New Arrivals
1 Richards, Lyn
Readme first for a user-s guide to qualitative methods /
Lyn Richards and Janice M Morse.--3rd ed-- Los Angeles:
Sage Publications, 2013.
xx, 311p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781412998062.
001.42 RIC 135453
Offering a map to show readers how some methodological
choices lead more directly than others to particular
goals, this book provides beginning researchers with an
overview of techniques for making data and an explanation
of the ways different tools fit different purposes and
provide different research experiences and outcomes. The
authors clearly explain why there are many methods and
show readers how to locates their study within that
choice. Written as a pragmatic companion, this text will
help readers get confidently and competently started on a
research path that works for their study.
** Social sciences -- Research -- Methodology 2.
Qualitative research
Top |
2 Nevo, Matthew Del
The Work of enchantment / Matthew Del Nevo.-- New
Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2011.
ix, 169p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9781412818605.
111.85 NEV 135480
The Work of Enchantment suggests that it is a lack of
"enchantment" in rich, developed countries that causes
soul-starved Westerners to experience mental (and
sometimes physical) illness. Del Nevo argues that this
"enchantment" is most often experienced in childhood, but
can also be found in adulthood, particularly through art.
He describes the framework of enchantment and its
philosophical and historical roots. Enchantment may be
found in many places, ranging from philosophy, religion,
and psychology to sociology and culture, but here Del
Nevo focuses on literature. His audience is people who
are searching for something beyond money or glamour
perhaps the meaning of art and culture.
** Aesthetics 2. Charm
Top |
3 Audi, Robert
Epistemology : a contemporary introduction to the theory
of knowledge / Robert Audi.--3rd ed-- New York: Routledge
, 2011.
xix, 404p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415879231.
121 AUD 135425
Epistemology, or the theory of knowledge, is concerned
with how we know what we do, what justifies us in
believing what we do, and what standards of evidence we
should use in seeking truths about the world and human
experience. This comprehensive book introduces the
concepts and theories central for understanding
knowledge. It aims to reach students who have already
done an introductory philosophy course and general
readers in epistemology at any level." "Robert Audi-s
approach is new and exciting, drawing the reader into the
rich and fascinating subfields and theories of the
subject in a natural way, guided by key concrete
** Knowledge, Theory of
Top |
4 Watts, Simon
Doing Q methodological research : theory, method and
interpretation / Simon Watts and Paul Stenner.-- Los
Angeles: Sage Publications, 2012.
ix, 238p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781849204156.
150.198 WAT 135422
A thorough and intelligent intro to the theory and method
of Q from big name authors in a market where there is
little competition.
** Q technique 2. Subjectivity -- Research -- Methodology
5 McBride, Dawn M
The Process of research in psychology / Dawn M McBride.--
2nd ed-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2013.
xviii, 359p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781412999557.
150.721 MAC 135416
In startling clarity, this innovative textbook covers the
-nuts and bolts- of the research process in psychology
with a refreshingly clear chapter layout and fascinating
examples to illustrate its concepts and themes.
** Psychology -- Research -- Methodology 2. Psychology,
Top |
6 Forrester, Daniel Patrick
Consider : harnessing the power of reflective thinking in
your organization / Daniel Patrick Forrester.-- New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
xviii, 238p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780230106079.
153.4 FOR 135433
There-s an intangible and invisible market place within
our lives today where the products traded are four fold:
attention, distraction, data and meaning. The stories and
examples within Consider demonstrate that the best
decisions, insights, ideas and outcomes result when we
make sufficient time to think and reflect.
** Decision-making -- Psychological aspects 2.
Distraction (Psychology) 3. Attention 4. Reasoning
Top |
7 Dewe, Philip
Well-being and work :towards a balanced agenda / Philip
Dewe and Cary Cooper.-- Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan,
ISBN : 9780230243521.
158.720941 DEW 135511
Work and well-being is one of the fastest growing areas
of concern to business, public sector and government.
This book looks at the causes of stress in the modern
work place, and offers practical advice for managers on
how to combat stress in their employees, and put in place
strategies for developing a healthy workplace.
** Job stress - Great Britain - Management
Top |
8 Gold, Tandy
Ethics in IT outsourcing / Tandy Gold.-- Boca Raton: CRC
Press, 2012.
xiii, 197p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781439850626.
174.4 GOL 135438
In IT divisions and organizations, the need to execute in
a competitive and complex technical environment while
demonstrating personal integrity can be a significant
personal and organizational challenge. Supplying concrete
guidelines for those at an ethical crossroads, Ethics in
IT Outsourcing explores the complex challenges of
aligning IT outsourcing programs with ethical conduct and
standards. This one-stop reference on the ethical
structure and execution of IT outsourcing incorporates an
easy-to-apply checklist of principles for outsourcing
executives and managers. It examines certification.
** Business ethics 2. Electronic data processing
departments -- Contracting out -- Moral and ethical
aspects 3. Engineering ethics
9 Flynn, Leisa Reinecke
Case studies for ethics in academic research in the
social sciences / Leisa Reinecke Flynn and Ronald E
Goldsmith.-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2013.
xv, 82p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781412996389.
