New Arrivals
1 Angelsen, Arild (ed)
Measuring livelihoods and environmental dependence :
methods for research and fieldwork / Arild Angelsen [et
al.]-- London: Earthscan, 2011.
xvii, 263p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781849711333.
001.433 ANG 135494
Describes how to do a better job when designing and
implementing household and village surveys for
quantitative assessment of rural livelihoods in
developing countries. This book draws on the experiences
from a large global-comparative project, the Poverty
Environment Network (PEN), to develop robust and
validated methods.
** Household surveys -- Developing countries --
Methodology 2. Questionnaires -- Developing countries --
Methodology 3. Rural poor -- Developing countries 4.Rural
development -- Environmental aspects -- Developing
countries 5. Developing countries -- Rural conditions
Top |
2 Williams, Graham
Data mining with rattle and R : the art of excavating
data for knowledge discovery / Graham Williams.-- New
York: Springer, 2011.
xx, 374p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781441998897.
006.312 WIL 135568
Data mining is the art and science of intelligent data
analysis. By building knowledge from information, data
mining adds considerable value to the ever increasing
stores of electronic data that abound today. In
performing data mining many decisions need to be made
regarding the choice of methodology, the choice of data,
the choice of tools, and the choice of algorithms.
Throughout this book the reader is introduced to the
basic concepts and some of the more popular algorithms of
data mining. With a focus on the hands-on end-to-end
process for data mining, Williams guides the reader
through various capabilities of the easy to use, free,
and open source Rattle Data Mining Software built on the
sophisticated R Statistical Software. The focus on doing
data mining rather than just reading about data mining is
** Data mining 2. R (Computer program language) 3.
Electronic commerce 4. Computer algorithms 5. Data mining
-- Computer programs
Top |
3 Price, Leah
How to do things with books in Victorian Britain / Leah
Price.-- Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012.
ISBN : 9780691114170.
028.9094109034 PRI 135516
When did the coffee-table book become an object of scorn?
Why did law courts forbid witnesses to kiss the Bible?
This title asks how our culture came to frown on using
books for any purpose other than reading. Showing how
Victorians thought and felt about books, it offers a
model for integrating literary theory with cultural
** Books and reading -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th
century 2.Books -- Great Britain -- Psychological aspects
-- History -- 19th century 3. Books -- Social aspects --
Great Britain -- History -- 19th century 4. Book
industries and trade -- Great Britain -- History -- 19th
century 5. English fiction -- 19th century -- History and
criticism 6. Books and reading in literature 7. Books in
Top |
4 Riegel, Klaus F
The Developing individual in a changing world :
historical and cultural issues / Klaus F Riegel and John
A Meacham.-- New Brunswick: Aldine Transaction, 2008.
v.1, 22cm.
ISBN : 9780202361291.
155 RIE 135489,vol. 1
It examines the problems of behavioral development from
historical, political, theoretical, and cultural points of
** Developmental psychology - Congresses 2.Social
psychology - Congresses 3.Behavior
5 Naveh-Benjamin, Moshe (ed)
Memory and aging : current issues and future directions /
Moshe Naveh-Benjamin and Nobuo Ohta.-- New York:
Psychology Press, 2012.
xii, 427p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781848729186.
155.6713 NAV 135563
Current demographical patterns predict an aging worldwide
population. This volume represents the latest
psychological research on different aspects of age-
related changes in memory. Written by a group of leading
international researchers, its chapters cover a broad
array of issues concerning the changes that occur in
memory as people grow older, including the mechanisms and
processes underlying these age-related memory changes,
how these changes interact with social and cultural
environments, and potential programs intended to increase
memory performance in old age. Similarly, the chapters
draw upon diverse methodological approaches, including
cross-cultural extreme group experimental designs,
longitudinal designs assessing intra-participant change,
and computational approaches and neuroimaging assessment.
** Memory -- Age factors 2. Aging 3. Memory
Top |
6 Yin, Robert K
Case study research - design and methods / Robert K Yin.-
4th ed-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2009.
xiv, 219p. 22cm.
