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 001   KNOWLEDGE  
   1 Chevalier, Jacques M
Participatory action research : theory and methods for
engaged inquiry / Jacques M Chevalier and Daniel J
Buckles.-- London: Routledge, 2013.
xxi, 469p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415540322.
001.4 CHE 137447
This book addresses a key issue in higher learning,
university education and scientific research. In this
book, the authors propose innovative strategies for
engaged inquiry building on insights from many
disciplines and lessons from the history of Participatory
Action Research (PAR), including French psycho sociology.

** Action research, Participant observation, Social
sciences -- Research -- Methodology.
   2 Tyrvainen,Pasi
Vertical software industry evolution : analysis of
telecom operator software / Pasi Tyrvainen and Oleksiy
Mazhelis.-- Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, 2009.
xi, 153 p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9783790823516.
005.71 TYR 137242
This book analyzes the status and the future evolution of
OSS/BSS software industry from multiple viewpoints
including technology diffusion, vertical disintegration
and evolution of a vertical software industry. The
analysis uses both commercial databases on software
market transactions and interviews of operators in Europe
and far East, using quantitative and qualitative methods.

** Communications software , Computer software industry ,
Telecommunication -- Software

   3 Nelson, Alan (ed)
A companion to rationalism / Alan Nelson.-- West Sussex:
Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
xvi, 507p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781118360620.
149.7 NEL 137098
This book is a wide-ranging examination of rationalist
thought in philosophy from ancient times to the present
day. It critically analyses the concept of rationalism and
focuses principally on the golden age of rationalism in
the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries.

** Rationalism
 170   ETHICS  
   4 Bazerman, Max H
Blind spots : why we fail to do what’s right and what to
do about it / Max H Bazerman and Ann E Tenbrunsel.--
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011.
x, 191p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780691147505.
174.4 BAZ 137034
Suggesting innovative individual and group tactics for
improving human judgment, Blind Spots shows us how to
secure a place for ethics in our workplaces,
institutions, and daily lives.

** Business ethics , Corporate culture , Decision making
- Social aspects ,

5 Wulf, Katharina
Ethics and compliance programs in multinational
organizations / Katharina Wulf.-- Wiesbaden: Springer
Gabler, 2012.
xxii, 387p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9783834934949.
174.4 WUL 137053
The study examines how multinational organizations
implement the concept of ethics and compliance programs
into their businesses and the extent to which these
programs were geared to the 2004 Amendments. The study
explores the applicability of the 2004 Amendments and
analyzes the instruments organizations use to
successfully develop and maintain these programs.

** Business ethics -- Case studies , Corporate governance
, Economics
   6 Lloyd, S A (ed)
The Bloomsbury companion to Hobbes / S A Lloyd.-- London:
Bloomsbury, 2013.
x, 334p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781441190451.
192 LLO 137084
A reference tool for anyone working in the fields of
Hobbes Studies, Seventeenth-Century Philosophy and
Political Philosophy. It presents an overview of the
major themes and topics in Hobbes- work, in particular
within the fields of language, political philosophy,
moral philosophy and psychology, religion, law and

** Hobbes, Thomas, -- 1588-1679
   7 Dennehy, Jane
Competition, gender and management : beyond winning and
losing / Jane Dennehy.-- New York: Palgrave Macmillan,
xi, 221p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780230389366.
302.35 DEN 137088
Investigates eight dimensions of competition which are
active yet covert in the lives of managers. It explains
in great detail the everyday experiences of men and women
and the ways in which different cultures at work and in
wider society, particularly exposure to sport and media,
affect and reflect the relationship between gender and

** Competition , Sex role , Management ,

8 Kilduff, Martin
Interpersonal networks in organizations : cognition,
personality, dynamics, and culture / Martin Kilduff and
David Krackhardt.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
, 2008.
x, 310p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780521866606.
302.35 KIL 137082
This book brings a social networks perspective to bear on
topics of leadership, decision-making, turnover,
organizational crises, organizational culture, and other
major organizational behavior topics. It offers a new
direction for organizational behavior theory and research
by drawing from social network ideas.

** Organizational behavior - Social aspects , Social
networks , Self-perception
   9 Shafir, Eldar (ed)
The Behavioral foundations of public policy / Eldar
Shafir.-- Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013.
xv, 511p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9780691137568.
303.3 SHA 137441
In this book, leading experts in psychology, decision
research, policy analysis, economics, political science,
law, medicine, and philosophy explore major trends,
principles, and general insights about human behavior in
policy-relevant settings. Their work provides a deeper
understanding of the many drivers--cognitive, social,
perceptual, motivational, and emotional--that guide
behaviors in everyday settings. They give depth and
insight into the methods of behavioral research, and
highlight how this knowledge might influence the
implementation of public policy for the improvement of

** Social planning -- Psychological aspects, Political
planning -- Psychological aspects, Policy sciences --
Psychological aspects,

10 Zizek, Slavoj
The Year of dreaming dangerously / Slavoj Zizek.-- London
: Verso Books, 2012.
135p. 20cm.
ISBN : 9781781680421.
303.4 ZIZ 137446
In this book, the author finds a utopian future in the
worldwide protests of the Arab Spring and against

** Social history --21st century, Social conflict --
History --21st century, Social change --History --21st
century, Political participation.
   11 De Angelis, Massimo
The beginning of history : value struggles and global
capital / Massimo De Angelis.-- London: Pluto Press, 2007
xiv, 301p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780745320359.
306.3 DEA 137089
This book engages with alternative modes of co-production
recently posed by the alter-globalisation movement, and
it examines what these movements are up against. This
passionate account explores groundbreaking new critical
political economic theory and its role in bringing about
radical social change.

** Economic development , Economic development -- Social
aspects , Economics -- History , Economics -- Political
   12 Cooke, Philip (ed)
Re-framing regional development : evolution, innovation
and transition / Philip Cooke.-- London: Routledge, 2013.
xvii, 367 p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415686464.
307.12 COO 137245
Turbulence characterizes the current global scene. This
book uses complementary theoretical approaches to
understand and help prescribe policies to -re-frame- the
regional development problem in turbulent times. These
approaches are: evolutionary complexity, evolutionary
economic geography, emergence theory, and resilience
theory. From below, they address the four major crises
creating a -perfect storm- for societies and economics
involving: the climate change crisis, the energy crisis,
the banking and financial crisis, and the global economic
crisis. This book analyses and proposes ways in which
regional economies, in particular, are having to be
-reframed- to address these crises.

