New Arrivals
1 Brostrom, Goran
Event history analysis with R / Goran Brostrom.-- Boca
Raton: CRC Press, 2012.
ISBN : 9781439831649.
001.422 BRO 135529
With an emphasis on social science applications, Event
History Analysis with R presents an introduction to
survival and event history analysis using real-life
examples. Keeping mathematical details to a minimum, the
book covers key topics, including both discrete and
continuous time data, parametric proportional hazards,
and accelerated failure times.
** Event history analysis 2. R (Computer program
language) 3. Social sciences -- Statistical methods
Top |
2 Eysenck, Michael W
Fundamentals of cognition / Michael W Eysenck.--2nd ed--
Hove: Psychology Press, 2012.
ix, 489p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781848720718.
153 EYS 135540
How come some people always remember a face? Is it really
possible to do two things at once? Taking his cue from
modern cognitive psychology, and drawing from coverage in
his previous book, "Principles of Cognitive Psychology,
2nd Edition", the author helps students understand and
answer these kinds of questions.
** Cognition
Top |
3 Lambertini, Luca
Game theory in the social sciences :a reader-friendly
guide / Luca Lambertini.-- London: Routledge, 2011.
ISBN : 9780415664837.
300.15193 LAM 135531
Individuals, firms, governments and nations behave
strategically, for good and bad. Over the last few
decades, game theory has been constructed and
progressively refined to become the major tool used by
social scientists to understand, predict and regulate
strategic interaction among agents who often have
conflicting interests. In the surprisingly anodyne jargon
of the theory, they -play games-. This book offers an
introduction to the basic tools of game theory and an
overview of a number of applications to real-world cases,
covering the areas of economics, politics and
international relations. Each chapter is accompanied by
some suggestions about further reading.
** Game theory 2. Social sciences -- Methodology
Top |
4 Rose, Richard
Understanding post-communist transformation : a bottom up
approach / Richard Rose.-- London: Routledge, 2009.
ISBN : 9780415482189.
306.091717 ROS 135524
The fall of the Berlin Wall launched the transformation
of government, economy and society across half of Europe
and the former Soviet Union. This title compares how
ordinary people have coped with the stresses and
opportunities of transforming into post-Communist
** Europe, Central -- Social conditions -- 1989- 2.
Europe, Eastern -- Social conditions -- 1989- 3. Post-
communism -- Europe, Central
Top |
5 Blatter, Joachim
Designing case studies :explanatory approaches in small-N
research / Joachim Blatter and Markus Haverland.--
Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
xviii,262p 24cm.
ISBN : 9780230249691.
320.0723 BLA 135528
The authors explore three ways of conducting causal
analysis in case studies. They draw on established
practices as well as on recent innovations in case study
methodology and integrate these insights into coherent
approaches. They highlight the core features of each
approach and provide advice on each step of the research
** Political science -- Research -- Methodology 2. Social
sciences -- Research -- Methodology 3. Case method
Top |
6 Boeri, Tito (ed)
The ruling class :management and politics in modern Italy
/ Tito Boeri, Antonio Merlo and Andrea Prat.-- New York:
Oxford University Press, 2010.
xv, 211p. 25 cm.
ISBN : 9780199588282.
322.30945 BOE 135508
This volume provides an understanding of what drives the
formation of a ruling class, and the relationship between
politics and business firms.
** Business and politics - Italy 2. Labor economics -
Italy 3. Italy - Politics and government - 1994-
Top |
7 Mansbach, Richard W
Introduction to global politics / Richard W Mansbach and
Kirsten L Taylor.--2nd ed-- London: Routledge, 2012.
xxix, 600p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415782722.
327 MAN 135541
Introduces students to the key changes in global
politics. This book explains global politics using an
historical approach. It helps students to recognize that
new developments require citizens to change their beliefs
and that new problems may appear even as old ones
** International relations 2. World politics 3.
International relations -- Forecasting
Top |
8 Barnett, William A (ed)
Nonlinear econometric modeling in time series analysis
:proceedings of the eleventh international symposium in
economic theory and econometrics / William A Barnett [et
al.]-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
ISBN : 9780521594240.
330.015195 BAR 135505
Nonlinear Econometric Modeling in Time Series presents
the more recent literature on nonlinear time series.