(Applied social research methods series,5).
ISBN : 9781412960991.
300.722 YIN 135591,vol. 5, 135600-135603,vol.
Written to augment the author-s -Case Study Research-,
the new edition of this applications book presents or
discusses new case studies from a wide array of topics
offering a variety of examples or applications of case
study research methods.
** Social sciences -- Methodology 2. Case method 3.
Case studies
Top |
7 Ingold, Tim
The Perception of the environment : essays on livelihood,
dwelling and skill / Tim Ingold.-- New York: Routledge,
ISBN : 9780415228312.
301.01 ING 135565
In this work Tim Ingold offers a persuasive approach to
understanding how human beings perceive their
surroundings. He argues that what we are used to calling
cultural variation consists, in the first place, of
variations in skill. They are thus as much biological as
cultural. The twenty-three essays comprising this book
focus in turn on the procurement of livelihood, on what
it means to -dwell-, and on the nature of skill, weaving
together approaches from social anthropology, ecological
psychology, developmental biology and phenomenology in a
way that has never been attempted before. The book is set
to revolutionise the way we think about what is
-biological- and -cultural- in humans, about evolution
and history, and indeed about what it means for human
beings - at once organisms and persons - to inhabit an
** Anthropology -- Philosophy 2. Human ecology --
Philosophy 3. Psychology 4. Social evolution
Top |
8 Brinol, Pablo (ed)
Social metacognition / Pablo Brinol and Kenneth G
DeMarree.-- New York: Psychology Press, 2012.
xv, 368p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781848728844.
302 BRI 135560
Metacognition refers to thinking about our own thinking.
It has assumed a prominent role in social judgment
because our thoughts about our thoughts can magnify,
attenuate, or even reverse the impact of primary
cognition. Metacognitive thoughts can also produce
changes in thought, feeling, and behavior, and thus are
critical for a complete understanding of human social
behavior.The present volume presents the most important
and advanced research areas in social psychology where
the role of metacognition has been studied. Specifically,
the chapters of this book are organized into four
substantive content areas: Attitudes and Decision Making,
Self and Identity, Experiential, and Interpersonal. This
book also emphasizes interpersonal aspects of
metacognition as they play an essential role in close
relationships, groups, consumer and clinical
** Metacognition 2. Social psychology
9 Lin, Yi
Systemic structure behind human organizations :from
civilizations to individuals / Yi Lin and Bailey Forrest.
-- New York: Springer, 2012.
ISBN : 9781461423102.
302.35 LIN 135512
This book shows how the systemic yoyo model can be used
to study human organizations at three levels:
civilizations, business enterprises and individuals. The
author creates a uniform language and logic of reasoning,
with vivid examples and convincing results.
** Organizational sociology
Top |
10 Ferguson, Yale H
Globalization : the return of borders to a borderless
world? / Yale H Ferguson and Richard W Mansbach.-- London
: Routledge, 2012.
xi, 316p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415521970.
303.482 FER 135492
Written by two leading scholars of global politics,
Globalization: the return of borders to a borderless
world? is a major new book for students of globalization.
It describes and explains globalization and its origins,
and examines its future in light of key recent political
and global trends and events.
** Globalization -- Textbooks 2.Globalization -- History
- Textbooks
Top |
11 Ploeg, Jan Douwe van der
The New peasantries : struggles for autonomy and
sustainability in an era of empire and globalization /
Jan Douwe van der Ploeg.-- London: Earthscan, 2008.
xx, 356p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781844075584.
305.5633 PLO 135495
This book explores the position, role and significance of
the peasantry in an era of globalization, particularly of
the agrarian markets and food industries. It argues that
the peasant condition is characterized by a struggle for
autonomy that finds expression in the creation and
development of a self-governed resource base and
associated forms of sustainable development. The author
demonstrates that the peasantries are far from waning.
Instead, both industrialized and developing countries are
witnessing complex and richly chequered processes of -re-
peasantization-, with peasants now numbering over a
billion worldwide. The book combines and integrates
different bodies of literature: the rich traditions of
peasant studies, development sociology, rural sociology,
neo-institutional economics and the recently emerging
debates on Empire.
