New Arrivals
1 King, Jean A
Interactive evaluation practice : mastering the
interpersonal dynamics of program evaluation / Jean A
King and Laurie Stevahn.-- Los Angeles: Sage, 2013.
xxi, 431p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780761926733.
001.4 KIN 136108
This book helps bridge the gap between the theory of
evaluation and its practice, giving students the specific
skills they need to use in different evaluation settings.
Jean A. King and Laurie Stevahn present readers with
three organizing frameworks (derived from social
interdependence theory from social psychology, evaluation
use research, and the evaluation capacity building
literature) for thinking about evaluation practice. These
frameworks help readers track the various skills or
strategies to use for distinctive evaluation situations.
In addition, the authors provide explicit advice about
how to solve specific evaluation problems. Numerous
examples throughout the text bring interactive practice
to life in a variety of settings.
** Evaluation research (Social action programs),
Top |
2 Nelson-Jones, Richard
Basic counselling skills : a helper-s manual / Richard
Nelson-Jones.--3rd ed-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications,
viii, 187p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9788132109990.
158.3 NEL 136039
Counselling skills are used by professionals and
volunteers to help others in a wide range of
circumstances and settings - including health care,
social work, and education. This book covers skills such
as: active and attentive listening, structuring the
helping process, offering challenges and giving feedback,
and facilitating problem-solving.
** Counseling
Top |
3 Aldred, Jonathan
The Skeptical economist : revealing the ethics inside
economics / Jonathan Aldred.-- London: Earthscan, 2009.
vi, 281p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781844077052.
174 ALD 136100
Economics is unavoidably central to any attempt to
improve our quality of life, but most people do not know
why, or how to question its underlying assumptions. The
Skeptical Economist rejects the story told by other
popular economics books. Responding to Western malaise
about quality of life, and a growing curiosity about
economics and its relevance to these concerns, Jonathan.
The Skeptical Economist will challenge us all to examine
the assumptions behind the economics of our current way
of life. It rediscovers the ethics at the heart of
** Economics --Moral and ethical aspects, Economics,
4 Johnson, Craig E
Organizational ethics : a practical approach / Craig E
Johnson.--2nd ed-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2012.
xiii, 465p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781412987967.
174.4 JOH 136038
Craig Johnson shows how we can develop our ethical
expertise, just as we develop our abilities to manage or
oversee operations. Organizational Ethics: A Practical
Approach, Second Edition provides opportunities for
readers to practice problem-solving and to defend their
decisions. This book is a significant revision of the
author-s earlier book Ethics in the Workplace: Tools and
Tactics for Organizational Transformation. It retains the
practical focus of the first edition but now addresses
organizational ethics in both work and volunteer
** Business ethics , Corporate culture , Ethics , Ethics,
Business , Organizational Culture ,
Top |
5 Tolle, Eckhart
A new earth : awakening to your life-s purpose / Eckhart
Tolle.-- London: Penguin Books, 2006.
316p. 20cm.
ISBN : 9780452289963.
204.4 TOL 136253
Author presents readers with an honest look at the current
state of humanity: he implores us to see and accept that
this state, which is based on an erroneous identification
with the egoic mind, is one of dangerous insanity.
Humanity now, perhaps more than in any previous time, has
an opportunity to create a new, saner, more loving world.
This will involve a radical inner leap from the current
egoic consciousness to an entirely new one. In
illuminating the nature of this shift, Tolle describes in
detail how our current ego-based state of consciousness
operates. Then gently, and in very practical terms, he
leads us into this new consciousness.
** Spiritual life ,
Top |
6 Heck, Ronald H
Multilevel modeling of categorical outcomes using IBM
SPSS / Ronald H Heck, Scott L Thomas and Lynn N Tabata.--
New York: Routledge, 2012.
xvi, 439p. 28cm.
ISBN : 9781848729551.
300.285555 HEC 136080
This is the first workbook that introduces the multilevel
approach to modeling with categorical outcomes using IBM
SPSS Version 20. The book opens with a review of
multilevel with categorical outcomes, followed by a
chapter on IBM SPSS data management techniques to
facilitate working with multilevel and longitudinal data
sets. The book concludes with additional trouble shooting
techniques and tips for expanding on the modeling
techniques introduced.
** Multilevel models (Statistics) -- Computer programs --
Textbooks , Social sciences -- Statistical methods --
Computer programs -- Textbooks , Social sciences --
Computer programs -- Textbooks , SPSS (Computer file) ,
SPSS for Windows , Psychometrics
Top |
7 Moncrieffe, Joy
Relational accountability : complexities of structural
injustice / Joy Moncrieffe.-- London: Zed Books, 2011.
xi, 195p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9781848134669.
