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   1 Belcher, Wendy Laura
Writing your journal article in 12 weeks : a guide to
academic publishing success / Wendy Laura Belcher.-- Los
Angeles: Sage Publications, 2009.
xxi, 351p. 28cm.
ISBN : 9781412957014.
070.50973 BEL 135790

This book provides all the tools you need to write an
excellent academic article and get it published.

** Scholarly publishing -- United States
 128   HUMANKIND  
   2 Heil, John
Philosophy of mind : a contemporary introduction / John
Heil.--2nd ed-- New York: Routledge, 2004.
xiv, 262p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415283564.
128.2 HEI 135695
Philosophy of Mind: A Contemporary Introduction is a
comprehensive and accessible survey of main themes,
positions and debates in philosophy of mind. This revised
and updated edition includes expanded chapters on
eliminativism, qualia, and the representational theory of
mind, and an entirely new chapter on property dualism.

** Philosophy of mind
   3 Hay, Louise L
The Power Is within you / Louise L Hay.-- Australia: Hay
House, 1991.
xvi, 239p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9788190565509.
155.2 HAY 135758
Expands on the author-s philosophy of -Loving the self-
and shows you how to overcome emotional barriers through
learning to listen to, and trust your inner voice, loving
the child within, letting your true feelings out,
releasing your fears about getting older, allowing
yourself to receive prosperity as well as expressing your

** Self-acceptance 2. Change (Psychology)

   4 Hay, Louise
You can create an exceptional life / Louise Hay and
Cheryl Richardson.-- Australia: Hay House, 2011.
xxii, 164p. 20cm.
ISBN : 9789381431092.
158 HAY 135764
Travel with Louise and Cheryl throughout North America
and Europe as they engage in a series of intimate
conversations about their lives and how they-ve dealt
with a variety of topics including loving themselves and
their bodies, conscious aging, and a dignified, peaceful
approach to death. This book is filled with the combined
experience of two women who have lived their lives using
trusted spiritual principles that really work. Reading
and applying their wisdom will radically change your
life, too!

** Self-actualization (Psychology) 2. Change (Psychology)
3. Mind and body 4. Holistic medicine

 170   ETHICS  
   5 Gensler, Harry J
Ethics : a contemporary introduction / Harry J Gensler.--
2nd ed.-- New York: Routledge, 2011.
x, 190p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415803885.
170 GEN 135694
This text is designed to help students who have already
done an introductory course in philosophy - guiding them
to think more clearly about how to form their moral
beliefs in the wisest and most rational way.

** Ethics
   6 Hay, Louise L
Meditations to heal your life / Louise L Hay.-- Australia
: Hay House, 2001.
255p. 18cm.
ISBN : 9788190565516.
291.432 HAY 135757
Louise shares her philosophy of life on a multitude of
subjects from addictions to fears to spiritual laws, and
everything in between. Her loving insights will enrich
you body, mind, and soul, while giving you practical
knowledge to apply to your day-to-day life.

** Meditations 2. Affirmations 3. Mental healing

7 Hochswender, Woody
The Buddha in your rearview mirror : a guide to
practicing Buddhism in modern life / Woody Hochswender.--
New York: Stewart, Tabori and Chang, 2006.
255p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9781584795520.
294.3444 HOC 135755
The book is a sophisticated but accessible introduction
to Buddhism as well as an in-depth study of Buddhism in
the Samurai period. Hochswender again focuses on the
philosophy of Nichiren and applies its principles to
everyday issues ranging from health to careers to family
problems. The Buddha in Your Rearview Mirror is both
cogent and compelling-informative history and inspiring
self-help. Ideal for the novice or veteran Buddhist, the
book will resonate with anyone interested in concrete
methods for tapping into their own highest potential or
enlightened self.

** Religious life -- Soka Gakkai 2. Soka Gakkai --
Doctrines 3. Nichiren, -- 1222-1282 -- Teachings

8 Ikeda, Daisaku
Unlocking the Mysteries of Birth and Death : ... And
Everything in Between, A Buddhist View Life. / Daisaku
Ikeda.--2nd ed-- Santa Monica: Middleway Press, 2003.
x,211p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9780972326704.
294.3928 IKE 135763
This introduction to Nichiren Buddhism explores the
philosophical intricacies of life and reveals the wonder
inherent in the phases of birth, aging, and death. Core
concepts of Nichiren Buddhism, such as the ten worlds and
the nine consciousnesses, illustrate the profundity of
human existence. This book provides Buddhists with the
tools they need to fully appreciate the connectedness of
all beings and to revolutionise their spiritual lives
based on this insight. Also explored are how suffering
can be transformed to contribute to personal fulfilment
and the well-being of others and how modern scientific
research accords with ancient Buddhist views. Ultimately,
this is both a work of popular philosophy and a book of
compelling, compassionate inspiration for Buddhists and
non-Buddhists alike that fosters a greater understanding
of Nichiren Buddhism.

