical methods, Statistics.

61 Bhattacharya, Debasis (ed)
Statistics in social science and agriculture research /
Debasis Bhattacharya and Soma Roychowdhury.-- New Delhi:
Concept Publishing, 2012.
viii, 296p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180698224.
519.5 BHA 136146, 137605
This book discusses various statistical tools and
techniques used in the areas of social science,
environmental science, agriculture, medical science and
others. Inherent complexity in the field data makes it
difficult to apply the standard statistical tools
directly, and the book will give a very good guidance to
the researchers and post graduate students in the fields
of social science, environmental science, agriculture,
medical science and others, who wish to apply various
statistical techniques for analyzing the field data in
order to draw a valid conclusion.

** Social sciences --Statistical methods --Congresses,
Social sciences --Research --Methodology --Congresses,
Agriculture --Statistical methods --Congresses,
Agriculture --Research --Methodology --Congresses,

62 Ohri, A
R for business analytics / A Ohri.-- New York: Springer,
xviii, 312p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781461443421.
519.502855133 OHR 137163
This book examines common tasks performed by business
analysts and helps the reader navigate the wealth of
information in R and its 4000 packages to create useful
analytics applications. Includes interviews with
corporate users of R, and easy-to-use examples.

** Commercial statistics -- Data processing , Commercial
statistics -- Computer programs , R (Computer program

63 Deng, Naiyang
Support vector machines : optimization based theory,
algorithms, and extensions / Naiyang Deng, Yingjie Tian
and Chunhua Zhang.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2013.
xxvii, 335p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781439857922.
519.6 DEN 137578
This book provides a concise overview of support vector
machines (SVMs), starting from the basics and connecting
to many of their most significant extensions. This book
comprehensively covers many topics of support vector
machines (SVMs). In particular, it gives a nice
connection between optimization theory and support vector

** Mathematical optimization.
 520   ASTRONOMY  
   64 Ostriker, Jeremiah P
Heart of darkness : unraveling the mysteries of the
invisible universe / Jeremiah P Ostriker and Simon Mitton
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013.
xxi,299p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780691134307.
523.1 OST 137640
This book describes the saga of humankind-s quest to
unravel the secrets of the universe. This title explains
the physics and the history of how the advanced model of
our universe arose and has passed every test hurled at it
by the skeptics. It also explains the growth of all
cosmic structure, and holds the key to the universe-s

** Cosmology -- Popular works, Dark energy (Astronomy) --
Popular works, Dark matter (Astronomy) -- Popular works.

 577   ECOLOGY  
   65 Mieg, Harald A (ed)
Institutional and social innovation for sustainable urban
development / Harald A Mieg and Klaus Topfer.-- London:
Routledge, 2013.
xvi, 421p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415630054.
577.56 MIE 137590
The book introduces core findings, new methods, and
international experience related to sustainability
innovations and the social transformation of cities,
synthesizing insights from mega city research,
sustainability science, and urban planning.

** Sustainable urban development, City planning --
Environmental aspects, Urban ecology (Sociology).
   66 Nickson, Dennis
Human resource management for the hospitality and tourism
industries / Dennis Nickson.--2nd ed-- London: Routledge,
xv, 352p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780080966489.
647.940683 NIC 137587
This book takes an integrated look at HRM policies and
practices in the tourism and hospitality industries.
Utilizing existing human resource management (HRM) theory
and practice, it contextualizes it to the tourism and
hospitality industries by looking at the specific
employment practices of these industries, such as how to
manage tour reps or working in the airline industry.

** Hospitality industry -- Personnel management, Tourism
- Personnel management.
   67 Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Handbook of auditing pronouncements, vol. 1.B :
compendium of statements.-- New Delhi: The Institute of
Chartered Accountants of India, 2012. 270p. 23cm.
V.1.B :Compendium of statements (As on August 1,2012).
ISBN : 9788184414943.
657.0218 INS 137502
** Auditing -- Standards -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. ,
Accounting -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. , Accounting --
   68 Alvesson, Mats
Making sense of management : critical introduction / Mats
Alvesson and Hugh Willmott.--2nd ed-- London: Sage
Publications, 2012.
256 p. 25 cm.
ISBN : 9781849200868.
658 ALV 137631
This book set out to provide a fresh perspective on
management that was both broad and critical, exploring
how the disruptive and constructive potential of critical
theory can be realized in organizations. Along the way,
it has proven to be a landmark contribution to critical
management studies. As well as setting the agenda for
current research, this revised edition has been written
to appeal to a broader readership and open up critical
theory for the general management student. The Second
Edition includes new sections on HRM, brands, identity,
ethics and leadership have been fully developed alongside
the rest of the text to reflect the current state of play
in critical management studies.