174.93 FLY 135409
This book provides a basis for class discussion about the
responsible conduct of social science research. These 16
brief research ethics cases describe situations in which
ethical dilemmas arise and present the student with the
opportunity to think through the different implications
for researchers. The cases emphasize different types of
ethical dilemmas involving faculty, students,
participants, and stakeholders. Students can discuss what
happened, why it was or was not unethical, and what
should be the consequences for the actors. Included are
the original cases complete with learning objectives,
teaching notes, and questions for discussion.
** Social sciences -- Research -- Moral and ethical
Top |
10 Tlumak, Jeffrey
Classical modern philosophy : a contemporary introduction
/ Jeffrey Tlumak.-- London: Routledge, 2007.
xii, 366p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415275934.
190.9032 TLU 135424
Classical Modern Philosophy introduces students to the
key philosophers of the seventeenth and eighteenth
centuries, and explores their most important works.
Jeffrey Tlumak takes the reader on a chronological
journey from Descartes to Kant, tracing the themes that
run through the period and their interrelations."
"Classical Modern Philosophy: A Contemporary Introduction
is the ideal textbook to accompany a course in the
history of modern philosophy, but each chapter can also
be studied alone as an introduction to the featured
philosopher or work. Jeffrey Tlumak outlines and assesses
prominent interpretations of the texts, and surveys the
legacy of each great thinker.
** Philosophy, Modern -- 17th century 2. Philosophy,
Modern -- 18th century
Top |
11 Field, Andy
Discovering statistics using R / Andy Field, Jeremy Miles
and Zoe Field.-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2012.
xxxiv, 957p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9781446200469.
300.15195 FIE 135435
The R version of Andy Field-s hugely popular Discovering
Statistics Using SPSS takes students on a journey of
statistical discovery using the freeware R a free,
flexible and dynamically changing software tool for data
analysis that is becoming increasingly popular across the
social and behavioural sciences.
** Social sciences -- Statistical methods -- Computer
programs 2. R (Computer program language) 3. Statistics -
Computer programs 4. SPSS (Computer file)
Top |
12 Kalekin-Fishman, Devorah (ed)
The Shape of sociology for the 21st century : tradition
and renewal / Devorah Kalekin-Fishman and Ann Denis.--
Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2012.
xv, 340p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780857021298.
301 KAL 135420
The latest edited title published in association with the
ISA. Twenty chapters from a very strong group of
international authors identify, question and transform
key assumptions within modern sociology.
** Sociology
Top |
13 Doveling, Katrin (ed)
The Routledge handbook of emotions and mass media /
Katrin Doveling, Christian von Scheve and Elly A Konijn.-
London: Routledge, 2011.
xiii, 422p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415481601.
302.23019 DOV 135476
The impact of mass media on individuals and society is to
a great extent based on human emotions. Emotions, in
turn, are essential in understanding how media messages
are processed as well as media-s impact on individual and
social behavior and public social life. Adopting an
interdisciplinary approach to the study of emotions
within a mass media context, the Handbook of Emotions and
Mass Media addresses areas such as evolutionary
psychology, media entertainment, sociology, cultural
studies, media psychology, political communication,
persuasion, and new technology. This compelling and
authoritative Handbook is an essential reference tool for
scholars and students of media, communication studies,
media psychology, emotions, cultural studies, sociology,
and other related disciplines.
** Mass media -- Psychological aspects 2. Emotions
Top |
14 Anghel, Remus Gabriel(ed)
The making of world society : perspectives from
transnational research / Remus Gabriel Anghel [et al.]--
New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2008.
329p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9783899428353.
303.482 ANG 135470
Do the current changes of both geographical and symbolic
boundaries lead to the emergence of a world society? How
do transnational migration, communication and worldwide
economic and political networks manifest themselves in
globalized modernity? This book presents innovative
contributions to transnationalization research and world
society theory based on empirical studies from Asia,
Africa, Latin America and Europe. Practicable
methodologies complete theoretical inquiries and provide
examples of applied research, which also might be used in
** Globalization
15 Jandt, Fred E
An introduction to intercultural communication :
identities in a global community / Fred E Jandt.--7th ed-
Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2013.
xvii, 389p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781412992879.
303.482 JAN 135410
It is often said that you cannot choose your family, but
you can choose your friends. The same notion can be
applied to culture in that we do not choose which culture
to belong to but are simply born into one -one that
shapes our attitudes, our behaviors, and our perceptions.
The Fourth Edition of Fred Jandt-s text An Introduction
to Intercultural Communication: Identities in a Global
Community challenges students to develop cultural
competency by developing an understanding of how we
perceive and react to cultural rules - not only those of
others, but also our own.
** Intercultural communication 2.
Intercultural communication -- United States 3.
Communication, International
16 Wallensteen, Peter
Understanding conflict resolution / Peter Wallensteen.--
3rd ed-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications,2012
ix, 338p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780857020505.
