New Arrivals
1 Matthews, Bob
Research methods : a practical guide for the social
sciences / Bob Matthews and Liz Ross.-- Harlow: Pearson,
xxii, 490p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9781405858502.
001.42 MAT 134986
This book offers a comprehensive introduction for first
time researchers right through to thorough and practical
advice for those undertaking more advanced work. The
book draws on real life experiences from a wide variety
of disciplines to show how theory translates into
practice, and offers a rigorous analysis of why
researchers choose the methods they use.
** Social sciences -- Research -- Methodology --
Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Top |
2 Smith, William Hosmer
The Phenomenology of moral normativity / William Hosmer
Smith.-- New York: Routledge, 2012.
xv, 215p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415890687.
170.42 SMI 135044
In The Phenomenology of Moral Normativity, William H.
Smith takes up the question of morality’s legitimacy
anew, drawing contemporary moral philosophers into
conversation with the phenomenological philosophy of
Husserl, Heidegger, and Levinas. Utilizing a two-part
account of moral normativity, Smith contends that the
ground of morality itself is second-personal rooted in
the ethical demand intrinsic to other persons while the
ground for particular moral-obligations is first-
personal rooted in the subjects avowal or endorsement of
certain moral norms within a concrete historical
situation. Thus, Smith argues, phenomenological analysis
allows us to make sense of an idea that has long held
intuitive appeal, but that modern moral philosophy has
been unable to render satisfactorily: namely, that the
normative source of valid moral claims is simply other
persons and what we owe to them.
** Ethics 2. Phenomenology
Top |
3 Card, Noel A
Applied meta-analysis for social science research / Noel
A Card.-- New York: Guilford Press, 2012.
xvi, 377p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781609184995.
300.72 CAR 135042
Offering pragmatic guidance for planning and conducting a
meta-analytic review, this book is written in an
engaging, nontechnical style that makes it ideal for
graduate course use or self-study. The author shows how
to: identify questions that can be answered using meta-
analysis, retrieve both published and unpublished
studies, create a coding manual, use traditional and
unique effect size indices, and write a meta-analytic
review. User-friendly features include annotated
equations discussions of alternative approaches, and
"Practical Matters" sections that give advice on topics
not often discussed in other books, such as linking meta-
analytic results with theory and the utility of meta-
analysis software programs.
** Social sciences- Statistical methods 2. Social
sciences Methodology 3. Meta-analysis
Top |
4 Neuman, W Lawrence
Social resourch methods : qualitative and quantitative
approaches / W Lawrence Neuman.--7th ed-- Boston: Allyn and
Bacon, 2011.
viii, 631p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780205615964.
301.072 NEU 134985
This book presents a comprehensive and balanced
introduction to both qualitative and quantitative
approaches to social research, emphasizing the benefits
of combining various approaches. It discusses the social
and historical context of research, and teaches students
to recognize ethnocentric perspectives and the
assumptions, values, and beliefs of their own society.
** Sociology --Research --Methodology, Social sciences --
Research --Methodology.
Top |
5 Hollingshead, Andrea B (ed)
Research methods for studying groups and teams : a guide
to approaches, tools, and technologies / Andrea B
Hollingshead and Marshall Scott Poole.-- New York:
Routledge, 2012.
ix, 459p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780415806336.
303.34072 HOL 135035
This book provides an overview of the methodological
issues and challenges inherent in the study of small
groups from the perspective of seasoned researchers in
communication, psychology and other fields in the
behavioral and social sciences. It summarizes the current
state of group methods in a format that is readable,
insightful, and useful for both new and experienced group
** Small groups --Research -Methodology, Small groups --
Study and teaching.
6 Sreekumar, T T
ICTs and Development in India : perspectives on the rural
network society / T T Sreekumar.-- London: Anthem Press,
xii, 215p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781843318439.
303.48330954 SRE 134989
This book attempts to study the nature and consequences
of the growing presence of information technology in
development projects in India, focusing particularly on e
governance and information and communication technologies
(ICT) development programs initiated by civil society
organizations (CSOs). The author persuasively argues that
there is in fact a wide chasm between the expectations
and the actual benefits of CSO initiatives in rural
India, and that recognizing this crucial fact yields
important lessons in conceptualizing development and
social action in rural areas.
** Information technology --India, Communication in rural
development --India, Rural development projects --India.
Top |
7 Srivastava, Gouri
Gender and peace in textbooks and schooling processes
:the Maldivian experience / Gouri Srivastava.-- New Delhi
: Concept Publishing, 2012.
152p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180697890.
305.3095495 SRI 135020
This book is based on the project to undertake an in-
depth study of textual and contextual situations in the
Republic of Maldives. This study is based on exhaustive
fieldwork conducted in male and in the four Atolls-
Noonu, cBaa, Lhaviyani and Gaafu Alifu.
** Sex role-Maldives-Textbooks 2.Sex role-Study and
teaching-Maldives 3. Women and peace-Maldives-Textbooks
4. Educational equalization-Maldives 5. Women-Education-
Maldives 6. Sex differences in education-Maldives 7.
Education and state-Maldives
8 Varghese, Jaimon
Women empowerment through literacy campaign : role of
social work / Jaimon Varghese.-- New Delhi: Concept
Publishing, 2012.
294p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180697937.
