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1 Franks, Bill
Taming the big data tidal wave : finding opportunities in
huge data streams with advanced analytics / Bill Franks.-
Hoboken: John Wiley, 2012.
xxv, 304p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781118208786.
006.312 FRA 137000
This book shows how big data is changing the world of
analytics, what people, processes, technologies, and
mindsets are necessary to succeed in analytics in this
new era, what trends are developing that will change how
businesses do analytics as big data alters the scale of
the inputs and growing requirements change the scale of
the outputs, and how to think bigger in terms of what
analytics can do for a business. This important book
reveals how analytics has evolved in the past decades and
how it will continue to evolve in the coming decades. The
big data tidal wave is coming. This book provides a
roadmap for riding the wave successfully in terms that
anyone with an interest in the topic will be able to

** Data mining 2. Database searching 3. Big data 4.

   2 Willaschek, Marcus (ed)
Disjunctivism : disjunctive accounts in epistemology and
in the philosophy of perception / Marcus Willaschek.--
London: Routledge, 2012.
x, 164p, 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415623063.
121.34 WIL 136830
This book presents seven recent essays on disjunctivism
first published in two special issues of Philosophical
Explorations: An International Journal for the Philosophy
of Mind and Action.

** Perception (Philosophy) , Knowledge, Theory of
   3 Burger, Edward B
The 5 elements of effective thinking / Edward B Burger
and Michael Starbird.-- Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 2012.
VIII, 157p. 20cm.
ISBN : 9780691156668.
153.42 BUR 136896
This book offers real-life stories, explicit action
items, and concrete methods that allow you to attain a
deeper understanding of any issue, exploit the power of
failure as a step toward success, and embrace the
uplifting reality that we are all capable of change.

** Thought and thinking
   4 Mitchell, Peter
Fundamentals of developmental psychology / Peter Mitchell
and Fenja Ziegler.--2nd ed-- Hove: Psychology Press, 2013
xiii, 308p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781848720510.
155 MIT 136660
The book addresses a number of fascinating questions
including: Are children born good or bad? What do
children understand about the mind? What roles do nature
and nurture play in child development? The book follows a
thematic approach and outlines the main areas of
developmental psychology, including classic theories and
studies, and offers a broad overview of contemporary
research in the field.

** Developmental psychology.
 170   ETHICS  
   5 Flynn, Eileen P
Ethical lessons of the financial crisis / Eileen P Flynn.
-- New York: Routledge, 2012.
283p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415516754.
174 FLY 136902
The purpose of this book is to examine the role of ethics
in setting things right. In taking a close look at the
events of 2008 this book makes an important contribution
to business ethics.

** Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 -- Moral and
ethical aspects , Financial crises -- United States --
Moral and ethical aspects , Financial services industry -
United States -- Moral and ethical aspects , Financial
institutions -- United States -- Moral and ethical
aspects ,

6 Parboteeah, K Praveen
Business ethics / K Praveen Parboteeah and John B Cullen.
-- New York: Routledge, 2013.
xxiv, 629p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415893695.
174.4 PAR 136897
Business Ethics provides a thorough review and analysis
of business ethics issues using several learning
tools: strategic stakeholder management as the
theme, theory based and application-based, global
perspective, cases.

** Business ethics 2. Business ethics -- Case studies
   7 Guenther, Herbert V
Philosophy and psychology in the Abhidharma / Herbert V
Guenther.-- Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 2011.
viii, 270p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788120807730.
181.043 GUE 136647
The study of the Abhidharma is indispensable for
understanding the history of Buddhist philosophy and
practice. This book gives a synoptic view of the
significance of the Abhidharma as presented by the
Theravadins and brought to its climax by the Vaibhasikas
and Yogacara-Vijnanavadins. It analyzes the concepts of
Mind and its States with reference to healthy and
unhealthy attitudes towards life and deals with the
psychological factors and problems in Meditation which is
geared to an individual-s capacity and temperament. .