Specific topics covered with respect to nonlinearity
include co integration tests, risk-related asymmetries,
structural breaks and outliers, Bayesian analysis with a
threshold, consistency and asymptotic normality,
asymptotic inference and error-correction models. With a
world-class panel of contributors, this volume addresses
topics with major applications for fields such as foreign
exchange markets and interest rate analysis. Eleventh in
this series of international symposia, this volume is
also part of the European Conference Series in
Quantitative Economics and Econometrics (EC)2.
** Econometrics -- Congresses 2. Time-series analysis --
Congresses 3. Nonlinear theories -- Congresses
9 Verbeek,Marno
A guide to modern econometrics / Marno Verbeek.--4th ed--
United Kingdom: Wiley, 2012.
ISBN : 9781119951674.
330.015195 VER 135538
Marno Verbeek-s intermediate level textbook explores a
wide range of topics in modern econometrics and focuses
on what is important for doing and understanding
empirical work. A wide range of new topics are covered
including time series analysis, limited dependent
variables, cointegration and panel data analysis.
** Econometrics 2. Regression analysis
10 Harcourt, G C
On Skidelsky-s Keynes and other essays :selected essays
of G C Harcourt / G C Harcourt.-- Houndmills: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2012.
ISBN : 9780230284685.
330.156 HAR 135506
On Skidelsky-s Keynes and Other Essays is a collection of
essays, biographies, review articles and tributes,
focusing on the lives and times of the Cambridge School
of Economists, and the immense contribution that these
thinkers, including the author, made to the discipline.
** Keynesian economics
Top |
11 Unni, Jeemol
Urban informal sector : size and income generation
processes in Gujarat part I / Jeemol Unni.-- New Delhi:
National Council of Applied Economic Research, 2000.
x,65p. 29cm.
ISBN : 8185877580.
331.11095475 UNN 135605
All over the world the labour market is increasingly
being dominated by labour-force that participates on an
informal basis.the current methods of data collection and
concepts used in the population census and labour force
surveys are inadequate to track the growing
informalisation of the labour force.
** Informal sector (Economics) - India - Gujarat 2.
Urbanization - India - Gujarat. 3. Rural-urban migration
India - Gujarat.
Top |
12 Bhavani, T A
Financial Access in Post-reform India / T A Bhavani and N
R Bhanumurthy.-- New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2012
xvi, 176p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780198076650.
332.10954 BHA 135546
This book focuses on two important aspects of the
financial sector-development and access. Combining theory
with analytical rigour, the authors examine the level of
and changes in financial development and access in the
post-reform period. Using a macroeconomic growth
approach, financial development is looked at in terms of
the structure of the financial system, its size, reach,
and efficiency, and soundness of the banking sector.
Financial access is conceptualized as the supply of
financial resources for productive investment purposes.
Based on empirical assessment of disaggregate data at the
sectoral level, the authors suggest innovative solutions
to reduce risk and transaction costs in order to improve
financial access in the economy. They also compare
specific aspects of the Indian financial system with that
of the United Kingdom, Brazil, and China.
** Financial services industry -- India 2. Finance --
13 Godley ,Wynne
Monetary economics :an integrated approach to credit,
money, income, production and wealth / Wynne Godley and
Marc Lavoie.--2nd ed-- New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012
xlvi, 530p. 23 cm.
ISBN : 9780230301849.
332.4 GOD 135504
Introduces a different methodology for studying how it is
institutions which create flows of income, expenditure
and production together with stocks of assets (including
money) and liabilities, thereby determining how whole
economies evolve through time. This book describes simple
Stock Flow Consistent (SFC) models, as well as complex
** Money 2. Economics -- Mathematical models
14 Lees, Francis A
Financial exchanges : a comparative approach / Francis A
Lees.-- New York: Routledge, 2012.
ISBN : 9780415892445.
332.64 LEE 135522
Financial Exchanges: A Comparative Approach offers an in-
depth analysis of this sector. Surveying thirty different
financial exchanges, including stock, derivative,
commodity and offshore exchanges, this book examines the
challenges they face and the ways in which they are
adapting. The book includes a pertinent chapter on the
dominance of derivatives, examining a number of
derivative exchanges in detail. Taking in a host of
international exchange powerhouses, including those in
Hong Kong, Shanghai, London, New York and the Persian
Gulf, this book will benefit students taking courses on
financial markets and institutions, as well as
professionals interested in international financial
** Stock exchanges 2. Capital market 3. International
Top |
15 Katada, Saori N (ed)
The Global economic crisis and East Asian regionalism /
Saori N Katada.-- London: Routledge, 2012.