303.69 WAL 135479
Providing a comprehensive guide to understanding conflict
resolution in today-s global world, Peter Wallensteen
introduces the fields of conflict resolution as they have
developed since the end of the Cold War.
** Conflict management 2. Pacific settlement of
international disputes
Top |
17 Vejlgaard, Henrik
The Lifestyle puzzle : who we are in the 21st century /
Henrik Vejlgaard.-- Amherst: Prometheus Books, 2010.
245p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9781616141851.
306.09730905 VEJ 135469
Labeling and classifying people-putting people into boxes
is what this book is about. It is something that almost
all people do, some keep it to themselves that they do it
while others are open about it. How and why will be
revealed in the chapters that follow.
** Social change 2. Identity (Philosophical concept) 3.
Lifestyles 4. Popular culture
Top |
18 Stoecker, Randy
Research methods for community change : a project-based
approach / Randy Stoecker.--2nd ed-- Los Angeles: Sage
Publications, 2013.
xvii, 280p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781412994057.
307.14072 STO 135417
Research Methods for Community Change: A Project-Based
Approach is an in-depth review of all of the research
methods that communities use to solve problems, develop
their resources, and protect their identities. With an
engaging, friendly style and numerous real-world
examples, author Randy Stoecker shows readers how to use
a project-based research model in the community. At every
stage of this model there are research tasks, from needs
and assets assessments at the diagnosis stage to process
and outcome studies at the evaluation stage. Readers will
also learn the importance of involving community members
at every stage of the project and in every aspect of the
research, making the research part of the community-
building process.
** Community development -- Research
Top |
19 Jones, Jeremy
Negotiating change : the new politics of the Middle East
/ Jeremy Jones.-- London: I B Tauris, 2007.
282p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781845112707.
320.956 JON 135471
The Middle East is frequently portrayed as a collection
of stubbornly authoritarian states, whose behaviour can
only be changed by the table-thumping or even the
military intervention of the US government. This book
contends that the region is in fact engaged in a profound
and tumultuous process of political change.
** Democracy -- Middle East 2. Middle East -- Politics
and government -- 1979-
Top |
20 Frantz, Erica
The Politics of dictatorship : institutions and outcomes
in authoritarian regimes / Erica Frantz and Natasha Ezrow
-- New Delhi: Viva Books, 2012.
vii, 133p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9788130920627.
321.9 FRA 135473
In comparison to democratic political systems, we know
very little about how dictatorships work. Who are the key
political actors? Where does the locus of power rest?
What determines leadership behavior and survival? Erica
Frantz and Natasha Ezrow argue that dictatorships are not
regimes driven by the whims of a single individual.
Frantz and Ezrow reveal how leader-elite relations are
strongly influenced by the nature of the political
institutions in a regime, and in turn how those relations
profoundly affect both domestic and foreign policy.
Combining cross-national quantitative analyses with a
selection of case studies, they uniquely explore the
internal architecture of authoritarian government.
** Dictatorship 2. Dictators 3. Authoritarianism
Top |
21 Kuracina, William F
The State and governance in India : the congress ideal /
William F Kuracina.-- London: Routledge, 2010.
x, 238p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415779449.
324.254083 KUR 135477
Presents an investigation of the policies of the Indian
Congress during the late colonial period. This book
analyses the extent to which Congress elites engaged in
processes intended to foster nation-building in India.
** Indian National Congress -- History 2. Nationalism --
India -- History -- 20th century 3. Nation-building --
India -- History -- 20th century 4. India -- Politics and
government -- 1919-1947
Top |
22 Polachek, Solomon W (ed)
Research in labor economics / Solomon W Polachek and
Konstantinos Tatsiramos.-- United Kingdom: Emerald, 2011.
xiv, 384p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781780523323.
331.05 POL 135432,vol. 33
This volume contains nine original innovative chapters on
worker well-being. Three chapters are on time allocated
to work and human capital acquisition, three on aspects
of risk in the earnings process, two on migration, and
finally one on how tax policies affect poverty. Questions
answered include: Are more educated women now opting out
of work with a higher probability than in the past? Under
what circumstances do young adults allocate non-school
time to educational pursuits? How do macroeconomic shocks
affect labor force participation rates? Can tax policies
alleviate poverty? Are workers compensated adequately for
taking risks? Do differences in private and public sector
earnings affect mobility between the two sectors? And, do
migrant parents affect educational decisions of their
** Business and Economics -- Labor 2. Economics of
industrial organisation 3. Labour economics
23 Sweet, Stephen
Changing contours of work : jobs and opportunities in the
new economy / Stephen Sweet and Peter Meiksins.--2nd ed--
Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2013.
xxii, 280p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781412990868.
331.0973 SWE 135427
Using a historical lens, this text reconsiders the notion
of a new economy revealing the important changes that
have transpired, but also enduring practices that
developed in the old economy that continue to shape the
opportunity divides that still exist.