** Abhidharma, Buddhist philosophy, Buddhism --
 200   RELIGION  
   8 Davis, Derek (ed)
The routledge international handbook of religious
education / Derek H Davis and Elena Miroshnikova.-- New
York: Routledge, 2012.
xxvii, 414p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415536301.
207.5 DAV 136929
It is the first book to comprehensively address the range
of ways that major countries around the world teach
religion in public and private educational institutions.

** Religious education -- Cross-cultural studies
   9 Wiles, Rose
What are qualitative research ethics? / Rose Wiles.--
London: Bloomsbury, 2013.
x, 111p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9781849666527.
300.72 WIL 137002
This book provides a short, succinct and accessible
overview of the field, highlighting the key issues and
everyday ethical dilemmas that researchers are likely to
face in different contexts. Covering a range of methods,
the book provides clear guidance for researchers on how
to identify an approach that fits with their moral and
intellectual framework. It explores ethical issues
relating to -traditional- research methods as well as to
new and emerging methods and approaches - particularly
visual and online methods.

** Qualitative research - Moral and ethical aspects ,
Social sciences - Research - Methodology - Moral and
ethical aspects ,
   10 Brookes, Stephen (ed)
The New public leadership challenge / Stephen Brookes and
Keith Grint.-- New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
xxiii, 353p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780230224179.
303.34 BRO 136894
This book offers a new insight into leadership in the
public sector. It describes public leadership as a form
of collective leadership in which leaders from a range of
public, private and voluntary organizations share a
common aim in improving the life of communities. It
examines the current focus on public service reform and
highlights the impact that performance targets have had
on leadership.

** Leadership.

   11 Furlong, Andy
Youth studies : an introduction / Andy Furlong.-- London:
Routledge, 2013.
xii, 300p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415564793.
305.235071 FUR 136932
Youth Studies: an introduction is a clear, jargon-free
and accessible textbook which will be invaluable in
helping to explain concepts, theories and trends within
youth studies. The concise summaries of key texts and the
ideas of important theorists make the book an invaluable

** Youth -- Study and teaching 2. Youth -- Research
   12 Watson, Tony J
Sociology, work and organization / Tony J Watson.--6th ed
-- London: Routledge, 2012.
xvi, 408p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415681094.
306.3 WAT 136998
It explains the value of using the sociological
imagination to understand the nature of institutions of
work, organizations, occupations, management and
employment and how they are changing in the 21st century.

** Industrial sociology

13 Heuman, Gad (ed)
The Routledge history of slavery / Gad Heuman and Trevor
Burnard.-- London: Routledge, 2012.
ix, 358p.25cm.
ISBN : 9780415520836.
306.36209 HEU 136928
The Routledge History of Slavery is a landmark
publication that provides an overview of the main themes
surrounding the history of slavery from ancient Greece to
the present day. Taking stock of the field of Slave
Studies, the book explores the major advances that have
taken place in the past few decades of study in this
crucial field.

** Slavery -- History 2. Slavery
   14 Arias-Maldonado, Manuel
Real green : sustainability after the end of nature /
Manuel Arias-Maldonado.-- England: Ashgate publishing,
x, 211p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781409424093.
320.58 ARI 136888
It is generally accepted that we must advance towards a
sustainable society to survive. By challenging
conventional wisdom about the ecological crisis and
reframing the traditional values of Green Politics, Real
Green: sustainability after the end of nature offers new
answers to the key questions of whether this is really
the case.

** Political ecology , Green movement , Sustainable
development ,
 330   ECONOMICS  
   15 Frank, Robert H
The Darwin economy : liberty, competition and the common
good / Robert H Frank.-- Princeton: Princeton University
Press, 2011.
xvi, 240 p. 24 cm.
ISBN : 9780691153193.
330.122 FRA 136657
Who was the greater economist - Adam Smith or Charles
Darwin? This title predicts that within the next century
Darwin can unseat Smith as the intellectual founder of
economics. It argues that Darwin-s understanding of
competition that describes economic reality far more
accurately than Smith-s.