** Soka Gakkai -- Doctrines 2. Nichiren (Sect) --
   9 Sayer, Andrew
Realism and social science / Andrew Sayer.-- Los Angeles:
Sage Publications, 2000.
211p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780761961246.
300.1 SAY 135751
Realism and Social Science offers the reader an
authoritative and compelling guide to critical realism
and its implications for social theory and for the
practice of social science. It offers an alternative both
to approaches which are overly confident about the
possibility of a successful social science and those
which are defeatist about any possibility of progress in
understanding the social world. Written by one of the
leading social theorists in the field, it demonstrates
the virtues of critical realism for theory and empirical
research in social science, and provides a critical
engagement with leading non-realist approaches.

** Social sciences -- Philosophy 2. Realism

10 Creswell, John W
Qualitative inquiry and research design : choosing among
five approaches / John W Creswell.--3rd ed-- Los Angeles:
Sage Publications, 2013.
xxi, 448p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781412995306.
300.72 CRE 135727
In this Third Edition of his bestselling text John W.
Creswell explores the philosophical underpinnings,
history, and key elements of each of five qualitative
inquiry traditions: narrative research, phenomenology,
grounded theory, ethnography, and case study. In his
signature accessible writing style, the author relates
research designs to each of the traditions of inquiry. He
compares theoretical frameworks, ways to employ standards
of quality, and strategies for writing introductions to
studies, collecting data, analyzing data, writing a
narrative, and verifying results.

** Social sciences -- Methodology
   11 Bruhn, John G
Sociological practice : intervention and social change /
John G Bruhn and Howard M Rebach.--2nd ed-- New York:
Springer, 2007. xiii, 240p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780387718637.
301 BRU 135712
The second edition of this text focuses on how to plan,
carry out, analyze, and evaluate interventions at the
micro, meso, and macro level. The text outlines and
illustrates various approaches to problem-solving. It
discusses the various steps in problem-solving from
problem assessment, development of objectives, and
targets for change to the implementation and evaluation
of interventions. A final chapter is devoted to an
examination of how principles of ethics apply at
different levels of intervention and some of the ethical
issues in sociological practice.

** Clinical sociology
   12 Matsumoto, David (ed)
Nonverbal communication : science and applications /
David Matsumoto, Mark G Frank and Hyi Sung Hwang.-- Los
Angeles: Sage Publications, 2013.
xi, 322p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781412999304.
302.222 MAT 135726
Examines state-of-the-art research and knowledge
regarding nonverbal behavior and applies that scientific
knowledge to a broad range of fields.

** Body language 2. Facial expression 3. Nonverbal
   13 Smith, Laurence C
The new north : the world in 2050 / Laurence C Smith.--
London: Profile Books, 2011.
xi, 322p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781846688768.
304.209051 SMI 135747
Explores the -four locomotives- that are changing the
world - climate change, rising population, globalisation
and resource depletion - and attempts to predict how they
will shape the world between now and 2050. This book is
about people, and the -push- and -pull- factors that
determine where and how they live.

** Human ecology -- Forecasting 2. Global environmental
change -- Forecasting 3. Climatic changes --
Environmental aspects -- Forecasting 4. Twenty-first
century -- Forecasts

   14 Hostetler, Mark E
The green leap : a primer for conserving biodiversity in
subdivision development / Mark E. Hostetler.-- Berkeley:
University of California Press, 2012.
xiv, 197p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780520271104.
307.768 HOS 135771
Suitable for policy makers, architects, developers,
builders, and homeowners, this title focuses on the
central question of how to conserve biodiversity in
neighborhoods and to minimize development impacts on
surrounding habitats. It helps to move green development
beyond the design stage by addressing construction and
post-construction issues.