** Technological innovations -- Economic aspects --
United States 2. Labor market -- United States 3. High
technology industries -- United States 4. Hours of labor
- United States 5. Industrial relations -- United States
6. Globalization 7. United States -- Economic conditions
- 21st century
24 Diallo, Yacouba
Global child labour developments : measuring trends from
2004 to 2008 / Yacouba Diallo [et al.]-- Geneva:
International Labour Office, 2010.
vii, 44p. 29cm.
ISBN : 9789221235224.
331.31 DIA 135444
Based on the datasets from 60 national household surveys
carried out between 2004 and 2008.
** Child labor -- History -- 21st century -- Statistics
2. Child labor -- Forecasting
25 International Labour Office
Women in labour markets : measuring progress and
identifying challenges / International Labour Office.--
Geneva: International Labour Office, 2010.
xv, 92p. 29cm
ISBN : 9789221233183.
331.4 INT 135448
Offers an analysis of 12 indicators from the ILO Key
Indicators of the Labour Market database. The aim is to
look for progress or lack of progress towards the goal of
gender equality in the world of work and identify where
and why blockages to labour market equity continue to
exist. Focuses on the relationship of women to labour
markets and compares employment outcomes for men and
women to the best degree possible given the available
labour market indicators.
** Women employees -- Statistics 2. Affirmative action
programs -- Statistics 3. Wages -- Women -- Statistics
26 International Labour Office
International labour migration : a rights-based approach
/ International Labour Office.-- Geneva: International
Labour Office, 2010.
xxi, 303p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9789221191209.
331.62 INT 135446
International labour migration has emerged as a major
global issue that affects most nations in the world and
ranks high on the international, regional and national
policy agendas. Yet the migration process also poses
serious challenges. The current monograph is a
comprehensive discussion of issues of labour migration in
a globalizing world, and highlights ILO perspectives on
labour migration, the connections between migration and
development ,decent work for migrant workers, the
normative framework for protection of migrant rights, the
governance of international labour migration and the role
of social dialogue and international cooperation.
** Foreign workers -- Government policy 2. Labor policy
3. Labor mobility -- Government policy 4. Emigration and
immigration -- Government policy
27 International Labour Office
Strengthening migration governance / International Labour
Office.-- Athens: International Labour Office, 2009.
x, 142p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9789221229940.
331.62094 INT 135447
To safeguard the well-being of the estimated 115 million
migrants living in member countries of the Organization
for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), setting
and implementing effective national migration policies
and practices is essential. This book provides a
comprehensive review of the OSCE Commitments on
migration. Adopted over a period of 35 years, these
commitments focus on the protection of migrant workers,
on maximizing the benefits of migration while mitigating
its negative impacts, and on encouraging bilateral and
multilateral cooperation. The book highlights the
development of the OSCE Commitments and provides a
critical analysis of the measures taken to implement
** Europe -- Emigration and immigration -- Government
policy 2. Emigration and immigration law - Europe 3.
Foreign workers -- Europe
28 Yun, Gao (ed)
Concealed chains : labour exploitation and Chinese
migrants in Europe / Gao Yun.-- Geneva: International
Labour Office, 2010.
xvi, 194p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9789221219934.
331.625104 YUN 135443
This groundbreaking book exposes the hidden world of
Chinese irregular migrants in France, Italy, and the UK.
Chinese workers migrating to Europe pay huge sums of
money to intermediaries, often leaving them trapped in
debt before they even begin their journey. Exposed to
various risks during their migratory process, they can
arrive in the destination country vulnerable to extreme
exploitation and sometimes even forced labor.The book
seeks to understand the links that connect vulnerable
Chinese workers to European labor markets and a complex
international production chain. Presenting detailed case
studies, a clear explanation of the relevant
international and national legal frameworks, and an
overview of the migration mechanism between China and
Europe, this book makes an important contribution to
understanding how to break these patterns of labor
** Foreign workers, Chinese -- Europe 2. Chinese --
Migrations -- Europe 3. Forced labor -- Europe 4. Illegal
aliens -- China 5. Illegal aliens -- Europe 6. China --
Emigration and immigration 7. Europe -- Emigration and
Top |
29 Rogers, Heather
Green gone wrong : how our economy is undermining the
environmental revolution / Heather Rogers.-- London:
Verso, 2010.
262p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9781844676453.
333.7 ROG 135468
Implicit in efforts to go green is the promise that
global warming can be stopped by swapping out dirty goods
for "clean" ones. But can earth-friendly products really
save the planet? This narrative explores how the most
readily available solutions to environmental crisis may
be disastrously off the mark. Rogers travels the world
tracking how the conversion from a "perro" to a "green"
society affects the most fundamental aspects of life -
food, shelter, and transportation. Reporting from some of
the most remote places on earth, Rogers uncovers shocking
results that include massive clear-cutting, destruction
of native ecosystems, and grinding poverty. Green Gone
Wrong reveals a fuller story, taking the reader into
forests, fields, factories, and boardrooms around the
world to draw out the unintended consequences, inherent
obstacles, and successes of eco-friendly consumption.