305.420954 VAR 135032
This book elaborates the active participation of a large
number of women literacy workers through National
Literacy Mission in collaboration with several prominent
NGOs throughout the country for taking up the task of
teaching the illiterate masses leading the success of
literacy campaign.
** Women in development --India --Faridabad (District),
Literacy programs --India --Faridabad (District), Women
volunteers in social service --Faridabad (District).
9 Nimachow, Gibji
The Akas : land and people / Gibji Nimachow.-- New Delhi:
Commonwealth, 2011.
403p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788131103326.
305.800954163 NIM 134994
This is a book about Akasè social life and customs and
also their economic conditions.
** Akas - India - Arunachal Pradesh - Social life and
customs 2. Akas - India - Arunachal Pradesh - Economic
Top |
10 Tadsad, Kamalaxi G
Human rights and police administration / Kamalaxi G
Tadsad and Harish Ramaswamy.-- New Delhi: Concept
Publishing, 2012.
viii, 238p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180698125.
323.095487 TAD 135021
Profound distrust commonly characterizes not only the
relationship between citizens and state institutions, but
also social, as well as inter- and intra-state relations.
** Human rights-India-Karnataka 2. Police administration-
Top |
11 Stock, James H
Introduction to econometrics / James H Stock and Mark W
Watson.--3rd ed-- Boston: Addison-Westly, 2011.
xliii, 785p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780138009007.
330.015195 STO 135055
Designed for a first course in introductory econometrics,
Introduction to Econometrics, reflects modern theory and
practice, with interesting applications that motivate and
match up with the theory to ensure students grasp the
relevance of econometrics. Authors James H. Stock and
Mark W. Watson integrate real-world questions and data
into the development of the theory, with serious
treatment of the substantive findings of the resulting
empirical analysis.
** Econometrics
12 Barnett, Vincent
E E Slutsky as economist and mathematician : crossing the
limits of knowledge / Vincent Barnett.-- London:
Routledge, 2011.
xiv, 225p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415549608.
330.092 BAR 135068
E.E. Slutsky is perhaps the Russian/Ukrainian economist
most quoted by mainstream economists today. This is the
first research monograph to examine the life and work of
the internationally-renowned economist and mathematician.
It does so from both a history of economics perspective
and a history of science perspective, bringing these
two strands together in order to demonstrate Slutskys
enduring legacy as an innovative researcher and an
influential intellectual. It also presents some of
Slutskys lesser-known (and hitherto-unavailable) works
in English translation.
** Slutsky,Evqeny Evqenievich.-1880-1948 2. Economist-
Russia-Biography 3. Economist-Soviet Union -Biography
13 Mishra, V S
Rise and growth of capitalist class (during nineteenth
century) / V S Mishra.-- New Delhi: Commonwealth, 2011.
xvi, 221p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788131103784.
330.1220954 MIS 135012
This book is on the economic development of Bombay, in
which the author has tried to trace the genesis of the
emergence of capitalist class from a historical view-
point. The book highlights transformation of Bombay from
feudalistic pattern of society to that of capitalist
** Capitalists and financiers -- India -- Bombay --
History -- 19th century, Capitalism -- India -- Bombay --
History -- 19th century, Bombay (India) -- Economic
conditions -- 19th century.
14 Kurz, Heinz D
Innovation, knowledge and growth : Adam Smith, Schumpeter
and the moderns / Heinz D Kurz.-- London: Routledge, 2012
182p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415550635.
330.153 KUR 135067
This book deals with the prime movers of socio-economic
development, innovations and technical change, their
origins, forms and effects. It contains a set of closely
related chapters, some of which have been previously
published as papers in scholarly journals.
** Economic development 2. Technological innovations-
Economic aspects 3. Knowledge management-Economic aspects
15 Raffaelli, Tiziano (ed)
Marshall, Marshallians and industrial economics / Tiziano
Raffaelli, Tamotsu Nishizawa and Simon Cook.-- London:
Routledge, 2011.
xvii, 325p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415552707.
330.155 RAF 135054
The four sections of the book deal in succession with
Marshall’s key ideas on the subject, the wider context of
his thought in which they are to be read, their later
development by some of his pupils, and their revival in
contemporary economics. The first and last sections work
together to illustrate the evolutionary focus of
Marshall’s research program and to identify its affinity
with modern industrial economics, the second explicates
the social assumptions within which the Marshallian
paradigm was embedded, in particular those relating to
the various relationships that exist between individuals
and wider groups, while the third traces the development
of Marshall’s views by some of his pupils.
** Marshall, Alfred,1842-1924 2. Evolutionary economics
3. Industrial organization(Economic theory)
16 Ciccone, Roberto (ed)
Sraffa and modern economics / Roberto Ciccone, Christian
Gehrke and Gary Mongiovi.-- London: Routledge, 2011.
xiii, 481p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415259996.
330.157092 CIC 135069,v. 1
Analyzing Sraffa, one of the key figures in the history
of economics, this book explores his legacy and the
relevance of his thought for modern economics. It serves
as a useful tool for all those studying the history of
economic thought.
** Sraffa,Piero 2. Classical school of economics 3.
Neoclassical school of economics
17 Ciccone, Roberto (ed)
Sraffa and modern economics / Roberto Ciccone, Christian
Gehrke and Gary Mongiovi.-- London: Routledge, 2011.
xiii, 361p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415669351.
