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700 ARTS












   1 Mulvaney, Robert J (ed)
Classic philosophical questions / Robert J Mulvaney.--
14th ed-- Boston: Pearson, 2012.
xiii, 533p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780205096800.
100 MUL 137517
Classic Philosophical Questions has presented decades of
students with the most compelling classic and
contemporary primary source readings on the most enduring
and abiding questions in philosophy. Classic
Philosophical Questions is a longstanding and highly
respected anthology of basic readings in philosophy,
taken from ancient, modern, and contemporary sources.
Issues are treated in a fundamentally open manner with
arguments pro and con for the various positions covered.

** Philosophy-Introductions.

   2 Rudolph, Lee (ed)
Qualitative mathematics for the social sciences :
mathematical models for research on cultural dynamics /
Lee Rudolph.-- London: Routledge, 2013.
xiii, 478p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415444828.
150.15118 RUD 137168
In this book the author brings together international
contributors who combine psychological and mathematical
perspectives to analyse how qualitative mathematics can
be used to create models of social and psychological
processes. Bridging the gap between the fields with an
imaginative and stimulating collection of contributed
chapters, the volume updates the current research on the
subject, which until now has been rather limited,
focusing largely on the use of statistics. This book
contains a variety of useful illustrative figures. A
beguiling array of conceptual systems, topological models
and fractals are discussed which transcend the
application of statistics, and bring a fresh perspective
to the study of social representations.

** Psychology - Qualitative research , Research -
Mathematical models , Social sciences - Research -
Mathematical models ,

   3 Reynolds, Siimon
Why people fail : the 16 obstacles to success and how you
can overcome them / Siimon Reynolds.-- New Delhi: Wiley
India, 2012.
xviii, 236p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9788126536641.
158 REY 137354
This book offers strategies and ideas for defeating the
sixteen most common failure habits such as destructive
thinking, low productivity, stress, fixed mindset, lack
of daily rituals, and more. Many people have changed
their lives by mastering just one of the timeless
principles in this book.

** Failure (Psychology), Success --Psychological aspects

4 Bligh, Michelle C (ed)
Exploring distance in leader-follower relationships :
when near is far and far is near / Michelle C Bligh and
Ronald E Riggio.-- New York: Routledge, 2013.
xx, 329p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781848726024.
158.4 BLI 137522
Leaders face new challenges as they cope with changes in
culture, technology and the workplace. In this book,
based on a conference at Claremont, scholars of
leadership studies from three continents discuss the
latest psychological research on interpersonal leader--
follower relations. The book tackles the impact of
distance -- physical, interpersonal and social -- on our
organizations, governments and societies.

** Leadership -- Psychological aspects.
 170   ETHICS  
   5 Turpin, Paul
The moral rhetoric of political economy : justice and
modern economic thought / Paul Turpin.-- London:
Routledge, 2011.
ISBN : 9780415773928.
174 TUR 137156
This book examines the effects of the moral rhetoric of
the market concept of justice on our understanding of
justice. Market theory’s elevation of the role of
commutative justice, or justice in exchange and property,
is often taken as liberalists revolutionary change in
priorities of justice in parting from the feudal world.
This change has come at the expense of diminishing the
role of distributive justice, or justice in what the
community owes its members. This diminishment rules out
discussion in the public sphere of any questions about
our obligations to each other outside the market,
relegating such questions instead to the purview of
social decorum, so at the very historical moment in which
equality of persons becomes the foundational condition
for political liberty, the implications of that equality
for how we should treat each other cease to be admissible
as live political issues t that is, discussable as

** Economics --Moral and ethical aspects, Economics
literature --History and criticism, Justice, Distributive
   6 Koller, John M
Asian philosophies / John M Koller.--6th ed-- Boston:
Pearson, 2012.
xxi, 330p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780205168989.
181 KOL 137515
This book introduces and analyzes the major Asian
philosophical and religious traditions and provides
insights into the ways in which fundamental philosophical
questions have been considered in Asia. The book includes
quotations and examples directly from the philosophical
and religious texts discussed. It also provides a
pronunciation guide for Sanskrit, Chinese, and Japanese

** Philosophy, Asian.
   7 Wittgenstein, Ludwig
The Big typescript : TS 213 / Ludwig Wittgenstein.-- West
Sussex: Wiley, 2013.
xviii, 516p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781118346334.
192 WIT 137535
This book is presented here in an en-face German-English
scholars- edition, complete with clear indications to
help the reader identify the various levels of
Wittgenstein-s editing. This text provided a rich source
of material for Wittgenstein-s subsequent writings, and
therefore serves as a key to understanding much of his
later philosophy.

** Semantics (Philosophy), Logic, Symbolic and

   8 Kuznetsova, Irina (ed)
Hindu and Buddhist ideas in dialogue : self and no-self /
Irina Kuznetsova, Jonardon Ganeri and Chakravarthi Ram-
Prasad.-- England: Ashgate Publishing, 2012. viii, 255p,
ISBN : 9781409443544.
294.3422 KUZ 137379
The debates between various Buddhist and Hindu
philosophical systems about the existence, definition and
nature of self, occupy a central place in the history of
Indian philosophy and religion. These debates concern
various issues: what -self- means, whether the self can
be said to exist at all.

** Hindu philosophy , Buddhist philosophy , Atman ,
Anatman , Hinduism -- Relations -- Buddhism , Buddhism --
Relations -- Hinduism ,
   9 Maier, Mark H
The Data game : controversies in social science
statistics / Mark H Maier and Jennifer Imazeki.--4th ed--
Armonk: M E Sharpe, 2013.
xvii, 309p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780765629791.
300.15195 MAI 137448
This book introduces students to the collection, uses,
and interpretation of statistical data in the social
sciences. It is a welcome add-on to all social science
introductory statistics and research methods courses.
Separate chapters are devoted to data in the fields of
demography, housing, health, education, crime, the
national economy, wealth, income, poverty, labor,
business statistics, and public opinion polling, with a
concluding chapter devoted to the common problem of
ambiguity in social science statistics.

** Social sciences -- Statistical methods, Social
problems -- Statistics.

10 Salkind, Neil J
Exploring research / Neil J Salkind.--8th ed-- Boston:
Pearson, 2012.
xxi, 407p, 27cm.
ISBN : 9780205093816.
300.72 SAL 137404
This book provides an introduction to research methods
through a friendly, approachable writing style. Author
describes how to collect and analyze data and provides
thorough instruction on how to prepare and write a
research proposal and manuscript. The text explores the
use of electronic sources (the Internet) as a means to
enhance research skills and includes discussions about
scientific methods. The most common types of research
models in the social and behavioral sciences are
incorporated, including qualitative methods.

** Social science-Research-Methodology, Psychology --
Research -- Methodology, Education -- Research --
   11 Salerno, Roger
Contemporary social theory / Roger Salerno.--10th ed--
Boston: Pearson, 2013.
xi, 225p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780205459650.
301 SAL 137539
This book helps students explore, describe, and discuss
how social theory relates to their own experiences,
popular culture, and the world in which they live. It
advances the view that new theory can be effectively used
to assess social and cultural phenomena. The text
identifies the important intellectual movements,
categories, and paradigms that have occurred in the study
of social theory. It also looks at issues closely related
to contemporary social theory, such as: the postmodern
condition, globalization, post colonialism, inequality,
gender, race, and human sexuality.