ISBN : 9780415525800.
337.15 KAT 135533
Regional cooperation in East Asia on various issue areas,
such as emergency liquidity mechanisms in finance, the
exponential growth of free trade agreements and policy
coordination on the environment and public health,
developed rapidly after the Asian Financial Crisis. A
decade later, the global financial crisis offered a new
opportunity for the nascent regional cooperation
mechanisms to acquire new depth and meaning - this time,
however, in a very different context due to the
unfaltering rise of China. This volume not only offers
one of the first assessments of how the global economic
crisis has affected the prospects for regional
integration in East Asia, but it also addresses a number
of long-standing debates of interest to East Asian
specialists, economists and policymakers.
** Regionalism -- East Asia 2. Global Financial Crisis,
2008-2009 3. East Asia -- Economic conditions -- 21st
Top |
16 Ghani, Ejaz (ed)
The service revolution in South Asia / Ejaz Ghani.-- New
Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2010.
xvii, 382p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780198065111.
338.40954 GHA 135551
Contributed articles on service industries and their
trade aspects in South Asia.
** Service industries -- South Asia 2. Service industries
-- Economic aspects -- South Asia 3. South Asia --
Economic conditions
Top |
17 Shukla,Rajesh
Caste in a different mould : understanding the
discrimination / Rajesh Shukla, Sunil Jain, Preeti Kakkar
-- New Delhi: BS Books, 2010.
215p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9788190573597.
339.20954 SHU 135606
The principle aim of the book is to anchor all debate on
caste/religion-based affirmative action in data. And, as
such, it is the first definitive income -based analysis of
caste/religious groups in the country.
** Income distribution--India. 2.Saving and investment--
India. 3. Consumption (Economics)--India. 4. Income
distribution--India--Statistics. 5. Saving and investment
-India--Statistics. 6. Consumption (Economics)--India--
18 Trentmann, Frank (ed)
The Oxford handbook of the history of consumption / Frank
Trentmann.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
xvii, 695p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780199561216.
339.4709 TRE 135549
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Consumption offers
a timely overview of how our understanding of consumption
in history has changed in the last generation.
** Consumption (Economics) 2. Consumers 3. Consumer
Top |
19 Govindaraj, V C
The conflict of laws in India : inter-territorial and
inter-personal conflict / V C Govindaraj.-- New Delhi:
Oxford University Press, 2011.
xx, 433p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780198069522.
340.90954 GOV 135544
This book is a detailed and up-to-date study of conflict
of laws and focuses on its three main areas- the law of
obligations, law of property, and law of persons. The
book provides fresh perspectives on the subject and
analyses its significance in the dynamic contemporary
world. The work not only lucidly examines the inter-
territorial conflicts but also lays a special emphasis on
inter-personal disputes in the Indian context. The work
also evaluates the role of various international
instruments and conventions including The Hague
Convention on private international law designed to
resolve international conflicts. The book also discusses
critical issues such as habitual residence, domicile, and
obligations for shaping foreign contracts and torts.
** Conflict of laws -- India 2. Conflict of laws -- India
-- Cases
Top |
20 Miller, Peter
Governing the present : administering economic, social
and personal life / Peter Miller and Nikolas Rose.--
Cambridge: Polity, 2008. vii,245p.24cm.
ISBN : 9780745641010.
361.61 MIL 135514
This volume brings together for the first time key papers
from the the work of influential social theorists Peter
Miller and Nikolas Rose, including those that set out the
basic frameworks, concepts and ethos of their approach to
the analysis of political power and the state.
** Economic policy 2. Social policy
Top |
21 Hasan, Zoya (ed)
Equalizing access : affirmative action in higher
education in India, United States, and South Africa /
Zoya Hasan and Martha C Nussbaum.-- New Delhi: Oxford
University Press, 2012.
xii, 273p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9780198075059.
379.26 HAS 135545
Papers presented at a conference on -Affirmative action
in higher education in India, United States, and South
Africa-, held at New Delhi in March 2008.