330.157092 PIE 134987,V. 2
Analyzing Sraffa, one of the key figures in the history
of economics, this book explores his legacy and the
relevance of his thought for modern economics. Written by
an array of internationally respected contributors,
including Schefold, Aspromourgos, Nell and Kurz it is an
invaluable tool for all those studying the history of
economic thought.
** Sraffa, Piero, Classical school of economics,
Neoclassical school of economics.
Top |
18 Alexander, Carol
Market risk analysis / Carol Alexander.-- West Sussex:
Wiley, 2008.
xxx, 396p. CD-ROM. 25cm.
V. 2. Practical financial econometrics.
ISBN : 9780470998014.
332.015195 ALE 134970,vol. 2
This book introduces the econometric techniques that are
commonly applied to finance with a critical and selective
exposition, emphasizing the areas of econometrics, such
as GARCH, co integration and copulas that are required for
resolving problems in market risk analysis. The book
covers material for a one-semester graduate course in
applied financial econometrics in a very pedagogical
fashion as each time a concept is introduced an empirical
example is given, and whenever possible this is
illustrated with an Excel spreadsheet.
** Risk management, Hedging (Finance).
19 Jha, Mithilesh Kumar
Microfinance and rural development : role of self-help
groups / Mithilesh Kumar Jha.-- New Delhi: Concept
Publishing, 2012.
xxiii, 432p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180698552.
332.0954 JHA 135022
Microfinance is defined as any activity that includes the
provision of financial services such as credit, savings,
and insurance to low income individuals which fall just
above the nationally defined poverty line, and poor
individuals which fall below that poverty line, with the
goal of creating social value. The creation of social
value includes poverty alleviation and the broader impact
of improving livelihood opportunities through the
provision of capital for micro enterprise, and insurance
and savings for risk mitigation and consumption
smoothing. A large variety of actors provide microfinance
in India, using a range of microfinance delivery methods.
The range of activities undertaken in microfinance
include group lending, individual lending, the provision
of savings and insurance, capacity building, and
agricultural business development services.
** Microfinance- India 2. Self-help groups- India 3.
Rural development projects- India
20 Bessis, Joel
Risk management in banking / Joel Bessis.--3rd ed-- West
Sussex: Wiley, 2010.
xvii, 821p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780470019139.
332.1 BES 135063
This new edition of Joel Bussis highly successful Risk
Management in Banking has been fully revised and updated
to reflect new developments, the latest research, and
changes in current practice. It considers all aspects of
risk management, including: asset liability management,
risk based capital, value at risk, loan portfolio
management, credit risk, market risk, interest rate risk,
liquidity risk, fund transfer pricing, and capital
allocation. Completely revised and updated, the text
includes new chapters on credit models based on time
intensity models, usage of copulas, and implementing risk
** Bank management 2. Risk management 3. Asset-liability
21 Cao, Jin
Banking regulation and the financial crisis / Jin Cao.--
London: Routledge, 2012.
x, 222p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415607803.
332.1 CAO 135045
This book is a review on the economic theories of
systemic risks in the financial market and the topics in
constructing the macro prudential framework for banking
regulation in the future. It explains the reasons why the
traditional micro prudential regulatory framework missed
its target in stabilizing the market and preventing the
crisis, and discusses the principles and instruments for
designing macro prudential rules. .
** Banks and banking 2. Financial services industry- Risk
management 3. Banking law 4. Global Financial Crisis,
2008 2009
22 Goodhart, Charles
The Basel Committee on Banking supervision : a history of
the early years, 1974-1997 / Charles Goodhart.--
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
xiii, 603p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781107007239.
332.1 GOO 134966
This book tells the story of the early years of the
Committee from its foundation in 1974/5 right through
until 1997 - the year that marks the watershed between
the Basel I Accord on Capital Adequacy and the start of
work on Basel II. In addition, the book covers the
Concordat, the Market Risk Amendment, the Core Principles
of Banking and all other facets of the work of the BCBS.
While the book is primarily a record of the history of
the BCBS, it also provides an assessment of its actions
and efficacy. It is a major contribution to the
historical record on banking supervision.
** Banks and banking --State supervision.
23 Howden, David (ed)
Institutions in crisis : European perspectives on the
recession / David Howden.-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar,
xxi, 240p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780857932112.
332.1 HOW 134992
This book explores the causes and consequences of
Europe-s failed political and economic institutions.
Europe-s recession has created new challenges as market
turmoil has shaken the foundations of the twin pillars of
the new drive for European integration - political and
monetary unions. This book critically assesses the
patchwork solutions continually offered to hold the
troubled unions together. Failed political policies, from
the prodigious -Common Agricultural Policy- to ever more
common fiscal stimulus packages, are shown to have bred
less than stellar results in the past, and to have
devastating implications for future European growth.
** Financial institutions -- Europe, Global Financial
Crisis, 2008-2009, Europe -- Economic integration.
24 Salo, Ahti (ed)
Portfolio decision analysis : improved methods for
resource allocation / Ahti Salo, Jeffrey Keisler and Alec
Morton.-- New York: Springer, 2011.
xv, 409p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781441999429.
332.6 SAL 135051
portfolio Decision Analysis: Improved Methods for
Resource Allocation" provides an extensive, up-to-date
coverage of decision analytic methods which help firms
and public organizations allocate resources to -lumpy-
investment opportunities while explicitly recognizing
relevant financial and non-financial evaluation criteria
and the presence of alternative investment opportunities.
