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700 ARTS






   1 Shyamasundar, R K (ed)
Homi Bhabha and the computer revolution / R K
Shyamasundar and M A Pai.-- New Delhi: Oxford University
Press, 2011.
xxxiii, 364p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780198072461.
004.0954 SHY 133846
This volume brings together fascinating essays on the
history, current trends, and future prospects of Telecom
and IT industry in India. The book also traces the
subsequent developments in indigenous efforts in India’s
telecom revolution and concludes with an overview of some
key fields in computer science and IT that have potential
applications in the betterment of society.

** Bhabha, Homi Jehangir, 1909-1966, Computers --India --
History, Computer science --India --History.
   2 Kaushik, Avinash
Web analytics 2.0 : the art of online accountability and
science of customer centricity / Avinash Kaushik.-- New
Delhi: Wiley, 2010.
xxv, 475p. CD-ROM. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780470529393.
025.04 KAU 134305, 134520-134521
This book provides specific recommendations for creating
an actionable strategy, applying analytical techniques
correctly, solving challenges such as measuring social
media and multichannel campaigns, achieving optimal
success by leveraging experimentation, and employing
tactics for truly listening to your customers. In this
book, the author lays out specific strategies and
execution models to evolve from simply leveraging click
stream tools to incorporating the insightful elixir of
qualitative data, experimentation and testing, and
competitive intelligence tools.

** Web usage mining, Internet users -- Statistics -- Data
processing, Internet marketing, Web site development.
   3 Fischhoff, Baruch
Judgment and decision making / Baruch Fischhoff.-- London
: Earthscan Publishing, 2011.
xv, 348p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781849714457.
153.46 FIS 134470
This book offers a distinctive approach to understanding
and improving decision making. It combines theory and
method from multiple disciples (psychology, economics,
statistics, decision theory, management science). It
employs both empirical methods, to study how decisions
are actually made, and analytical ones, to study how
decisions should be made and how consequential
imperfections are. This book brings together key
publications, selected to represent the major topics and
approaches used in the field.

** Judgment, Decision making, Risk-taking (Psychology).
   4 Elliott, Anthony (ed)
Routledge handbook of identity studies / Anthony Elliott.
-- London: Routledge, 2011.
xxiv, 407p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415555586.
155..2 ELL 134463
The book offers an overview of the analysis of identity
in the social sciences, and seeks to develop a new agenda
for identity-studies in the twenty-first century. The key
theories of identity, ranging from classical accounts to
postmodern, psychoanalytic and feminist approaches, are
drawn together and critically appraised, and there are
substantive sections looking at racial, ethnic, gendered,
queer, consumerist, virtual and global identities. The
Handbook also makes an essential contribution to the
debate now opening up over identity-politics and its
cultural consequences. From anti-globalization protestors
to new ecological warriors, from devotees of therapy
culture to defenders of international human rights: the
culture of identity-politics is fast redefining the
public political sphere.

** Identity (Psychology)-Social aspects, Group identity,
Identity politics.
   5 Carlson, Richard
Don-t sweat the small stuff- and its all small stuff :
simple ways to keep the little things from taking over
your life / Richard Carlson.-- New York: Hyperion, 1997.
248p. 17cm.
ISBN : 9780786881857.
158.1 CAR 134519
This book shows, how to stop letting the little things in
life drive you crazy. Author teaches in his gentle and
encouraging style, simple strategies for living a more
fulfilled and peaceful life. We can all learn to put
things in perspective, and by making the small daily
changes he suggests, including surrendering to the fact
that sometimes life isn-t fair, and asking yourself,
-Will this matter a year from now?-, Author can help
everyone to see the bigger picture. Repackaged to inspire
and guide a new generation, this is a Mind, Body and
Spirit classic.

** Behavior modification, Conduct of life, Peace of mind.
 170   ETHICS  
   6 King, Nancy M P (ed)
Bioethics, public moral argument, and social
responsibility / Nancy M P King and Michael J Hyde.-- New
York: Routledge, 2012.
xv, 179p. 23cm.
(Routledge annals of bioethics, 10).
ISBN : 9780415898553.
174.201 KIN 134085
This book explores the role of democratically oriented
argument in promoting public understanding and discussion
of the benefits and burdens of biotechnological progress.
The contributors examine moral and policy controversies
surrounding biomedical technologies and their place in
American society, beginning with an examination of
discourse and moral authority in democracy. The book
addresses a set of issues that include: dignity in health
care, the social responsibilities of scientists,
journalists, and scholars, and the language of genetics
and moral responsibility.