302.5 MON 136077
This book will provide a grounded theoretical background
to accountability, using vivid case evidence to emphasize
the significance of relational approaches to
accountability using empirical data.
** Responsibility , Social action ,
Top |
8 Ghimire, Kleber
Organization theory and transnational social movements :
organizational life and internal dynamics of power
exercise within the alternative globalization movement /
Kleber Ghimire.-- Lenham: Lexington Books, 2011.
xiv, 163p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780739165577.
303.484 GHI 136252
Placing it within the theoretical perspectives and
debates in Organizational Theory (OT), this book explores
the organizational design and internal functioning of a
rather emblematic and widely acclaimed transnational
social organization: the alternative globalization
movement (previously anti-globalization movement). The
issue of power in particular remains the central feature
of the book. Based on a detailed study of two of the
movement-s essential constituents (transnational
campaigns and the World Social Forum), the book examines
the complexity in which certain forms of internal
relations or mechanisms of power emerge.
** Anti-globalization movement , Globalization -- Social
aspects , Social movements , Organizational behavior ,
Organization ,
Top |
9 Wheeler, Stephen M
Climate change and social ecology : a new perspective on
the climate challenge / Stephen M Wheeler.-- London:
Routledge, 2012.
192p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415809856.
304.25 WHE 136082
This book presents a captivating vision of how to help
social systems evolve toward sustainability and explores
the social transformations needed for dealing with the
climate crisis in the long term. It reviews the climate
change strategies considered to date, presents a detailed
description of a future sustainable society, and analyzes
how this vision might be realized through more conscious
public nurturing of our social systems.
** Climatic changes , Social ecology
Top |
10 Singh, Savita
Youth empowerment / Savita Singh.-- New Delhi: ALP Books,
244p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789380184692.
305.235 SIN 136089
Youth are a priority of the European Union’s social
vision, and the current crisis compounds the need to
nurture young human capital. It proposes a new stronger
Open Method of Coordination (OMC) that is links with
policy areas covered by the European Youth pact in the
Lisbon strategy for jobs and growth. The strategy would
create favorable conditions for youth to develop their
skills, fulfill their potential, work, activity
participated in society, ad engage more in the building
of the EU project.
** Youth--Government policy, Youth in development ,
11 Makwana, Ramesh H
Political participation of scheduled caste women in
panchayat : position, problems and prescriptions / Ramesh
H Makwana.-- New Delhi: ABD publishers, 2011.
xiv, 284p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788183762809.
305.42095475 MAK 136086
Panchayati Raj institutions have always been considered
as a means to good governance and the 73rd constitutional
amendment was effected in the hope that it would lead to
better governance. Consequence to the 73rd constitutional
amendment, state government has elected bodies at the
village, intermediate and district levels, with adequate
representation from the weaker sections and women. The
book will be very useful to policy makers and researchers
who are interested in gender issues, panchayat
functionaries, scholars of sociology, political science,
rural development and NGOs.
** Dalits--Political activity, Panchayat, India--Gujarat,
Women--Political activity,
Top |
12 Gould, William
Bureaucracy, community and influence in India : society
and the state, 1930s - 1960s / William Gould.-- London:
Routledge, 2011.
xiii, 217p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415776646.
306.209542 GOU 136091
Gould investigates changing discourses and practices of
government and administrative corruption in the Indian
state of Uttar Pradesh in the eras of late colonialism
and early independence, focusing on routine daily
corruption at the level of subject/citizen-state
bureaucrat interaction. He argues that these interactions
are conditioned by particular customs that involve a
range of often ambiguous and contingent rituals for
approaching government that are tied to social
expectation, hierarchy, and changing meanings of
community and political minority that are the products of
governance at the everyday level.
** Corruption --India --Uttar Pradesh , Political
corruption --India --Uttar Pradesh , Bureaucracy --India
-Uttar Pradesh , Uttar Pradesh (India) --Politics and
Top |
13 Geenhuizen, Marina van (ed)
Creative knowledge cities : myths, vision and realities /
Marina van Geenhuizen and Peter Nijkamp.-- Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar, 2012.
ix, 475p. 23cm.
(New horizons in regional science).
ISBN : 9780857932846.
307.76 GEE 136111
This book adopts a holistic, integrated and pragmatic
approach to exploring the myths, concepts, policies, key
conditions and tools for enhancing creative knowledge
cities, as well as expounding potentially negative
impacts of knowledge based city policies. Addressing new
policy tools and developments in governance, this book
will prove a fascinating read for academics, researchers
and students with an interest in urban policy and
planning, urban spatial economics, regional economics and
urban sociology. In addition, practitioners within city
and regional governments and agencies will find this book
an invaluable reference tool.