** Regional planning , Regional economics , Industrial
clusters , Technological innovations -- Economic aspects
   13 Cicero, Marcus Tullius
How to run a country : an ancient guide for modern
leaders / Marcus Tullius Cicero.-- Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 2013.
xix, 132p. 17cm.
ISBN : 9780691156576.
320 CIC 137442
Marcus Cicero, Rome-s greatest statesman and orator, was
elected to the Roman Republic-s highest office at a time
when his beloved country was threatened by power-hungry
politicians, dire economic troubles, foreign turmoil, and
political parties that refused to work together. Sound
familiar? Cicero-s letters, speeches, and other writings
are filled with timeless wisdom and practical insight
about how to solve these and other problems of leadership
and politics. This book collects the best of these
writings to provide an entertaining, common sense guide
for modern leaders and citizens.

** Cicero, Marcus Tullius -- Translations into English,
Cicero, Marcus Tullius -- Political and social views,
Political science -- Early works to 1800.
   14 Bertsch, Gary K (ed)
Engaging India : US strategic relations with the world-s
largest democracy / Gary K Bertsch, Seema Gahlaut and
Anupam Srivastava.-- New York: Routledge, 2013.
xix, 284p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415922838.
327.73054 BER 137171
Recent nuclear tests in India and Pakistan make it clear
that the USA can longer continue a policy of "benign
neglect" towards India. This book engages the key issues
for nonproliferation and foreign policy which affect Indo
American relations. It addresses under-explored areas
such as missile control and space cooperation, chemical
and biological weapons and the use of sanctions versus

** United States -- Relations -- India , India --
Relations -- United States , India -- Strategic aspects
 330   ECONOMICS  
   15 Eichengreen, Barry (ed)
The world economy after the global crisis : a new
economic order for the 21st century / Barry Eichengreen
and Bokyeong Park.-- Hackensack: World Scientific, 2012.
xiv, 215 p. 24 cm.
ISBN : 9789814383035.
330.9 EIC 137182
This book assesses options for the global financial
system, the global trading system, the international
monetary system, and the Group of 20 and global
governance. It contemplates the policy challenges for
emerging markets and the advanced economies in the wake
of the financial crisis.

** Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 , Economic history
- 21st century
   16 Kara, Siddharth
Bonded labor : tackling the system of slavery in South
Asia / Siddharth Kara.-- New York: Columbia University
Press, 2012.
xx, 314p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780231158480.
331.117340954 KAR 137085
Focusing on the pervasive, deeply entrenched, and wholly
unjust system of bonded labor, Kara delves into this
ancient and ever-evolving mode of slavery, which ensnares
roughly six out of every ten slaves in the world. He
provides a thorough economic, historical, and legal
overview of bonded labor, describes the violent
enslavement of millions, and follows supply chains
directly to Western consumers.

** Peonage -- South Asia , Forced labor -- South Asia ,
Slave labor -- South Asia ,

17 Murray, Matthew C (ed)
Basic income worldwide : horizons of reform / Matthew C
Murray and Carole Pateman.-- Houndmills: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2012.
xv, 271 p. 23 cm.
ISBN : 9780230285422.
331.23 MUR 137231
In the midst of growing criticism of current economic
orthodoxies and welfare systems, basic income is growing
in popularity. This is the first book to discuss existing
at examples of basic income, in both rich and poor
countries, and to consider its prospects in other places
around the world.

** Guaranteed annual income , Guaranteed annual wage ,

   18 Barth, James R
Guardians of finance : making regulators work for us /
James R Barth, Gerard Caprio and Ross Levine.-- Cambridge
: The MIT Press, 2012.
xiii, 280p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780262017398.
332.0973 BAR 137035
In Guardians of Finance, the authors argue that the
financial meltdown of 2007 to 2009 was no accident, it
was negligent homicide. They show that senior regulatory
officials around the world knew or should have known that
their policies were destabilizing the global financial
system, had years to process the evidence that risks were
rising, had the authority to change their policies--and
yet chose not to act until the crisis had fully emerged.

** Financial crises , Financial crises -- Prevention ,
Finance -- Government policy , Financial institutions ,
Banks and banking , Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 ,
   19 Koerth-Baker, Maggie
Before the lights go out : conquering the energy crisis
before it conquers us / Maggie Koerth-Baker.-- Hoboken:
John Wiley, 2012.
xii, 290 p. 25 cm.
ISBN : 9780470876251.
333.790973 KOE 137222
This text argues we-re not going to solve the energy
problem by convincing everyone to live like it-s 1900
because that-s not a good thing. Instead of reverting to
the past, we have to build a future where we get energy
from new places, use it in new ways, and do more with
less. Clean coal? Natural gas? Nuclear? Electric cars?
We-ll need them all. When we look at the numbers, we-ll
find that we-ll still be using fossil fuels, nuclear, and
renewable for decades to come. Looks at new battery
technology, smart grids, passive buildings, decentralized
generation, clean coal, and carbon sequestration.