** Free enterprise, Competition, Economics.

16 Beausang, Francesca
Globalization and the BRICs : why the BRICs will not rule
the world for long / Francesca Beausang.-- New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
x, 215p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780230243149.
330.91724 BEA 136882
As the Eurozone faces an uncertain future and Obama
struggles to demonstrate that America still has a
superpower status, this book challenges the widespread
perception that Brazil, Russia, India and China are
becoming global economic and political powers, instead
forecasting a decline rooted in excessive inequality and
insufficient innovation.

** Globalization -- Economic aspects -- BRIC countries ,
BRIC countries -- Economic conditions -- 21st century ,
   17 Karlsson, Charlie (ed)
The regional economics of knowledge and talent : local
advantage in a global context / Charlie Karlsson, Borje
Johansson and Roger R Stough.-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar,
ix, 385p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781848443280.
331.11 KAR 136840
This book defines and explores the concept of knowledge
as the talent, skills, know-how and understanding
embodied in individuals. The distinguished contributors
advance the current research frontier in three novel
directions which focus on: the role of human capital and
talent for creativity, entrepreneurship and regional
development, the role of institutions for the behaviour
of firms and entrepreneurs, and the influence of the
global context on the location, export and innovation
behaviour of firms in a knowledge economy.

** Human capital , Regional economics ,

   18 Rajan , Thillai
India venture capital and private equity report 2011 :
fueling growth and economic development / Thillai Rajan
A, Maulik Doshi and Josephine Gemson.-- Chennai: Indian
Institute of Technology Madras, 2011.
vii, 58p. 29cm.
332.041 RAJ 136638
The main focus of this report is on the PE investments in
real estate and infrastructure in India during the years

** Private equity 2. Venture capital

19 Fiorentini, Riccardo
The new global political economy : from crisis to
supranational integration / Riccardo Fiorentini and Guido
Montani.-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012.
xi, 234p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780857934048.
332.042 FIO 136886
This thought provoking book illustrates why the -old-
international order is unable to provide crucial global
public goods such as monetary and financial stability in
the fight against mass poverty and climate change.

** International finance , International economic
integration , International finance -- Government policy
Global Financial Crisis, 2008-2009 ,

20 Yago, Kazuhiko
The financial history of the bank of international
settlements / Kazuhiko Yago.-- London: Routledge, 2013.
xxii, 240p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415635240.
332.15509 YAG 137145
This book is a historical study on the Bank for
International Settlements (BIS), from its foundation to
the 1970s. Using archival sources of the Bank and
financial institutions of the member countries, this book
aims to clarify how the BIS faced the challenges of
contemporary international financial system.

** Bank for International Settlements - History ,
International finance - History , Banks and banking,
Central - History ,
   21 Akter, Sonia
Valuing climate change mitigation : applying stated
preferences in the presence of uncertainty / Sonia Akter
and Jeff Bennett.-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012.
x,176p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781781003329.
333.72 AKT 136893
This book presents a holistic overview of climate change
uncertainty and offers a number of pathways that could be
used to account for such uncertainties in the stated
preference valuation research.

** Environmental economics, Climate change mitigation --
Economic aspects, Uncertainty.

22 Tester, Jefferson W
Sustainable energy : choosing among options / Jefferson W
Tester and others.-- Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2012.
xxx, 1019p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780262017473.
333.794 TES 136891
This book examines the broader aspects of energy use,
including resource estimation, environmental effects, and
economic evaluations, reviews the main energy sources of
today and tomorrow, from fossil fuels and nuclear power
to biomass, hydropower, and solar energy, treats energy
carriers and energy storage, transmission, and
distribution, addresses end-use patterns in the
transportation, industrial, and building sectors, and
considers synergistic complex systems. This new edition
also offers updated statistical data and references, a
new chapter on the complex interactions among energy,
water, and land use, expanded coverage of renewable
energy and new color illustrations.

** Renewable energy sources.

   23 Pearson, Gordon
The road to co-operation : escaping the bottom line /
Gordon Pearson.-- Surrey: Gower, 2012.
xviii, 255p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9781409432029.
334 PEA 136838
This book offers this critical and informed protest
against the absurdity and error of economic theory,
shedding new light on the predicament faced in 2012. It
highlights the dangers of using bizarre mathematical
models to guide policy prescriptions.