** Peasantry 2. Agricultural systems
Top |
12 Castle, Jennifer L (ed)
The Methodology and practice of econometrics :a
festschrift in honour of David F Hendry / Jennifer L
Castle and Neil Shephard.-- Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2009.
ISBN : 9780199237197.
330.015195 CAS 135503
Building upon, and celebrating the work of David Hendry,
this volume consists of a number of specially
commissioned pieces from some of the leading
econometricians in the world. It reflects on the recent
advances in econometrics and considers the future
progress for the methodology of econometrics.
** Econometrics 2.Econometric models 3.Econometrics --
Top |
13 Biyani, Kishore
It happened in India : the story of Pantaloons, Big
Bazaar, Central and the great Indian consumer / Kishore
Biyani,Dipayan Baishya.-- New Delhi: Rupa Publications,
xii, 268p. 20cm.
ISBN : 9788129111371.
338.04092 BIY 135632
Autobiography of an Indian entrepreneur who
revolutionized retail trade in India.
** Biyani, Kishore 2. Businesspeople -- India --
Biography 3. Entrepreneurship
14 Noronha, Ernesto
Ethnicity in industrial organizations : case of two
organizations in Mumbai / Ernesto Noronha.-- Jaipur:
Rawat Publications, 2005.
192p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788170339243.
338.0954792 NOR 135349
This book examines the dynamics of ethnicity at the
workplace-an issue that has been largely ignored in the
Indian context.
** Industrialization -- India -- Bombay -- Social aspects
2. Ethnicity -- India -- Bombay
15 Patchell, Jerry
The territorial organization of variety :cooperation and
competition in Bordeaux, Napa and Chianti Classico /
Jerry Patchell.-- Surrey: Ashgate, 2011.
ISBN : 9781409411451.
338.476632 PAT 135510
The wine industry appears to be an anomaly within the
modern global economy. Thousands of small companies
provide a vast variety of highly differentiated products
and compete successfully with multinational corporations.
Using case studies from Bordeaux, Napa Valley and Chianti
Classico, this book argues that rather than being a
vestige or a serendipitous phenomenon, this variety
results from a sophisticated alternative organization of
production. Integrating differentiation and branding into
Ostrom-s common pool resource theory, Jerry Patchell
shows how winegrowers in a territory can use self-
governance to protect and promote their common reputation
while enhancing each producer-s ability to differentiate
their wines and build their own brand.
** Wine industry 2. Vintners 3. BUSINESS and ECONOMICS /
Industries / Service
16 Bailey, David (ed)
Industrial policy beyond the crisis :regional, national
and international perspectives / David Bailey ,Helena
Lenihan,Josep-Maria Arauzo-Carod.-- London: Routledge,
xiii, 183p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415685061.
338.9 BAI 135562
After years of official disrepute, industrial policy (IP)
is back in vogue at regional, national and international
levels driven by concerns over competitiveness,
globalization, de-industrialization, unemployment and the
comparatively slow growth of the EU economy especially in
this post-recession phase. This also suggests an
accompanying need for greater economic diversity so as to
avoid over-dependencies on certain sectors, and a better
balance of ownerships forms. But what should be the shape
of IP in the wake of the crisis and how can IP rebalance
economies, help support sustainable development and
catalyse new technologies and innovations whilst learning
lessons from past experience and debate? This edited
volume examines these questions through a wide range of
diverse contributions from expert international authors.
** Industrial policy 2. Global Financial Crisis, 2008-
17 Brinkerhoff, Jennifer M (ed)
Diasporas and development : exploring the potential /
Jennifer M Brinkerhoff.-- Boulder: Lynne Rienner
Publishers, 2008.
ix, 270p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781588266033.