** Environmental economics 2. Green products
Top |
30 Bagchi, Barnita (ed)
The politics of the (im)possible : utopia and dystopia
reconsidered / Barnita Bagchi.-- Los Angeles: Sage
Publications, 2012.
vi, 241p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788132107347.
335.02 BAG 135415
Revised version of papers presented at the international
symposium on -Utopia, dystopia, and concepts of
development-, held at Paris in February 2008.
** Utopias - History 2. Dystopias - History
Top |
31 Musgrave, Richard A
Public finance in theory and practice / Richard A
Musgrave and Peggy B Musgrave.--5th ed-- New Delhi: Tata
McGraw-Hill, 1989.
xvi, 627p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780070596931.
336.73 MUS 135539
New perspectives on fiscal federalism have
appeared, reconsidering the federal role and its relation
to state and local finances. Fiscal institutions have
been in a process of change. This text continues to
reflect that the public sector has an important and
constructive role to perform rather than being, as has
increasingly come to be the view ,an unfortunate
interference in the market.
** Finance, Public -- United States 2. United States --
Public finance
Top |
32 Ianchovichina, Elena I (ed)
Dynamic modeling and applications for global economic
analysis / Elena I Ianchovichina and Terrie L Walmsley.--
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012.
ix, 437p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781107002432.
337.015195 IAN 135431
This book presents the technical aspects of an economic
model that can be used to examine issues of global
economic significance, such as the impact on the world
economy of changes in trade and environmental policies.
The book provides a number of studies using the model to
examine trade reform, growth and investment, climate
change, natural resources, technology and demographic
change and migration.
** International trade -- Mathematical models 2.
International economic relations -- Mathematical models
3. International trade 4. International economic
Top |
33 Sloan, Frank A
Health economics / Frank A Sloan and Chee-Ruey Hsieh.--
Cambridge: The MIT Press, 2012.
xxxi, 780p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780262016766.
338.473621 SLO 135414
This book introduces students to the growing research
field of health economics. Rather than offer details
about health systems around the world without providing a
theoretical context, Health Economics combines economic
concepts with empirical evidence to enhance readers-
economic understanding of how health care institutions
and markets function. It views the subject in both
microeconomic and macroeconomic terms, moving from the
individual and firm level to the market level to a
macroeconomic view of the role of health and health care
within the economy as a whole. The book includes
discussion of recent empirical evidence on the U.S.
health system and can be used for an undergraduate course
on U.S. health economics. It includes a chapter on nurses
as well as a chapter on the economics of hospitals and
pharmaceuticals, which can be used in master-s courses
for students in these fields.
** Medical economics
34 Botterill, David
Key concepts in tourism research / David Botterill and
Vincent Platenkamp.-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications,
viii, 190p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9781848601758.
338.47910721 BOT 135423
This book walks students through the selection and
application of research methods within tourism.
Experienced authors introduce the relevant language and
theory of key methodologies and then develop them using
strategic literature review and the inclusion of
international examples which relate directly to tourism.
** Tourism 2. Tourism - Research - Methodology
35 Kelegama, Saman (ed)
Foreign aid in South Asia : the emerging scenario / Saman
Kelegama.-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2012.
xx, 317p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788132108740.
338.910954 KEL 135426
Examines how emerging as well as less developed South
Asian economies are adapting to these developments in the
context of security issues, post-conflict
rehabilitation/reconstruction, and so on. This book
provides many lessons for designing an international
framework for aid or international aid architecture
through case studies.
** Economic assistance -- South Asia 2. Economic
development -- South Asia 3. South Asia -- Foreign
economic relations
Top |
36 Bronstein, Arturo
International and comparative labour law : current
challenges / Arturo Bronstein.-- Geneva: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2009.
xxxii, 285p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9789221212027.
344.01 BRO 135445
Provides an international and comparative account of
recent developments in the comparative analysis of labour
law, as well as an overview of main current issues. It
also advances ideas for a new dynamic balance to
accommodate the evolution of labour law and an agenda of
possible solutions to current challenges.
** Labor laws and legislation, International 2. labour
law 3. comparative law
Top |
37 Hill, Michael
Implementing public policy : an introduction to the study
of operational governance / Michael Hill and Peter Hupe.-
2nd ed-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2009.
xii, 232p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780412947985.
352.37 HIL 135412
This work brings the major current insights in
implementation research and theory together and reviews
literature on public policy implementation, relating it
to contemporary developments in thinking about
** Policy sciences 2. Public administration
Top |
38 Davis, John M
Working in multi-professional contexts : a practical
guide for professionals in children-s services / John M
Davis and Mary Smith.-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications,
xii, 201p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780857021731.
362.7 DAV 135455
Multiprofessional working unpacked for students and
** Social work with children
Top |
39 Chang, Tse Chun
Cyclical movements in the balance of payments / Tse Chun
Chang.-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
ix, 223p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9781107615229.