** Cooperation 2. Sustainable development 3. Economics
   24 Palan, Ronen (ed)
Global political economy : contemporary theories / Ronen
Palan.--2nd ed-- London: Routledge, 2013.
xvii, 301p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415694117.
337 PAL 136903
This book presents an invaluable overview of all the
major contemporary debates and approaches at the
forefront of European and North American global political

** International economic relations , Economic policy ,
   25 Weeks, John
The irreconcilable inconsistencies of neoclassical
macroeconomics : a false paradigm / John Weeks.-- London:
Routledge, 2012.
xxvi, 274p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415680226.
339 WEE 136883
In the course of this book it is argued that the loss of
what is essentially "macro" in Keynes is the result of a
preference for a form of equilibrium analysis that gives
unqualified support to the ideology of free markets.

** Neoclassical school of economics , Macroeconomics ,
   26 Leben, Charles
Advancement of international law / Charles Leben.--
Oxford: HART Publishing, 2010.
xii, 333p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9781841132785.
341 LEB 136658
This book is arranged into three sections. The first
section shows, from the specific example of international
investment law, that the past half-century has seen the
invention of two genuinely new techniques in positive
law: state contracts and transnational arbitration
without privities. This is -advancement- in international
law, not because the techniques are -good- in themselves
(one may well think them -bad-), but because they have
introduced legal possibilities into international law
that did not exist heretofore. The second section
examines the theoretical consequences of those new legal
techniques and especially the way they affect the theory
of the state. The third section widens the field of view
and asks whether European law has surpassed international
law in a move towards federalism or whether it represents
a step forward for international law.
These reflections make for a clearer theoretical
understanding of what constitutes true advancement in
international law.

** International law, International law -- History.

   27 Langton, Marcia (ed)
Community futures, legal architecture : foundations for
indigenous peoples in the global mining boom / Marcia
Langton and Judy Longbottom.-- New York: Routledge, 2012.
xiv, 304p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415518215.
343.077 LAN 136659
How are indigenous and local people faring in their
dealings with mining and related industries in the first
part of the 21st century? The unifying experience in all
the resource-rich states covered in the book is the
social and economic disadvantage experienced by
indigenous peoples and local communities, paradoxically
surrounded by wealth-producing projects.

** Mining law, Indigenous peoples -- Legal status, laws,
etc, Mining law -- Australia, Indigenous peoples -- Legal
status, laws, etc. -- Australia.
   28 Marion, Nancy E
Making environmental law : the politics of protecting the
earth / Nancy E Marion.-- Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2011.
368 p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780313393624.
344.73046 MAR 136919
The US federal government first began to consider
legislation to protect the environment and natural
resources in 1940s. This title shows what policies
Congress have proposed and passed to protect the
environment. It focuses on the members of Congress-
response to a different environmental concern, such as
ocean dumping, pesticides, and more.

** Environmental law - United States 2. Environmental law
- Political aspects - United States

 346   PRIVATE LAW  
   29 Weitzenboeck, Emily M
A legal framework for emerging business models : dynamic
networks as collaborative contracts / Emily M
Weitzenboeck.-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012.
xxii, 363p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781781004654.
346.07 WEI 136989
This book examines the relative utility of contract and
partnership law in fostering and maintaining these
emerging business models, focusing on dynamic networks.

** Business law , Contracts , Partnership ,

   30 Watson,Nick (ed)
Routledge handbook of disability studies / Nick
Watson, Alan Roulstone and Carol Thomas.-- London:
Routledge, 2012.
xvi, 452p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9780415574006.
362.4 WAT 136655
This book takes a multidisciplinary approach to
disability and provides an authoritative and up-to-date
overview of the main issues in the field around the world
today. Adopting an international perspective and
consisting entirely of newly commissioned chapters
arranged thematically, it surveys the state of the
discipline, examining emerging and cutting edge areas as
well as core areas of contention.