** Medical ethics-Philosophy, Bioethics-Philosophy,
Biotechnology-Philosophy, Ethics and moral philosophy.
 200   RELIGION  
   7 Tolle, Eckhart
The power of now : a guide to spiritual enlightment /
Eckhart Tolle.-- Novato: New World Library, 2004.
xvi, 236p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9781577314806.
204.4 TOL 134517
This book takes readers on an inspiring spiritual journey
to find their true and deepest self and reach the
ultimate in personal growth and spirituality: the
discovery of truth and light. In the first chapter,
author introduces readers to enlightenment and its
natural enemy, the mind. He awakens readers to their role
as a creator of pain and shows them how to have a pain-
free identity by living fully in the present. The journey
is thrilling, and along the way, the author shows how to
connect to the indestructible essence of our Being, "the
eternal, ever-present One Life beyond the myriad forms of
life that are subject to birth and death."

** Spiritual life.

8 Tolle, Eckhart
Practicing the power of now : essential teachings,
meditations, exercises from the power of now / Eckhart
Tolle.-- Novato: New World Library, 2001.
142p. 19cm.
ISBN : 9781577311959.
204.4 TOL 134516
This book extracts the essence from author-s teachings in
this book, showing us how to free ourselves from
"enslavement to the mind." The aim is to be able to enter
into and sustain an awakened state of consciousness
throughout everyday life. Through meditations and simple
techniques, author shows us how to quiet our thoughts,
see the world in the present moment, and find a path to
"a life of grace, ease, and lightness."

** Spiritual life.
   9 McLaughlin, Kenneth
Surviving identity : vulnerability and the psychology of
recognition / Kenneth McLaughlin.-- London: Routledge,
vii, 158p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780415591218.
303.484 MAC 134458
This book provides a unique analysis of how concepts such
as "vulnerability" and "trauma" have become
institutionalized within politics and society. It also
offers a critical appraisal of the political and personal
implications of these developments, and in addition,
shows how the institutionalization of the survivor
identity represents a diminished view of the human
subject and our capacity to achieve progressive political
and individual change.

** Social movements -- Psychological aspects, Action
research, Psychic trauma, Identity (Psychology).
   10 Velde, Victoria Te
The commonwealth brand : global voice, local action /
Victoria Te Velde.-- Surrey: Ashgate, 2011.
xvii, 205p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781409429173.
305.8009171241 VEL 134088
This book identifies and discusses the different
theoretical approaches to analysing the Commonwealth. It
exposes various shortcomings in current thinking about
international relations and the Commonwealth.
Furthermore, it reveals how a number of turning points in
the Commonwealth-s history have shaped its membership
rules and illustrates how the official Commonwealth still
has the potential to expand and develop to best reflect
an organization that represents a third of the world-s
population. In terms of further growth of the
organization, this book examines the cases of a number of
eligible states to assess their likelihood of achieving

** Cultural pluralism, International cooperation,
International relations.
   11 Kasser, Tim (ed)
Psychology and consumer culture : the struggle for a good
life in a materialistic world / Tim Kasser and Allen D
Kanner.-- Washington, DC: American Psychological
Association, 2003.
xi, 297p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9781591470465.
306.3 KAS 134524
This book provides an in-depth psychological analysis of
consumerism that draws from a wide range of theoretical,
clinical, and methodological approaches. The contributors
demonstrate that consumerism and the culture that
surrounds it exert profound and often undesirable effects
on both people-s individual lives and on society as a
whole. Authors address consumerism-s effect on everything
from culture, ethnicity, and childhood development to
consciousness, gender roles, identity, work stress, and
psychopathology. Contributors provide a variety of
potential interventions for counteracting the negative
influence of consumerism on individuals and on society.
The book makes a strong case that, despite psychology-s
past reticence to investigate issues related to
consumerism, such topics are crucial to understanding
human life in the contemporary age.

** Consumption (Economics) --United States --
Psychological aspects, Materialism --Psychological
aspects Acquisitiveness, Identity (Psychology),
Consumers --Psychology.