This book offers a many-faceted treatment of portfolio
decision analysis (PDA). Among other things, it
synthesizes the state-of-play in PDA, describes novel
methodologies, fosters the deployment of these
methodologies, and contributes to the strengthening of
research on PDA. Portfolio problems are widely regarded
as the single most important application context of
decision analysis, and, with its extensive and unique
coverage of these problems, this book is a much-needed
addition to the literature.
** Portfolio management- Decision making
25 Bertocchi, Marida (ed)
Stochastic optimization methods in finance and energy :
new financial products and energy market strategies /
Marida Bertocchi, Giorgio Consigli and Michael A H
Dempster.-- New York: Springer, 2011.
xxiii, 474p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781441995858.
332.60151 BER 135062
This book presents contributions dedicated to applied
problems in the financial and energy sectors that have
been formulated and solved in a stochastic optimization
framework. Coverage also extends to theoretical and
computational issues.
** Investments-Mathematical models2. Portfolio management
Mathematical models 3. Energy development-Finance-
Mathematical models 4. Power resources- Economic aspects-
Mathematical models
Top |
26 Hornborg, Alf (ed)
Ecology and power :struggles over land and material
resources in the past, present and future / Alf Hornborg,
Brett Clark and Kenneth Hermele.-- London: Routledge,
xv, 308p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415601467.
333.7 HOR 135046
Power and social inequality shape patterns of land use
and resource management. This book explores this
relationship from different perspectives, illuminating
the complexity of interactions between human societies
and nature. Most of the contributors use the perspective
of "political ecology" as a point of departure,
recognizing that human relations to the environment and
human social relations are not separate phenomena but
inextricably intertwined. What makes this volume unique
is that it sets this approach in a trans-disciplinary,
global, and historical framework.
** Sustainable development 2. Ecology- Economic aspects
3. Human ecology 4. Natural resources- Environmental
aspects 5. Natural resources- Political aspects
27 Libecap, Gary D (ed)
The economics of climate change : adaptations past and
present / Gary D Libecap and Richard H Steckel.-- Chicago
: The University of Chicago Press, 2011.
x, 353p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780226479880.
333.714 LIB 134973
This book takes a close look at the ways in which
economies-particularly that of the United States-have
adjusted to the challenges climate change poses,
including institutional features that help insulate the
economy from shocks, new crop varieties, irrigation,
flood control, and ways of extending cultivation to new
geographic areas. These innovations indicate that people
and economies have considerable capacity to acclimate,
especially when private gains complement public benefits.
** Climatic changes --Economic aspects --Congresses,
Climatic changes --Economic aspects --United States --
Congresses, Ecology --Economic aspects --Congresses.
28 Scheer, Hermann
The Energy imperative : 100 per cent renewable now /
Hermann Scheer.-- London: Earthscan, 2012.
xv, 184p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781849714334.
333.794 SCH 134974
In this book, the author lays out his vision for a planet
100% powered by renewable and examines the fundamental
ethical and economic imperatives for such a shift. He
demonstrates why the time for this transition is now. He
offers up examples of the technologies which are working
(economically) today and details the policy and market
conditions which would allow them to flourish.
** Renewable energy sources.
Top |
29 Pullman, Madeleine
Food supply chain management : economic, social and
environment perspectives / Madeleine Pullman and Zhaohui
Wu.-- New York: Routledge, 2012.
xxii, 287p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9780415885881.
338.19 PUL 135071
Food Supply Chain Management: Economic, Social and
Environmental Perspectives is very different from parts
supply chain management as can be seen from the
increasing health, safety and environmental concerns that
are increasingly garnering the public’s attention about
different food supply chain problems. Food supply chain
managers face very different environments. While the
popular press has written extensively about certain food
supply chain issues, these books focus on health effects,
specific supply chain practices (buy local vs. commodity
supply chain), agricultural policy impacts, and problems
in the modern food supply chain. Food Supply Chain
Management comprehensively covers food supply chain and
is appropriate for a business student audience and
students in agriculture business, natural resources and
food science.
** Food industry and trade 2. Food supply 3. Sustainable
30 Mittal, Surabhi (ed)
Policy options to achieve food security in south Asia /
Surabhi Mittal and Deepti Sethi.-- Delhi: Foundation
Books, 2011.
xviii, 223p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9788175968097.
338.1959 MIT 134887
Policy Options to Achieve Food Security in South Asia
pulls together all South Asian countries and identifies
major issues of food security in the individual country.
The chapters highlight issues such as initiatives and
policies taken up in these countries to achieve the goal
of food security and also critically evaluate the
effectiveness of these policies. It suggests measures to
overcome the identified constraints and make the policies
more effective. It also talks about the SAARC food bank
to ensure food security in the region. .
** Food security - South Asia 2. Food Security -
Government policy- South Asia
31 Farooki, Masuma
The Impact of China on global commodity prices : the
global reshaping of the resource sector / Masuma Farooki
and Raphael Kaplinsky.-- London: Routledge, 2012.
xxi, 207p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415597890.