** Disability studies, People with disabilities.
 368   INSURANCE  
   31 Perna, Cira (ed)
Mathematical and statistical methods for actuarial
sciences and finance / Cira Perna and Marilena Sibillo.--
Heidelberg: Springer, 2012. xii, 405p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9788847023413.
368.01 PER 136885
The book develops the capabilities arising from the
cooperation between mathematicians and statisticians
working in insurance and finance fields. It gathers some
of the papers presented at the conference MAF2010, held
in Ravello (Amalfi coast), and successively, after a
reviewing process, worked out to this aim.

** Insurance -- Mathematical models -- Congresses 2.
Insurance -- Statistical methods -- Congresses 3. Finance
-- Mathematical models -- Congresses
 370   EDUCATION  
   32 Cho, Seehwa
Critical pedagogy and social change : critical analysis
on the language of possibility / Seehwa Cho.-- New York:
Routledge, 2013.
xvi, 193p. 20cm.
ISBN : 9780415886116.
370.115 CHO 136898
This book provides a concrete illustration and critique
of today-s critical pedagogy. Veteran teacher educator
Seehwa Cho begins the book with an engaging overview of
the history of critical pedagogy and a clear, concise
breakdown of key concepts and terms. Not content to hide
behind rhetoric, Cho forces herself and the reader to
question the most basic assumptions of critical pedagogy,
such as what a vision of social change really means.
After a thoughtful and pithy analysis of the politics,
possibilities and agendas of mainstream critical
pedagogy, Cho takes the provocative step of arguing that
these dominant discourses are ultimately what stifle the
possibility for true social change. Without focusing on
micro-level approaches to alternatives, Cho concludes by
laying out some basic principles and future directions
for critical pedagogy.

** Critical pedagogy, Social justice.

33 Nambissan, Geetha B (ed)
Sociology of education in India : changing contours and
emerging concerns / Geetha B Nambissan and S Srinivasa
Rao.-- New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2013.
x,277p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780198082866.
370.15 NAM 136915
This volume maps the journey of the discipline of
Sociology of Education (SoE) in India over the past five
decades. Original contributions based on primary
research, critically examine the emerging theoretical and
methodological concerns that need to be addressed in the
sociological study of education.

** Educational sociology -- India
 375   CURRICULA  
   34 Slattery, Patrick
Curriculum development in the postmodern era : teaching
and learning in an age of accountability / Patrick
Slattery.--3rd ed-- New York: Routledge, 2013.
xxvii, 346p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415808569.
375.001 SLA 136899
This book brings readers up to date on the major research
themes (postmodernism,ecological, hermeneutics,
aesthetics and arts-based research, race, class, gender,
sexuality, and classroom practices) within the historical
development of the field from the 1950s to the present.

** Curriculum planning , Curriculum change , Education --
Curricula -- Philosophy , Postmodernism , EDUCATION /
General , EDUCATION / Aims and Objectives , EDUCATION /
Curricula ,
 381   COMMERCE  
   35 Atwal, Glyn (ed)
The luxury market in India : maharajas to masses / Glyn
Atwal and Soumya Jain.-- New York: Palgrave Macmillan,
xi, 217p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780230336728.
381.45000954 ATW 136990
This book is a window into the highly complex Indian
luxury market. It provides strategies to guide brands
entering this high-potential market and capture the
luxury rupee. It covers all aspects of the luxury journey
in India, starting with its history of luxury,
understanding consumption patterns and codes of
consumption, analyzing strategies to enter the Indian
market, communicating the philosophy of luxury brands,
and finally understanding India-s own luxury.

** Luxuries - India - Marketing , Branding (Marketing) -
India ,
   36 Foltea, Marina
International organizations in WTO dispute settlement :
how much institutional sensitivity? / Marina Foltea.--
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
xxi, 333p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781107028241.
382.92 FOL 136986
This book analyses the role of international
organisations in WTO dispute settlement as arising from a
number of WTO disputes. In particular, the roles of the
IMF, WIPO, WCO and WHO are addressed. The use of the
Vienna Convention rules of interpretation framework
allows an evaluation of the weight attributed to this
material by the WTO adjudicator. This allows specific
conclusions to be drawn regarding the level of
institutional sensitivity of the WTO adjudicator to each
of the organizations.