** Affirmative action programs in education -- India 2.
Affirmative action programs in education -- United States
3. Affirmative action programs in education -- South
Top |
22 Stedall, Jacqueline
The history of mathematics : a very short introduction /
Jacqueline Stedall.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press,
xvii, 123p. 17cm.
ISBN : 9780199599684.
510.9 STE 135547
In this Very Short Introduction, Jacqueline Stedall
explores the rich historical and cultural diversity of
mathematical endeavour from the distant past to the
present day, using illustrative case studies drawn from a
range of times and places, including early imperial
China, the medieval Islamic world, and nineteenth-century
** Mathematics -- History
Top |
23 Albert, Jim
R by example / Jim Albert and Maria Rizzo.-- New York:
Springer, 2012.
xiii, 359p.25cm.
ISBN : 9781461413646.
519.50285555 ALB 135507
R by Example is an example-based introduction to the
statistical computing environment that does not assume
any previous familiarity with R or other software
packages. R functions are presented in the context of
interesting applications with real data. The purpose of
this book is to illustrate a range of statistical and
probability computations using R for people who are
learning, teaching, or using statistics. Specifically,
this book is written for users who have covered at least
the equivalent of (or are currently studying)
undergraduate level calculus-based courses in statistics.
These users are learning or applying exploratory and
inferential methods for analyzing data and this book is
intended to be a useful resource for learning how to
implement these procedures in R.
** R (Computer program language) 2. Mathematical
statistics -- Computer programs. 3. Statistics 4.
Mathematical statistics- Data processing
24 Buuren, Stef van
Flexible imputation of missing data / Stef van Buuren.--
Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2012.
ISBN : 9781439868249.
519.535 BUU 135530
Missing data form a problem in every scientific
discipline, yet the techniques required to handle them
are complicated and often lacking. One of the great ideas
in statistical science-multiple imputation-fills gaps in
the data with plausible values, the uncertainty of which
is coded in the data itself. It also solves other
problems, many of which are missing data problems in
disguise. Flexible Imputation of Missing Data is supported
by many examples using real data taken from the author-s
vast experience of collaborative research, and presents a
practical guide for handling missing data under the
framework of multiple imputation. This graduate-tested
book avoids mathematical and technical details as much as
possible: formulas are accompanied by a verbal statement
that explains the formula in layperson terms.
** Multivariate analysis 2. Multiple imputation
(Statistics) 3. Missing observations (Statistics)
25 Montgomery, Douglas C
Introduction to linear regression analysis / Douglas C
Montgomery, Elizabeth A Peck and G Geoffrey Vining.--5th
ed-- Hoboken: Wiley, 2012.
xvi, 645p. 27 cm.
ISBN : 9780470542811.
519.536 MON 135536
Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis, Fifth Edition
continues to present both the conventional and less
common uses of linear regression in today-s cutting-edge
scientific research. The authors blend both theory and
application to equip readers with an understanding of the
basic principles needed to apply regression model-
building techniques in various fields of study, including
engineering, management, and the health sciences.
** Regression analysis 2. Linear regression analysis
26 O-Gorman, Thomas W
Adaptive tests of significance using permutations of
residuals with R and SAS / Thomas W O-Gorman.-- Hoboken:
Wiley, 2012.
ISBN : 9780470922255.
519.536 OGO 135526
This book successfully introduces readers to the theory
and applicability of adaptive tests, reviews the main
contributions in the field, and provides readers with the
tools needed to implement the statistical methodology. It
focuses on adaptive tests of significance, which are more
powerful than traditional tests.
** Regression analysis 2. Computer adaptive testing 3. R
(Computer program language) 4. MATHEMATICS / Probability
and Statistics / Regression Analysis 5. SAS (Computer file)
Top |
27 Chiles, Jean-Paul
Geostatistics :modeling spatial uncertainty / Jean-Paul
Chiles and Pierre Delfiner.--2nd ed-- Hoboken: Wiley,
ISBN : 9780470183151.
550.72 CHI 135532
This book deals with statistical models used to describe
natural variables distributed in space or in time and
space. It takes a practical, unified approach to
geostatistics-integrating statistical data with physical
equations and geological concepts while stressing the
importance of an objective description based on empirical
evidence. This unique approach facilitates realistic
modeling that accounts for the complexity of natural
phenomena and helps solve economic and development
problems-in mining, oil exploration, environmental
engineering, and other real-world situations involving
spatial uncertainty.