** Sociology, Social sciences -- Philosophy.

12 Neuman, W Lawrence
Basics of social research : qualitative and quantitative
approaches / W Lawrence Neuman.--3rd ed-- Boston: Pearson
, 2012.
vi, 426p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780205762613.
301.072 NEU 137516
This book helps students understand what research can and
cannot do, become better consumers of research, and learn
why properly conducted research is important.

** Sociology -- Research -- Methodology, Social sciences
- Research -- Methodology.

13 Dunning, Eric
Nobert Elias and modern sociology : knowledge,
interdependence, power process / Eric Dunning and Jason
Hughes.-- London: Bloomsbury, 2013.
xi, 239p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781780932262.
301.092 ELI 137512
This book explores the interplay between the making of
Elias as a sociologist and the development of his core
ideas relating to figurations, interdependence, and
civilizing processes. Focusing on the relevance of
Elias-s work for current debates within sociology, the
authors centrally consider his contributions to the
sociology of knowledge and methodology. .

** Elias, Norbert, -- 1897-1990 -- Influence,
Sociologists -- Germany, Sociology.
   14 Manghani, Sunil
Image studies : theory and practice / Sunil Manghani.--
London: Routledge, 2013.
xxix, 271p, 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415573405.
302.22 MAN 137409
This book provides an engaging introduction to visual
studies analysis and an account of existing and emergent
visual culture debates, along with chapters on a range of
topics, including: consumer culture and identity,
photography and digital imaging, painting and drawing,
the moving image, the relationship between image and text
(including reference to text in art, comics and
animation) and scientific imaging. Written in an
engaging and accessible way, the text will also include
extracts of existing critical materials. Each chapter
will include key set readings, including short extracts
from existing literatures with accompanying study notes
and question.

** Visual communication, Visual sociology, Popular
culture Image (Philosophy).

15 Croteau, David
Media society : industries, images and audiences / David
Croteau, William Hoynes and Stefania Milan.--4th ed-- Los
Angeles: Sage Publications, 2012.
xix, 395p, 23cm.
ISBN : 9781412974202.
302.230973 CRO 137382
This text provides students with an overview of the
entire media process, with an emphasis on how social
forces influence the media and how media potentially
affect society.

** Mass media - Social aspects - United States , Mass
media - Political aspects - United States
   16 Coleman, William D
Fifty key thinkers on globalization / William D Coleman
and Alina Sajed.-- London: Routledge, 2013.
vii, 258p, 21cm.
ISBN : 9780415559324.
303.4820922 COL 137399
Fifty Key Thinkers on Globalization is an outstanding
guide to often-encountered thinkers whose ideas have
shaped, defined and influenced this new and rapidly
growing field. Each thinker-s contribution to the field is
evaluated and assessed, and each entry includes a helpful
guide to further reading.

** Globalization , Globalization -- Social aspects ,
Globalization , SOCIAL SCIENCE / Sociology / General ,

17 Salavisa, Isabel (ed)
Social networks, innovation and the knowledge economy /
Isabel Salavisa and Margarida Fontes.-- London: Routledge
, 2012.
xxiii, 339p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415666367.
303.483 SAL 137514
In this book, the authors illustrate how social networks
can play a very significant role in the technological
catch up process in moderate innovative countries. Using
an innovative approach to the study of entrepreneurship
in knowledge-intensive sectors, the book analyses the
role of social networks in the access and deployment of
the variety of competences and resources required for the
successful creation of knowledge-intensive companies,
which has not yet been studied sufficiently in this

** Diffusion of innovations, Social networks, Information
technology, Technological innovations.

18 Rogers, Everett M
Diffusion of innovations / Everett M Rogers.--5th ed--
New York: Free Press, 2003.
ISBN : 9780743222099.
303.484 ROG 137415
In this book, the author explains how new ideas spread
via communication channels over time. Such innovations
are initially perceived as uncertain and even risky. To
overcome this uncertainty, most people seek out others
like themselves who have already adopted the new idea.
Thus the diffusion process consists of a few individuals
who first adopt an innovation, then spread the word among
their circle of acquaintances--a process which typically
takes months or years. The book addresses the spread of
the Internet, and how it has transformed the way human
beings communicate and adopt new ideas.

** Diffusion of innovations, Diffusion of innovations --
Study and teaching -- History.
   19 Harper, Charles L
Environment and society : human perspectives on
environmental issues / Charles L Harper.--5th ed-- Boston
: Pearson, 2012.
xv, 314p, 23cm.
ISBN : 9780205820535.
304.28 HAR 137402
This integrative book about human-environment relations
connects many issues about human societies, ecological
systems, and environments with data and perspectives from
different fields of study. Its viewpoint is primarily
sociological and it is designed for courses in
Environmental Sociology and Environmental Issues, or
taught in departments of Sociology, Environmental
Studies, Anthropology, Political Science, and Human

** Human ecology, Environmental policy, Environmentalism

20 Ranjan, Aalok (ed)
India 2012 : population reproductive and child health /
Aalok Ranjan and Ravendra Singh.-- Datia: Shyam Institute
, 2013.
229p. 24cm.
Selected papers of Bhopal seminar 2012.
ISBN : 9789382411000.
304.60954 RAN 137505
This book presents a selection of papers presented in the
Bhopal seminar 2012. The theme of the Bhopal seminar 2012
was contemporary issues in population and reproductive
and child health in India.

** India-- Population, Fertility, Human -- India,
Mortality -- India.
   21 Bollingtoft, Anne (ed)
Collaborative communities of firms : purpose, process,
and design / Anne Bollingtoft and others.-- New York:
Springer, 2012.
viii, 148p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781461412830.
306.34 BOL 137511
Drawing from the Fourth International Workshop on
Organization Design, and featuring contributions from an
international array of specialists, this book focuses on
the expansion beyond the boundaries of the single firm
and multi-firm networks, to include, for example,
community-based organization designs.

** Organizational sociology, Cooperation.

22 Wildavsky, Ben
The great brain race : how global universities are
reshaping the world / Ben Wildavsky.-- Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 2010.
xxiii, 240p, 23cm.
ISBN : 9780691154558.
306.432 WIL 137405
This book presents an account of how international
competition for the brightest minds is transforming the
world of higher education - and why this revolution
should be welcomed, not feared.

** Education, Higher, Education and globalization,
Universities and colleges, Competition, International.

23 Clayton, Martin (ed)
The cultural study of music : a critical introduction /
Martin Clayton, Trevor Herbert and Richard Middleton.--
2nd ed-- New York: Routledge, 2012.
xxi, 455p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415881906.
306.4842 CLA 137377
Features an anthology of writings that serves as a basic
textbook on music and culture. This book serves as an
introductory textbook for the cultural study of music. It
is useful for scholars in various areas of music,
reflecting the thinking on the complex issues surrounding
how music and culture interrelate.