** World Trade Organization , Foreign trade regulation ,
International agencies , Arbitration (International law)
LAW / International ,
   37 Munday,Jeremy
Introducing translation studies : theories and
applications / Jeremy Munday.--3rd ed.-- London:
Routledge, 2012.
xvi,364p.25 cm.
ISBN : 9780415584890.
418.02 MUN 136656
This is the definitive guide to the theories and concepts
that make up the dynamic field of translation studies.
Providing an accessible and fully up-to-date overview of
key movements and theorists within an expanding area of
study, this textbook has become a key source for
generations of translation students on both professional
and university courses.

** Translating and interpreting.
   38 Flowerdew, John
Discourse in English language education / John Flowerdew.
-- London: Routledge, 2012.
xv, 230p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415499651.
420.141 FLO 136900
Discourse in English Language Education richly
demonstrates how discourse studies can inform the
teaching of English and other languages, both as a
foreign language and in the mother tongue.

** English language -- Discourse analysis , English
language -- Study and teaching , Functionalism

39 Tracey, Diane H
Lenses on reading : an introduction to theories and
models / Diane H Tracey and Lesley Mandel Morrow.--2nd ed
-- New York: The Guilford Press, 2012.
xx, 251p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781462504701.
428.4 TRA 136906
Provides a survey of the major theories and models that
influence reading instruction and research. This book
helps readers learn why theory matters in designing and
implementing high-quality instruction, and how to
critically evaluate the assumptions and beliefs that
guide their own work with students.

** Reading -- Philosophy -- History 2. Reading --
Research -- Methodology -- History 3. Reading, Psychology
of -- History

 577   ECOLOGY  
   40 Hyde, William F
The global economics of forestry / William F Hyde.-- New
York: RFF Press, 2012.
xviii, 476p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415518284.
577.3 HYD 136881
This book traces the economic and biological pattern of
forest development from initial settlement and harvest
activity at the natural forest frontier to modern
industrial forest plantations.It explains what forestry
can do for regional development and environmental
conservation and what policies designed for other sectors
and the macro-economy can do for forestry.

** Forests and forestry -- Economic aspects , Forest
management ,
 610   MEDICINE and HEALTH  
   41 Goodenough, Judith
Biology of humans : concepts, applications, and issues /
Judith Goodenough and Betty McGuire.--4th ed-- New York:
Prentice Hall, 2012.
xxiv, 523p. 27cm.
ISBN : 9780321819437.
612 GOO 136694
The authors provide a conceptual framework to understand
how our bodies work, and to deal with issues relevant to
human health in today-s world.

** Human Biology - Textbooks
   42 Phillips, Tim
Talk normal : stop the business speak, jargon and waffle
/ Tim Phillips.-- London: Kogan page, 2012.
iv, 177p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780749463649.
651.7 PHI 136863
Talk Normal addresses the ineffectiveness of corporate
jargon and business communication. Despite being based on
the author-s experience in a British environment, readers
from any culture can easily draw parallels to their own
workplace. Full of excruciating examples of how not to
write or speak, Talk Normal helps readers improve their
communication at work while navigating the nightmare of

** Business communication 2. Communication in management
3. Jargon (Terminology)

   43 Baldegger, Rico
Management in a dynamic environment : concepts, methods
and tools / Rico Baldegger.-- Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler,
387p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9783834931931.
658 BAL 136991
Describes the fundamental aspects of management, on the
basis of which a model of the enterprise is outlined.
This title features practical examples, the
interpretation questions, and the short case studies at
the end of the chapters that facilitate the transition
from theory to practice.