** Renewable energy sources -- United States , Energy
development -- United States , Energy consumption --
United States

   20 Badiou, Alain
The Communist hypothesis / Alain Badiou.-- London: Verso,
279p. 16cm.
ISBN : 9781844676002.
335.43 BAD 137445
We know that communism is the right hypothesis. All those
who abandon this hypothesis immediately resign themselves
to the market economy. This title presents a hypothesis
that is partly a demand to reconceptualize communism
after the twin deaths of the Soviet Union and
neoliberalism, and also a demand for universal

** Communism, Communism -- France -- History, Political
science -- Philosophy.
   21 Krugman, Paul R
International economics : theory and policy / Paul R
Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld.--8th ed-- New Delhi:
Pearson, 2013.
xxviii, 706p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9788131725634.
337 KRU 137281
This book presents an integrated treatment of the
Ricardian model, specific factors, factor endowments, and
imperfect competition models of trade, along with in-
depth analysis of empirical evidence. It covers the
effects and causes of trade policy, including strategic
trade policy and the income-distribution effects of
trade. The book also provides a unified model of open-
economy macroeconomics, based on an asset-market approach
to exchange rate determination with a central role for

** International economic relations , International

   22 Spoor, Max (ed)
Dragons with clay feet? : transition, sustainable land
use, and rural environment in China and Vietnam / Max
Spoor, Nico Heerink and Futian Qu.-- Lanham: Lexington
Books, 2010.
xiv, 341p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780739146569.
338.1851 SPO 137099
Dragons with Clay Feet? presents state-of-the-art
research on the impact of ongoing and anticipated
economic policy and institutional reforms on agricultural
development and sustainable rural resource in two East-
Asian transition (and developing) economies-China and

** Agriculture and state -- China , Agriculture and state
-- Vietnam , Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- China ,
Sustainable development -- Vietnam

23 Faulkner, David (ed)
The handbook of mergers and acquisitions / David
Faulkner, Satu Teerikangas and Richard J Joseph.-- Oxford
: Oxford University Press, 2012.
xxvii, 744p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780199601462.
338.83 FAU 137039
The handbook bridges hitherto separate disciplines
engaged in research in mergers and acquisitions (MandA) to
integrate strategic, financial, socio-cultural, and
sectoral approaches to the field. It examines the
management processes involved, as well as valuations and
post-acquisition performance, and considers international
and sectoral dimensions.

** Consolidation and merger of corporations , BUSINESS and
ECONOMICS / Mergers and Acquisitions , Mergers and

24 Fee, Derek
How to manage an aid exit strategy : the future of
development aid / Derek Fee.-- London: Zed Books, 2012.
xii,256p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781780320304.
338.91 FEE 137056
How to Manage an Aid Exit Strategy provides a refreshing,
insightful and comprehensive analysis of how an exit may
actually be possible - drawing on real experience and as
such supplying a simple summary of recommended policy
steps. The author thoroughly reviews aid for trade,
regional integration and microfinance and a host of other
solutions that have been proposed - arguing that an exit
strategy for both donors and the least developed
countries will have to consider the optimal combination
of these specific initiatives to best satisfy the
necessity of development and at the same time solve the
problems of conventional aid.

** Economic assistance - Developing countries , Economic
development - Developing countries , Economic assistance
Developing countries - History , Economic development -
Developing countries - Finance - History

25 Carrillo, Beatriz(ed)
China-s peasants and workers : changing class identities
/ Beatriz Carrillo and David S G Goodman.-- Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar, 2012.
xi, 164p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781781005729.
338.9510091732 CAR 137087
This book explores three decades of economic change in
China and the consequent transformation of class
relations and class-consciousness in villages and in the
urban workplace.

** Economic development -- China , Urban poor -- China ,
Urban-rural migration -- China , China -- Economic
conditions -- 1949- ,
   26 Aoki, Masahiko (ed)
Complexity and institutions : markets, norms, and
corporations / Masahiko Aoki and others.-- New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
xviii, 247p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781137034199.
339 AOK 136877
Drawing on behavioral, experimental and neoclassical
economics, this volume brings together eminent academics
and practitioners to provide working macroeconomic models
and explore the social norms governing a post-crisis
financial world.

** Macroeconomics , Macroeconomics -- Mathematical models
, Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 -- Social aspects ,

27 Frydman, Roman (ed)
Rethinking expectations : the way forward for
macroeconomics / Roman Frydman and Edmund S Phelps.--
Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2013.
vi, 432p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780691155234.
339 FRY 137444
This book originated from a 2010 conference marking the
fortieth anniversary of the publication of the landmark
"Phelps volume," Microeconomic Foundations of Employment
and Inflation Theory, a book that is often credited with
pioneering the currently dominant approach to
macroeconomic analysis. However, in their provocative
introductory essay, Roman Frydman and Edmund Phelps argue
that the vast majority of macroeconomic and finance
models developed over the last four decades derailed,
rather than built on, the Phelps volume-s "micro
foundations" approach. Whereas the contributors to the
1970 volume recognized the fundamental importance of
according market participants- expectations an autonomous
role, contemporary models rely on the rational
expectations hypothesis (REH), which rules out such a
role by design.

** Macroeconomics, Rational expectations (Economic

28 Hart, Neil
Equilibrium and evolution : Alfred Marshall and the
Marshallians / Neil Hart.-- New York: Palgrave Macmillan,
xiii, 242p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780230302709.
339.5 HAR 136875
Alfred Marshall has traditionally been listed alongside
pioneering -neoclassical- economists. In this volume Neil
Hart challenges this view, illuminating the ambiguities
within Marshall-s work, and exploring his reconciliation
of two modes of thinking, equilibrium economics and
evolutionary economics.

** Marshall, Alfred, 1842-1924 -- Political and social
views , Equilibrium (Economics) , Evolution ,
 340   LAW  
   29 Gilabert, Pablo
From global poverty to global equality : a philosophical
exploration / Pablo Gilabert.-- Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2012.
viii,310p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780199639717.
340.115 GIL 137059
From Global Poverty to Global Equality provides a
philosophical exploration of some of the central
questions in the flourishing debate on global justice: Do
we have a duty to help eradicate global poverty? Do we
also have a duty to pursue global equality? What makes
such demands morally justifiable?

** Equality , Distributive justice , Poverty --
International cooperation
   30 Carpenter, Megan M (ed)
Entrepreneurship and innovation in evolving economies :
the role of law / Megan M Carpenter.-- Cheltenham: Edward
Elgar, 2012.
xv, 258 p. 24 cm.
ISBN : 9780857934697.
343.07 CAR 137058
Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Evolving Economies
examines the role of law in supporting innovation and
entrepreneurship in communities whose economies are in

** Law and economics , New business enterprises -- Law
and legislation , Small business -- Law and legislation ,
Entrepreneurship ,

   31 Williams-Elegbe, Sope
Fighting corruption in public procurement : a comparative
analysis of disqualification or debarment measures / Sope
Williams-Elegbe.-- Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2012.
xlix, 306p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781849460200.
352.53 WIL 136939
This book examines the issues and challenges raised by
the debarment or disqualification of corrupt suppliers
from public contracts, comparing and contrasting the
legal, practical and institutional approaches to the
implementation of the disqualification mechanism in the
EU, the UK, the US, South Africa and the World Bank.