338.52 FAR 135066
Drawing on a large number of diverse sources, The Impact
of China on Global Commodity Prices comprehensively and
systematically evidences the trends in the prices of
different sets of commodities, analyses the drivers of
China’s demand for commodities the factors constraining
global supply and in the role which the financialisation
of commodities is playing in constraining commodity
production. It also documents and the growing role of
China as a foreign investor in the commodities sectors.
All of these trends are woven together to explore the
fabric of strategic choices confronting public and
private sector decision-makers.
** Prices 2. Cost and standard of living 3. Globalization
4. China-Economic conditions-2000-
32 Paulson, Hank
On the brink : inside the race to stop the collapse of
the global financial system / Hank Paulson.-- London:
Headline Publishing, 2010.
xiv, 458p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780755360543.
338.542 PAU 134968
The book contains all the decisive moments in the
economic crisis, including the pivotal meetings with
mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, as well as
Paulson-s personal recollections of and conversations
with President Bush, President Obama, Federal Reserve
Chairman Ben Bernanke and current Treasury Secretary
Timothy Geithner. As well as detailing the major
decisions taken during the crisis, Paulson also puts
forth the policies he believes need to be implemented to
take us securely into the future.
** Paulson, Henry M., 1946-, Global Financial Crisis,
2008 2009, United States -- Economic policy -- 2001-2009,
United States -- Politics and government -- 21st century.
33 Devereux, Stephen
Seasonality, rural livelihoods and development / Stephen
Devereux, Rachel Sabates-Wheeler and R Longhurst.--
London: Earthscan, 2012.
xviii, 326p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781849713245.
338.90091724 DEV 134969
This book is the systematic study of seasonality for over
twenty years, and it aims to revive academic interest and
policy awareness of this crucial but neglected issue.
Thematic chapters explore recent shifts with profound
implications for seasonality, including climate change,
HIV/AIDS, and social protection. The book also includes
innovative tools for monitoring seasonality, which should
enable more appropriate responses.
** Seasonal variations (Economics) --Developing countries
Rural poor --Developing countries, Rural development --
Developing countries.
34 Evans, J P
Environmental governance / J P Evans.-- London: Routledge
, 2012.
xviii, 254p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415589826.
338.927 EVA 134975
This book discusses the first principals of governance
while also providing a critical overview of the wide
ranging theories and approaches that underpin
contemporary practice today. This book places governance
within its wider political context to explore how the
environment is controlled, manipulated, regulated, and
contested by a range of actors and institutions. It shows
how governance has shaped established approaches to
environmental issues such as networks and markets,
focusing on Kyoto and the post-Kyoto mechanisms to deal
with climate change. It highlights how the different
approaches currently in play frame environmental problems
in distinctive ways, privileging different solutions and
types of change.
** Environmental policy, Environmental management.
35 Huang, Xiaoming (ed)
China, India and the end of development models / Xiaoming
Huang, Alex C Tan and Sekhar Bandyopadhyay.-- New York:
Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
xvii, 294p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780230301580.
338.951 HUA 134977
In this book, the authors ask the question whether the
impressive economic growth and development of China and
India constitute a unique model of modern economic
development, in light of new models associated with the
rise and flourishing of the modern economy in Europe,
North America and East Asia. They place China and India
in the context of the global rise and expansion of the
modern economy and bring together competing models and
frameworks on these two similar, yet contrasting,
development experiences. The book argues that
-development models- can be descriptive, explanatory and
prescriptive. In the cases of China and India, there is a
clear pattern of historical emergence of the new economic
system in the two countries.
** Economic development --China, Economic development --
India, China --Economic conditions --2000-, India --
Economic conditions --1991-.
Top |
36 Davidson, Paul
Post Keynesian macroeconomic theory : a foundation for
successful economic policies for the twenty-first
century / Paul Davidson.--2nd ed-- Cheltenham: Edward
Elgar, 2011.
v, 354p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781849809801.
339 DAV 134988
In this book, the author explains how and why
contemporary macroeconomic textbooks fail to incorporate
Keynes-s liquidity and financial analysis framework to
explain the importance of money and financial markets in
the real world of experience. This book develops Keynes-s
analytical framework for both closed and open economies
and provides policy guidance for the global economy of
the twenty-first century. In particular, it deals with
problems such as inflation, financial contagion, global
unemployment, outsourcing, trade patterns, and developing
an international financial system that encourages
expansionary growth among all trading partners while
avoiding sovereign debt problems.
** Keynes, John Maynard, 1883-1946, Keynesian economics,
37 Ekstrom, Karin M (ed)
Beyond the consumption bubble / Karin M Ekstrom and Kay
Glans.-- New York: Routledge, 2011.
xii, 262p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415878494.
339.47 EKS 135070
Including essays from scholars such as Zygmunt Baumann,
Russell Belk, Colin Campbell, Deirdre McCloskey, and Neva
Goodwin, this title brings together a diverse set of
expert scholars to enliven and sharpen the debate about
the ways in which consumption affects society.
** Consumption (Economics) 2. Consumption (Economics)-
Social aspects
Top |
38 Vardi, Noah
The Integration of European financial markets : the
regulation of monetary obligations / Noah Vardi.-- London
: Routledge-Cavendish, 2011.
xxii, 182p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780415602631.
343.24032 VAR 135060
This book considers the discipline of monetary
obligations within the wider context of financial
markets. Analysing the integration of the markets from a
legal point of view provides an opportunity to highlight
the role of globalisation as the key element favoring the
circulation of rules, models, and especially the
development of new regulatory sources. The book examines
market transactions and the institutes at the root of
these transactions, including the type of legislative
sources in force and the subjects acting as legislators.