338.9 BRI 135490
For some time in diaspora studies, attention to
remittances has overshadowed the growing impact of
emigrant groups both within the social and political
arenas in their homelands and with regard to fundamental
economic development. The authors of Diasporas and
Development redress this imbalance, focusing on three
core issues: the responses of diasporas to homeland
conflicts, strategies for mobilizing effective homeland
investment, and the positive role of direct diaspora
participation in development efforts." "The book combines
detailed case studies with theoretical frameworks to
provide a valuable foundation for further research.
** Emigration and immigration -- Economic aspects 2.
Emigrant remittances 3. Immigrants 4. Economic
Top |
18 Tovey, Wade (ed)
The Post-qualifying handbook for social workers / Wade
Tovey.-- London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2007.
296p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781843104285.
361.3 TOV 135497
This handbook provides guidance for all practicing social
work professionals, and the staff who support them, on
the post-qualifying (PQ) framework for social workers.
The book introduces the framework and outlines how post-
qualification accreditation and professional registration
affect social workers. Covering the theory and practice
of social work, the Handbook provides a set of tools and
resources that enable social workers to develop their
practice while coping with the demands of operational
duties. Tackling the increased post-qualification
training necessitated by the new framework, this handbook
contains resources and materials to help practitioners
continue their own professional development. This
definitive guide is an invaluable resource for all
practising qualified social workers, students and
trainers, and educators.
** Social service -- Handbooks, manuals, etc 2. Social
Top |
19 Sundar,Ramamani
The burden of ill health among the urban poor : the case
of slums and resettlement colonies in Chennai and Delhi /
Ramamani Sundar, Ajay S Mahal, Abhilasha Sharma.-- New
Delhi: National Council of Applied Economic Research,
xiii, 116 p.27 cm.
ISBN : 8185877947.
362.108694 SUN 135604
This study focuses on enhancing information about the
health problems of the urban poor ,their access to
treatment and the type of treatment sought ,public
versus private care, and gender differences in health
seeking behaviour.
** Urban poor -- Medical care -- India -- Madras 2. Slums
-- India -- Madras 3.Urban poor -- Medical care -- India
- Delhi 4. Slums -- India -- Delhi 5. Madras (India) --
Economic conditions 6. Delhi (India) -- Economic
20 Pati, Biswamoy (ed)
The Social history of health and medicine in colonial
India / Biswamoy Pati and Mark Harrison.-- Delhi: Primus
Books, 2011.
xii, 241p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9789380607122.
362.10954 PAT 135483
Analyses the diverse facets of the social history of
health and medicine in colonial India. This book explores
a set of themes that capture the diversities of India,
such as public health, medical institutions, mental
illness and the politics and economics of colonialism.
** Medicine -- India -- History 2. Social medicine --
India -- History 3. Public health -- India -- History
Top |
21 Vogel, David
The politics of precaution :regulating health, safety and
environmental risks in Europe and the United States /
David Vogel.-- Princeton: Princeton University Press,
ISBN : 9780691124162.
363.10094 VOG 135517
The Politics of Precaution examines the politics of
consumer and environmental risk regulation in the United
States and Europe over the last five decades, explaining
why America and Europe have often regulated a wide range
of similar risks differently. It finds that between 1960
and 1990, American health, safety, and environmental
regulations were more stringent, risk averse,
comprehensive, and innovative than those adopted in
Europe. But since around 1990, the book shows, global
regulatory leadership has shifted to Europe. Vogel
explores how policymakers in Europe have grown supportive
of more stringent regulations while those in the United
States have become sharply polarized along partisan
** Consumer protection -- Europe 2. Consumer protection -
United States 3. Safety regulations -- Europe 4. Safety
regulations -- United States 5. Public health laws --
Europe 6. Public health laws -- United States 7.
Environmental policy -- Europe 8. Environmental policy --
United States
22 Ball, Kirstie (ed)
Routledge handbook of surveillance studies / Kirstie
Ball, Kevin D Haggerty and David Lyon.-- London:
Routledge, 2012.
xxxi, 437p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415588836.