** Government purchasing - Corrupt practices , Government
purchasing - Corrupt practices - Prevention , Government
contractors - Legal status, laws, etc. , Government
contractors - Corrupt practices - Prevention
   32 McCracken, Kevin
Global health : an introduction to current and future
trends / Kevin McCracken and David R Phillips.-- London:
Routledge, 2012.
xxiii, 328p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415557573.
362.1 MAC 137176
The health of human populations around the world is
constantly changing and the health profiles of most
nations in the early twenty first century global health
landscape are unrecognizable compared with those of just
a century ago. This book examines and explains these
health changes and considers likely future patterns and
changes. While the overall picture charted is one of
progress and improvement, certain unfortunate regressions
and stubbornly persistent health inequalities are equally
shown to be part of the evolving patterns of global

** World health , World health -- Forecasting , World
Health -- trends

33 Tanfani, Elena (ed)
Advanced decision making methods applied to health care /
Elena Tanfani and Angela Testi.-- Milan: Springer, 2012.
viii, 236p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9788847023208.
362.10684 TAN 137094
The contributed book presents a collection of
applications to concrete situations detailing the problem
area, the methodology employed, the implementation and
results. Each topic addressed in the book will be
structured in such a way that an interdisciplinary and
wide audience will be able to use the materials
presented. As an example the book chapters will address
health policies issues, planning health services,
epidemiology and disease modeling, home-care modeling,
logistics in health care, capacity planning, quality and

** Medical care -- Decision making , Medical care --
Decision making -- Case studies ,
   34 Vogl, Frank
Waging war on corruption : inside the movement fighting
the abuse of power / Frank Vogl.-- Lanham: Rowman and
Littlefield Publishers, 2012.
xii, 297p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781442218529.
363.259323 VOG 137037
Waging War on Corruption is a fascinating look at
worldwide corruption by a leader of the global
anticorruption movement. Frank Vogl draws on twenty years
of experience to share a history filled stories of
activists, victims, and villains, strengthening our
understanding of the complexities of corruption with
wisdom and integrity.

** Corruption -- Prevention -- International cooperation
Bribery -- Prevention -- International cooperation ,
Political corruption -- Prevention -- International
 381   COMMERCE  
   35 Marutschke, David
Continuous improvement strategies : Japanese convenience
store systems / David Marutschke.-- New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2012.
xi,203p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780230347939.
381.1470952 MAR 137227
Taking into consideration the recent structural changes
in Japan-s consumer market, it presents an analysis of
the continuous improvement strategies of Japanese
convenience store operators. This study highlights the
efforts of companies operating under lean management
systems to reenergize their organizations and to identify
new, dynamic, firm-specific capabilities in markets which
are highly competitive and in an evolutionary stage of
maturity. This book suggests that the Japanese strategy
for continuous improvement and lean thinking is able to
overcome cultural rigidity if projects that promote
change include a comprehensive organizational strategy.
It suggests how companies can sustain continuous long-
term improvement: an objective which western firms often
fail to achieve.

** Convenience stores -- Japan -- Management , Creative
ability in business -- Japan ,
   36 Clift, Ben (ed)
Economic patriotism in open economies / Ben Clift and
Cornelia Woll.-- London: Routledge, 2012.
x, 149p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415624749.
382.73 CLI 136876
Economic patriotism is more than just a fashionable word
or a fig leaf for protectionism. This volume employs the
term to signal two distinctions: the diversity of policy
content and the multiplicity of territorial units it can
refer to.
** Protectionism , Free trade ,
   37 Carr, Philip
English phonetics and phonology : an introduction /
Philip Carr.--2nd ed-- West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013
xxi, 182p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781405134545.
421.5 CAR 137175
The textbook has been extensively updated and expanded to
offer greater flexibility for teachers and increased
support for non-native speakers studying the sound
systems of English.

** English language -- Phonology , English language --
   38 Lattin, James M
Analyzing multivariate data / James M Lattin, J Douglas
Carroll and Paul E Green.-- Australia: Brooks, 2003.
xxiv, 556p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780534349745.
519.53 LAT 137440
This book is offering the latest teaching and practice of
applied multivariate statistics. The text provides a
three part structure. First, the authors begin each major
topic by developing students- statistical intuition
through applications. Then, they provide illustrative
examples for support. Finally, for those courses where it
will be valuable, they describe relevant mathematical
underpinnings with vectors and matrix algebra.

** Multivariate analysis.
   39 Eckrich, Christopher J
The family council handbook : how to create, run, and
maintain a successful family business council /
Christopher J Eckrich and Stephen L McClure.-- New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
xviii, 370p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780230112193.
658 ECK 137062
A family council oversees a family on everything from
educating the family for their future responsibilities as
owners, to settling disputes within the family. With this
in mind, this practical manual will guide business
families on how to manage how their family governs itself
and relates to their business.

** Family-owned business enterprises -- Management ,
Corporate governance , Boards of directors

40 Nelson,William D (ed)
Advances in business and management - V.4 / William D
Nelson.-- New York: Nova Science, 2012.
xi, 220p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9781613247051.
658 NEL 137217
Management in various business areas and organisational
activities are the acts of getting people together to
accomplish desired goals and objectives. This title
gathers important research from around the globe in this
field of study including Enterprise Risk Management
implementation in Malaysia.

** Business , Management , BUSINESS and ECONOMICS --

41 Pettinger, Richard
Management : a concise introduction / Richard Pettinger.-
New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
xvi,448 p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780230285354.
658 PET 137234
Management: A Concise Introduction is a concise,
entertaining and student-focused introduction to
management. It has been written with the student in mind
including short chapters, easy identification of the key
points and revision-friendly sections. Packed with lively
pedagogy it both covers the basics of management and
provides a timely discussion of the contemporary issues
facing the modern manager. It has an engaging style and
is, all in all, an essential companion for all students
studying management.