** Earth sciences -- Statistical methods
Top |
28 Slack, Jonathan
Stem cells : a very short introduction / Jonathan Slack.-
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012.
xiv, 130p. 17cm.
ISBN : 9780199603381.
571.6 SLA 135552
In this Very Short Introduction, Jonathan Slack
introduces us to stem cells--explaining what they are,
what scientists do with them, why they are important,
what stem therapies are available and how they might be
used in the future.
** Stem Cells 2. Stem Cell Transplantation
Top |
29 Jalilvand, Abol (ed)
Risk management and corporate governance / Abol Jalilvand
and A G Malliaris.-- New York: Routledge, 2012.
ISBN : 9780415879705.
658.155 JAL 135520
Risk Management and Corporate Governance allows academics
and practitioners to assess the state of international
research in risk management and corporate governance. The
chapters overlay the areas of risk management and
corporate governance on both financial and operating
decisions of a firm while treating legal and political
environments as externalities to decisions undertaken.
** Risk management 2. Corporate governance
30 Lee, Monica (ed)
Human resource development as we know it : speeches that
have shaped the field / Monica Lee.-- New York: Routledge
, 2012. xx, 360p.24cm.
ISBN : 9780415896184.
658.3 LEE 135523
Many people link memorable keynote speeches to changes in
their research, practice, career path or even life view.
Good keynote speeches are a forthright statement of the
expert-s view and thus are often not published. Now that
HRD is maturing there is a need to recapture some of
those earlier moments - both as a form of archive, and
also to shed light on the path that has been
followed. Twenty-two speeches seminal to the field of HRD
are included in this volume. These speeches are
milestones along the path of the development of the field
as well as reconstructing their speech, the contributors
have also located it within the time it was given and
commented on how the field has developed since. This book
is a resource, not only as an archive and for those who
wish to relive their pivotal moments, but also for anyone
interested in the development of HRD as a discipline.
** Human capital 2. Personnel management 3. Speeches,
addresses, etc
31 Moss, Gloria (ed)
Lessons on profiting from diversity / Gloria Moss.--
Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
ISBN : 9780230250208.
658.3008 MOS 135537
Shows the strong business case for diversity and the
deleterious effects of not allowing diversity to take
root in organizations by providing a fascinating insight
into the case for gender diversity in the professional
services, marketing and digital arenas, and the way in
which a diversity mindset can be fostered in
** Diversity in the workplace 2. Diversity in the
workplace -- Economic aspects
32 Duhaime,Irene M
Strategic thinking : today-s business imperative / Irene
M Duhaime, Larry Stimpert and Julie A Chesley.-- New York
: Routledge, 2012.
ISBN : 9780415875035.
658.4012 DUH 135521
There are many strategy books available in the
marketplace for today-s student or business professional,
most of them view strategy from the 10,000 foot level,
while Strategic Thinking looks at this important business
topic through a different lens. Written from the
perspective of a manager, this book builds on theories of
managerial and organizational cognition that have had a
powerful influence on many business fields over the last
two decades. As other books on business policy and
strategy cover a broad range of topics, models,
frameworks, and theories, the unique feature of this book
is that it covers all this, but also focuses on how
managers of business firms understand their business
environments, assess and marshal their firms- resources,
and strive for advantage in the competitive marketplace.
** Strategic planning 2. Decision making
33 Harrington ,H James
The organizational master plan handbook : a catalyst for
performance planning and results / H James Harrington and
Frank Voehl.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2012.
ISBN : 9781439878774.
658.4012 HAR 135519
For visionary leaders, an Organizational Master Plan and
associated technologies have become essential components
of strategic decision making. Written for leaders,
planners, consultants, and change agents, The
Organizational Master Plan Handbook: A Catalyst for
Performance Planning and Results explains how to merge
the four planning activities that compose the
Organizational Master Plan to manage, improve, and
maximize organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
** Strategic planning 2. Business planning
34 Bodde, David L (ed)
Chance and intent :managing the risks of innovation and
entrepreneurship / David L Bodde and Caron H St John.--
New York: Routledge, 2012.
xiii, 154p. 26 cm.
ISBN : 9780415877619.