382.1709042 CHA 135430
This book was first published in 1951. It is a
statistical survey of the balance of payments data of
different types of country in the period 1924-38, to show
the pattern of cyclical behavior particular to each type
of country, and to suggest, in the light of the Keynesian
theory of employment, a possible explanation for the
general nature of the equilibrating process in the
balance of payments. Five types of country are
classified, and a representative country taken for each
class: highly industrialized and deficient (Great
Britain) highly industrialized and self-sufficient (USA)
less industrialized (Sweden), purely agricultural
(Australia), mining (Chile). In addition, the Canadian
balance of payments is studied because of its peculiar
** Balance of payments -- History -- 20th century 2.
Business cycles -- History -- 20th century
40 Bandara, Jayatilleke S (ed)
Trade liberalisation and poverty in South Asia /
Jayatilleke S Bandara, Prema-chandra Athukorala and Saman
Kelegama.-- London: Routledge, 2011.
xxii, 198p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415561754.
382.30954 BAN 135478
The link between trade liberalisation and poverty has
arguably been one of the most debated topics in
development policy debate. Existing studies on the
subject have primarily used multi-country cross-sectional
data, and there is a growing concern about the
limitations of this approach in providing a sound
empirical basis for informing the policy debate. These
limitations point to the need for undertaking in-depth
analyses within individual countries over time. In order
to examine the connection between trade liberalization
and poverty, this book provides case studies of trade
policy reforms an.
** Economic development --South Asia 2. Free trade --
South Asia 3. Poverty --South Asia
Top |
41 Van Dijk, Jan
The network society / Jan Van Dijk.--3rd ed-- London:
Sage Publications, 2012.
vi, 326p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781446248966.
384 VAN 135434
A new edition of a truly classic text in media studies.
This now benchmark title is written by one of the leading
academics in the world, and has been revised and updated
to fully understand the changes in our society due to the
rise of social networks and their impact on our world.
** Information networks 2. Telecommunication
Top |
42 Jackson, Jane (ed)
The Routledge handbook of language and intercultural
communication / Jane Jackson.-- London: Routledge, 2012.
xxi, 605p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415572545.
400 JAC 135454
A comprehensive introduction to the multidisciplinary
field of intercultural communication, drawing on the
expertise of leading scholars from diverse backgrounds.
** Intercultural communication -- Handbooks, manuals, etc
2. Language and culture -- Handbooks, manuals, etc
Top |
43 Rosenberg, Alex
Philosophy of science : a contemporary introduction /
Alex Rosenberg.--3rd ed-- New York: Routledge, 2012.
xii, 308p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415891776.
501 ROS 135452
Any serious student attempting to better understand the
nature, methods, and justification of science will value
Alex Rosenberg-s updated and substantially revised Third
Edition of Philosophy of Science: A Contemporary
Introduction. Weaving lucid explanations with clear
analyses, the volume is as a much-used, thematically
oriented introduction to the field. New features of the
Third Edition include more coverage of the history of the
philosophy of science, more fully developed material on
the metaphysics of causal and physical necessity, more
background on the contrast between empiricism and
rationalism in science, and new material on the structure
of theoretical science (with expanded coverage of
Newtonian and Darwinian theories and models) and the
realism/antirealism controversy.
** Science -- Philosophy 2. PHILOSOPHY / General 3.
SCIENCE / Philosophy and Social Aspects
Top |
44 Stein, Elias M
Functional analysis : introduction to further topics in
analysis / Elias M Stein and Rami Shakarchi.-- Princeton:
Princeton University Press, 2011.
xv, 423p. 24cm.
(Princeton lectures in analysis,4).
ISBN : 9780691113876.
515.7 STE 135413
Beginning with the basic facts of functional analysis,
this title looks at Banach spaces, Lp spaces, and
distribution theory, and highlights their roles in
harmonic analysis. It uses the Baire category theorem to
illustrate several points, including the existence of
Besicovitch sets.
** Functional analysis 2. MATHEMATICS / Functional
Top |
45 Easterby-Smith, Mark
Management research / Mark Easterby-Smith, Richard Thorpe
and Paul Jackson.--4th ed-- Los Angeles: Sage
Publications, 2012.
xvi, 371p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780857021175.
650.072 EAS 135411
A phenomenal success from its first edition, the Third
Edition continues to be the definitive word in management
research methods.
** Management -- Research 2. Operations research 3.
Organizational behavior
46 Farquhar, Jillian Dawes
Case study research for business / Jillian Dawes Farquhar
-- Los Angeles: Sage Publications, 2012.
viii, 134p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781849207775.
650.0723 FAR 135421
The only case study research textbook written exclusively
for students of business and related disciplines. Using a
step-by-step approach, Case Study Research for Business
takes you right through the case study research process
from research design and data collection using
qualitative and quantitative methods, to research
analysis, writing up and presenting your work.
** Business -- Research -- Methodology 2. Case method
Top |
47 Andriole, Stephen J
IT-s all about the people : technology management that
overcomes disaffected people, stupid processes, and
deranged corporate cultures / Stephen J Andriole.-- Boca
Raton: CRC Press, 2011.
xiii, 209p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781439876589.