** City and town life, Knowledge management, Educational
innovations, Information literacy, Knowledge, Sociology
Top |
14 Bell, William R (ed)
Economic time series : modeling and seasonality / William
R Bell, Scott H Holan, Tucker S McElroy.-- Boca Raton:
CRC Press, 2012.
xvii, 535p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781439846575.
330.015195 BEL 136078
Economic Time Series: Modeling and Seasonality is a
focused resource on analysis of economic time series as
pertains to modeling and seasonality, presenting cutting-
edge research that would otherwise be scattered
throughout diverse peer-reviewed journals. By presenting
new methodological developments as well as pertinent
empirical analyses and reviews of established methods,
the book provides much that is stimulating and
practically useful for the serious researcher and analyst
of economic time series.
** Seasonal variations (Economics) -- Mathematical models
, Time-series analysis -- Mathematical models ,
Econometrics , Economics, Mathematical ,
15 Wahl, Asbjorn
The rise and fall of the welfare state / Asbjorn Wahl.--
London: PlutoPress, 2011.
x, 246p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9780745331393.
330.126 WAH 136099
Unflinching survey of the state of welfare systems across
Europe today, as they struggle in an age of government
austerity and neo-liberal reform.
** Welfare state
16 Silvestre, Joaquim
Public microeconomics :efficiency and equity in public
policy / Joaquim Silvestre.-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar,
xi, 197p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780857932075.
330.1556 SIL 136079
This important book contains a concise, simple, yet
precise discussion of externalities, public goods and
insurance. Rooted in the first fundamental theorem of
welfare economics and in noncooperative equilibrium, it
employs elementary calculus.
** Welfare economics , Welfare economics -- Mathematics ,
17 Moggridge, D E
Maynard Keynes : an economist-s biography / D E Moggridge
-- London: Routledge, 1992.
xxxi, 941p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415127110.
330.156092 KEY 136251
Based on an intimate knowledge of the subject and his
environment, this biography of the most influential
economist of the twentieth century traces Keynes- career
on all its many levels. From academic Cambridge, to
artistic Bloomsbury, to official Whitehall and to the
City, we see the intellectual roots of Keynes-
achievements and failures. We also see how he left his
mark on the modern world.
** Keynes, John Maynard, 1883-1946 , Economists -- Great
Britain -- Biography , Educators -- Great Britain --
Biography ,
18 Xu, Lilai
China-s economy in the post-WTO environment : stock
markets, FDI and challenges of sustainability / Lilai Xu.
-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011.
xiii, 269p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781849809344.
330.951 XUL 136083
The book explores the implications of both the extension
of the market into key parts of the Chinese economy and
the integration of China into the global economy. The
main focus of the book is on the role and nature of
China-s financial system and its ability to transform
enterprise and household behaviour and the performance of
investment finance, notably in the context of a two-way
flow of foreign direct investment.
** China - Economic conditions - 2000- 2. China - Foreign
economic relations
Top |
19 Goodhart, Charles A E
Financial stability in practice : towards an uncertain
future / Charles A E Goodhart and Dimitrios P Tsomocos.--
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012.
x, 531p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781847208934.
332 GOO 135928
The main determinant of financial instability is the
default of financial institutions. The authors highlight
the importance of the appropriate incorporation of
default into macro-financial models and its interaction
with liquidity.
** Financial management , Financial security , Monetary
20 Hautsch, Nikolaus
Econometrics of financial high-frequency data / Nikolaus
Hautsch.-- Heidelberg: Springer, 2012.
xiii, 371p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9783642219245.
332.015195 HAU 135953
The growing popularity of high-frequency econometrics is
driven by technological progress in trading systems and
an increasing importance of intraday trading, liquidity
risk, optimal order placement as well as high-frequency
volatility. This book provides a state-of-the art
overview on the major approaches in high-frequency
econometrics, including univariate and multivariate
autoregressive conditional mean approaches for different
types of high-frequency variables, intensity-based
approaches for financial point processes and dynamic
factor models. It discusses implementation details,
provides insights into properties of high-frequency data
as well as institutional settings and presents
applications to volatility and liquidity estimation,
order book modeling and market microstructure analysis.
** Finance - Econometric models 2. Econometrics 3.
Foreign exchange rates - Econometric models
21 Williams, R Tee
An introduction to trading in the financial markets :
global markets, risk, compliance, and regulation / R Tee
Williams.-- Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2012.
lxxxi, 390p. 23cm
ISBN : 9780123748379.
332.0415 WIL 135881
Succeeding in the financial markets requires a mastery of
many disciplines. Mastery begins with understanding the
actors, rules, and dynamics, and the ways in which they
interact. This volume, the last of a 4-volume series,
presents a broad perspective on key subjects such as
regulation and compliance, risk and ways to mitigate it,
and the directions in which trading markets might evolve.