** Management 2. Economics 3. Industrial management

44 Ott, J Steven (ed)
Understanding nonprofit organizations : governance,
leadership, and management / J Steven Ott and Lisa A
Dicke.--2nd ed-- Boulder: Westview Press, 2012.
xxi, 330p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780813344683.
658.0480973 OTT 137001
This work is a practical and tactical guide, compiling
pieces that cover the internal workings and fundamentals
of governing the non-profit sector. Articles and excerpts
cover governance, executive leadership, revenue streams,
fundraising, financial management and the role of

** Nonprofit organizations - United States 2. Voluntarism
- United States

45 McFarlin, Dean
International organizational behavior : transcending
borders and cultures / Dean McFarlin and Paul Sweeney.--
New York: Routledge, 2013.
xiii, 450p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415892568.
658.049 MAC 136904
International Organizational Behavior focuses on
understanding and managing organizational behavior in an
international context, providing both the conceptual
framework needed for a transcendent understanding of
culture along with plenty of practical advice for
managing international challenges with organizational

** Organizational behavior , International business
enterprises -- Management ,

46 Dodgson, Mark
The Management of technological innovation : strategy and
practice / Mark Dodgson, David Gann and Ammon Salter.--
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
xxvii, 373p. 24cm
ISBN : 9780199208531.
658.4062 DOD 136202
The Management of Technological Innovation (MTI) is one
of the most important challenges facing businesses today.
Innovation has become the fundamental driver of
competitiveness for firms of all sizes in virtually all
business sectors and nations.

** Technological innovations --Management, Research,
Industrial --Management,

47 Kimmel, Allan J
Psychological foundations of marketing / Allan J Kimmel.-
London: Routledge, 2013.
xviii, 282p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415620000.
658.80019 KIM 136889
Psychological Foundations of Marketing considers the
impact of psychology on marketing practice and research,
and highlights the applied aspects of psychological
research in the marketplace. This book presents an
introduction to both areas, and provides a survey of the
various contributions that psychology has made to the
field of marketing.

** Marketing -- Psychological aspects ,

48 Vargo, Stephen L (ed)
Special issue - toward a better understanding of the role
of value in markets and marketing / Stephen L Vargo and
Robert F Lusch.-- United Kingdom: Emerald, 2012.
xv, 252p. 23cm.
(Review of marketing research , 9).
ISBN : 9781780529127.
658.802 VAR 136999
In their 2004 article -Evolving to a new dominant logic
for marketing,- Vargo and Lusch established the related
principles that value is always co-created and, thus,
firms cannot deliver value, but only develop compelling
value propositions. This perspective is now known as
-service-dominant (S-D) logic.- Subsequent S-D logic work
has suggested that value is not only always co-created,
it also requires the integration of resources from
multiple sources and thus is contextually contingent,
since each instance of value creation involves the
availability, integration, and use of a different
combination of resources. This repositioning of value,
from a static concept of something embedded in the output
of a -producer- to be -consumed,- to a dynamic concept of
a co-created outcome in ever-changing, networked systems,
can be seen throughout the manuscripts in this volume.

** BUSINESS and ECONOMICS / Distribution 2. BUSINESS and
ECONOMICS / Marketing / General 3. Marketing

49 Rao, Ajit
The little book of big customer satisfaction measurement
/ Ajit Rao and Subhash Chandra.-- Los Angeles: Sage
publications, 2012.
xvi, 164p. 20cm.
ISBN : 9788132109785.
658.812 RAO 136908
This book works in that direction by explaining the
principles of customer satisfaction in a brief yet
powerful manner. It will help the readers build relevant
and actionable customer satisfaction programs for their

** Consumer satisfaction ,

50 Rosenbaum-Elliott, Richard
Strategic brand management / Richard Rosenbaum-Elliott,
Larry Percy and Simon Pervan.--2nd ed-- OXford: OXford
University Press, 2011.
xv, 303p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780199565214.
658.827 ROS 136895
This book approaches the subject of brand management from
a socio-cultural perspective, providing students with an
understanding of the dynamics of the subject and enabling
them to engage with the issues that lie within. This book
also integrates more traditional notions of the brand in
terms of equity and positioning within that framework.