** Planned communities -- Environmental aspects 2. New
towns -- Environmental aspects 3. Urban ecology (Biology)
4. Biodiversity conservation

   15 Frieden, Jeffry A
World politics : interests, interactions, institutions /
Jeffry A Frieden, David A Lake and Kenneth A Schultz.--
New York: W W Norton, 2010.
xxx, 530p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780393927092.
327 FRI 135742
A contemporary analytical approach to international
relations written at a level that introductory students
can grasp.

** International relations
   16 Charles, Aurelie
Exchange entitlement mapping : theory and evidence /
Aurelie Charles.-- New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
x, 191p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780230120204.
331.012 CHA 135768-135769
The main aim of this book is to develop and implement an
innovative tool: exchange-entitlement mapping, or E-
mapping for short. This tool enables us to look at the
economic and social opportunities to develop human
capabilities for different groups of individuals,
depending on their group identity such as age, ethnicity
or gender.

** Quality of life -- Evaluation 2. Well-being --
Evaluation 3. Distribution (Probability theory)

17 Sheward, Steve
Motivational career counselling and coaching : cognitive
and behavioural approaches / Steve Sheward and Rhena
Branch.-- Los Angeles: Sage Publishers, 2012.
xiii, 206p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781446201824.
331.702 SHE 135720
This thoroughly practical book combines cognitive and
behavioural approaches with vocational counselling and
coaching, providing clear, practical strategies and a
wealth of materials that can be used with clients in one-
to-one or group settings.

** Vocational guidance -- Psychological aspects 2.
Cognitive therapy 3. Motivation (Psychology)
   18 Fohlin, Caroline
Mobilizing money : how the world-s richest nations
financed industrial growth / Caroline Fohlin.-- Cambridge
: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
xiv, 263p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780521810210.
332.1 FOH 135792
Examines the origins of modern corporate finance systems
during the rapid industrialization period leading up to
World War I.

** Banks and banking -- History 2. Financial institutions
-- History 3. Investments -- History

19 Brandt, Peter
Diary of a professional commodity trader : lessons from
21 weeks of real trading / Peter Brandt.-- Hoboken: John
Wiley, 2011.
xiii, 283p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780470521458.
332.644 BRA 135801
Trader Peter Brandt will take readers inside the trading
process by revealing how he trades in a diary of his 2009
trades. A long-time successful trader, Brandt will
explain his thinking as he searches for trading
opportunities and executes his trades throughout the

** Commodity exchanges 2. Commodity futures 3.

20 Ahuja, Maneet
The alpha masters : unlocking the genius of the world-s
top hedge funds / Maneet Ahuja.-- Hoboken: John Wiley,
xxv, 245p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781118065525.
332.64524 AHU 135794
The ultimate behind-the-curtain look at the hedge fund
industry, unlocking the most valuable stories, secrets,
and lessons directly from those who have played the game
best. Written by Maneet Ahuja, the hedge fund industry
insider, The Alpha Masters brings the secretive world of
hedge funds into the light of day for the first time.

** Hedge funds 2. Investment advisors 3. BUSINESS and
ECONOMICS / Investments and Securities
   21 Brichieri-Colombi, Stephen
The world water crisis : the failures of resource
management / Stephen Brichieri-Colombi.-- London: I B
Tauris, 2009.
xv, 343p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781845117535.
333.912 BRI 135743
In the last decade, water resources planners have
frequently signaled an impending water crisis. The
message is that the world is running out of water and
that only by careful planning and the adoption of
integrated water resources management can catastrophe be
avoided. Stephen Brichieri-Colombi challenges these
perceptions. He maintains that the crisis is one of
resource management rather than availability: it arises
because water resource planners advocate exploitation of
rivers without due regard to social, environmental and
geopolitical consequences. The author advances a new
paradigm - water in the national economy - which will
enable developing countries to meet future food and water
demands without increasing abstraction from rivers and
consequential riparian conflict. This is a powerful re-
appraisal of the development of global water resources.

** Water-supply 2. Water-supply -- Management 3. Water
resources development 4. Droughts
   22 Brenes, Esteban R (ed)
The future of entrepreneurship in Latin America / Esteban
R Brenes and Jerry Haar.-- New York: Palgrave Macmillan,
xx, 306p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780230279186.
338.04098 BRE 135770
This book examines the outlook for Latin American
entrepreneurs in the new global environment. Using case
studies from across the region, the book highlights
liberalization measures nations are adopting to
facilitate small and medium size enterprise (SME)
creation and growth, and existing barriers that are
threatening SME sector gains.