Like its predecessors, it presents alternative versions
of the future: will the sell side or buy side come to
dominate, for example, and how might new technologies
shape global markets? Mastery of the financial markets
begins with its authoritative, heavily illustrated
** Capital market, Stock exchange, Financial instruments
22 Brown, Brendan
Euro crash : the exit route from monetary failure in
Europe / Brendan Brown.--2nd ed-- New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2012.
viii, 210p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780230319233.
332.494 BRO 136084
Euro Crash turns the conventional diagnosis of the
failure of the European Monetary Union on its head. It
argues that the main problem was not sub-optimal currency
areas nor profligate government spending but fatal flaws
in monetary design and an appalling series of policy
mistakes by the European Central Bank (ECB). This book
should be of great interest to all those searching for
explanations and prescriptions outside the box of
conventional thinking and beyond the "passing the buck"
remedies of euro-officials.
** Economic and Monetary Union, European Central Bank,
Monetary unions --European Union countries, Monetary
policy --European Union countries, European Union
countries --Economic policy,
23 Malkiel, Burton G
A random walk down wall street : the time tested strategy
for successful investing / Burton G Malkiel.-- New York:
Norton, 2012.
490p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9780393340747.
332.601519282 MAL 136097
Using the Dot-Com crash as an object lesson in how not to
manage your portfolio, this is a gimmick-free, irreverent
and informative guide to navigating the turbulence of the
market and managing investments with confidence.
** Investments 2. Stocks 3. Random walks (Mathematics)
Top |
24 Wittmer, Heidi (ed)
The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity in local and
regional policy and management / Heidi Wittmer and
Haripriya Gundimeda.-- London: Earthscan, 2012.
xxii, 351p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9781849712521.
333.95 WIT 136072
The book explores the potential for local development
provided by an approach based on nature. It offers
examples of successful implementation of this approach
from across the world, highlighting the importance of
local decision making in management and planning. It
provides tools and practical guidance for reform, and
throughout the volume the economic benefits of
environmental consideration at a local level are
** Ecology -- Economic aspects , Biodiversity -- Economic
aspects , Environmental economics , Environmental policy
Environmental management ,
Top |
25 The BRICS report : a study of Brazil, Russia, India, China
and South Africa with special focus on synergies and
complementarities.-- New Delhi: Oxford University Press,
xxi, 180p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780198085386.
337 BRI 136053
This report focuses on the synergies and
complementarities between these BRICS
economies, highlighting their role as growth drivers of
the world economy.
** BRICS countries -- Foreign economic relations 2. BRICS
countries -- Economic conditions -- 21st century
Top |
26 Lewis, Myrddin John
Personal capitalism and corporate governance : British
manufacturing in the first half of the twentieth century
/ Myrddin John Lewis and others.-- Surrey: Ashgate, 2011.
viii, 231p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780754655879.
338.09410904 LEW 136070
Personal Capitalism and Corporate Governance is based on
case studies of British manufacturing companies. It
explores contemporary issues concerning corporate
governance and corporate behaviour, with the main section
dealing with methodology, in particular a critical
examination of personal capitalism and the role of
financial reporting.
** Manufacturing industries -- Great Britain --
Management -- History -- 20th century , Corporate
governance -- Great Britain -- History -- 20th century ,
Corporate governance -- Great Britain -- Case studies ,
27 Sinha, U P
Bihar tourism : retrospect and prospect / U P Sinha and
Swargesh Kumar.-- New Delhi: Concept Publishing, 2012.
300p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180697999.
338.47910954 SIN 136085
The development of tourism in India is a fascinating
subject. India-s glorious traditions and rich cultural
heritage are closely linked with the development of
tourism. Its magnificent monuments attract a large number
of visitors from allover the world. Many major issues
relating to socio-economic and cultural impact of tourism
are widely discussed in the book that will help to
understand economic development and activities of tourism
** Tourism, Tourism--Government policy, Tourism--
Marketing India--Bihar,
28 Amatori, Franco
Business history : complexities and comparisons / Franco
Amatori and Andrea Colli.-- London: Routledge, 2011.
viii, 262p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415423960.
338.709 AMA 136113
This book on business history brings together the
expertise of two internationally renowned authors to
provide a thorough overview of the developments in
business t from just before the industrial revolution
right up to the present day. Business history is global
in scope and looks at the major players t Europe, the US
and Japan t as well as emerging economies, such as China
and India. Focusing mainly on tbig businesst, Amatori and
Colli critically analyze tthe firmt and its interaction
with the evolution of economic, technological and
political systems at the micro and macro levels.
** Business --History, Business --History --Cross-
cultural studies,
29 Jones, E L
Growth recurring : economic change in world history / E L
Jones.-- USA: The University of Michigan Press, 2003.
xlvi, 247p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780472097289.