   12 Naude, Wim (ed.)
Fragile states : causes, costs and responses / Wim Naude,
Ameli U Santos-Paulino and Mark McGillivray.-- Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2011.
xvii, 213p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780199693153.
320.011 NAU 133845
This book documents the far reaching global repercussions
of state fragility and provides a timely contribution to
the international discourse on three dimensions of
fragile states: their causes, costs, and the responses
required. Its aim is to contribute to our understanding
of how strong and accountable states can be fostered-
states where government and civil society progressively
advance human wellbeing, underpin households- resilience
in the face of shocks, and form effective partnerships to
maximize the benefits of development assistance.

** Political stability, Failed states, Economic

 330   ECONOMICS  
   13 Blaug, Mark (ed)
Famous figures and diagrams in economics / Mark Blaug and
Peter Lloyd.-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010.
xvii, 468p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781848441606.
330 BLA 134464
This book presents an account of the role played by 58
figures and diagrams commonly used in economic theory.
This cover a large part of mainstream economic analysis,
both microeconomics and macroeconomics and also general
equilibrium theory. The contributors have produced a well
considered and definitive selection including some from
empirical research such as the Phillips curve, the
Kuznets curve and the Lorenz curve. Each entry presents
an accurate and concise record of the history of the
figure or diagram, including later developments and any
controversy that arose in its development. The book
highlights how the use of geometric methods has played a
central part in the development of economic theory and
analysis, as a method of discovery, more commonly as a
method of exposition and occasionally as a method of
proof of propositions in economic theory and analysis.

** Economics-Charts, diagrams, etc.

14 Chipman, John S
Advanced econometric theory / John S Chipman.-- London:
Routledge, 2011. xiv, 393p. 24cm.
(Routledge advanced texts in economics and finance, 14).
ISBN : 9780415326308.
330.015195 CHI 134482
The book presents the classic lectures of in econometric
theory by the John S. Chipman. This book introduces the
linear regression model, least squares, Gauss-Markov
theory and the first principals of econometrics. The text
covers multicollinearity and reduced-rank estimation, the
treatment of linear restrictions and minimax estimation.
The book includes discussion on autocorrelation of
residuals and simultaneous equation estimation.

** Econometrics.

15 Dastidar, Krishnendu Ghosh (ed)
Dimensions of economic theory and policy : essays for
Anjan Mukherji / Krishnendu Ghosh Dastidar, Hiranya
Mukhopadhyay,and Uday Bha.-- New Delhi: Oxford University
Press, 2011.
xiii, 370p. 21cm.
ISBN : 9780198073970.
330.1 MUK 133843
This book is divided into three broad themes: general
equilibrium, macroeconomics, and dynamic modeling in
economics, applications of game theory to economics and
information economics, and applications of theory to
policymaking. The topics covered in Part I include Markov
processes, general equilibrium under uncertainty, wealth
effects and macroeconomics, aspects of economic growth,
and applications of dynamic modeling to forest management
and international trade. Part II analyses efficiency
wages, collusion in oligopolies, cartels in international
competition, price competition in a mixed duopoly,
strategic aspects of liability rules, and liquidity
preference. Part III provides a rigorous analysis of some
socio-economic problems of India.

** Economic policy, Economics.

   16 Vosko, Leah F
Managing the margins : gender, citizenship and the
international regulation of precarious employment / Leah
F Vosko.-- New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
xvii, 311p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780199575091.
331.25729 VOS 133827
This book explores the precarious margins of contemporary
labor markets. Over the last few decades, there has been
much discussion of a shift from full-time permanent jobs
to higher levels of part-time and temporary employment
and self-employment. Despite such attention, regulatory
approaches have not adapted accordingly. Instead, in the
absence of genuine alternatives, old regulatory models
are applied to new labor market realities, leaving the
most precarious forms of employment intact. The book
places this disjuncture in historical context and focuses
on its implications for workers most likely to be at the
margins, particularly women and migrants, using
illustrations from Australia, the United States, and
Canada, as well as member states of the European Union.