42 Monden, Yasuhiro (ed)
Management of service businesses in Japan / Yasuhiro
Monden and others.-- New Jersey: World Scientific, 2013.
xix, 185p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9789814374668.
658.00952 MON 137184
"Management of Service Industries in Japan" showcases the
performance of non-manufacturing industries or service
industries in contemporary Japan, specifically on how
their performances have improved. The book covers three
fields: Part 1: Advanced Service Management in the
Service industries, Part 2: Advanced Service Management
in the Public and Non-Profit Organizations, and, Part 3:
General Concepts and Techniques Applied to the Service
Management .

** Service industries - Japan - Management , Industrial
management - Japan

43 Dowling, Peter J
International human resource management : managing people
in a multinational context / Peter J Dowling and Denice E
Welch.--4th ed-- Australia: Cengage Learning, 2010.
xiv, 333p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9788131500071.
658.3 DOW 137282
This text focuses on the choices that confront
multinational enterprises in international human resource
management and some factors to consider in making those

** International business enterprises -- Personnel
management ,

44 Ng,Eddy S (ed)
Managing the new workforce : international perspectives
on the millennial generation / Eddy S Ng, Sean T Lyons
and Linda Schweitzer.-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012.
xxiii, 311 p. 24 cm.
ISBN : 9780857933003.
658.300842 NGE 137233
In a unique historical phenomenon of demographics , a
large cohort of post-war baby boomers is retiring as a
new cadre of younger workers, the twenty-somethings
referred to as -Gen Y- or Millennials, are being
recruited to replace them. This workforce of the future
comes with their own set of expectations, demands, and
work habits. This book provides an understanding of the
new workforce in many countries and settings. The
international perspective makes it possible to examine
cross-cultural similarities and differences in HRM

** Personnel management , Entry-level employees ,
Generation Y Employment

45 Warner, Malcolm (ed)
Managing across diverse cultures in East Asia : issues
and challenges in a changing globalized world / Malcolm
Warner.-- London: Routledge, 2013.
xix, 288p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415680905.
658.3008095 WAR 137081
In this book the link between culture and management
across the region vis a vis the new economic, political
and social landscape that has appeared over the last
decade. The chapters reflect a balance between the past
and present, theory and practice, as well as the general
and the particular.

** Management -- East Asia , Management -- Cross-cultural
studies , East Asia -- Economic conditions

46 Walker, Susan
Employee engagement and communication research :
measurement, strategy and action / Susan Walker.-- London
: Kogan Page, 2012.
x, 243p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780749466824.
658.314 WAL 137174
The author covers all the tools, strategy and action
required to plan a research project or commission
external research, whether a full scale employee survey
or research focusing on a particular subject area such as
communication, engagement, change or corporate social
responsibility. She guides readers toward defining their
objectives, involving and communicating with employees,
choosing a quantitative or qualitative approach,
designing and developing questionnaires, maximizing
response rates, interpreting the data effectively,
turning the results into an organizational story and
finally, developing and leading an action program for

** Communication in organizations -- Research , Employee
motivation -- Research , Organizational change --

47 Birkinshaw, Julian
Reinventing management : smarter choices for getting work
done / Julian Birkinshaw.-- West Sussex: Jossey-Bass,
xviii,294 p. 24 cm.
ISBN : 9781118375907.
658.4012 BIR 137235
The economic crisis was not caused by a failure of
regulation or economic policy, it was a story of the
failure of management in fundamental sense. This title
shows that major economic problems in the west can be
traced to a failure of management. It offers an analysis
of the problems besetting modern business and how
managers need to tackle them.

** Management , Organizational change , Strategic

48 Calkins, Tim
Defending your brand : how smart companies use defensive
strategy to deal with competitive attacks / Tim Calkins.-
New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
ix,294 p. 25 cm.
ISBN : 9780230340343.
658.4012 CAL 137229
It shows businesses how to create and maintain a
defensive strategy including: how to understand and get
competitive intelligence, how to determine if your brand
or company is at risk, how to create a defensive strategy
limiting risk and preventing a trial, understanding your
own IP as a weapon - and much more.

** Product management , Strategic planning

49 Kaplan,Saul
The business model innovation factory : how to stay
relevant when the world is changing / Saul Kaplan.--
Hoboken: John Wiley and Sons, 2012.
xx, 212 p. 24 cm.
ISBN : 9781118149560.
658.4012 KAP 137220
The Business Model Innovation Factory provides leaders
with the survival skills to create a pipeline of new
business models in the face of disruptive markets and

** Business planning , New business enterprises ,
Strategic planning

50 Teece, David J
Technological know-how, organizational capabilities, and
strategic management : business strategy and enterprise
development in competitive environments / David J Teece.-
New Jersey: World Scientific, 2008.
xiii, 314p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9789812568502.
658.4012 TEE 137083
It presents fundamental thinking about business
organization and explores factors which impact the
viability and growth of business enterprises. This book
considers, in particular, the role of entrepreneurship,
organizational learning, and business strategy -
including licensing strategy.

** Strategic planning , Business enterprises --
Technological innovations , Technological innovations --
Management , Industrial organization ,

51 Tidd, Joe (ed)
From knowledge management to strategic competence :
assessing technological, market and organisational
innovation / Joe Tidd.--3rd ed-- London: Imperial College
Press, 2012.
xii, 418 p. 23 cm.
(Series on technology management ,19).
ISBN : 9781848168848.
658.4012 TID 137181
This book attempts to integrate strategic and knowledge
management approaches to capability-building and the
development of competencies.

** Strategic planning , Core competencies , Knowledge
management ,

52 Whelan, Jonathan
Business architecture : a practical guide / Jonathan
Whelan and Graham Meaden.-- England: Gower publishing,
xxx, 271 p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9781409438595.
658.4012 WHE 137221
Organizations today exist in an environment of
unprecedented change. They do so against a backdrop of a
global, competitive marketplace, the fast-paced
enablement of technology, amplified regulation and
accelerating organizational complexity.