338.9 JON 136254
A study of the conflict in world history between economic
growth and political greed. It proposes that early
periods and non-western societies are vital to
understanding the growth process.
** Economic development -- History , Economic history ,
Economic growth - Political aspects ,
30 Gould, John A
The Politics of privatization : wealth and power in
postcommunist Europe / John A Gould.-- Boulder, London:
Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2011.
viii, 247p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781588267832.
338.925 GOU 136096
In this remarkable story of postcommunist politics gone
wrong, John Gould explores privatization s role in the
scramble for wealth and power in postcommunist Europe.
** Privatization -- Europe, Eastern 2. Privatization --
Europe, Central 3. Europe, Eastern -- Economic policy
31 Pattberg, Philipp (ed)
Public-private partnerships for sustainable development :
emergence, influence and legitimacy / Philipp Pattberg
and others.-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012.
xiv, 273p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781849809306.
338.927 PAT 136008
Around the time of the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable
Development in Johannesburg, South Africa, public-private
partnership agreements came to the fore of governance
options for sustainable development. This volume presents
findings assessing the reasons for this development and
the problems and potentials associated with this new form
of governance, drawn from a research program developed by
the Institute for Environmental Studies of Vrije U.
Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Eleven papers discuss the
emergence of public-private partnerships for sustainable
development, their impact in the countries of the
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
and beyond, and the question of legitimacy.
** Sustainable development --International cooperation ,
Public-private sector cooperation , International
Top |
32 Carlberg, Michael
Unemployment and Inflation in economic crises / Michael
Carlberg.-- Heidelberg: Springer, 2012.
xii, 283p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9783642280177.
339.5 CAR 135819
Deals with the unemployment and inflation in economic
crises, first considering the scenario of a demand shock
in Europe. This title examines the scenario of a supply
shock in Europe, in which monetary and fiscal
interactions would have no effects on European
unemployment or European inflation.
** Labor economics 2. Macroeconomics 3. Financial crises
4. Unemployment -- Effect of inflation on 5. Economic
Top |
33 Halbert, Debora J
Resisting intellectual property / Debora J Halbert.--
London: Routledge, 2012.
xiv, 237p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415429641.
346.048 HAL 136098
This controversial book examines the ways in which the
idea of intellectual property is being re-thought by the
victims of an over-expansive legal system. It will appeal
to students and researchers from a range of disciplines,
from law and political science to computer science, with
an interest in intellectual property.
** Intellectual property - Philosophy 2. Intellectual
property - United States
Top |
34 Fernando, Jude L
The political economy of NGOs : state formation in Sri
Lanka and Bangladesh / Jude L Fernando.-- London:
PlutoPress, 2011.
xii, 338p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9780745321714.
361.77095492 FER 136075
This book explores the relationship between NGOs and
capitalism, showing that supposedly progressive NGOs
often promote the same policies as governments.
** Non-governmental organizations - Economic aspects -
Sri Lanka 2. Non-governmental organizations - Economic
aspects - Bangladesh 3. Non-governmental organizations -
Political aspects - Sri Lanka
Top |
35 Polu, Sandhya L
Infectious disease in India, 1892-1940 : policy-making
and the perception of risk / Sandhya L Polu.-- New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
x, 229p. 22cm.
(Cambridge imperial and post-colonial studies).
ISBN : 9780230354609.
362.19690954 POL 135994
Using case studies of cholera, plague, malaria, and
yellow fever, this book analyzes how factors such as
public health diplomacy, trade, imperial governance,
medical technologies, and cultural norms operated within
global and colonial conceptions of political and
epidemiological risk to shape infectious disease policies
in colonial India.
** Communicable diseases -- India -- Prevention --
History Preventive health services -- India -- History,
Public health -- India -- History,
Top |
36 Cook, Peter J
Clean energy, climate and carbon / Peter J Cook.--
Australia: CSIRO Publishing, 2012.
xiii, 215p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9780415621069.
363.73874 COO 135966
It covers the changing concentration of atmospheric
carbon dioxide through time and its causes, before
considering the promise and the limitations of a wide
range of energy technologies for decreasing carbon
dioxide emissions. The book also explores the political
environment in which the discussion on clean energy
technology options is occurring. This Outlines the global
challenge of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions.
** Geological carbon sequestration , Carbon dioxide
mitigation , Greenhouse gas mitigation
37 Gang, Chen
China-s climate policy / Chen Gang.-- London: Routledge,
xiv, 121p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415593137.
363.738740951 GAN 136081
The book is a unique research monograph on the evolving
domestic and foreign policies taken by the Chinese
government to tackle climate change challenges. It
concludes that instead of being motivated by concern
about its vulnerability to climate change, Chinese
climate related policies have been mainly driven by its
intensive attention to energy security, business
opportunities lying in emerging green industries and
image consideration in the global climate politics.