** Ethnomusicology , Music -- Social aspects
   24 Mathur, Hari Mohan (ed)
Resettling displaced people : policy and practice in
India / Hari Mohan Mathur.-- London: Routledge, 2011.
xiv, 434p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780415586214.
307.2 MAT 137358
Developmental projects have long been displacing people
in large numbers every year, but it is only in recent
years that the fate of those adversely affected has
become an issue of widespread concern requiring urgent
action. This volume is the scholarly exploration of these
critical issues in a wider perspective, examining
resettlement policies as well as resettlement strategies,
their strengths, their weaknesses, the persisting gap
between policy and its actual practice and the means to
improve resettlement outcomes. The volume contains
original case studies which will bring to academic and
policy tables a body of important new ideas that will
stimulate debates and also hopefully change and improve
current practices.

** Forced migration -- India, Economic development
projects -- Social aspects -- India, Land settlement --

25 Marcuse, Peter
Searching for the just city : debates in urban theory and
practice / Peter Marcuse and others.-- London: Routledge,
xix, 264p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415776134.
307.76 MAR 137519
Among their least appealing aspects, cities are
frequently characterized by concentrations of insecurity
and exploitation. If today-s cities are full of
injustices and unrealized promises, how would a Just City
function? Is a Just City merely a utopia, or does it have
practical relevance? This book engages with the debates
around these questions.

** City planning -- Moral and ethical aspects, Urban
policy -- Moral and ethical aspects, Social justice.
   26 Balot, Ryan K (ed)
A companion to Greek and Roman political thought / Ryan K
Balot.-- West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
xxviii, 659p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781118451359.
320.0938 BAL 137537
This book offers a broad survey of ancient political
thought from Archaic Greece through Late Antiquity,
Approaches ancient political philosophy from both a
normative and historical focus, examines Greek and Roman
political thought within historical context and
contemporary debate, explores the role of ancient
political thought in a range of philosophies, such as the
individual, and community, human rights, religion, and

** Political science -- Greece -- History, Political
science -- Rome -- History.

27 Miller, Mark C (ed)
Making policy, making law : an interbranch perspective /
Mark C Miller and Jeb Barnes.-- Washington: Georgetown
University Press, 2004.
xi,244p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9781589010253.
320.60973 MIL 137417
This book provides a combination of contemporary policy
analysis, an inter branch perspective, and diverse
methodological approaches that speak to a gap in the
literature dealing with the role of the courts in the
American policymaking process. This book unravels the
interplay of governmental agencies and provides a look at
how the US government functions.

** Separation of powers -- United States, Judicial power
- United States, Political questions and judicial power -
United States
   28 Jacobs, Harvey M (ed)
Who owns America? : social conflict over property /
Harvey M Jacobs.-- Wisconsin: University of Wisconsin
Press, 1998.
xvii,268p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780299159948.
323.46 JAC 137416
Land use authority author has gathered a provocative
collection of perspectives from eighteen contributors in
the fields of law, history, anthropology, economics,
sociology, forestry, and environmental studies. This book
begins with the popular view of land ownership as seen
though the television show Bonanza! It examines public
regulation of private land, public land management, the
roles culture and its ethnic values play in land use, and
conclude with this title. It is a powerful and
illuminating exploration of the very terrain that makes
us Americans. Its broad set of theoretical and historical
perspectives will fascinate historians, environmental
activists, policy makers, and all who care deeply about
the land we share.

** Land tenure --United States, Land tenure --Government
policy --United States, Right of property --United States
Eminent domain --United States, Public lands --United
States --Management, Land use --Environmental aspects --
United States
   29 Ott, Mack
The Political economy of nation building : the world-s
unfinished business / Mack Ott.-- New Brunswick:
Transaction Publishers, 2012.
xlv, 392p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781412847421.
327.1 OTT 137350
This book reviews the effects of political structures on
the evolution and stability of liberalism in developing
nations and considers the outlook for their success. The
author addresses the origins of the rule of law and
innovations that led to the rise of a market economy,
separation of faith and governance, and the autonomy of
finance-key components of the liberal state. He then
addresses the emergence of sustained economic growth, a
bridge between the liberal infrastructure and its
application during the construction of a nation.

** Nation-building -- Political aspects, Nation-building
- Economic aspects.

30 Etzioni, Amitai
Hot spots : American foreign policy in a post-human-
rights world / Amitai Etzioni.-- New Brunswick:
Transaction Publishers, 2012.
xi, 380p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781412849630.
327.73 ETZ 137364
In this book, the author argues that pivoting towards the
Far East is premature and flawed in principle. China can
and should be treated for the near future as a potential
partner in a changing global order, rather than contained
and made into an enemy. At the same time, he argues, the
true hot spots continue to be in the Middle East, albeit
not in Iraq or Afghanistan, but in Iran and Pakistan.
Less urgent but of great importance are the ways the West
deals with a complex and varied Muslim world, with
political Islamic parties and social movements, and with
future waves of Arab awaking. Here the distinction
between security and nation building becomes essential
for both normative and strategic reasons. .

** United States -- Foreign relations -- 21st century.

31 Brownlee, Jason
Democracy prevention : the politics of the US-Egyptian
alliance / Jason Brownlee.-- Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2012.
xiii, 279p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781107677869.
327.73062 BRO 137521
This book explains how America-s alliance with Egypt has
impeded democratic change and reinforced authoritarianism
over time. The book is to combine extensive archival
evidence, including access to all of the Wikileaks
cables, and interviews with more than two dozen top
Egyptian and American decision makers.

** United States -- Foreign relations -- Egypt, Egypt --
Foreign relations -- United States, Egypt -- Foreign
relations -- 1952-
 330   ECONOMICS  
   32 Garfinkel, Michelle R (ed)
The Oxford handbook of the economics of peace and
conflict / Michelle R Garfinkel and Stergios Skaperdas.--
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
xiii, 874p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780195392777.
330 GAR 137356
Social scientists and policy makers have long been
interested in the causes and consequences of peace and
conflict. This Handbook brings together contributions
from leading scholars who take an economic perspective to
study the topic. It includes thirty-three chapters and is
divided into five parts: Correlates of Peace and Conflict
Consequences and Costs of Conflict, On the Mechanics of
Conflict, Conflict and Peace in Economic Context, and
Pathways to Peace. Taken together, they demonstrate not
only how the tools of economics can be fruitfully used to
advance our understanding of conflict, but how explicitly
incorporating conflict into economic analysis can add
substantively to our understanding of observed economic
phenomena. Some chapters are largely empirical,
identifying correlates of war and peace and quantifying
many of the costs of conflict.

** Peace --Economic aspects, Peace-building --Economic
aspects, War --Economic aspects, Political violence --
Economic aspects, Conflict management --Economic aspects

33 Baddeley, Michelle
Behavioural economics and finance / Michelle Baddeley.--
London: Routledge, 2013.
xvi, 305p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415614788.
330.019 BAD 137513
This book introduces the reader to some of the key
concepts and insights from this rich, inter-disciplinary
approach to real-world decision-making.