** Entrepreneurship -- Latin America 2. Small business --
Latin America

23 Bauer, Johannes M (ed)
Innovation policy and governance in high-tech industries
: the complexity of coordination / Johannes M Bauer,
Achim Lang and Volker Schneider.-- Berlin: Springer-
Verlag, 2012.
xviii, 304p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9783642125621.
338.064 BAU 135775
The book examines the conditions for successful high-
technology policy from theoretical and empirical
perspectives. It enhances the predominant national
systems of innovation approach to innovation policy with
concepts based on new developments and processes.

** Technological innovations -- Government policy 2. High
technology industries -- Government policy 3. Technology
and state

24 Xiaoyun, Li
Agricultural development in China and Africa : a
comparative analysis / Li Xiaoyun...[et al.]-- London:
Routledge, 2012.
xviii, 310p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781849713887.
338.10951 XIA 135795
Many African countries are increasingly interested in
learning from China-s experiences in achieving effective
agricultural development. The Chinese government and
academic community are also keen to share experiences and
lessons with Africa. The book highlights experiences and
lessons from China and, in particular, analyzes why
Africa has not yet been able to emulate China-s
agricultural development trajectory. It compares the
similarities and discrepancies in conditions, processes,
and outcomes between China and Africa from the
perspectives of investment, science and technology,
policies and international development aid. Based on this
it explores which experiences and lessons from China-s
agriculture development can be shared with African
countries in order to contribute to the sustainable
improvement and transformation of African agriculture.

** Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- China 2.
Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- Africa 3. Agriculture
and state -- China 4. Agriculture and state - Africa 5.
Rural development -- China

25 Riello, Giorgio (ed)
The spinning world : a global history of cotton textiles,
1200-1850 / Giorgio Riello and Prasannan Parthasarathi.--
Delhi: Primus Books, 2012.
x, 489p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9789380607290.
338.476772109 RIE 135749
This collection of essays examines the history of cotton
textiles at a global level over the period 1200-1850. It
provides new answers to two questions: what is it about
cotton that made it the paradigmatic first global
commodity? And second, why did cotton industries in
different parts of the world follow different paths of

** Cotton textile industry -- History 2. Cotton
manufacture -- History

   26 Burns, Tom
Essential study skills : the complete guide to success at
university / Tom Burns and Sandra Sinfield.--3rd ed.--
London: Sage, 2012.
ISBN : 9781446203255.
378.170281 BUR 135745
Designed to be a practical guide to academic success,
this title covers almost everything from what it means to
be a university student to how to succeed in exams.

** Study skills -- Handbooks, manuals, etc 2. College
student orientation -- Handbooks, manuals, etc

   27 Rao, P K
International trade policies and climate change
governance / P K Rao.-- Heidelberg: Springer, 2012.
viii, 53p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9783642252518.
382.3 RAO 135776
This work offers a synthesis of the current approaches
toward an integration of international trade and climate
change, with a view to fostering potential improvements
in policies and institutions affecting these. A number of
pragmatic measures are proposed with reference to the WTO
and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) regimes, which are expected to contribute
toward enhanced climate change governance, as well as
promoting international trade.

** World Trade Organization 2. United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (Organization) 3. Commercial
policy -- Environmental aspects 4. International trade --
Environmental aspects 5. Climatic changes -- Government

   28 Korostelev, Alexander
Mathematical statistics : asymptotic minimax theory /
Alexander Korostelev and Olga Korosteleva.-- Rhode Island
: American Mathematical Society, 2010.
x, 246p. 25cm.
(Graduate studies in mathematics , 119).
ISBN : 9780821852835.
519.5 KOR 135731
This book is designed to bridge the gap between
traditional textbooks in statistics and more advanced
books that include the sophisticated nonparametric
techniques. It covers topics in parametric and
nonparametric large-sample estimation theory. The
exposition is based on a collection of relatively simple
statistical models. It gives a thorough mathematical
analysis for each of them with all the rigorous proofs
and explanations.