** Management.

69 Aldridge, Jacqueline
The Research funding toolkit / Jacqueline Aldridge and
Andrew M Derrington.-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications,
xiii, 210p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780857029683.
658.15224 ALD 137626
Its provides this knowledge and offers a range of
practical techniques to help you succeed in tough
research funding competitions. A complex set of factors
determine whether research projects win grants. This
handbook helps you navigate these issues and identify
your personal challenges to research grant success.

** Fund raising - Handbooks, Research grants

70 Schmitt, Neal (ed)
The Oxford handbook of personnel assessment and selection
/ Neal Schmitt.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
xvii, 973p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9780199732579.
658.311 SCH 137573
Employee selection remains an integral role of
industrial/organizational psychology. Modern demands on
organizations have required adaptations on the part of
those responsible for selection programs, and researchers
in evaluating the impact of these adaptations as well as
their implications for how we view human potential. Many
of these developments (web-based assessments, social
networking, globalization of organizations, for example)
determine in great part the content and focus of many of
the chapters in this book.

** Ability - Testing, Prediction of occupational success,
Employee selection

71 Hope, Jeremy
Beyond performance management : why, when, and how to use
40 tools and best practices for superior business
performance / Jeremy Hope and Steve Player.-- Boston:
Harvard Business Review Press, 2012.
viii, 387p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781422141953.
658.314 HOP 137639
This book explains how to select the right tools for your
organization, how to implement them correctly, and how to
extract maximum value from each.

** Organizational effectiveness -- Measurement,
Performance -- Management, Total quality management.

72 Brown, Steve
Strategic operations management / Steve Brown, John
Bessant and Richard Lamming.--3rd ed-- London: Routledge,
xiv, 497p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415587372.
658.4012 BRO 137638
This book focuses on the four core themes of operations
strategy, a vital topic for any company-s objectives:
strategy, innovation, services, and supply. Expertly
authored by a team of Europe-s top scholars in the field,
the text is enhanced by the addition of new case
examples, graphic images, learning objectives, discussion
questions, and suggestions for further reading. In
addition, the companion website offers a comprehensive
set of web links and videos to augment the learning
experience. This truly comprehensive volume underscores
the differences between the core theories that underpin
operations management.

** Production management, Strategic planning.

73 Rohmetra, Neelu (ed)
Strategic thought : in the new age management / Neelu
Rohmetra and J R Dhotra.-- New Delhi: Excel Books, 2006.
xiv, 190p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9798174465053.
658.4012 ROH 137480
Papers presented at the International Conference on
Strategic Thoughts in the New Age Management, held at
Jammu. The book is a constellation of varied issues under
the umbrella of the strategic concern in managing
organizational resources, processes and systems.

** Strategic planning -- Congresses , Personnel
management -- Congresses , Industrial management --

74 Tidd, Joe
From knowledge management to strategic competence :
assessing technological, market and organisational
innovation / Joe Tidd.--3rd ed-- London: Imperial College
Press, 2012.
xii, 418p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781848168848.
658.4012 TID 137641,vol. 19
This book attempts to integrate strategic and knowledge
management approaches to capability-building and the
development of competencies.

** Strategic planning, Core competencies, Knowledge
management, Organizational learning, Technological
innovations -- Management.

75 Rayner, Paul
Portfolio and programme management demystified : managing
multiple projects successfully / Paul Rayner and Geoff
Reiss.-- London: Routledge, 2013.
xiv, 320p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415558341.
658.404 RAY 137642
This book combines portfolio management as a parallel
theme with programme management, and it is brought in
line with the current thinking of the Association for
Project Management and the Project Management Institute.
The book includes half a dozen short case studies (from
Belgium-s Fortis Bank, a software company, local
government, and central government), along with more on
cross-functional management.

** Project management, Portfolio management.

76 Lerner, Josh
The Architecture of innovation : the economics of
creative organizations / Josh Lerner.-- Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2012.
x, 206p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780199639892.
658.4063 LER 137564
The developed world is struggling with unsustainable
promises and unappealing choices, and sustained economic
growth represents one of the few ways out. And over the
centuries, growth in advanced economies has been strongly
linked to innovation.Despite the vast amounts written
about innovation over the years, understanding of its
drivers remains surprisingly limited.