** Environmental policy -- China , China -- Politics and
government -- 21st century ,
Top |
38 Bolance, Catalina
Quantitative operational risk models / Catalina Bolance
and others.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2012.
xxv, 210p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781439895924.
368.001 BOL 136076
Using real-life examples from the banking and insurance
industries, Quantitative Operational Risk Models details
how internal data can be improved based on external
information of various kinds. Using a simple and
intuitive methodology based on classical transformation
methods, the book includes real-life examples of the
combination of internal data and external information.
** Risk management , Operational risk ,
Top |
39 Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Lone (ed)
Exploring the theory, pedagogy and practice of networked
learning / Lone Dirckinck-Holmfeld, Vivien Hodgson and
David McConnel.-- New York: Springer, 2012.
xxiii, 318p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781461404958.
371.334 DIR 35902
This book will be based on a selection of high quality
research papers presented at the Networked Learning
Conference, May3-4, 2010. The Networked Learning
Conference is an international, research-based
conference. In addition it is well supported by
practitioners, managers and learning technologists
interested in contributing to and hearing about research
in this area. The conference is considered a major event
in the international -technology enhanced learning-
conference circuit. This edited volume presents cutting
edge research that will explore current trends and
advances in research on networked learning, technology
enhanced learning and e-learning.
** Computer-assisted instruction, Learning, Social
networks--Computer network resources,
Top |
40 Finegan, Edward
Language : its structure and use / Edward Finegan.--5th
ed.-- Australia: Thomson, 2008.
xxvi, 574p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781413030891.
410 FIN 136110
This book explains core concepts in an interactive style
that you can understand no matter what your major. With
features like "What Do You Think?" and "Try It Yourself,"
you-ll understand what you-re experiencing on campus and
in the classroom from a linguistics perspective. The
expanded study sections and the available workbook
provide you with the tools you-ll need for effective test
** Language and languages, Linguistics,
Top |
41 Feldman, David P
Chaos and fractals : an elementary introduction / David P
Feldman.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
xxi, 408p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780199566440.
514.742 FEL 136093
This book provides the reader with an elementary
introduction to chaos and fractals, suitable for students
with a background in elementary algebra, without assuming
prior coursework in calculus or physics. It introduces
the key phenomena of chaos - aperiodicity, sensitive
dependence on initial conditions, bifurcations - via
simple iterated functions. Fractals are introduced as
self similar geometric objects and analyzed with the self
similarity and box-counting dimensions. After a brief
discussion of power laws, subsequent chapters explore
Julia Sets and the Mandelbrot Set. The last part of the
book examines two-dimensional dynamical systems, strange
attractors, cellular automata, and chaotic differential
** Chaotic behavior in systems, Fractals,
Top |
42 Tang, Wan
Applied categorical and count data analysis / Wan Tang,
Hua He and Xin M Tu.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2012.
xx, 363p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781439806241.
519.53 TAN 136090
Applied Categorical and Count Data Analysis explain how
to perform the statistical analysis of discrete data,
including categorical and count outcomes. The authors
describe the basic ideas underlying each concept, model,
and approach to give readers a good grasp of the
fundamentals of the methodology without using rigorous
mathematical arguments.
** Regression Analysis, Categories (Mathematics),
Mathematics / Probability and Statistics / Regression
Top |
43 Schrodinger, Erwin
What is life? : the physical aspect of the living cell
with mind and matter and autobiographical sketches /
Erwin Schrodinger.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University
Press, 2012.
viii, 184p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9781107604667.
572.8 SCH 136033
Nobel laureate Erwin Schrodinger-s What is Life? is one
of the great science classics of the twentieth century. A
distinguished physicist-s exploration of the question
which lies at the heart of biology, it was written for
the layman, but proved one of the spurs to the birth of
molecular biology and the subsequent discovery of the
structure of DNA. It appears here together with Mind and
Matter, his essay investigating a relationship which has
eluded and puzzled philosophers since the earliest times.
** Biology -- Philosophy , Molecular biology , Human
evolution , Physicists -- Austria -- Biography , Life ,
Top |
44 Franchetti, Matthew John
Carbon footprint analysis : concepts, methods,
implementation, and case studies / Matthew John
Franchetti and Defne Apul.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2013.
xv, 254p. 24cm.
(Industrial innovation series).
ISBN : 9781439857830.
628.532 FRA 136092
This book provides a technical and practical guide to
measure and minimize greenhouse gas emissions for any
organization, from manufacturing to service facilities.
It serves as an up-to-date source of technical
information related to current and potential greenhouse
gas emission minimization practices. Providing a detailed
framework, it outlines an assessment procedure that has
been refined over the past five years on more than 20
assessments. The text offers a step-by-step guide to
conduct analyses and includes case studies demonstrating
the application.