** Estimation theory 2. Asymptotic efficiencies
(Statistics) 3. Statistical hypothesis testing 4.
Statistics -- Parametric inference -- Asymptotic
properties of estimators 5. Statistics -- Nonparametric
inference -- Nonparametric regression 6. Statistics --
Parametric inference -- Point estimation 7. Statistics --
Nonparametric inference -- Estimation 8. Statistics --
Nonparametric inference -- Hypothesis testing 9.
Statistics -- Nonparametric inference -- Asymptotic
 610   MEDICINE and HEALTH  
   29 Dancey, Christine P
Statistics for the health sciences : a non-mathematical
introduction / Christine P Dancey, John G Reidy and
Richard Rowe.-- London: Sage Publications, 2012.
xvi, 563p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781849203364.
610.727 DAN 135725
Dancey and Reidy are very well known for their Pearson
textbook Statistics Without Maths for Psychology and have
applied the same principles here to the health sciences
market, where they-re far more established as

** Medical statistics 2. Social sciences -- Statistical
methods -- Computer programs 3. SPSS (Computer file)

30 Wright, Jeannie
Reflective writing in counseling and psychotherapy /
Jeannie Wright and Gillie Bolton.-- Los Angeles: Sage,
xvi, 205p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780857023285.
615.8515 WRI 135732
This book provides a straightforward route into the
essentials of keeping a personal development portfolio or
reflective journal for all counselling and psychotherapy
trainees, whether they are approaching the topic from a
psychodynamic, person-centered or CBT perspective.

** Creative writing -- Therapeutic use 2. Counseling 3.

   31 Crook, Tim
The sound handbook / Tim Crook.-- New York: Routledge,
xii, 250p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415551526.
621.3893 CRO 135741
The Sound Handbook maps theoretical and practical
connections between the creation and study of sound
across the multi-media spectrum of film, radio, music,
sound art, websites, animation and computer games
entertainment, and stage theatre. Using an
interdisciplinary approach Tim Crook explores the
technologies, philosophies and cultural issues involved
in making and experiencing sound, investigating
soundscape debates and providing both intellectual and
creative production information. The book covers the
history, theory and practice of sound and includes
practical production projects and a glossary of key
terms. The Sound Handbook is supported by a companion
website, signposted throughout the book, with further
practical and theoretical resources dedicated to bridging
the creation and study of sound across professional
platforms and academic disciplines.

** Sound -- Recording and reproducing 2. Radio
broadcasting -- Sound effects 3. Motion pictures -- Sound
effects 4. Television broadcasting -- Sound effects
   32 George, Amiso M (ed)
Case Studies in Crisis Communication International
Perspective on Hits and Misses / Amiso M George and
Cornelius B Pratt.-- New York: Routledge, 2012.
xxix, 554p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415889902.
658.4056 GEO 135744
Case Studies in Crisis Communication: International
Perspectives on Hits and Misses was created to fill the
gap for a much-needed textbook in case studies in crisis
communication from international perspectives. The events
of September 11, 2001, other major world crises, and the
ongoing macroeconomic challenges of financial
institutions, justify the need for this book. The variety
and the international focus of the cases, be they
environmental, health or management successes or
failures, makes this book more appealing to a wider
audience. These cases examine socio-cultural issues
associated with responding to a variety of crises.

** Crisis management -- Case studies 2. Public relations
- Management -- Case studies 3. Social media 4.
Communication, International -- Case studies

33 Hurst, David K
The New ecology of leadership : business mastery in a
chaotic world / David K Hurst.-- New York: Columbia
Business School, 2012.
xv, 346p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780231159708.
658.4092 HUR 135779
This book is David Hurst’s innovative integration of
management practice and theory, using a systems
perspective and analogies drawn from nature to illustrate
groundbreaking ideas and their practical application.
Hurst-s objective is to help readers make meaning from
their own management experience and education, and to
encourage improvement in their practical judgment and
wisdom. His approach takes an expansive view of
organizations, connecting their development to
humankind-s evolutionary heritage and cultural history.
It locates the origins of organizations in communities of
trust and follows their development and maturation. He
also crucially tracks the decline of organizations as
they age and shows how their strengths become weaknesses
in changing circumstances. Hurst-s core argument is that
the human mind is rational in an ecological, rather than
a logical, sense.