** Product management, Strategic planning, Brand name
   51 Chapman, James
Projecting empire : imperialism and popular cinema /
James Chapman and Nicholas J Cull.-- London: I B Tauris,
xii, 244p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781845119409.
791.43658 CHA 136935
Presents a study of imperialism and cinema. This work
maps the history of empire cinema in both Hollywood and
Britain through case studies of popular films including
biopics, adventures, literary adaptations, melodramas,
comedies and documentaries, from the 1930s and "The Four
Feathers" to the present, with "Indiana Jones" and "Three

** Imperialism in motion pictures 2. Motion pictures -
Great Britain - History - 20th century 3. Motion pictures
- United States - History - 20th century
   52 Kennedy, X J
Literature : an introduction to fiction, poetry, drama,
and writing / X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia.--12th ed--
Boston: Pearson Higher Education, 2013.
lvii, 2132p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780205230389.
808 KEN 136907
Provides insights on reading and writing about stories,
poems, and plays. Organized into three genres-Literature,
this work presents discussions of the literary devices,
illustrated by works, supported by useful writing tips,
and followed by chapters devoted to writing.

** Literature -- Collections

53 Montgomery, Martin
Ways of reading : advanced reading skills for students of
English literature / Martin Montgomery and others.--4th
ed-- London: Routledge, 2012.
ix, 374p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415677479.
808.0427 MON 136931
The book combines the linguistic and literary background
to each topic with discussion of examples from books,
poems, magazines and online sources, and links those
examples to follow-up practical activities and a list of
titles for further reading.

** English literature --History and criticism --Theory,
etc. 2. English literature --Problems, exercises, etc. 3.
Reading (Higher education) 4. Reading comprehension 5.
Books and reading 6. College readers

   54 Ray, Partha Pratim
Tagore in print : a comparative study before and after
expiry of copyright / Partha Pratim Ray.-- New Delhi:
Concept publishing, 2012.
xviii, 240p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180698705.
891.4409 RAY 136862
An attempt has been made in the first segment of this
book to review and analyze publication of the works of
Tagore taking the year 2001 as a turning point. The second
segment is devoted to an experimental bibliometric study
of select writings and paintings and drawings of

** Tagore, Rabindranath, 1861-1941 - Criticism and
interpretation Tagore, Rabindranath, 1861-1941 -
Bibliography Bengali literature - Publishing Indic
literature (English) - Publishing Copyright - India
   55 Gupta, Saibal
India in the Third Millennium CE : an inclusive view /
Saibal Gupta.-- New Delhi: Concept publishing, 2012.
xii, 275p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180698842.
954 GUP 136870
It is a collection of essays covering a wide range of
experience and concerns, is knit together by the incisive
and probing mindset of the author who has traveled
extensively and studied several cultures comparatively to
draw inferences for India.

** India - History 2. India - Politics and government 3.
World history

56 Hunter, William Wilson
A brief history of the Indian peoples / William Wilson
Hunter.-- New Delhi: Logos press, 2012.
260p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788172682248.
954 HUN 136866
The book focuses at the language, literature and the
religion of early races and the primitive forest tribes
which settled into the communities.

** India -- History

57 Mishra, Anil Dutta
Understanding Gandhi : speeches and writings that reveal
his mind, methods and mission / Mahatma Gandhi.-- New
Delhi: Concept publishing, 2012.
310p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180697784.
954.035 GAN 136864
This book brings out his writings and speeches at one
place for proper understanding of Gandhi-s life, thought
and action.

** Nationalism -- India , India -- Politics and
government -- 1919-1947 , Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948.

58 Kumar, Ram Narayan
Martyred but not tamed : the politics of resistance in
the middle east / Ram Narayan Kumar.-- Los Angeles: Sage
publications, 2012.
xxi, 331p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788132109600.
956 KUM 136909
Based on a series of extensive interviews with local
actors, this title highlights the role played by Britain
and the other colonial powers, which for pure expediency
did not hesitate to carve up the body politic of the
region, to exacerbate and exploit existing divides, and,
to create new divisions where none existed.

** Government, Resistance to -- Middle East -- Case
studies 2. Nationalism -- Middle East -- Case studies 3.
HISTORY / Middle East / General




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