363.232 BAL 135498
Surveillance is a central organizing practice. Gathering
personal data and processing them in searchable databases
drives administrative efficiency but also raises
questions about security, governance, civil liberties and
privacy. Surveillance is both globalize in cooperative
schemes, such as sharing biometric data, and localized in
the daily minutiae of social life. This
innovative Handbook explores the empirical, theoretical
and ethical issues around surveillance and its use in
daily life. The Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies
is an international, accessible, definitive and
comprehensive overview of the rapidly growing multi-
disciplinary field of surveillance studies. The
Handbook-s direct, authoritative style will appeal to a
wide range of scholars and students in the social
sciences, arts and humanities.
** Privacy, Right of 2. Electronic surveillance -- Social
aspects 3. Information technology -- Social aspects 4.
Social control
23 Gopakumar, Govind
Transforming urban water supplies in India : the role of
reform and partnerships in globalization / Govind
Gopakumar.-- London: Routledge, 2012.
xv, 162p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415670678.
363.610954 GOP 135501
This book is a unique study of the politics of water
supply infrastructures in three metropolitan cities in
contemporary India - Bangalore, Chennai and Kochi. It
examines the process of change in water supply
infrastructure initiated by notable Public Private
Partnership-s efforts in these three cities to reveal the
complexity of state-society relations in India at
multiple levels - at the state, city and neighbourhood
levels. Using a comparative methodology, the book
develops as understanding of the changes in the
production of reform water policy in contemporary India
and its reception at the sub-national (state) level. The
book is a useful contribution to studies on Urban
Development and South Asian Politics.
** Water resources development -- India 2. Water-supply -
Government policy -- India
Top |
24 Seshan, Radhika
Trade and politics on the coromandel coast : seventeenth
and early eighteenth centuries / Radhika Seshan.-- Delhi:
Primus Books, 2012.
137p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9789380607252.
382.095482 SES 135485
This work is a study of the connections between trade and
politics in the Coromandel Coast in the seventeenth and
eighteenth centuries, with special focus on Madras. It
questions the largely uncontested view that trade and
traders in pre-modern India were disconnected from the
world of politics and the state, arguing instead that
south Indian merchants depended on, and functioned within
the structures and the stability provided by the state.
Situated within the larger historical context of the
trading world of the Coromandel Coast, this regional
history challenges accepted notions about the place of
merchants and the state, and through a detailed economic
history, sheds new light on the political and
transitional nature of the period.
** Coromandel Coast (India) -- Commerce -- History --
17th century 2. Coromandel Coast (India) -- Commerce --
History -- 18th century 3. Coromandel Coast (India) --
Politics and government -- 17th century
Top |
25 Krippendorff, Klaus
Content analysis : an introduction to its methodology /
Klaus Krippendorff.--3rd ed-- Los Angeles: Sage
Publications, 2013.
xiv, 441p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9781412983150.
401.4 KRI 135561
One of the most important methodologies in communication
research. Krippendorff-s masterly summation of this
method provides an introductory overview to the
technique, as well as a comprehensive discussion of the
key elements that need to be considered when it is used.
** Content analysis (Communication) 2. Content analysis -
Top |
26 Mackenzie, Dana
The universe in zero words : the story of mathematics as
told through equations / Dana Mackenzie.-- Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 2012.
ISBN : 9780691152820.
512.94 MAC 135518
Most popular books about science, and even about
mathematics, tiptoe around equations as if they were
something to be hidden from the reader-s tender eyes.
Dana Mackenzie starts from the opposite premise: He
celebrates equations. The Universe in Zero Words tells
the history of twenty-four great and beautiful equations
that have shaped mathematics, science, and society.
Mackenzie, who has been called "a popular-science ace" by
Booklist magazine, lucidly explains what each equation
means, who discovered it (and how), and how it has
affected our lives. Illustrated in color throughout, the
book tells the human and often-surprising stories behind
the invention or discovery of the equations, from how a
bad cigar changed the course of quantum mechanics to why
whales (if they could communicate with us) would teach us
a totally different concept of geometry.
** Equations--Popular works. 2. Mathematics--History--
Popular works.