658.421 BOD 135527
A compact and readable book will help executives,
entrepreneurs, and venture investors learn to search out
and plan for those enterprise hazards that reside outside
the bell curve, the conventional domain of risk:
uncertainty, ambiguity, and ignorance. This edited volume
emphasizes practical strategies for understanding and
managing the hazards of the new venture in light of
recent research. It will help corporate innovators,
entrepreneurs, and investors employ a wider spectrum of
risk management strategies than is now possible.
** Entrepreneurship 2. New business enterprises --
Management 3. Risk management
35 Stryker, Steven C
A guide to successful consulting with forms, letters and
checklists / Steven C Stryker.-- Lanham: Government
Institutes, 2012.
ISBN : 9781605907291.
658.460973 STR 135535
This book describes, through a comprehensive approach that
unites theory and practice, consulting principles for all
those wishing to expand their abilities to initiate and
implement organizational change.
** Consultants 2. United States - Consultancy services -
36 Samsonowa, Tatjana
Industrial research performance management : key
performance indicators in the ICT industry / Tatjana
Samsonowa.-- Berlin: Physica-Verlag, 2012.
ISBN : 9783790827613.
658.57 SAM 135525
Managers are increasingly concerned with the typical
methods available for organizational performance
measurement and control. This title addresses such
questions as: Which research goals do research
departments have? Which key performance indicators KPIs
do they use to monitor the achievement of these goals?
And, more.
** Information technology - Management 2. Research,
Industrial - Management 3. Performance -- Management
Top |
37 Bell, Judy
Silent selling :best practices and effective strategies
in visual merchandising / Judy Bell and Kate Ternus.--4th
ed-- New York: Fairchild Books, 2012.
ISBN : 9781609011536.
687.0688 BEL 135509
Capturing the direction in which today-s retail industry
is moving, this text leads students beyond the basics of
visual merchandising, demonstrating the new techniques
which are being used in order to create and deliver
professional-quality presentations.
** Display of merchandise 2. Fashion merchandising
Top |
38 Desbordes, Michel (ed)
Global sport marketing :contemporary issues and practice
/ Michel Desbordes and Andre Richelieu.-- London:
Routledge, 2012.
ISBN : 9780415507202.
796.0688 DES 135534
The book surveys current trends, issues and best practice
in international sport marketing, providing a useful
blend of contemporary theory and case studies from the
Americas, Europe and Asia. It assesses the impact of
globalization on teams, leagues, players, sponsors and
equipment manufacturers, and highlights the central
significance of culture on the development of effective
marketing strategy. Global Sport Marketing is key reading
for any advanced student, researcher or practitioner
working in sport marketing or sport business.
** Sports -- Marketing -- Cross-cultural studies 2.
Sports and globalization -- Cross-cultural studies 3.
Sports -- Economic aspects -- Cross-cultural studies
Top |
39 Hainsworth, Peter
Italian literature : a very short introduction / Peter
Hainsworth and David Robey.-- Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2012.
xiv, 128p. 17cm.
ISBN : 9780199231799.
850.9 HAI 135548
In this Very Short Introduction to Italian Literature,
Peter Hainsworth and David Robey examine Italian
literature from the Middle Ages up to the present day,
looking at themes and issues which have recurred
throughout its history and continue to be of importance
** Italian literature -- History and criticism
Top |
40 Hiranandani, Popati
The pages of my life : autobiography and selected stories
/ Popati Hiranandani.-- New Delhi: Oxford University
Press, 2010.
cv, 179p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780198066941.
891.41371 HIR 135550
Popati Hiranandani presents the journey of her life as a
region-less, community-less, displaced woman. Caught in
the complex web of pre- and post-Partition realities,
Hiranandani-s works unveil the painful negotiations of
her womanhood as she tries to find a home as a first
generation immigrant in Mumbai in India.
** Hiranandani, Popati 2. Authors, Sindhi -- 20th century
-- Biography ,
Top |
41 Nichols,Robert
A history of Pashtun migration, 1775-2006 / Robert
Nichols.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
xv, 266 p. 23 cm.
ISBN : 9780195476002.
909.0491593 NIC 135556
This interregional history of South Asian and Indian
Ocean migration in the modern period from 1775 to 2006
follows Pashtun individuals and communities as they left
homelands and responded to colonial and post-colonial
opportunities and challenges in eighteenth century
Rohilkhand, nineteenth century northern India and
Hyderabad, Pakistan after 1947, and the modern,
globalizing Gulf region.