Finally, the book draws links between the two parts and
assesses the consequences of the changes at the macro-
level of regulation on the micro-level of legal
discipline of monetary obligations, particularly focusing
on the emergence and growing importance of soft law.
** Capital market-Law and legislation-Europe 2. Money-
Law and legislation-Europe
Top |
39 Rahmatian, Andreas
Copyright and creativity : the making of property rights
in creative works / Andreas Rahmatian.-- Cheltenham:
Edward Elgar, 2011.
xx, 314p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781848442467.
346.082 RAH 134981
Copyright and Creativity discusses the making of property
out of creative works through the legal mechanism of
copyright. It shows the manner in which the law
translates a great variety of expressions of the human
mind into its normative system and transforms them into
the property right of copyright or. This book examines
the proprietary features of copyright, the inherent
limitations of its powers, and its justification and
relationship to the non-proprietary realm of the public
** Copyright, Creation (Literary, artistic, etc.).
40 Kariyawasam, Rohan (ed)
Chinese intellectual property and technology laws / Rohan
Kariyawasam.-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011.
liii, 462p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781849800082.
346.51048 KAR 134983
The book initially focuses on recent amendments to the
laws of copyright, trademarks, patents, before moving on
to discuss unfair competition and trade secrets, and the
protection of intellectual property over electronic
networks. Other chapters cover the regulation of digital
networks and telecommunications, IT and E-commerce, the
new antimonopoly law and competition, and China-s
position on the TRIPS agreement.
** Intellectual property -- China, Technology and law --
Top |
41 Sundaram, K V
Development planning at the grassroots / K V Sundaram.--
New Delhi: Concept Publishing, 2012.
xii, 224p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180698682.
352.2830954 SUN 135019
This is a compilation of 18 speeches made in the
conferences on the topics of development planning at the
grassroots level, for sustainable development and
** Regional planning-India 2. Sustainable development-
India 3. Decentralization in government-India
42 Sinha, Harendra
Bureaucracy and rural development in Mizoram / Harendra
Sinha.-- New Delhi: Concept Publishing, 2012.
xxii, 242p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180698309.
352.630954166 SIN 135017
Bureaucracy is the dependable machinery all over the
world including India through which the states implement
development programmes. In fact, bureaucracy is an
integral part of the execution of rural development
process in India. However, the failure of bureaucracy to
enthuse people-s participation and successful
implementation led to decentralization of authority and
power to local self-governing institutions-the PRIs to
have the entire charge of developmental works. While
rural development programmes are now implemented with the
coordination of -rural bureaucracy and PRIs-, in case of
Mizoram, since PRIs not introduced (exempted from 73rd
Constitutional Amendment Act) and the existing Village
Councils not viable as PRIs.
** Bureaucracy- India- Mizoram 2. Rural development-
India Mizoram
43 Pasquier, Martial
Marketing management and communications in the public
sector / Martial Pasquier and Jean-Patrick Villeneuve.--
London: Routledge, 2012.
x, 261p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415448970.
352.748 PAS 135061
This book provides a thorough overview of the major
concepts in marketing and communication which is done by
utilizing an exclusive and decisive public-sector
approach, with an unambiguous international outlook. The
possibilities and limits of the application of marketing
and communication, from strategic aspects to the more
concrete questions of instruments and implementation, are
discussed and if the realities of the public sector are
the key to any understanding of marketing and
communication, the international scene is the only
possible ground to do this in. .
** Government publicity 2. Communication in public
Top |
44 Mehta, Neeta
Social work : research and statistics / Neeta Mehta,
Manish Patel and L K Singh.-- New Delhi: Axis Books, 2011
276p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789381302194.
361.007 MEH 135013
This book provides a comprehensive, internationally-
focused account of leading social work research, offering
an original and defining statement on contemporary theory
and practice within the field. The book engages
critically with the nature and role of social work
research and evaluation in contemporary societies around
the glob.
** Social service -- Research, Social service.
Top |
45 Rajpramukh, K E
Tribal health in eastern ghats / K E Rajpramukh.-- New
Delhi: Concept Publishing, 2012.
xii, 162p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180698415.
362.109548 RAJ 135031
The book attempts to portray the health status of various
tribal communities of Eastern Ghats spreading over an
area of more than 75000 kms covering parts of Orissa,
Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, Chhattisgarh,
Maharashtra and Karnataka with particular reference to
their primary health care and performance of the primary
health centres in the tribal areas with their traditional
methods of care.
** Primary health care --India --Eastern Ghats, Eastern
Ghats (India) --Scheduled tribes --Medical care.
Top |
46 Kincheloe, Joe L
Teachers as researchers : qualitative inquiry as a path
to empowerment / Joe L Kincheloe.-- London: Routledge,
xix, 279p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415686570.
370.72073 KIN 135036
Teachers are being encouraged to carry out research in
order to improve their effectiveness in the classroom,
but this book suggests that they also reflect on and
challenge the reductionist and technicist methods that
promote a -top down- system of education. It argues that
only by engaging in complex, critical research will
teachers rediscover their professional status, empower
their practice in the classroom and improve the quality
of education for their pupils.