** Strategic planning , Organization , Management

53 Colisto, Nicholas R
The CIO playbook : strategies and best practices for IT
leaders to deliver value / Nicholas R Colisto.-- Hoboken:
John Wiley and Sons, 2012.
xvi, 218 p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781118347591.
658.4038 COL 137230
As our economy shifts from recession to recovery, our
current economic climate is ripe for transformation. CIOs
are in a unique position to leverage technology in order
to drive innovation and boost business growth.

** Chief information officers , Information technology --
Management , Information resources management

54 Ward,John
Benefits management : how to increase the business value
of your IT projects / John Ward and Elizabeth Daniel.--
2nd ed-- West Sussex: John Wiley, 2012.
xvi, 346 p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781119993261.
658.4038011 WAR 137224
A leading source of ideas, processes, tools and
techniques for IT students and professionals, this
successful text provides a proven, comprehensive and
practical approach to increasing the benefits delivered
from investments in IT and other types of projects and

** Information technology -- Management , Information
storage and retrieval systems -- Business , COMPUTERS --
Management Information Systems

55 Hoffmann, Elizabeth A
Co-operative workplace dispute resolution :
organizational structure, ownership, and ideology /
Elizabeth A Hoffmann.-- Surrey: Gower, 2012.
xii, 195p.25cm.
ISBN : 9781469429241.
658.4053 HOF 137096
Co-operative Workplace Dispute Resolution focuses on
dispute resolution strategies at matched pairs of worker
co-operatives and conventional businesses in three
different industries. In contrast to conventionally
organized businesses.
** Producer cooperatives , Authority , Industrial

56 Elliott, Dominic
Business continuity management : a crisis management
approach / Dominic Elliott, Ethne Swartz and Brahim
Herbane.--2nd ed-- New York: Routledge, 2010.
viii, 338p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415371087.
658.4056 ELL 137090
This book provides a well-researched, theoretically
robust approach to the topic combined with empirical
research in continuity management. It includes chapters
on digital resilience and principles of risk management
for business continuity. This book includes cases on:
South Africa Bank, Lego, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter,
small companies impacted by 9/11, and the New York City
power outage of August 2003.

** Crisis management , Emergency management , Business

57 Bhakar, S S (ed)
Transformation and survival of business
organisations: challenges and Opportunities / S S Bhakar
and others.-- New Delhi: Macmillan Publishers, 2012.
xvi, 766p. 28cm.
ISBN : 9789350590614.
658.406 BHA 137288
This book has been organized to cover innovations and
transformation of organizations on a functional basis.

** Organisations -- Management , Organizational change

58 Schweisfurth, Tim
Embedded lead users inside the firm : how innovative user
employees contribute to the corporate product innovation
process / Tim Schweisfurth.-- Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler,
xx,221p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9783658000653.
658.4062 SCH 137054
The central phenomenon of this book are embedded lead
users (ELUs): employees of firms who exhibit lead user
characteristics in relation to their employing firm-s
products or services. Examples for this phenomenon exist
amongst others in the sporting industry in which users of
sporting goods are at the same time employed by
manufacturers of these goods. In three consecutive
studies Tim Schweisfurth explores how embedded lead users
contribute to corporate innovation. He shows what factors
foster the lead userness of employees and what
characterizes embedded lead users- behaviors.

** Technological innovations -- Management , Employees --
Effect of technological innovations on , Consumers --

59 Beaudan, Eric
Creative execution : what great leaders do to unleash
bold thinking and innovation / Eric Beaudan.-- Ontario:
John Wiley and Sons, 2012.
xiv,252 p. 24 cm.
ISBN : 9781118351093.
658.4063 BEA 137225
The ultimate game-changer for reinventing strategy and
igniting people whether it was Alexander the Great or
Lord Horatio Nelson, the management team at Toyota or
Google, the indisputable alchemy of strategy, execution,
and leadership led to one’s phenomenal success.

** Creative ability in business -- Management ,
Organizational change -- Management , Leadership

60 Baxi, Mahesh
New age leadership : practical mantras on leadership /
Mahesh Baxi.-- Karnataka: Compassites, 2013.
176p. 22cm.
658.4092 BAX 137286
This book is a collection of practical mantras on
leadership, customer relationship and organizational

** Leadership

61 Edger, Chris
Effective multi-unit leadership : local leadership in
multi-site situations / Chris Edger.-- Surrey: Gower,
xxii, 304 p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9781409424321.
658.4092 EDG 137060
Land-based multi-unit service enterprises face
significant economic disruption at the present time. A
pivotal actor in these organisations is the Multi-Unit
Leader (MUL) - otherwise known as District, Area or
Regional Manager. Given inherent challenges and their
complex positional space, how do effective MULs optimise
performance? In this book.

** Leadership , Management , BUSINESS and ECONOMICS /

62 Shorthose,Jim
Understanding creative business : values, networks and
innovation / Jim Shorthose and Neil Maycroft.-- Surrey:
Gower Publishing, 2012.
ix, 346 p. 26 cm.
ISBN : 9781409407140.
658.4094 SHO 137241
Understanding Creative Business bridges the gap between
creative practice and mainstream business organisation,
entrepreneurship and management. It discusses the
effective positioning of creative practice within the
contexts of professional and business development,
cultural policy-making priorities and the wider cultural

** Creative ability in business

63 Lager, Thomas
Managing process innovation : from idea generation to
implementation / Thomas Lager.-- London: Imperial College
Press, 2011.
xx, 361p. 23cm.
(Series on technology management ,17).
ISBN : 9781848166059.
658.51 LAG 137185,vol. 17
Starting with considerations to be initiated in the
boardroom and at group management level, this book
examines the factors involved in process innovation. It
also reviews various aspects of the design of a process
innovation organisation. It advocates the importance of
delineating and clarifying corporate work processes for
process innovation.

** Production planning -- Management

64 Manu, Alexander
Behavior space : play, pleasure and discovery as a model
for business value / Alexander Manu.-- Surrey: Gower,
xiv, 234p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9781409446842.
658.575 MAN 137091
Behavior Space proposes that corporations do not design
products or services anymore: they design behavior
spaces. Facebook is not a product, not a technology, but
a behaviour space. Innovation is the creation of a new
behavior space. The product or service is simply the
catalyst that enables a new behaviour space to emerge.