** Pushtuns -- Pakistan -- North-west Frontier Province -
Emigration and immigration 2. Pushtuns -- Pakistan --
Federally Administered Tribal Areas -- Emigration and
immigration 3. Pushtuns -- Afghanistan -- Emigration and
immigration 4. Pushtuns -- Pakistan -- North-west
Frontier Province -- History 5. Pushtuns -- Pakistan --
Federally Administered Tribal Areas -- History 6.
Pushtuns -- Afghanistan -- History ,
Top |
42 Sigala, Marianna (ed)
Social media in travel, tourism and hospitality : theory,
practice and cases / Marianna Sigala, Evangelos Christou
and Ulrike Gretzel.-- Surrey: Ashgate, 2012.
xxii, 316p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781409420910.
910.688 SIG 135610
Presenting cutting-edge theory, research and case studies
investigating the web 2.0 applications and tools that
transform the role and behaviour of the new generation of
travelers, this book also examine the ways in which firms
reengineer and implement their business models and
** Tourism -- Social aspects 2. Hospitality industry --
Social aspects 3. Social media
Top |
43 Lambert-Hurley, Siobhan
Atiya-s journeys : a Muslim woman from colonial Bombay to
Edwardian Britain / Siobhan Lambert-Hurley and Sunil
Sharma.-- New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2010.
xv, 307p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780198068334.
941.0823092 ATI 135543
This is the original English translation of the first
Indian Muslim woman-s experiences in the West. Presented
with annotations and forty-eight visuals, it provides a
panoramic account of everyday life, subaltern classes,
intellectuals and elites in Britain.
** Fyzee-Rahamin, Atiya Begum, 1876-1967 -- Travel --
Great Britain 2. Muslim women -- Travel -- Great Britain
3. Great Britain -- History -- Edward VII, 1901-1910 4.
Great Britain -- Description and travel
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44 Jinnah,Mohammad Ali
The charismatic leader :Quaid-I-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah
and the creation of Pakistan / Mohammad Ali
Jinnah,Sikandar Hayat.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press,
386 p. 24 cm.
ISBN : 9780195474756.
954.9042092 JIN 135553
Hayat tells the story of Quaid-i-Azam Mohammad Ali
Jinnah, who emerged as the leader of the Muslims in
British India between 1937-47. They faced a distressful
situation as India advanced towards freedom. Jinnah came
to their rescue, showed them a way out in a separate
homeland of Pakistan, and led them in their struggle for
freedom and independence.
** Jinnah, Mahomed Ali, 1876-1948 2. Statesmen --
Pakistan -- Biography 3. Pakistan movement -- History 4.
India -- Politics and government -- 1919-1947
45 Craig Baxter
Diaries of field marshal Mohammad Ayub Khan, 1966-1972 /
Mohammad Ayub Khan.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press,
x, 599 p. 26 cm.
ISBN : 9780195474428.
954.9104092 KHA 135554
Field Marshal Ayub Khan kept his diary from September
1966 to October 1972, a very active period in Pakistan-s
history. Ayub-s diary presents his views and
interpretations of the events of the period for which it
was kept. This title offers a means to understand the
views of Ayub. It is intended for those studying the
** Ayub Khan, Mohammad, 1907-1974 -- Diaries 2. Heads of
state -- Pakistan -- Diaries 3. Pakistan -- History,
Military -- 20th century 4. Pakistan -- Politics and
government -- 20th century
46 Khan,Gohar Ayub
Glimpses into the corridors of power / Gohar Ayub Khan.--
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
viii, 354 p. 25 cm.
ISBN : 9780195473544.
954.9105092 KHA 135555
The author, being the son of Pakistan-s first military
dictator, Mohammad Ayub Khan, offers an insider-s view of
people and events that directly and deeply affected the
course of Pakistan-s unsteady political history. Gohar
Ayub was himself politically active, winning a National
Assembly seat six times over the years. He was nominated
speaker 1990 and Foreign Minister in 1997. During his
tenure, Pakistan exploded the nuclear bomb in May 1998.
He is presently Senior Vice President of the Pakistan
Muslim League.
** Khan, Gohar Ayub, 1937- 2. Politicians -- Pakistan --
Biography 3. Pakistan -- Politics and government
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