** Economics -- Psychological aspects, Finance --
Psychological aspects.

34 Scott, Sonya Marie
Architectures of economic subjectivity : the
philosophical foundations of the subject in the history
of economic thought / Sonya Marie Scott.-- London:
Routledge, 2012.
302p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415699211.
330.1 SCO 137534
This book It explores the philosophical groundwork of the
theoretical structure within which economic subjects are
presented. Demonstrating how the subjects of economic
texts tend to be defined in and through their
relationship to knowledge, this study addresses the
epistemological constitution of subjectivity in economic

** Economics -- Research, Subjectivity.

35 Nicola, PierCarlo
Efficiency and equity in welfare economics / PierCarlo
Nicola.-- New York: Springer, 2013.
xii, 156p, 23cm.
ISBN : 9783642300707.
330.1556 NIC 137369
Increasing efficiency in generating national income and
improving equity in its distribution among economic
agents is at the forefront of priorities of most modern
economies. This book presents a model which aims to
maximize a symmetrical welfare function under certain
constraints which consider both efficiency and equity.

** Welfare economics , Welfare economics -- Econometric
models , Public welfare , Economics , Economic
development -- Mathematical models ,

36 Marcuzzo, Maria Cristina
Fighting market failure : collected essays in the
Cambridge tradition of economics / Maria Cristina
Marcuzzo.-- London: Routledge, 2012.
xvii, 284p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415583107.
330.156 MAR 137166
This collection brings together fifteen essays published
between 1994 and 2008 which all look into the
contribution of a remarkable group of economists known as
the "Cambridge school" or the "Cambridge Keynesians".
This collection focuses on Keynes, Kahn, J. Robinson and
Sraffa, who all shared in the physical space and
lifestyle of the University of Cambridge. Some of the
essays in this collection address the content, as well as
the method and "style", of the type of economics
associated with the Cambridge tradition at the very core
of which those economists stand.

** Keynesian economics , Economics - England - Cambridge

37 Kawai, Masahiro (ed)
The global financial crisis and Asia : implications and
challenges / Masahiro Kawai, Mario B Lamberte and Yung
Chul Park.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
xvii, 324p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780199660957.
330.9504311 KAW 137355
This book aims to identify and analyze the impact of the
2007-09 global financial crisis on Asian economies and to
assess the short-term and longer-term policy responses to
the crisis in terms of their effectiveness and
sustainability. It draws lessons on how best to avoid
and/or mitigate future crises and to identify structural
policy recommendations that can help guide Asian
policymakers to expand the growth potential of domestic
and regional demand in coming years, and thereby create a
basis for sustainable and inclusive long-term growth.

** Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009, Asia --Economic
policy, Asia --Economic conditions --21st century

38 Gang, Gong
Contemporary Chinese economy / Gong Gang.-- London:
Routledge, 2012.
x, 210p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415616904.
330.951 GAN 137159
The book gives a systematic analysis on the modern
Chinese economy since China-s economic reform and its
opening-up in 1978. It also includes analytical
comparisons on differences between China and the West and
illustrates how these differences in terms of economic
structure, financial and administrative system, the
governance of the economy attributed to the growth and
economic performance of China. The book also provides a
deep economic analysis on China-s future difficulties and
challenges in development. The book provides a strategic
consideration on how China should meet with these
challenges and difficulties.

** China --Economic policy --2000-, China --Economic
conditions --2000-

39 India. Finance, Ministry of
Economic survey 2012-13 / Ministry of Finance.-- New
Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2013.
294p. 27cm.
Includes statistical appendix.
ISBN : 9780198095439.
330.954005 IFM 137400-137401,G

** India-Economic conditions-2011-
   40 Thomas, Vinod
Multilateral banks and the development process : vital
links in the results chain / Vinod Thomas and Xubei Luo.-
New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2013.
xxiii, 156p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781412847674.
332.153091724 THO 137349
The role of multilateral banks is crucial, they inform
the impact of development operations and support
policymakers in decision making. This book emphasizes
that some crucial links in development tend to be
systematically overlooked. In these matters,
preoccupation with the immediate exigencies seems to come
at the expense of attention to enduring problems--at a
great cost to society. Development practitioners should
apply policies that have produced results over time,
ensuring that the links in the chain are strong, but too
often they overlook those links--because of myopia,
complexity, tradition, or special interests.

** Economic development projects -- Developing countries
- Evaluation, Economic assistance -- Developing countries
-- Evaluation, Economic development -- Developing
countries, Development banks.
   41 Lessem, Ronnie
Integral community : political economy to social commons
/ Ronnie Lessem, Paul Chidara Muchineripi and Steve Kada.
-- Surrey: Gower, 2012.
xxxiv, 265p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9781409446798.
333.2 LES 137167
Integral Community moves the transformation journey for
enterprises and society on from the creation of a new
macro-economic framework to practical implementation of
authentic or integral development. The authors argue that
there are two major fields of force prevailing in today-s
world - the global commons.

** Commons -- Zimbabwe , Social change , Sustainable
development -- Social aspects -- Zimbabwe , Zimbabwe --
Economic policy , Social change

42 Feldman, David Lewis
Water / David Lewis Feldman.-- Cambridge: Polity, 2012.
vii, 196p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9780745650333.
333.91 FEL 137152
Water is our planet-s most precious resource. It is
required by every living thing, yet a huge proportion of
the world-s population struggles to access clean water
daily. Agriculture, aquaculture, industry, and energy all
depend on it - yet its provision and safety engender
widespread conflict, battles likely to intensify as
threats to freshwater abundance and quality, such as
climate change, urbanization, new forms of pollution, and
the privatization of control, continue to grow. Drawing
on a rich range of examples from across the world, it
explores the complexity of future challenges, concluding
that nations must work together to embrace everyonets
water needs while also establishing fair, consistent
criteria to promote available supply with less pollution.

** Water resources development, Water-supply, Geopolitics

43 Maier, Donald S
What-s so good about biodiversity? : a call for better
reasoning about nature-s value / Donald S Maier.--
Dordrecht: Springer, 2012.
vii, 568p. 24cm.
(International library of environmental, agricultural,
and food ethics, 19.)
ISBN : 9789400739901.
333.9501 MAI 137509
This book undertakes a comprehensive, detailed, and
careful philosophical analysis of the many reasons those
scientists, economists, philosophers, and others offer
for why biodiversity is supposed to be such a central
good of nature. Its conclusion is both surprising and
disturbing: No reason for biodiversity-s good can be
found that is not ill-conceived, logically indefensible,
internally contradictory, or self-undermining. The
profound failure to find the good of nature in its
biodiversity is a springboard for rethinking what,
exactly, makes the natural world so uniquely and robustly
valuable. This leads to a novel suggestion - that
nature-s value might be located in a particular human-
nature relationship, which anchors the appropriate fit of
people in the world at large.

** Biodiversity -- Philosophy, Biodiversity -- Moral and
ethical aspects

   44 Wang, Huiyao
Globalizing China : the influence, strategies and
successes of Chinese returnee entrepreneurs / Huiyao Wang
-- United Kingdom: Emerald, 2012.
xiv, 204p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781780523880.
337.51 WAN 137510
This books examines the glorious background and origin of
Chinese Returnees their influences, strategies, successes
and impact on China. This book contributed enormously to
the rapid growth of Chinese economy and it also have
connected China to the outside world in today-s
globalized economy.