** Creative ability in business , New products , Product
design , Consumer behavior , Strategic planning

65 Plantes,Mary Kay
Beyond price : differentiate your company in ways that
really matter / Mary Kay Plantes and Robert D Finfrock.--
Austin: Greenleaf Book Group Press, 2009.
xv, 237 p. 24 cm.
ISBN : 9781929774739.
658.8 PLA 137219
Commoditization is the gravitational force pulling
competing products and services down to the same level,
until price determines which company wins and loses
customers. This book shows how to innovate business
models to escape the gravity of commoditization and price
driven competition.

** Product management -- United States , Marketing --
Management , Business -- Management

66 Cravens, David W
Strategic marketing / David W Cravens and Nigel F Piercy.
--8th ed-- New Delhi: Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2009.
xvii, 726p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780070682603.
658.802 CRA 137283
This is a text and casebook that discusses the concepts
and processes for gaining the competitive advantage in
the marketplace. The book is designed around the
marketing strategy process with a clear emphasis on
analysis, planning, and implementation. It uses a
decision making process to examine the key concepts and
issues involved in analyzing and selecting strategies.
Marketing strategy is considered from a total business
perspective as instructors want to examine marketing
strategy beyond the traditional emphasis on marketing

** Marketing -- Decision making , Marketing -- Management
, Marketing -- Management --Case studies

67 Kasabov,Edward
The compliance business and its customers : gaining
competitive advantage by controlling your customers /
Edward Kasabov and Alex Warlow.-- New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2012.
xi ,154p. 24 cm.
ISBN : 9780230284197.
658.8120285 KAS 137223
In recent years, businesses taking advantage of market
deregulation and internet technology have broken
traditional marketing norms and customer management
practices. These businesses can offer lower prices
coupled with exceptional customer service. This book
analyzes how these compliance-centered businesses have
become so successful.

** Customer relations--Management--Data processing ,
Customer services--Technological innovations

68 Fuggetta, Rob
Brand advocates : turning enthusiastic customers into a
powerful marketing force / Rob Fuggetta.-- Hoboken: John
Wiley, 2012.
xx, 283 p. 24 cm.
ISBN : 9781118336038.
658.82 FUG 137218
Brand advocates are most loyal, passionate, and engaged
customers. Brand Advocates teaches how to turn
enthusiastic customers into a powerful and sustainable
marketing force. Through a step-by-step playbook and real
world examples, one will learn exactly what it takes to
build and activate Advocate Army, from identifying
advocates to energizing them and tracking results.

** Relationship marketing , Customer loyalty , Word-of-
mouth advertising , Branding (Marketing) , BUSINESS and

69 Holt, Douglas
Cultural strategy : using innovative ideologies to build
breakthrough brands / Douglas Holt and Douglas Cameron.--
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
xv,387p. 23 cm.
ISBN : 9780199587407.
658.827 HOL 137228
Cultural Strategy provides a step-by-step guide for
managers and entrepreneurs to building businesses based
upon innovative ideologies: ideas that leverage social
change and needs. Analyzing classic cases such as Nike,
Starbucks, Marlboro, Jack Daniels, and Ben and Jerry-s,
Holt and Cameron show how the theory works as an
actionable strategy.

** Branding (Marketing) , Marketing -- Social aspects ,
Branding (Marketing) -- Case studies ,

70 Keller, Kevin Lane
Strategic brand management : building, measuring and
managing brand equity / Kevin Lane Keller, M G
Parameswaran and Isaac Jacob.--3rd ed-- Delhi: Pearson,
xxiii, 695p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9788131756898.
658.827 KEL 137280
Incorporating the latest industry thinking and
developments, this exploration of brands, brand equity,
and strategic brand management combines a comprehensive
theoretical foundation with numerous techniques and
practical insights for making better day-to-day and long-
term brand decisions and thus improving the long-term
profitability of specific brand strategies.

** Brand name products -- Management

71 Signorelli, Jim
Story branding : creating standout brands through the
power of story / Jim Signorelli.-- Austin: Greenleaf Book
Group Press, 2012.
xv, 230 p. 24 cm.
ISBN : 9781608321452.
658.827 SIG 137244
It shows marketers how to develop brand-planning
documents that have much more punch than traditional
creative briefs. This title includes sample "I AM
Statements" and "Story Briefs" that illustrate the
benefits of using storytelling to establish brands.

** Branding (Marketing) , Marketing -- Planning

72 Kapferer, Jean-Noel
The New strategic brand management : advanced insights
and strategic thinking / Jean-Noel Kapferer.--5th ed--
London: Kogan Page, 2012.
xviii, 492p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780749465155.
658.8343 KAP 137122
Revealing and explaining the latest techniques used by
companies worldwide, in this book the author covers all
the leading issues faced by the brand strategist today,
supported by an array of international case studies. With
both gravitas and intelligent insight, the book reveals
new thinking on topics such as putting culture and
content into brands, the impact of private labels, the
new dynamics of targeting and the comeback of local

** Brand name products --Management.
   73 Hecq, Dominique (ed)
The creativity market : creative writing in the 21st
century / Dominique Hecq.-- Bristol: Multilingual Matters
, 2012.
xiv, 229p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9781847697097.
808.042071 HEC 137173
This book focuses on creative writing both as a subject
in universities around the world and beyond academia. It
offers a thought-provoking analysis of creativity in the
globalised marketplace, and examines the intersection of
the university sector and the creative industries.