** Education --Research --United States, Teachers --
United States, Qualitative research --United States.
Top |
47 Costabile, Angela (ed)
The Impact of technology on relationships in educational
settings / Angela Costabile and Barbara A Spears.--
London: Routledge, 2012.
xviii, 217p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415610087.
371.33 COS 135034
As the linguistic, cognitive and social elements of our
lives are transformed by new and emerging technologies,
educational settings are also challenged to respond to
the issues that have arisen as a consequence. This book
focuses on that challenge: using psychological theory as
a lens to highlight the positive uses of new technologies
in relationships and educational settings, and to
advocate technological learning opportunities and social
support where the misuse and abuse of ICT occurs. The
Impact of Technology on Relationships in Educational
Settings sets out to explore the role of ICTs in
relationship forming, social networking and social
relationships within our schools and has grown out of the
European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST),
Action on cyber bullying, involving 28 participating
countries, and two non-COST countries, of which Australia
is one.
** Education --Effect of technological innovations on,
Educational technology --Social aspects, Students --
Social networks.
Top |
48 Pandya, Rameshwari (ed)
Spectrum of lifelong education / Rameshwari Pandya.-- New
Delhi: Concept Publishing, 2011.
xxvi, 310p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180697449.
374.954 PAN 135030
This book dealing with various dimensions of lifelong
education and different issues related to adult and
lifelong education like the government efforts, pedagogy
have been addressed and examined in this book. .
** Continuing education-India 2. Adult education-India
Top |
49 Gupta, B L
Academic audit / B L Gupta.-- New Delhi: Concept
Publishing, 2011.
xviii, 218p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788180697371.
378.11 GUP 135016
This book addresses the long left need of quality
assurance, system design, academic audit and quality
improvement at system and processes level in educational
institutions. It also addresses the quality assurance
needs of the governors, directors, and head of
departments, teachers, accreditation agency, and policy
** Universities and colleges -- Auditing.
Top |
50 Sinha, Piyush Kumar
Managing retailing / Piyush Kumar Sinha and Dwarika
Prasad Uniyal.-- New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2007
xv, 543p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780195690705.
381.106 SIN 135083
Managing Retailing - Text and Cases is all about running
the business of retailing - as a retailer or as a
marketing manager of a company. It brings out the
conceptual, strategic and managerial frameworks that a
retailer may use to further the business and achieve its
desiered objectives Designed as a fundamental textbook on
the subject, the book would also benefit professionals in
managing day - to - day retail operations as well as
build a long - term sustainable strategy for competitive
** Retail trade- Management
Top |
51 Macbean, Alasdair I
Export instability and economic development / Alasdair I
Macbean.-- London: Routeledge, 2011.
367p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415593908.
382.6 MAC 135064,v. 45
This book approaches its subject by first briefly
examining various propositions about the causes or
effects of export fluctuations in the context of
underdeveloped countries.
** Commodity control 2. Economic development 3.
Developing countries- Economic conditions
52 Braun, Johanna von
The Domestic politics of negotiating international trade
: intellectual property rights in US-Colombia and US-Peru
free trade agreements / Johanna von Braun.-- London:
Routledge, 2012.
xiv, 262p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415601399.
382.973 BRA 134984
The book looks in detail at the intellectual property
negotiations which formed part of the US-Peru and US-
Colombia Free Trade Agreements and analyses the extent to
which public health authorities and other parties
affected by the increased levels of intellectual property
protection were integrated into the negotiation process.
The book then juxtaposes these findings with an analysis
of the domestic origins of US negotiation objectives in
the field of intellectual property, paying particular
attention to the role of the private sector in the
development of these objectives.
** United States --Commerce --Colombia, Colombia --
Commerce --United States, United States --Commerce --Peru
Peru --Commerce --United States.
Top |
53 Djukic, Dusan
The IMO compendium : a collection of problems suggested
for the International Mathematical Olympiads - 1959-2009
/ Dusan Djukic and others.--2nd ed-- New York: Springer,
xiv, 809p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781441998538.
510.76 DJU 134993
This book represents not only a great opportunity to
tackle interesting and challenging mathematics problems,
it also offers a way for high school students to measure
up with students from the rest of the world. "The IMO
Compendium" is the result of a collaboration between four
former IMO participants from Yugoslavia, now Serbia and
Montenegro, to rescue these problems from old and
scattered manuscripts, and produce the ultimate source of
IMO practice problems. This book attempts to gather all
the problems and solutions appearing on the IMO through
** International Mathematical Olympiad, Mathematics --
Problems, exercises, etc, Mathematics --Competitions.
Top |
54 Shi, Jian Qing
Gaussian process regression analysis for functional data
/ Jian Qing Shi and Taeryon Choi.-- Boca Raton: CRC Press
, 2011.
xix, 196p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781439837733.
519.23 SHI 135065
Gaussian Process Regression Analysis for Functional Data
presents nonparametric statistical methods for functional
regression analysis, specifically the methods based on a
Gaussian process prior in a functional space. The authors
focus on problems involving functional response variables
and mixed covariates of functional and scalar variables.
The remainder of the text explores advanced topics of
functional regression analysis, including novel
nonparametric statistical methods for curve prediction,
curve clustering, functional ANOVA, and functional
regression analysis of batch data, repeated curves, and
non-Gaussian data. Many flexible models based on Gaussian
processes provide efficient ways of model learning,
interpreting model structure, and carrying out inference,
particularly when dealing with large dimensional
functional data. .