** Managerial economics, Organizational change -
Management, Creative ability in business

77 Lawrence, Joanne T (ed)
Globally responsible leadership : managing according to
the UN global compact / Joanne T Lawrence and Paul W
Beamish.-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2013.
xxiv, 550p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781412938754.
658.4092 LAW 137610
This book uses the UN Global Compact and its Ten
Principles as an overarching framework for understanding
the issues facing global business managers today. Drawing
on the knowledge of contributors from different parts of
the world, the book shows readers the intersection
between business and the major global issues of our timeè
human rights, labor, the environment, anti-corruption and
briberyè and most critically, how to address these issues
in the day-to-day running of their operations.

** Leadership -- Moral and ethical aspects, Social
responsibility of business, Global Compact.

78 Rumsey, Michael G (ed)
The Oxford handbook of leadership / Michael G Rumsey.--
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
xiv, 485p. 27cm.
ISBN : 9780195398793.
658.4092 RUM 137565
The study of leadership is a rapidly evolving, multi-
faceted field. It is conceptualized as a social and
cultural phenomenon, which cannot be fully understood
from a single perspective. The leader, the follower, the
context, and the interactions amongst these elements must
all be considered. The Oxford Handbook of Leadership
explores the complex relationship between leader, led,
and the environment that constitutes leadership.

** Leadership, Training and Development, leadership
   79 Aygen, Zeynep
International heritage and historic building conservation
: saving the world-s past / Zeynep Aygen.-- New York:
Routledge, 2013.
xx, 321p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415888141.
720.228 AYG 137592
The book evaluates conservation case studies from
previously excluded areas of the world to create an
integrated account of Historic Building Conservation that
crosses the boundaries of language and culture and sets
an example for further inclusive research.

** Historic buildings -- Conservation and restoration,
Historic preservation -- Social aspects.
   80 Prince, Stephen R
Movies and meaning : an introduction to film / Stephen R
Prince.--6th ed-- Boston: Pearson, 2013.
viii, 504p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780205211029.
791.43 PRI 137599
This book is a comprehensive introduction to the film
industry that focuses on three topics: how movies express
meanings, how viewers understand those meanings, and how
cinema functions globally as both an art and a business.
It examines both how filmmakers create images and sounds
and the mechanisms and processes by which viewers make
sense of images and stories on screen.

** Motion pictures.
   81 Ballenger, Bruce
The curious researcher : a guide to writing research
papers / Bruce Ballenger.--7th ed-- Boston: Pearson, 2012
xxx, 348p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780205172870.
808.02 BAL 137136
The Curious Researcher offers a fresh approach to
research by reminding readers that curiosity is still the
best reason for uncovering information and ideas.

** Report writing -- Handbooks, manuals, etc , Research -
Handbooks, manuals, etc ,
   82 Sanyal,Sanjeev
Land of the seven rivers : a brief history of India-s
geography / Sanjeev Sanyal.-- New Delhi: Viking, 2012.
xi,331p. 23 cm.
ISBN : 9780670086399.
911.54 SAN 137485
Traversing remote mountain passes, visiting ancient
archaeological sites, crossing rivers in shaky boats and
immersing himself in old records and manuscripts, Sanyal
raises important, perennial questions about Indian
history. Why do Indians call their country Bharat? How
did the British build the railways across the
subcontinent? What was it like to sail on an Indian Ocean
merchant ship in the fifth century AD? Why was the
world-s highest mountain named after George Everest?.
With sparkling wit and intelligence, the author sets off
to explore India and look at how the country-s history
was shaped by, among other things, its rivers, mountains
and cities.

** Human geography - India 2. India - Civilization 3.
geography - India
   83 Sepinwall, Alyssa Goldstein (ed)
Haitian history : new perspectives / Alyssa Goldstein
Sepinwall.-- New York: Routledge, 2013.
x, 335p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415808682.
972.94 SEP 137583
This book presents the best of the recent articles on
Haitian history, by both Haitian and foreign scholars,
moving from colonial Saint Domingue to the aftermath of
the 2010 earthquake. It will be the go-to one-volume
introduction to the field of Haitian history, helping to
explain how the promise of the Haitian Revolution
dissipated, and presenting the major debates and
questions in the field today.

** Haiti -- History.




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