** Creative writing -- Study and teaching

74 Phillips, Alastair
Rififi (Jules Dassin, 1955) / Alastair Phillips.-- London
: I B Tauris, 2009.
x, 124p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9781848850552.
808.823 PHI 137179
Du rififi chez les hommes (1955), directed by the exiled
American film director Jules Dassin, recounts the nail-
biting tale of a Parisian gangster heist gone wrong.
Famed for its extended dialogue free robbery sequence, it
is both a classic French film noir and one of the
greatest, most influential crime films. In this film,
Alastair Phillips reveals Dassin-s role as a director of
socially conscious Hollywood film noir and argues that
his seminal contribution to the regeneration of the
thriller in post war France therefore uniquely
complicated relations between French genre cinema and
American mass culture. Phillips also examines the film-s
innovative narrative construction and use of sound, and
discusses the film-s legacy, showing how even today, the
term "Rififi" remains a byword for both criminal glamour
and the enduring virtues of French popular classical

** Dassin, Jules, -- 1911-2008 , DRAMA

75 Manikutty, S
Essence of leadership : explorations from literature / S
Manikutty and S P Singh.-- Delhi: Macmillan Publishers,
viii, 212p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780230328129.
809 MAN 137285
This book seeks to explore leadership through study and
interpretation of literature. It shows how leadership can
be better understood by reading and interpreting
masterpieces of world literature and relating them to
leadership issues.

** Leadership , Literature , Management
   76 Carver,Raymond
Will you please be quiet, please? : stories / Raymond
Carver.-- New York: Vintage Books, 1992.
251p. 20cm.
ISBN : 9780679735694.
813.54 CAR 137434
With this, his first collection of stories, Raymond
Carver breathed new life into the American short story.
Carver shows us the humor and tragedy that dwell in the
hearts of ordinary people, his stories are the classics
of our time.

** American literature, United States -- Social life and
customs -- 20th century -- Fiction.

77 Foer,Jonathan Safran
Everything is illuminated : a novel / Jonathan Safran
Foer.-- New York: Harper Perennial, 2002.
276p. 20cm.
ISBN : 9780060529703.
813.54 FOE 137432
With only a yellowing photograph in hand, a young man -
also named Jonathan Safran Foer - sets out to find the
woman who might or might not have saved his grandfather
from the Nazis. Accompanied by an old man haunted by
memories of the war, an amorous dog named Sammy Davis,
Junior, Junior, and the unforgettable Alex, a young
Ukrainian translator who speaks in a sublimely butchered
English, Jonathan is led on a quixotic journey over a
devastated landscape and into an unexpected past.

** Americans -- Ukraine -- Fiction, World War, 1939-1945
- Ukraine -- Fiction.
   78 Mantel, Hilary
Bring up the bodies : a novel / Hilary Mantel.-- New York
: Henry Holt, 2012.
xvii, 410p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780805090031.
823.914 MAN 137431
By 1535 Thomas Cromwell is Chief Minister to Henry VIII,
his fortunes having risen with those of Anne Boleyn, the
king-s new wife. But Anne has failed to give the king an
heir, and Cromwell watches as Henry falls for plain Jane
Seymour. Cromwell must find a solution that will satisfy
Henry, safeguard the nation and secure his own career.
But neither minister nor king will emerge unscathed from
the bloody theatre of Anne-s final days. An astounding
literary accomplishment, this book is the story of this
most terrifying moment of history, by one of our greatest
living novelists.

** Cromwell, Thomas, -- Earl of Essex, -- 1485?-1540 --
Fiction, Great Britain -- History -- Henry VIII, 1509-
1547 -- Fiction.

79 Mantel, Hilary
A place of greater safety / Hilary Mantel.-- New York:
Picador, 2006.
xvi, 749p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9780312426392.
823.914 MAN 137433
Set during the French Revolution, this book is the story
of three young provincials who together helped destroy a
way of life and, in the process, destroyed themselves.

** France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 -- Fiction.
   80 Dooling, Amy D (ed)
Writing women in modern China : the revolutionary years,
1936-1976 / Amy D Dooling.-- New York: Columbia
University Press, 2005.
x, 322p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780231132169.
895.10809287 DOO 137180
It includes various literary, personal, and journalistic
responses to the events in the mid-twentieth-century
Chinese society. This work reflects the diversity,
liveliness, humor, and cosmopolitanism of women-s writing
from the period. It also reveals the ways in which women
writers imagined and inscribed new meanings to Chinese

** Chinese literature -- Women authors , Chinese
literature -- 20th century -- Translations into English ,
Women and literature -- China ,

81 Arimbi, Diah Ariani
Reading contemporary Indonesian muslim women writers :
representation, identity and religion of muslim women in
Indonesian fiction / Diah Ariani Arimbi.-- Amsterdam:
Amsterdam University Press, 2009.
234p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9789089640895.
899.22 ARI 137178
The first study to discuss the construction of gender and
Islamic identities in the works of contemporary
Indonesian Muslim female writers.

** Indonesian literature -- Women authors , Indonesian
literature -- Muslim authors , Muslim women in literature
, Women in Islam , Indonesian fiction -- History and
criticism ,
   82 Wood, Denis
Rethinking the power of maps / Denis Wood,John Fels and
John Krygier.-- New York: The Guilford Press, 2010.
x, 335p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9781593853662.
912 WOO 137172
A contemporary follow-up to the groundbreaking Power of
Maps, this book takes a fresh look at what maps do, whose
interests they serve, and how they can be used in
surprising, creative, and radical ways. The author
describes how cartography facilitated the rise of the
modern state and how maps continue to embody and project
the interests of their creators. He demystifies the
hidden assumptions of mapmaking and explores the promises
and limitations of diverse counter-mapping practices

** Maps ,
   83 Amanat, Abbas
Pivot of the universe : Nasir al-Din Shah Qajar and the
Iranian monarchy / Abbas Amanat.-- London: I B Tauris,
xxiii, 536p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781845118280.
955.04092 NAS 137177
In this book, Abbas Amanat gives us both a biography of
the man and an analysis of the institution of monarchy in
modern Iran. Nasir al-Din Shah developed from an insecure
crown prince and later an erratic boy-king in the 1840s
and 50s into a ruler with substantial control over his
government and foreign policy in the 1860s and beyond.
Amanat examines this transformation and explores how
traditional monarchies drew strength as they accommodated
themselves to the forces of modernity.

** Nasir al-Din Shah, -- Shah of Iran, -- 1831-1896 ,
Monarchy -- Iran -- History -- 19th century , Iran --
Kings and rulers -- Biography




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