Top |
27 Schinazi, Rinaldo B
Probability with statistical applications / Rinaldo B
Schinazi.--2nd ed-- Boston: Birkhauser, 2012.
xi, 347p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780817682491.
519.2 SCH 135564
Suitable for undergraduates at all levels with different
backgrounds and views towards applications, this title
offers an introduction to probability. It also introduces
mathematical statistics.
** Probabilities 2.Mathematical statistics 3. Mathematics
4. Distribution (Probability theory) 5. Mathematical
statistics 6. Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes
7. Applications of Mathematics 8. Statistical Theory and
28 Breton, Michele (ed.)
Advances in dynamic games : theory, applications and
numerical methods for differential and stochastic games /
Michele Breton and Krzysztof Szajowski.-- New York:
Birkhauser, 2011.
ISBN : 9780817680886.
519.3 BRE 135513
This book presents advances in the theory of dynamic
games and their applications. It presents real-world
applications to dynamic games in communication and
transportation networks, economics, finance, management
science, environmental science and biology.
** Dynamic games 2. Stochastic processes 3.Game theory
29 Eubank, Randall L
Statistical computing in C++ and R / Randall L Eubank and
Ana Kupresanin.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2012.
xv, 540p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9781420066500.
519.50285 EUB 135567
The translation of a mathematical problem into its
computational analog (or analogs) is a skill that must be
learned, like any other, by actively solving relevant
problems. The text reveals the basic principles of
algorithmic thinking essential to the modern statistician
as well as the fundamental skill of communicating with a
computer through the use of the computer languages C++
and R. The book lays the foundation for original code
development in a research environment.
** Mathematical statistics -- Data processing 2. C++
(Computer program language) 3. R (Computer program
30 Woodward, Wayne A
Applied time series analysis / Wayne A Woodward, Henry L
Gray and Alan C Elliott.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2012.
xxiii, 540p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781439818374.
519.55 WOO 135566
Virtually any random process developing chronologically
can be viewed as a time series. In economics, closing
prices of stocks, the cost of money, the jobless rate,
and retail sales are just a few examples of many.
Developed from course notes and extensively classroom-
tested, Applied Time Series Analysis includes examples
across a variety of fields, develops theory, and provides
software to address time series problems in a broad
spectrum of fields. The authors organize the information
in such a format that graduate students in applied
science, statistics, and economics can satisfactorily
navigate their way through the book while maintaining
mathematical rigor. One of the unique features of Applied
Time Series Analysis is the associated software, GW-
WINKS, designed to help students easily generate
realizations from models and explore the associated model
and data characteristics.
** Time-series analysis
Top |
31 Rohli, Robert V
Climatology / Robert V Rohli and Anthony J Vega.--2nd ed-
London: Jones and Bartlett Learning, 2012.
xvi, 425p. 27cm.
ISBN : 9780763791018.
551.5 ROH 135488
Ideal For The Upper-Level Undergraduate Or Introductory-
Level Graduate Courses, The Second Edition Presents
Students With A Thorough Foundation On The Climactic
System. The Authors Begin With An Overview Of Climatology
Basics, Including A Discussion On Climatology Versus
Meteorology And An Introduction To The Atmosphere. They
Then Introduce More Advanced Concepts, Such As Microscale
Transfer Of Energy, Matter, And Momentum, The Global
Water Balance, Global Atmospheric Circulation, Climatic
Classification With Special Emphasis On The Regional
Differences Within The Same Climate Types, And Much More.
** Climatology
Top |
32 Carolan, Michael
The Sociology of food and agriculture / Michael Carolan.-
London: Routledge, 2012.
xii, 317p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415698580.
635 CAR 135499
As interest has increased in topics such as the
globalization of the agrifood system, food security, and
food safety, the subjects of food and agriculture are
making their way into a growing number of courses in
disciplines within the social sciences and the
humanities, like sociology and food studies. This book is
an introductory textbook aimed at undergraduate students,
and is suitable for those with little or no background in
** Agriculture -- History 2.Agriculture -- Social aspects
-- History 3. Food -- Social aspects -- History
Top |
33 Harvard Business Essentials
Entrepreneur-s toolkit : tools and techniques to launch
and grow your new business / Harvard Business Essentials.
Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2005.
xix, 258p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781591394365.
658.11 HAR 135491
From the basics of writing a business plan to the
challenges of developing a marketing and sales program,
this is the essential resource for success with a new
venture. Drawing on rich content from Harvard Business
School Publishing and other sources, this concise guide
is carefully crafted to provide a highly practical
resource for readers with all levels of experience, and
will prove especially valuable for the new manager.
** New business enterprises
34 Whittington, John
Systemic coaching and constellations : an introduction to
the principles, practices and application / John
Whittington.-- London: Kogan Page, 2012.
x, 230p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780749465377.
658.3124 WHI 135500
Systemic Coaching and Constellations offers a
refreshingly uncomplicated path into a potentially
complex subject, demonstrating how this approach can
provide access to systems and deliver enduring benefits
for coaching clients. The book offers a comprehensive
introduction to the principles that sustain systems, real
world descriptions of what systemic coaching is and how
it can be useful as well as a step-by-step guide to
integrating the principles and practices into
coaching. Highly practical, it includes a wide range of
exercises for application with individuals and teams.
Whether used in an initial selection meeting or to
underpin all your coaching conversations and
interventions, Systemic Coaching and Constellations
offers an accessible, practical starting point to
transform your coaching practice.
** Employees -- Coaching of 2. Executive coaching
35 Harvard Business Essentials
Performance management : measure and improve the
effectiveness of your employees / Harvard Business
Essentials.-- Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2006
xvi, 153p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781591398424.
658.3125 HAR 135496
Designed to provide advice, personal coaching, background
information, and guidance on the relevant topics in
business. This title is suitable for managers seeking to
expand skills and a professional looking to broaden
knowledge base, and helps them prepare for a formal
performance meeting with a direct report, and create a
development plan. Whether you are a new manager seeking
to expand your skills or a seasoned professional looking
to broaden your knowledge base, these solution-oriented
books put reliable answers at your fingertips. Today-s
competitive workplace demands that managers evaluate
employee performance, and provide coaching. This book
will help managers prepare for a formal performance
meeting with a direct report, and create a development
plan to increase employee productivity.
** Personnel management 2. Performance standards
36 Bevington, Tom
Implementing strategic change : managing processes and
interfaces to develop a highly productive organization /
Tom Bevington and Danny Samson.-- London: Kogan Page,
xii, 233p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780749465544.
658.406 BEV 135493
Most change management projects fail or only partly
deliver on their promise, the missing link often being
the conflict between boardroom strategic initiatives and
the working process design of the company. This book
shows that most of this conflict occurs during
interfacing activity.
** Organizational change -- Management 2.Organizational
effectiveness 3.Strategic planning
37 Obara, Samuel (ed)
Toyota by Toyota : reflections from the inside leaders on
the techniques that revolutionized the industry / Samuel
Obara and Darril Wilburn.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2012.
xxii, 216p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781439880753.
658.5 OBA 135481
Written by former Toyota associates, Toyota By Toyota:
Reflections from the Inside Leaders on the Techniques
That Revolutionized the Industry focuses on the purpose
of Lean methodologies, techniques, and principles. It
compiles more than a century of combined experience from
management-level employees who supply little-known
insights about the Toyota Production System (TPS)-
featuring many who worked directly with Taiichi Ohno.A
common thread that weaves these stories together is that
each contributor had to learn their lessons the hard way.
Although there is no magical, painless way to learn Lean,
the authors hope that by sharing their experiences and
struggles, you can avoid having to struggle through the
same lessons.
** Toyota Jido-sha Kabushiki Kaisha -- Management 2. Lean
manufacturing -- Case studies
38 Kang ,Chang W
Basic statistical tools for improving quality / Chang W
Kang and Paul H Kvam.-- Hoboken: Wiley, 2011.
ISBN : 9780470889497.