** Atmospheric carbon dioxide --Measurement , Air --
Pollution --Measurement , Greenhouse gas mitigation --
Case studies, Environmental policy --United States,
Top |
45 Bangert, Patrick
Optimization for industrial problems / Patrick Bangert.--
Heidelberg: Springer, 2012.
xii, 246p 23cm.
ISBN : 9783642249730.
650.015196 BAN 135950
This book covers optimization: the determination of the
values of the independent variables in a function such
that the dependent variable attains a maximum over a
suitably defined area of validity. Case studies include
power generation, retail and chemistry.
** Business mathematics , Mathematical optimization ,
Business mathematics -- Case studies , Mathematical
optimization -- Case studies
Top |
46 Singh, S
Project management and project planning / S Singh.-- New
Delhi: ALP Books, 2009.
254p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789380184241.
658.404 SIN 136087
This book attempts to explain the concepts of project
management in a simple and effective manner. The need for
the book was felt to provide a comprehensive coverage of
concepts of projects and bridge the gap between the
students and professionals. It gives a grasp over modern
trends and techniques of project management. This book is
useful for those involved in preparation and evaluation
of feasibility study and those involved with selection,
implementation and evaluation of projects.
** Business planning, Project management,
47 Hamad, Munir
MS project 2010 fundamentals / Munir Hamad.-- Mumbai:
Shroff Publishers, 2011.
10-26p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9789350236314.
658.4040285 HAM 136056-136057
This book is for new and novice users of MS Project. It
covers the beginner and intermediate levels. The book
demonstrates in a very simple step-by-step procedure the
building up of the project in the Planning and tracking
** Project management
48 Sekine, Kenichi
One-piece flow : cell design for transforming the
production process / Kenichi Sekine.-- Boca Raton: CRC
Press, 2012.
xxii, 286p. 28cm.
ISBN : 9781563273254.
658.5 SEK 136031
In this comprehensive book, Sekine provides an in-depth
education into the why-s and how-s of the restructuring
process. Sekine first examines the basic principles of
process flow building, then offers detailed case studies
of how various industries designed unique one-piece flow
systems (parallel, L-shaped, and U-shaped floor plans) to
meet their particular needs. With this book, plant
managers will learn how to eliminate overstaffing waste
and build a multi-skilled work force equipped to support
JIT manufacturing.The book includes: basic concept of one
piece production, case studies, process razing techniques
U-shaped cells for assembly lines, techniques for
removing waste from factories, stablishing one-piece flow
at a factory that produces small lots on a customer-order
basis -Single- delivery at MYNAC.
** Production planning 2. Production control
49 Baumer, Ulrich (ed)
Globalization of professional services : innovative
strategies, successful processes, inspired talent
management, and first-hand experiences / Ulrich Baumer,
Peter Kreutter and Wolfgang Messner.-- Heidelberg:
Springer, 2012.
xv, 278p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9783642291807.
658.8 BAU 135890
This book views organizational change as the relationship
between structure, strategy, systems, style, skills,
staff and super ordinate goals, introducing the 7-S Model
as a framework helping to diagnose and solve
organizational problems in a holistic manner.
** Globalization -- Economic aspects 2. Marketing
50 Lamdin, Douglas J (ed)
Consumer knowledge and financial decisions : lifespan
perspectives / Douglas J Lamdin.-- New York: Springer,
xiii, 342p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781461404743.
658.8342 LAM 135918
Covering a range of perspectives including
family/consumer science, law, sociology and public policy
as well as finance and economics, this book offers an
accurate picture of American financial literacy and sets
out real-world steps toward its improvement.
** Financial literacy 2. Decision making 3. Consumer
behavior 4. Philosophy (General) 5. Finance, Personal --
Decision making
51 Lee, Bill
The hidden wealth of customers : realizing the untapped
value of your most important asset / Bill Lee.-- Boston:
Harvard Business Review Press, 2012.
222p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781422172315.
658.8342 LEE 136037
In The Hidden Wealth of Customers, Customer Strategy
Group CEO Bill Lee offers a compelling vision for a
return on relationship with your most valued customers. A
different type of ROI, this strategy of maximizing the
relationship itself with existing customers is a modern
approach to customer relations, one that will net
increased business advantage. The goal is to use a
community marketing approach to engage this critical
audience so they help to create value for the firm. When
done right, these customers will prospect for you, while
also improving product adoption, satisfaction, and long-
term loyalty and they will do all this with more
credibility than anyone in your firm. Drawing from a wide
variety of examples and case studies, The Hidden Wealth
of Customers is a blueprint for making more out of your
most promising relationships with existing customers.