** Globalization, China-Economic condition.

45 Singh, Swaran
China-India economic engagement : building mutual
confidence / Swaran Singh.-- New Delhi: Centre De
Sciences Humaines, 2005.
205p. 22cm.
ISBN : 09723579.
337.51054 SIN 137476
This monograph makes an attempt to view the political
implications of China-India economic engagement in the
larger perspective of China-India rapprochement, it also
tries to evolve the links that are beginning to unfold
new aspects of its political implications and to make
some specific propositions.

** India -- Economic policy -- 1991- , China -- Economic
policy -- 2000- , India -- Foreign economic relations

   46 Baio, Gianluca
Bayesian methods in health economics / Gianluca Baio.--
Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2013.
xviii, 225p, 24cm.
ISBN : 9781439895559.
338.433621 BAI 137398
Health economics is concerned with the study of the cost-
effectiveness of health care interventions. This book
provides an overview of Bayesian methods for the analysis
of health economic data. After an introduction to the
basic economic concepts and methods of evaluation, it
presents Bayesian statistics using accessible

** Medical economics -- Statistics , Bayesian statistical
decision theory

47 Fink, Matthias
Community-based entrepreneurship and rural development :
creating favourable conditions for small business in
Central Europe / Matthias Fink, Stephan Loidl and Richard
Lang.-- London: Routledge, 2012.
xii, 246p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415614870.
338.6420943 FIN 137536
How can municipalities in Central Europe create favorable
conditions for local business? What and how can
municipalities learn from each other? How can each
individual in the local area contribute? And what
requirements have to be met before know-how can
successfully be transferred on a communal level? To
answer all these questions, the authors of this book draw
on results from a six-year research programmed and
comprehensively discuss the manifold opportunities,
restrictions and prerequisites of establishing favorable
conditions for small and medium enterprises in rural
municipalities in Central Europe.

** Small business -- Europe, Central, Community
development -- Europe, Central, Municipal government --
Europe, Central.

48 Bhakar, S S
Transforming business organisations for longevity :
challenges and opportunities / S S Bhakar and others.--
New Delhi: Narosa Publishing, 2013.
x, 327p. 29cm.
ISBN : 9788184872255.
338.7 BHA 137287
Explores the theme of organizational learning.

** Organizational factors

49 Johnson, Craig
Arresting development : the power of knowledge for social
change / Craig Johnson.-- London: Routledge, 2009.
xiii, 194p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415381543.
338.9 JOH 137520
The book-s main objectives are twofold. One is to
understand the ways in which neo-liberalism has framed
and defined the ?meta-theoretical? aims and assumptions
of what is deemed relevant, important and appropriate to
the study of development. A second is to explore the
theoretical and ideological terms on which an alternative
to neo-classical theory may be theorized, idealized and

** Economic development, Social change, Knowledge

50 Martin, Cathie Jo
The Political construction of business interests :
coordination, growth, and equality / Cathie Jo Martin and
Duane Swank.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
xv, 307p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781107603646.
338.9 MAR 137361
This book recounts the development of encompassing
employers- associations and the subsequent paradoxical
positive effect of these associations on employers- views
toward social policies. This research has important
implications for the construction of business as a social
class and powerful ramifications for equality, welfare
state restructuring, and social solidarity.

** Industrial policy -- Case studies, Industrial
relations -- Case studies, Manpower policy -- Case

51 Padmanand, V
Intervene to industrialise : a holistic approach to
enabling business environment, entrepreneurship, and
cluster value chain development / V Padmanand and J
Vinanchiarachi.-- Thiruvananthapuram: Kerala Bureau of
Industrial Promotion, 2008.
xvi, 329p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9788190737401.
338.9 PAD 137491
The book develops upon Marshallian concepts regarding
agglomeration economics and Ricardian theory of
Comparative Advantage as well as addresses their
limitations. It provides very useful insights into the
realm of cluster / value chain development as a strategy.

** Industrial policy , Industrialization

52 Bromley, Daniel W
Vulnerable people, vulnerable states : redefining the
development challenge / Daniel W Bromley and Glen D
Anderson.-- London: Routledge, 2012.
xii, 148p, 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415534543.
338.90091724 BRO 137395
This book challenges the dominant catechism of
development assistance by arguing that the focus on
economic growth (and fighting poverty) has failed to
bring about the promised "convergence." The authors make
the claim that the struggle for development ought to
decisively focus on mitigating vulnerability of poor
people and poor nations. This implies that instead of
removing the symptoms of poverty, policies should aim at
improving the coherence of the poor economies so that
they become more responsive and adaptable to shocks. The
idea is powerful and worthy of elaboration.

** Economic development , Developing countries - Economic
conditions , Developing countries - Economic policy ,
Developing countries - Politics and government ,

53 North, Douglass C (ed)
In the shadow of violence : politics, economics, and the
problems of development / Douglass C North and others.--
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
x, 366p.23cm.
ISBN : 9781107684911.
338.90091724 NOR 137365
This book explains how political control of economic
privileges is used to limit violence and coordinate
coalitions of powerful organizations.

** Developing countries -- Economic conditions,
Developing countries -- Social conditions.

54 Cross, Nigel (ed)
Evidence for hope : the search for sustainable
development : the story of the international institute
for environment and development / Nigel Cross.-- London:
Earthscan publications, 2003.
xviii, 238p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9781853838552.
338.927 CRO 137378
Since the Stockholm Environment Conference in 1972 and
the Rio Summit in 1992, there has been unprecedented
public concern for the future of the planet and a growing
awareness that development needs to be sustainable. This
title charts the growth of these ideas.

** International Institute for Environment and
Development -- History , Sustainable development --
History , BUSINESS and ECONOMICS -- Development --
Sustainable Development
   55 Backhouse, Roger E
Transforming modern macroeconomics : exploring
disequilibrium microfoundations, 1956-2003 / Roger E
Backhouse and Mauro Boianovsky.-- Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2013.
xx, 215p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781107023192.
339.5 BAC 137362
This book tells the story of the search for non-Walrasian
micro-foundations for macroeconomic theory, from the
disequilibrium theories of Patinkin, Clower, and
Leijonhufvud to recent dynamic stochaotic general
equilibrium models with imperfect competition. Placing
this search against the background of wider developments
in macroeconomics, the authors contend that this was
never a single research program, but involved economists
with very different aims who developed the basic ideas
about quantity constraints, spillover effects, and
coordination failures in different ways. This book
focuses on one strand in modern macroeconomics.

** Macroeconomics --History, Equilibrium (Economics) --
 346   PRIVATE LAW  
   56 Elkin-Koren, Niva
The Law and economics of intellectual property in the
digital age : the limits of analysis / Niva Elkin-Koren
and Eli M Salzberger.-- London: Routledge, 2013.
xii, 286p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415499088.
346.048 ELK 137347
This book explores the economic analysis of intellectual
property law, with a special emphasis on the Law and
Economics of informational goods in light of the past
decade-s technological revolution.