658 AND 135442
This book explains how to achieve dramatic improvements
in service and agility by enhancing the people,
processes, and culture within your organization. It
details the various roles within the technology
management process and supplies authoritative insight
into the realities of human behavior including the range
of best and worst behaviors from managers, executives,
and corporate culture. Industry veteran Stephen J.
Andriole explains the reason behind why many business
cases fail and includes helpful insights on new
governance models, organic transformation, guerilla
budgeting, and open source software. Providing a fresh
perspective on the old basics of IT management through a
twenty-first-century lens, this book arms you with the
methods needed to master the soft art of IT management as
well as purchasing, deployment, and technological
** Information technology -- Management 2. Organizational
48 Witzel, Morgen
A history of management thought / Morgen Witzel.-- London
: Routledge, 2012.
318p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415600583.
658.009 WIT 135440
This book shows how thinking about management has evolved
and changed. It shows how changing social, political and
technological forces have challenged people to think
about management in new ways, and how management thinkers
have responded. Sometimes their responses missed the mark
and occasionally, great ideas about management failed to
be picked up and were lost along the way. Sometimes,
truly original and creative, even world-changing ideas
appeared. It shows how political and social events of the
twentieth century shaped management thinking right up to
the present day. From the pyramids to Facebook, from
military strategy to managing for sustainability, A
History of Management Thought tells the fascinating story
of how management thinking has changed, shifted, evolved
and developed down through the centuries.
** Management - History 2. Management science -- History
49 Koenigsaecker, George
Leading the lean enterprise transformation / George
Koenigsaecker.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2009.
xxxix, 121p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781563273827.
658.4013 KOE 135437
Written to help executives in determining right from
wrong during a lean initiative, this book shows that lean
is more about an approach than it is about tools. It
presents the successful strategies and case histories of
several key American leaders who have been instrumental
in bringing lean to the forefront of various industries.
** Efficiency, Organizational 2. Total Quality Management
3. Total quality management
50 Emrouznejad, Ali
Applied operational research with SAS / Ali Emrouznejad
and William Ho.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2012.
xiv, 270p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781439841303.
658.4032 EMR 135439
Using a wide range of operational research (OR)
optimization examples, Applied Operational Research with
SAS demonstrates how the OR procedures in SAS work. The
book is one of the first to extensively cover the
application of SAS procedures to OR problems, such as
single criterion optimization, project management
decisions, printed circuit board assembly, and multiple
criteria decision making. By formulating the OR problems
as mathematical models, the authors show how SAS can
solve a variety of optimization problems.
** Operations research -- Data processing 2. SAS
(Computer file) 3. BUSINESS and ECONOMICS / Operations
51 Thompson, Donald N
Oracles : how prediction markets turn employees into
visionaries / Donald N Thompson.-- Boston: Harvard
Business Review Press, 2012.
vi, 261p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781422183175.
658.40355 THO 135451
A handful of innovative organizations-GE, Google,
Motorola, Microsoft, Eli Lily, even the CIA-has
successfully tapped employee insights to change how
business gets done.In Oracles, Don Thompson explains how
these and other firms use prediction markets to make
better decisions, describing what could be the origins of
a social revolution. Thompson shows how prediction
markets can:draw on the hidden knowledge of every
employee,tap the -intellectual bandwidth- of retired
employees, replace surveys and substitute for endless
meetings.By showing successes and failures of real
organizations, and identifying the common roadblocks
they-ve overcome, Oracles offers a guide to begin testing
expertise against the collective wisdom of employees and
the market-all to the benefit of their bottom line.
** Business forecasting 2. Decision making 3. Strategic
planning 4. Organizational behavior 5. Organizational
effectiveness 6. Creative ability in business
52 Knight, Joe
Project management for profit :a failsafe guide to
keeping projects on track and on budget / Joe Knight [et
al.]-- Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2012.
x,180p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9781422144176.
658.404 KNI 135418
If your work involves projects, then this book is for
you. It will show every company owner and project manager
at businesses large and small-how to run projects
differently. You-ll benefit if you-ve ever been over
budget on a project, exceeded a timeline on a
project, worked on a project that completely stalled as
you neared the finish line, lost money on a sure-thing
project and had no idea why, noticed that scope and
feature creep held you back, watched a project take three
times as long as planned,felt too embarrassed to perform
a review of your successes and failures and wondered
whether your project actually made any money. By the time
you finish the book, you-ll be ready to implement Project
Management for Profit in your own company-and be prepared
to keep your projects on track and on budget.
** Project management 2. Cost control
53 Harvard business review
Harvard business review on profiting from green business
/ Harvard business review.-- Boston: Harvard Business
School Publishing, 2008.
vii, 251p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9781578512331.
658.4083 HAR 135428
The "Harvard Business Review Paperback Series" brings
managers and professionals the fundamental information
they need to stay competitive in a fast-moving world.
Gathered in a highly accessible format are the leading
minds and landmark ideas that have established the
Harvard Business Review as required reading for forward-
thinking businesspeople worldwide. With concern for
environmental issues growing, defining the controversial
relationship between business and the environment has
become even more essential. "Harvard Business Review on
Business and the Environment" brings together the latest
management thinking on the role of the environment in
business, and offers a general management perspective
that will help outline the critical environmental issues
your organization may face.