658.562015195 KAN 135515
This book is an introductory book on improving the
quality of a process or a system, primarily through the
technique of statistical process control (SPC). There are
numerous technical manuals available for SPC, but this
book differs in two ways: (1) the basic tools of SPC are
introduced in a no-nonsense, simple, non-math manner, and
(2) the methods can be learned and practiced in an
uncomplicated fashion using free software (eZ SPC 2.0),
which is available to all readers online as a
downloadable product. The book explains QC7 Tools,
control charts, and statistical analysis including basic
design of experiments. Theoretical explanations of the
analytical methods are avoided, instead, results are
interpreted through the use of the software.
** Process control -- Statistical methods 2. Quality
39 Ploetner, Olaf
Counter strategies in global markets / Olaf Ploetner.--
New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
xiii, 170p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780230301313.
658.804091724 PLO 135487
Developing BRIC markets are changing the business models
of traditional western technology leaders. Classic
business strategies are no longer suitable for companies
attacking abroad whilst defending their market at home.
Based on real-life cases, the book evaluates the best new
strategies for western companies in technology-based B2B
** Industrial marketing--Developing countries 2.
Industrial marketing--Developing countries--Case studies
Top |
40 Robinson,Leigh (ed)
Managing voluntary sport organizations / Leigh Robinson
and Dick Palmer.-- London: Routledge, 2011.
ISBN : 9780415489447.
796.069 ROB 135502
Contemporary sport could not function without the
involvement of voluntary organisations, from local grass-
roots clubs to international agencies such as the
International Olympic Committee. This book presents the
principles and practices necessary for effective
management of voluntary sport organisations around the
** Sports administration -- United States 2. Sports --
United States -- Management
41 Chopra, Aakash
Out of the blue : the story of Rajasthan-s Ranji win /
Aakash Chopra.-- Noida: Harper Sport, 2011.
x, 262p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9789350291702.
796.358 CHO 135633
When you are Rajasthan, last in the plate division, never
having won the title, never even coming close to a final
in over three decades, you don t play to win the honour,
you play to save what you can of yours. Ending up at the
very bottom of the Ranji Trophy-s lower division shook
Rajasthan up. The team staked all it had on the season of
2010 11, it became the players one shot at redemption.
This is the inspiring true story of the players
motivation, their passion for cricket, and of a cricket
association that changed the rules of how domestic
cricketers are groomed in India. Together, they
resurrected the Rajasthan team against all odds. This is
the scintillating story of Rajasthan s first Ranji Trophy
win, written by the team s highly successful opening
batsman himself.
** Cricket -- Tournaments -- India -- History
Top |
42 Bartold,V V
Mussulman culture / V V Bartold.-- Oxford: Oxford
University Press, 2009.
xxxvi, 95p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780195476705.
909.097671 BAR 135558
The greatest impact of Islam on history has been cultural
yet, this aspect of Islamic history has been neglected in
comparison to political and judicial history. V.V.
Bartold, the Russian historian was one of the first
scholars to project Muslim culture. In this world,
Bartold gave primacy to clarity and the organization of
knowledge. He posits the position of Islam in world
history to the position of Christianity as a cultural
force in both the Roman and the eastern worlds. The
Mongol invasion is not treated merely as destruction and
disruption of Muslim culture, but also as a factor which
affected late medieval culture. Most of the great
exponents of Muslim culture, Ibn Khaldun and Avicenna are
covered. Bartold concludes with remarking on the effect
on his native Russia of the passing of cultural
leadership from the East to the West.
** Civilization, Islamic 2. Iran -- Civilization
Top |
43 Boivin,Michel (ed)
Sindh through history and representations :French
contributions to Sindhi studies / Michel Boivin.-- Oxford
: Oxford University Press, 2008.
ISBN : 9780195475036.
954.91 BOI 135559
The book aims to make available to English readers the
world over the research studies carried out by French
scholars and advanced students in the subject area. The
topics cover the main periods of Sindh-s (pakistan)
history, literature, architecture and anthropology.
** Sindh (Pakistan) -- History
Top |