** Intellectual property, Intellectual property --
Economic aspects, Law and economics.

57 Ferran, Eilis
The regulatory aftermath of the global financial crisis /
Eilis Ferran and others.-- Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2012.
xxxix, 391p. 23cm.
(International corporate law and financial market
ISBN : 9781107024595.
346.08 FER 137367
The EU and the US responded to the global financial
crisis by changing the rules for the functioning of
financial services and markets and by establishing new
oversight bodies. With the US Dodd-Frank Act and numerous
EU regulations and directives now in place, this book
provides a timely and thoughtful explanation of the key
elements of the new regimes in both regions, of the
political processes which shaped their content and of
their practical impact. Insights from areas such as
economics, political science and financial history
elucidate the significance of the reforms. Australia-s
resilience during the financial crisis, which contrasted
sharply with the severe problems that were experienced in
the EU and the US, is also examined. The comparison
between the performances of these major economies in a
period of such extreme stress tells us much about the
complex regulatory and economic ecosystems of which
financial markets are a part.

** Financial institutions --Law and legislation --United
States, Financial institutions --Law and legislation --
European Union countries, Financial institutions --Law
and legislation --Australia, Financial services industry
-Law and legislation --United States, Financial services
industry --Law and legislation --European Union countries
Financial services industry --Law and legislation --
   58 Scalia, Antonin
A Matter of interpretation : the federal court and the
law / Antonin Scalia.-- Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 1998.
xiii, 159p.24cm.
ISBN : 9780691004006.
347.732 SCA 137414
In this book, the author urges that judges resist the
temptation to use legislative intention and legislative
history. In his view, it is incompatible with democratic
government to allow the meaning of a statute to be
determined by what the judges think the lawgivers meant
rather than by what the legislature actually promulgated.
Eschewing the judicial lawmaking that is the essence of
common law, judges should interpret statutes and
regulations by focusing on the text itself. Scalia then
extends this principle to constitutional law. He proposes
that we abandon the notion of an ever-changing
Constitution and pay attention to the Constitution-s
original meaning.

** Constitutional law -- United States, Judge-made law --
United States, Law -- United States -- Interpretation and
   59 The budget 2013-14.-- New Delhi: Bharat Law House, 2013.
128p. 27cm.
ISBN : 9788177339277.
352.480954 BUD 137363

** Budget-India.
   60 Guess, George M
Cases in public policy analysis / George M Guess and Paul
G Farnham.--2nd ed-- Washington: Georgetown University
Press, 2000.
ISBN : 9780878407682.
361.61 GUE 137418
Combining the insights of an economist and a political
scientist, this book uses real-world cases to provide
students with the institutional and political dimensions
of policy problems as well as easily understood
principles and methods for analyzing public policies.

** Policy sciences
   61 Halkias, Daphne (ed)
Entrepreneurship and sustainability : business solutions
for poverty alleviation from around the world / Daphne
Halkias and Paul W Thurman.-- England: Gower, 2012.
xxvi, 243p, 25cm.
ISBN : 9781409428732.
362.55765 HAL 137370
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability challenges the notion
that not-for-profit social entrepreneurship is the only
sort that can lead to the alleviation of poverty. It
explores how to bring commercial investors together with
those who are best placed to reach the poorest customers.
With case studies from around the world.

** Social entrepreneurship , Poverty -- Developing
countries , Social entrepreneurship -- Case studies ,
Poverty -- Developing countries -- Case studies ,
 381   COMMERCE  
   62 Simakova, Elena
Marketing technologies : corporate cultures and
technological change / Elena Simakova.-- London:
Routledge, 2013.
xvi, 185p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415624770.
381 SIM 137518
The author undertook a lengthy ethnographic study,
working alongside marketing managers in a global IT
corporation in their Europe, Middle East and Africa
(EMEA) headquarters in the UK. Using the experience
gained through a close participation in their everyday
corporate rituals and routines, her account challenges
common perceptions of how corporations make the world
think and act with regard to technologies in particular
ways. The book contains an interesting case study on the
launch of a radio frequency identification (RFID) based

** Organizational change, Electronic commerce,
Technological innovations -- Economic aspects, Management
-- Technological innovations.

63 Hastings, Gerard
The marketing matrix : how the corporation gets its power
- and how we can reclaim it / Gerard Hastings.-- London:
Routledge, 2013.
ISBN : 9780415678629.
381.0973 HAS 137155
This book is in depths look at corporate marketing and
how its power reaches into and limits our lives. As a
marketing professor who has examined the inner workings
of this power as wielded by alcohol, tobacco and food
companies, the author provides insight into the abuses of
marketing and recommendations for how to combat them.
This compelling and accessible book will be of interest
across the social sciences and humanities -- and indeed
to anyone who has concerns about the current state of
consumer society. It will also be particularly useful
reading for those marketing students who-d prefer a
critical perspective to the standard reutilization of
their discipline.

** Marketing --Management, Consumption (Economics),
Consumer behavior, Manipulative behavior
   64 Horvath, Lajos
Inference for functional data with applications / Lajos
Horvath and Piotr Kokoszka.-- New York: Springer, 2012.
xiv, 422p, 24cm.
ISBN : 9781461436546.
515.7 HOR 137397
This book presents the latest statistical methods
required for applying functional data analysis to
problems arising in geosciences, finance, economics and
biology. It describes all procedures algorithmically,
supported by a complete asymptotic theory.

** Functional analysis , MATHEMATICS / Functional
Analysis , Statistics
   65 Jha, B N
Professional communication : concept and application / B
N Jha.-- New Delhi: Serials Publications, 2010.
x, 205p.22cm.
ISBN : 9788183873666.
650.13 JHA 137488
The book contents the views and ideas of many eminent
authors on Professional communication.

** Business communication

   66 Rankin, Michaela
Contemporary issues in accounting / Michaela Rankin and
others.-- Milton: Wiley, 2012.
xiv, 426p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780730300267.
657 RAN 137538
This book explores advanced accounting concepts and
policies by applying them to a range of contemporary
accounting issues.

** Accounting.
   67 Kumar, Sharat
Mind your management : source of thought and action /
Sharat Kumar.-- New Delhi: Excel Books, 2002.
xxiv, 153p. 22cm.
ISBN : 8174462724.
658 KUM 137492
Any work on management necessarily has to be pragmatic
and down to earth. The approach of this book is through
analysis of the processes of human thought and
imagination leading to action.

** Industrial relations -- India , Executive ability --
India , Management -- India

68 Indian Institute of Management Calcutta
Citizens and revolutionaries : an oral history of IIM
Calcutta.-- Kolkata: Rupa Publications India, 2012.
256p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9788129120977.
658.0070954147 IND 137506-137507
Citizens and revolutionaries : an oral history of IIM
Calcutta presents a biography of IIM Calcutta. It
comprises a selection of oral-history
interviews, memoirs, archival documents and photographs.

** Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta - History ,
Management - Study and teaching - India - Kolkata -

69 James, P S (ed)
Human resource management : an anthology of contemporary
research / P S James and Kishinchand Poornima.-- New
Delhi: Excel India Publishers, 2009.
xii, 178p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9789380043432.
658.3 JAM 137486
Insightful papers on contemporary HR issues were
presented in this proceeding.

** Personnel management , Management

70 Wiley, Jack
Respect : delivering results by giving employees what
they really want / Jack Wiley and Brenda Kowske.--
SanFrancisco: Jossey-Bass, 2012.
xvi, 204p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9788126535958.
658.314 WIL 137351
Based on twenty-five years of data, the book provides
targeted and practical recommendations for how
organizations, leaders, and managers can better build
more engaged and committed workforces.