** Industrial management -- Environmental aspects 2.
Green movement 3. Business enterprises -- Environmental
aspects 4. Social responsibility of business 5.
Environmental protection
54 Groysberg, Boris
Talk, Inc. : how trusted leaders use conversation to
power their organizations / Boris Groysberg and Michael
Slind.-- Boston: Harvard Business Review Press, 2012.
viii, 242p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781422173336.
658.45 GRO 135419
Shows how trusted and effective leaders are adapting the
principles of face-to-face conversation in order to
pursue a new form of organizational conversation. This
title explores the promise of conversation-powered
leadership - from the practice of talking straight (and
listening well) to the thoughtful adoption of emerging
social media.
** Communication in management 2. Communication in
organizations 3. Organizational behavior
55 Fast, Larry E
The 12 principles of manufacturing excellence : a
leader-s guide to achieving and sustaining excellence /
Larry E Fast.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2012.
xxiii, 242p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781439876046.
658.562 FAS 135436
Explaining how to implement and sustain a top-down
strategy for manufacturing excellence, The 12 Principles
of Manufacturing Excellence: A Leader-s Guide to
Achieving and Sustaining Excellence provides a
comprehensive, proven approach for delivering world-class
performance while also cultivating the right culture
through leadership and mentoring. Emphasizing the
importance of using Lean and Six Sigma tools to improve
business, the book integrates strategy and leadership
development, paves a path for culture change-Operator-Led
Process Control (OLPC)-that prepares hourly employees to
take control of their processes and prepares management
to enable them to do it and details an audit process for
tracking progress and ensuring sustainability.
** Production management -- Quality control 2. Total
quality management
56 Sheth, Jagdish N
The 4A-s of marketing : creating value for customer,
companies and society / Jagdish N Sheth and Rajendra S
Sisodia.-- New York: Routledge, 2012.
209p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415898355.
658.8 SHE 135441
The authors present a powerful and tested approach that
helps managers see a business-s every action through the
eyes of its customers. This approach is organized around
the values that matter most to customers: Acceptability,
Affordability, Accessibility and Awareness. Taken
together, these attributes are called the "4A-s." The 4A
framework derives from a customer-value perspective based
on the four distinct roles that customers play in the
market: seekers, selectors, payers and users. For a
marketing campaign to succeed, it must achieve high marks
on all four A-s, using a blend of marketing and non-
marketing resources.
** Relationship marketing 2.Customer relations --
Management 3. Marketing
Top |
57 The World-s greatest short stories.-- Ahmedabad: Jaico
Publishing, 2012.
viii, 639p. 21cm.
ISBN : 8172240589.
808.31 WOR 135449
** Short stories
Top |
58 Brown, Rebecca M
Gandhi-s spinning wheel and the making of India / Rebecca
M Brown.-- London: Routledge, 2010.
viii, 151p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780415494311.
954.035092 BRO 135467
Spinning was seen as both an economic and political
activity that could bring together the diverse population
of South Asia. This book looks at the politics of
spinning both as a visual symbol and as a symbolic
practice. It traces the genealogy of spinning from its
early colonial manifestations in Company painting to its
reinterpretation, deployment and manipulation by the anti
colonial movement.
** Gandhi, Mahatma, 1869-1948 2. Hand spinning --
Political aspects -- India 3. Hand spinning -- Social
aspects --India 4. Nationalism -- India -- History 5.
India -- Politics and government -- 1919-1947
59 Tully, Mark
Non stop India / Mark Tully.-- New Delhi: Allen Lane,
xxi, 257p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780670083893.
954.0905 TUL 135458
In Non Stop India veteran journalist Mark Tully draws on
his unmatched knowledge of India, garnered from thirty
years of living in, and reporting from, the country, to
examine how this approach impacts on her much-touted
prospects of becoming an economic super-power. From
Maoist conflicts to huge industrial houses, from the
Tiger project to farmer suicides, from the Ramayana to
the remote valleys of the north-east, Tully examines
India s myriad negotiations with modernity and her
prospects for the next century and beyond.
** India -- Economic conditions -- 1991- 2. Economic
development -- India -- 20th century 3. India -- Social
conditions -- 1947-
60 Hangen, Susan I
The Rise of ethnic politics in Nepal : democracy in the
margins / Susan I Hangen.-- London: Routledge, 2010.
xi, 190p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415778848.
954.96 HAN 135475
Argues that ethnic politics have the potential to
strengthen rather than destabilize democracy. This book
studies one of Nepal-s most significant social movements
and examines the role it has played in the process of
democratization in Nepal. It demonstrates that ethnic
parties are not antithetical to democracy.
** Political anthropology -- Nepal 2. Politics and
culture -- Nepal 3. Indigenous peoples -- Nepal --
Politics and government 4. Nepal -- Ethnic relations --
Political aspects 5. Nepal -- Politics and government
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