** Regression analysis 2. Functional analysis 3. Gaussian
55 Devore, Jay L
Modern mathematical statistics with applications / Jay L
Devore and Kenneth N Berk.--2nd ed-- New York: Springer,
xii, 845p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9781461403906.
519.5 DEV 135091
This book strikes a balance between mathematical
foundations and statistical practice. The text
illustrates statistical concepts and methods through
careful explanations and real-data applications. The main
focus of the book is on presenting and illustrating
methods of inferential statistics that are useful in
research. It begins with a chapter on descriptive
statistics that immediately exposes the reader to real
** Mathematical statistics, Mathematical statistics --
Problems, exercises, etc.
56 Taneja, Pawan
Statistics for business and economics / Pawan Taneja.--
New Delhi: Rajat Publications, 2011.
292p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9788178805153.
519.5 TAN 135015
This book includes the following contents: Overview of
statistics, describing data: numerical measures,
describing data : displaying and exploring data,
probability, discrete probability distribution, sampling
distributions, one-sample hypothesis tests, analysis of
variance and Manova, linear regression and correlation
** Statistics.
57 Li, Yuelin
Behavioral research data analysis with R / Yuelin Li and
Jonathan Baron.-- New York: Springer, 2012.
xii, 245p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781461412373.
519.50285 LIY 135076
This book is written for behavioral scientists who want
to consider adding R to their existing set of statistical
tools, or want to switch to R as their main computation
tool. The authors aim primarily to help practitioners of
behavioral research make the transition to R. The focus
is to provide practical advice on some of the widely-used
statistical methods in behavioral research, using a set
of notes and annotated examples. This book will also help
beginners learn more about statistics and behavioral
research. These are statistical techniques used by
psychologists who do research on human subjects, but of
course they are also relevant to researchers in others
fields that do similar kinds of research. The authors
emphasize practical data analytic skills so that they can
be quickly incorporated into readers- own research.
** Statistics- Data processing 2. Statistics- Computer
programs 3. R- (Computer program language)
58 Grissom, Robert J
Effect sizes for research : univariate and multivariate
applications / Robert J Grissom and John J Kim.--2nd ed--
New York: Routledge, 2012.
xvii, 434p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415877695.
519.538 GRI 135033
The book features numerous examples using real data for a
variety of variables and designs, to help readers apply
the material to their own data. Tips on the use of SPSS,
SAS, R, And S-Plus are provided for the more tedious
calculations. The book-s broad disciplinary appeal
results from its inclusion of a variety of examples from
psychology, medicine, education, and other social
sciences. Special attention is paid to confidence
intervals, the statistical assumptions of the methods,
and robust estimators of effect sizes. The book clearly
demonstrates how the choice of an appropriate measure
depends on such factors as whether variables are
categorical, ordinal, or continuous, satisfying
assumptions, sampling, and the source of variability in
the population.
** Analysis of variance, Effect sizes (Statistics),
Experimental design.
59 Mahjoub, A Ridha (ed)
Progress in combinatorial optimization / A Ridha Mahjoub.
-- Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
xix, 603p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781848212060.
519.64 MAH 135037
This book presents recent developments and new trends in
Combinatorial Optimization. Combinatorial Optimization is
an active research area that has applications in many
domains such as communications, network design, VLSI,
scheduling, production, computational biology. In the
past years, new results and major advances have been seen
in many areas including computational complexity,
approximation algorithms, cutting-plane based methods and
submodularity function minimization. More efficient and
powerful methods have been developed for approaching real
worlds problems, and new concepts and theoretical results
have been introduced.
** Combinatorial optimization.
60 Denardo, Eric V
Linear programming and generalizations : a problem-based
introduction with spreadsheets / Eric V Denardo.-- New
York: Springer, 2011.
x, 673p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781441964908.
519.72 DEN 135049
This book on constrained optimization is novel in that it
fuses these themes: è use examples to introduce general
ideas, è engage the student in spreadsheet computation, è
survey the uses of constrained optimization,. è
investigate game theory and nonlinear optimization, è
link the subject to economic reasoning, and è present the
requisite mathematics. Blending these themes makes
constrained optimization more accessible and more
valuable. It stimulates the student’s interest, quickens
the learning process, reveals connections to several
academic and professional fields, and deepens the
student’s grasp of the relevant mathematics. The book is
designed for use in courses that focus on the
applications of constrained optimization, in courses that
emphasize the theory, and in courses that link the
subject to economics.
** Linear programming
61 Bhat, Anil
Management :principles, processes and practices / Anil
Bhat and Arya Kumar.-- New Delhi: Oxford University Press
, 2008.
xiv, 590p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780195694451.
658 BHA 135082
Readers discover the confidence to manage and develop the
ability to lead with innovative solutions in today-s
rapidly changing business environment .
** Management
62 Tejpal, B K
Business economics : modern methods and techniques / B K
Tejpal.-- Jaipur: Ritu Publications, 2012.
248p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9789381422090.
658 TEJ 134995
Written primarily for students taking courses in business
economics in India. The book is concern with how economics
is, and should be used, in business. It provides a direction
for the development of management science as a means of
understanding the behaviour of firms.
** Industrial management 2. Managerial economics
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