** Employee motivation, Employee attitude surveys.

71 Kay, Ronald
Managing creativity in science and hi-tech / Ronald Kay.-
2nd ed-- Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2012.
xix, 193p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9783642246340.
658.4 KAY 137508
Addressing the issues unique to managers of creative
technical staff, this book reflects not only Ronald Kayès
long experience observing and teaching successful
management techniques, but also treats the expanding
challenges due to increasingly globally-based projects
and staff.

** Management, Creative ability in science, Creative
ability in technology.

72 Brown, Steve
Strategic operations management / Steve Brown, John
Bessant and Richard Lamming.--3rd ed-- London: Routledge,
xiv, 497p, 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415587372.
658.4012 BRO 137411
This book focuses on the four core themes of operations
strategy, a vital topic for any companyts objectives:
strategy, innovation, services, and supply. In addition,
the companion website offers a comprehensive set of web
links and videos to augment the learning experience. This
truly comprehensive volume underscores the differences
between the core theories that underpin operations
management. Students taking MBA, MSc and MBM classes on
operations management, advanced operations management,
and strategic operations management will find this
textbook fulfills all their requirements whilst advanced
undergraduate classes in these areas will also find the
book an essential read.

** Production management, Strategic planning

73 Goyal, D P (ed)
Business and competitive dynamics : survival and growth
strategies / D P Goyal, Manoranjan P Ram and Taruna
Gautam.-- Delhi: Macmillan, 2008.
ix, 384p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780230635159.
658.4012 GOY 137479
The book aims to discuss the possible changes required
for business in present scenario. In includes paper on the
New architecture of competitive dynamics -- Knowledge
management and human resources dynamics -- Competitive
dynamics in banking and finance -- Corporate survival

** Competition -- Congresses, Knowledge management --
Congresses, Personnel management -- Congresses, Business
planning -- Congresses.

74 Belbin, R Meredith
Management teams : why they succeed or fail / R Meredith
Belbin.--3rd ed-- Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2010.
ISBN : 9781856178075.
658.402 BEL 137419
The author own experience of putting the Team Roles
method into practice, succinct and practical information
to enable managers to make a real difference in the
workplace. Real-life case studies show how to apply the
theory in practice author’s unique and widely-read work
on teams has become part of everyday language for
organizations around the world. For every manager,
getting the most from their team is paramount in
achieving superior results. Belbin-s vital area of
management research supersedes the usual preoccupations
with qualifications and experience, considering instead
the team role behaviors which shape everyday interactions
in teams.

** Management, Teams in the workplace

75 Frisch, Bob
Who-s in the room? : how great leaders structure and
manage the teams around them / Bob Frisch.-- San
Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2012.
ix, 193p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9788126536610.
658.4022 FRI 137353
In this book, the author provides a unique perspective to
this widely misunderstood issue. Flying in the face of
decades of organizational psychology, he argues that the
solution lies not in addressing behaviors, but in
unseating the senior management team as the epicenter of
decision making. Using a broad portfolio of teams-large
and small, permanent and temporary, formal and informal-
great leaders match each decision to the appropriate team
in a fluid, flexible approach that you won-t find
described in management.

** Decision making, Senior leadership teams, Chief
executive officers, Executives.

76 Goyal, D P (ed)
Innovation in information systems and technology / D P
Goyal.-- Ghaziabad: Macmillan, 2009.
ix, 308p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780230638259.
658.4063 GOY 137481
The book discusses a holistic approach to innovation in
information systems and technology and provides up-to-
date coverage of central topics on the theme by leading
researchers in the field. The book provides the right
perspective on the latest developments in information
systems, methods, and best practices.

** Innovation management , Technology strategy

77 Buckingham, Jane (ed)
Managing responsibly : alternative approaches to
corporate management and governance / Jane Buckingham and
Venkataraman Nilakant.-- Surrey: Gower, 2012.
xv, 230p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9781409427452.
658.408 BUC 137348
This book explores the limitations of the thinking that
dominates Western corporate and business culture.
Contributors then draw on non-Western traditions and
experience to suggest workable inter-cultural models to
enhance organizational effectiveness in an increasingly
globalised environment. Part One highlights the acute
need for less self-interested approaches to management if
local and global communities and the environment are to
escape on-going damage and exploitation. Part Two draws
on values from Indian and Maori traditions to propose
alternatives to Western models of business ethics. Part
Three suggests ways of approaching the challenges of
developing sustained ethical leadership in the
contemporary globalised economy.

** Industrial management, Social responsibility of
business, Business ethics.

78 Viedma Marti, Jose Maria
Entrepreneurial excellence in the knowledge economy :
intellectual capital benchmarking systems / Jose Maria
Viedma Marti and Maria do Rosario Cabrita.-- New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
xxv, 312p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9781137024060.
658.421 VIE 137451
In a context of deep uncertainty and turmoil the only
source of wealth is what individuals, organizations and
nations are able to do with what they know. Well
formulated and good implemented strategies have always
been the foundation of business excellence - the only
source of wealth in any economy. The authors of this
book provide readers with a comprehensive overview of how
to achieve entrepreneurial excellence in the knowledge
economy and offer them Intellectual Capital Benchmarking
System (ICBS) - a methodology for strategy check-up of
organizations in the knowledge economy context.

** Entrepreneurship, Knowledge management, Intellectual

79 Chandramouli, N
Decoding communication / N Chandramouli.-- Mumbai: TRA
Publishing, 2003.
ISBN : 9788192082325.
658.45 CHA 137487
This book deals with Influence, Propaganda and Thoughts to
Trust, Brand and Brand Appeal. The book also covers new
communication theories like Trust Matrix, Brand
Appeal, Organizational Maturity Model explained simply to
apply in business lifecycle.

** Communication, Business communication.

80 Gamble, Teri Kwal
Leading with communication : a practical approach to
leadership communication / Teri Kwal Gamble and Michael W
Gamble.-- Los Angeles: Sage, 2013.
xx, 303p, 23cm.
ISBN : 9781412994262.
658.45 GAM 137381
Leading with Communication, prepares today-s students to
acquire the skills, develop a global perspective, and
master the technology designed to enhance their
visibility and credibility as leaders.

** Leadership -- Psychological aspects , Leadership --
Moral and ethical aspects , Business communication ,

81 Andersson, Martin (ed)
Innovation and growth : from RandD strategies of innovation
firms to economy-wide technological change / Martin
Andersson and others.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press,
xx, 347p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780199646685.
658.514 AND 137366
This book provides an understanding of firmst RandD and
innovation strategies and their economy-wide
consequences. It is based on the premise that differences
in firm-level returns, as well as economy-wide outcomes,
may be linked to the heterogeneous ways in which firms
organize and undertake RandD and innovation activities. It
emphasizes innovation strategies of innovating firms, and
reflects that innovation efforts do not represent a
uniform type of expenditure. Organized into three parts
the volume moves from the micro to the macro-level. This
structure highlights the notion that RandD and innovation
and growth are two interdependent perspectives. The first
of these is micro-oriented and focuses on innovation
processes of firms, where RandD activities and other
innovation efforts give rise to consequences such as a
strengthening of resource bases, growth of sales and
employment, patents, new products, increasing
productivity and profits, and improved chances of

** Technological innovations --Economic aspects, Business
enterprises --Technological innovations, Research,
Industrial --Economic aspects

82 Goyal, D P (ed)
Supply chain management for competitiveness / D P Goyal
and Siddharth Varma.-- New Delhi: Macmillan, 2008.
x,496p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780230636576.
658.7 GOY 137474
This book tries to discuss existing supply chain
system.It also gives a bleeding edge concept like
information integrity.It includes various aspects of
information technology,retailing,enviromental issues and
knowledge management.