** Customer relations 2. Customer loyalty 3. Consumer
Top |
52 Berman, Margo
The Copywriter-s toolkit : the complete guide to
strategic advertising copy / Margo Berman.-- West Sussex:
Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
xix, 376p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781405199537.
659.132 BER 136274
Written from a real-world perspective by an award-winning
copywriter/producer/director, this comprehensive guide is
a reference every writer needs to create powerful,
strategic ad copy.
** Advertising copy , Advertising copy -- Handbooks,
manuals, etc , SOCIAL SCIENCE / Media Studies
Top |
53 Bell, Michael (ed)
The Cambridge companion to European novelists / Michael
Bell.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
xiii, 456p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780521735698.
809.3 BEL 136034
A lively and comprehensive account of the whole tradition
of European fiction for students and teachers of
comparative literature, this volume covers twenty-five of
the most significant and influential novelists in Europe
from Cervantes to Kundera. Each essay examines an
author-s use of, and contributions to, the genre and also
engages an important aspect of the form, such as its
relation to romance or one of its sub-genres, such as the
Bildungsroman. Larger theoretical questions are
introduced through specific readings of exemplary novels.
Taking a broad historical and geographic view, the essays
keep in mind the role the novel itself has played in the
development of European national identities and in
cultural history over the last four centuries.
** European fiction - History and criticism 2. LITERARY
CRITICISM / European / General
54 Bowlby, Rachel
Just looking : consumer culture in Dreiser, Gissing and
Zola / Rachel Bowlby.-- New York: Routledge, 2010.
xi,188p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780415572798.
809.393 BOW 136036
Focusing on novels by Theodore Dreiser, George Gissing
and Emile Zola, Just Looking, first published in 1985,
addresses itself to a central paradox of the period: the
perceived antithesis of the terms "commerce" and
"culture" which emerged at a time which saw the actual
drawing together of commercial and cultural
practices.Drawing on structural, psychoanalytic and
Marxist-feminist theory, Rachel Bowlby retrieves a
relatively neglected literary area for contemporary
political and theoretical concerns, re-establishing the
naturalist novel as a rich source for feminists, literary
theorists and cultural historians.
** Fiction -- 19th century -- History and criticism 2.
Naturalism in literature
Top |
55 Herman, Peter C (ed)
The New Milton criticism / Peter C Herman and Elizabeth
Sauer.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
xii, 253p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781107603950.
821.4 HER 136032
The New Milton Criticism seeks to emphasize ambivalence
and discontinuity in Milton-s work and interrogate the
assumptions and certainties in previous Milton
scholarship. Contributors to the volume move Milton-s
open ended poetics to the centre of Milton studies by
showing how analysing irresolvable questions - religious,
philosophical and literary critical - transforms
interpretation and enriches appreciation of his work. The
New Milton Criticism encourages scholars to embrace
uncertainties in his writings rather than attempt to
explain them away. Twelve critics from a range of
countries, approaches and methodologies explore these
questions in these new readings of Paradise Lost and
other works. Sure to become a focus of debate and
controversy in the field, this volume is a truly original
contribution to early modern studies.
** Milton, John, 1608-1674 -- Criticism and
interpretation , LITERARY CRITICISM / European / English,
Irish, Scottish, Welsh
56 Ferber, Michael
The Cambridge introduction to British romantic poetry /
Michael Ferber.-- Cambridge: Cambridge university Press,
ix, 248p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780521154376.
821.709 FER 136035
This book guides the new reader through this experience,
focusing on canonical authors - Wordsworth, Coleridge,
Byron, Keats, Blake and Shelley - whilst also including
less familiar figures as well. Each chapter explains the
history and development of a genre or sets out an
important context for the poetry, with a wealth of
practical examples. Michael Ferber emphasizes connections
between poets as they responded to each other and to
great literary, social and historical changes around
them. This enjoyable and stimulating book is an ideal
introduction to some of the most powerful and pleasing
poems in the English language, written in one of the
greatest periods in English poetry.
** English poetry -- 19th century -- History and
criticism , English poetry -- 20th century -- History and
criticism , Romanticism -- Great Britain , LITERARY
CRITICISM / European / English, Irish, Scottish, Welsh ,
Top |
57 Baofu, Peter
The future of post-human geography : a preface to a new
theory of environments and their interactions / Peter
Baofu.-- New Delhi: Viva Books, 2012.
xxii, 568p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9788130921716.
910.01 BAO 136107
Is geography really so contingent on social and cultural
factors that its understanding cannot be objective and
detached as some contemporary approaches. On the
contrary, this book provides an alternative way to
understand the future of geography, especially in the
dialectic context of environments and their interactions
t while learning from different approaches in the
literature but with out favoring any one of them.
** Geography -- Philosophy,
Top |