** Leadership 2. Management 3. Organizational change

34 Bessant , John
Innovation and entrepreneurship / John Bessant and Joe
Tidd.-- Hoboken: John Wiley, 2007.
xii, 462p, 23cm.
ISBN : 9780470032695.
658.421 BES 125799
The book is also suitable for engineering students
studying courses in business and management. Contemporary
issues in both innovation and entrepreneurship are used
to engage and excite students, and lead them to the
relevant theory, models and lessons. The authors have
created a new text which includes: fully integrated
contemporary themes in innovation, such as
sustainability, social entrepreneurship and creating new
ventures, a focus on the role of individual
entrepreneurship and organizational innovation, in
private and public services, and, contemporary cases from
areas including new media, computer gaming, internet
services, and public and social innovation cases.

** Creative ability in business, Entrepreneurship.

35 Vedamani, Gibson G
Retail management : functional principles and practices /
Gibson G Vedamani.--4th ed-- Ahmedabad: Jaico Publishing,
xxvi, 475p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9788179921517.
658.87 VED 135736
This book provides in-depth and enriched insights into
all the functional areas of retail management. It explores
the subject extensively-from basic retail topics like
location planning and store planning to the current-age
global themes like multichannel retailing and
international retailing-along with appropriate
illustrations and cases.

** Retail trade -- Management , Retailing Management
   36 Grisham, John
The Litigators : a novel / John Grisham.-- New York:
Bantam Books, 2012.
402p. 20cm.
ISBN : 9780345536884.
813.54 GRI 135756
Law firm partners Oscar Finley and Wally Figg see a
chance for huge financial gain when they learn of a
pending class action lawsuit against the makers of
Krayoxx, a popular cholesterol-reducing drug suspected of
causing heart attacks.

** Legal stories 2. Law firms -- Fiction 3. Class actions
(Civil procedure) -- Fiction 4. Drugs -- Law and
legislation -- Fiction 5. Products liability -- Drugs --
Fiction 6. Anticholesteremic agents -- Fiction

37 Grisham, John
Theodore Boone : the accused / John Grisham.-- New York:
Dutton Children-s Books, 2011.
271p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9780142421376.
813.54 GRI 135762
Thirteen-year-old aspiring lawyer Theodore Boone is
falsely accused in a robbery and must fight to clear his

** Teenage boys - Fiction 2. Trials (Murder) - Fiction 3.
Witnesses - Fiction 4. Legal stories 5. Lawyers - Fiction
6. Courts - Fiction 7. Stealing - Fiction

38 Waller, Robert James
The bridges of Madison County / Robert James Waller.--
New York: Grand Central Publishing, 1995.
xviii, 201p. 17cm.
ISBN : 9780446364492.
813.54 WAL 135754
When Robert Kincaid drives through the heat and dust of
an Iowa summer and turns into Francesca Johnson-s farm
lane looking for directions, the world-class photographer
and the Iowa farm wife are joined in an experience of
uncommon truth and stunning beauty that will haunt them

** Photographers -- Fiction 2. Bridges -- Iowa -- Fiction
3. Madison County (Iowa) -- Fiction 4. Love stories 5.
Large type books

39 Grisham, John
Theodore Boone : the abduction / John Grisham.-- New York
: Puffin Books, 2012.
217p. 20cm.
ISBN : 9780142421376.
813.6 GRI 135761
When his best friend disappears from her bedroom in the
middle of the night, thirteen-year-old Theo uses his
legal knowledge and investigative skills to chase down
the truth and save April.

** Teenage boys - Fiction 2. Legal stories 3. Young adult
fiction 4. Kidnapping - Fiction 5. Family problems -
Fiction 6. Lawyers - Fiction
   40 Viereck, Peter
Shame and glory of the intellectuals / Peter Viereck.--
New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2007.
xxi, 330p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781412806091.
973.92 VIE 135711
In this classic volume, written at the height of the Cold
War, with a new preface of 2006, Peter Viereck, one of
the foremost intellectual spokesmen of modern
conservatism, examines the differing responses of
American and European intellectuals to the twin threats
of Nazism and Soviet communism. In so doing, he seeks to
formulate a humanistic conservatism with which to counter
the danger of totalitarian thought in the areas of
politics, ethics, and art.

** Stalin, Joseph, 1879-1953 -- Influence 2.
Intellectuals -- United States -- Political activity --
History -- 20th century 3. Conservatism -- United States
- History -- 20th century 4. Philistinism -- History --
20th century 5. Values -- United States -- History --
20th century 6. World politics -- 1945- 7. Anti-fascist
movements -- History -- 20th century 8. Totalitarianism -
History -- 20th century 9. United States -- Intellectual
life -- 20th century 10. United States -- Politics
and government -- 1945-1989



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