** Supply chain management, Business logistics.

83 Narayan, Prem
Emerging trends in supply chain management : frameworks,
models and applications / Prem Narayan.-- New Delhi:
Quality Council of India, 2011.
160p. 23cm.
658.7 NAR 137489
The book covers important aspects of supply chain
management based on trend, transformation and
technological interventions in procurement, warehousing
and logistics in general and government purchases in

** Business logistics - Case studies , Delivery of goods
Management - Case studies

84 Sheth, Jagdish N
The 4 A-s of marketing : creating value for customers,
companies and society / Jagdish N Sheth and Rajendra S
Sisodia.-- New York: Routledge, 2012.
209p, 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415898355.
658.8 SHE 137396
The authors present a powerful and tested approach that
helps managers see a business-s every action through the
eyes of its customers. This approach is organized around
the values that matter most to customers: acceptability,
affordability, accessibility and awareness.Taken
together, these attributes are called the "4A-s."

** Relationship marketing , Customer relations --
Management , Marketing

85 Hinterhuber, Andreas (ed)
Innovation in pricing : contemporary theories and best
practices / Andreas Hinterhuber and Stephan Liozu.--
London: Routledge, 2013.
xix, 416p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415521642.
658.816 HIN 137455
This book examine how innovation in pricing can drive
profit. This book is a collection of papers by many
scholars and pricing practitioners on creative pricing
approach. The book cover the topics of pricing, pricing
policy and objectives, nonfinancial aspects of
pricing, pricing by distribution channel, pricing by
product type, the use of computer in pricing and
management of price changes.

** Pricing, Marketing --Technological innovations.

86 Silver, Lawrence
The essentials of marketing research / Lawrence Silver
and others.--3rd-- New York: Routledge, 2013.
ix, 362p,25cm.
ISBN : 9780415899284.
658.83 SIL 137403
Identifying and assessing the ways in which changes in
the marketing mix affect consumer behavior is key to a
successful marketing strategy. This book guides the
student in designing, conducting and interpreting
marketing research. This comprehensive book covers
secondary research and data mining, internet marketing
research, qualitative and exploratory research,
statistical analysis and marketing research ethics with
learning objectives at the beginning of each chapter, a
host of cases and a comprehensive companion website, this
book offers a range of tools to help students develop and
test their research and analytical skills.

** Marketing research, Marketing research --Case studies

 700   ARTS  
   87 Howes, Jennifer
The Courts of pre-colonial south India : material culture
and kingship / Jennifer Howes.-- London: Routledge, 2004.
xvi, 259p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780700715855.
709.548 HOW 137540
This book investigates how the material culture of South
Indian courts was perceived by those who lived there in
the pre-colonial period. The author peels away the
standard categories used to study Indian palace space,
such as public/private and male/female, and replaces them
with indigenous descriptions of space found in court
poetry, vastu shastra and painted representations of
courtly life. Set against the historical background of
the events which led to the formation of the Ramnad
Kingdom, the Kingdom-s material circumstances are
examined, beginning with the innermost region of the
palace and moving out to the Kingdom via the palace
compound itself and the walled town which surrounded it.

** Architecture -- India, Hindu temples -- India, South,
Material culture -- India.
   88 Brown, Stephen
Writing marketing : literary lessons from academic
authorities / Stephen Brown.-- London: Sage Publications,
265p, 23cm.
ISBN : 9781412902663.
808.066658 BRO 137393
Using a type of language that appears not only
fascinating but genuinely fascinated, the book addresses
a theme that is of great technical significance for the
marketing scholar, concerning the field of literature
seen as a tool that serves the purpose of communicating
research but which, on another level, affects the very
manner of conducting research. This theme is explored by
Brown with considerable analytical complexity, through an
in-depth investigation of the link between authorial
profile and the literary works generated by the given

** Business writing , Marketing ,
   89 Walker, Richard J
Labyrinths of deceit : culture, modernity and identity in
the nineteenth century / Richard J Walker.-- Liverpool:
Liverpool University Press, 2007.
vi, 339p, 24cm.
ISBN : 9780853238492.
820.9008 WAL 137380
Prominent citizens in nineteenth-century England believed
themselves to be living in a time of unstoppable
progress. Yet running just beneath Victorian triumphalism
were strong undercurrents of chaos and uncertainty. The
author plumbs the depths of those currents in order to
present an alternative history of nineteenth-century

** English literature -- 19th century -- History and
criticism , Identity (Philosophical concept) in
literature , Identity (Psychology) , Literature and
society -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th century ,
Social problems in literature ,

   90 Gertopan, Susana
The tight rope / Susana Gertopan.-- Kolkata: Best Books,
128p. 20cm.
ISBN : 9788179261408.
863.64 GER 137499

** Spanish fiction
   91 Feuerstein,Geory
In search of the cradle of civilization : new light on
ancient India / Geory Feuerstein, Subhash Kak and David
Frawley.-- Chennai: Quest Books, 2001.
xxiv, 341p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780835607414.
934 FEU 137413
For decades, schoolbooks have taught that Sumer was the
cradle of civilization. Conventional scholarship has also
held that Aryan civilization came to India by way of
invasions from the north. But in this ground-breaking
book, three renowned scholars show that there was no
"Aryan invasion," and that India, not Sumer, was the
cradle of civilized humanity. Through exploring the rich
symbols, metaphors, and myths of the Vedas, this book
also examines the wealth of India-s spirituality and its
relevance for today-s world.

** India --Antiquities, India --Civilization

92 Bryant, Edwin
The quest for the origins of vedic culture : the Indo-
Aryan migration debate / Edwin Bryant.-- Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2001.
ISBN : 9780195169478.
934.02 BRY 137412
Western scholars have argued that Indian civilization was
the joint product of an invading Indo-European people--
the "Indo-Aryans"--and indigenous non-Indo European
peoples. Although Indian scholars reject this European
reconstruction of their country-s history, Western
scholarship gives little heed to their argument. In this
book, Edwin Bryant explores the nature and origins of
this fascinating debate.

** Indo-Aryans -- Origin, Indus civilization, India --
History -- To 324 B.C
   93 Horne, John(ed)
A companion to world war I / John Horne.-- Chichester:
Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
xxviii, 696p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781119968702.
940.3 HOR 137376
A Companion to the First World War brings together a team
of distinguished historians from 10 countries who
contribute 38 substantial and thought-provoking chapters.
In addition to covering the military history of the war
and the individual states involved, contributors explore
major themes such as war crimes, occupations, film, and

** World War, 1914-1918 , World War, 1914-1918 -- Social
aspects ,




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