** Temporary employment, Part-time employment, Part-time
employment -- Law and legislation.
   17 Porter, Roger B (ed)
New directions in financial services regulation / Roger B
Porter, Robert R Glauber and Thomas J Healey.-- Cambridge
: The MIT Press, 2011.
ix, 227p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780262015615.
332.10973 POR 133828
The financial crisis of 2008 raised crucial questions
regarding the effectiveness of the way the United States
regulates financial markets. What caused the crisis? What
regulatory changes are most needed and desirable? What
regulatory structure will best implement the desired
changes? This book addresses those questions with
contributions from an ideologically diverse group of
scholars, policy makers, and practitioners, including
Paul Volcker, John Taylor, Richard Posner, and R. Glenn

** Financial institutions -- Government policy -- United
States, Financial services industry -- Government policy
- United States, Finance -- United States, Global
Financial Crisis, 2008-2009.

18 Champ, Bruce
Modeling monetary economies / Bruce Champ, Scott Freeman
and Joseph Haslag.--3rd ed.-- Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2011.
xvii, 339p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780521177009.
332.4015118 CHA 134474
The approach of this book is to teach monetary economics
using the classical paradigm of rational agents in a
market setting. Too often monetary economics has been
taught as a collection of facts about existing
institutions for students to memorize. By teaching from
first principles instead, the authors aim to instruct
students not only in the monetary policies and
institutions that exist today in the United States and
Canada, but also in what policies and institutions may or
should exist tomorrow and elsewhere. The text builds on a
simple, clear monetary model and applies this framework
consistently to a wide variety of monetary questions.

** Money -- Mathematical models.

19 Gregoriou, Greg N (ed)
Nonlinear financial econometrics : forcasting models,
computational and bayesian models / Greg N Gregoriou and
Razvan Pascalau.-- New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
xix, 196p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780230283640.
332.63221015118 GRE 134488
This book proposes new methods to value equity and model
the Markowitz efficient frontier using Markov switching
models. In particular, the book proposes that there are
substantial differences between -bull- and -bear- market
efficient portfolios that need to be taken into account
when building diversified portfolios. Also, the book
proposes a new concept of persistence that may be used to
define and better understand the concept of nonlinear
co integration. The book reviews the recent developments
of using fractional integrated models to model stock
market volatility and suggests a new explanation for the
persistence observed in share prices and their associated
returns. The book develops a new procedure that involves
using the bootstrap to build vector error correction
models and as an application, investigates the nonlinear
relationship between oil and stock markets, respectively.

** Econometric models, Nonlinear theories, Markov
processes, Corporations-Valuation--Econometric models.

20 Fabozzi, Frank J
Fixed income analysis / Frank J Fabozzi.--2nd ed--
Hoboken: John Wiley, 2007.
xxix, 733p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9780470052211.
332.6323 FAB 134522-134523
This book provides complete coverage of the most
important issues in fixed income analysis. In this book,
author offers a wealth of practical information and
exercises that will solidify your understanding of the
tools and techniques associated with this discipline.
This comprehensive study guide-which parallels the main
book chapter by chapter-contains challenging problems and
a complete set of solutions as well as concise learning
outcome statements and summary overviews. Topics reviewed
include: The risks associated with investing in fixed
income securities, The fundamentals of valuation and
interest rate risk, The features of structured products-
such as mortgage-backed securities and asset-backed
securities, The principles of credit analysis, The
valuation of fixed income securities with embedded

** Fixed-income securities.

21 Schmidt, Anatoly B
Financial markets and trading : an introduction to market
microstructure and trading strategies / Anatoly B Schmidt
-- New Jersey: John Wiley, 2011.
xiii, 194p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780470924129.
332.64 SCH 134461
This book offers a balance between the theoretical
aspects of market microstructure and trading strategies
that may be more relevant for practitioners. It
skillfully provides an informative overview of modern
financial markets as well as an engaging assessment of
the methods used in deriving and back-testing trading
strategies. It details the modern financial markets for
equities, foreign exchange, and fixed income, addresses
the basics of market dynamics, including statistical
distributions and volatility of returns, offers a summary
of approaches used in technical analysis and statistical
arbitrage as well as a more detailed description of
trading performance criteria and back-testing strategies.

** Fixed-income securities, Stock exchanges,

22 Chen, Chunlai
Foreign direct investment in China : location
determinats, investor differences and economic impacts /
Chunlai Chen.-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011.
xiii, 307p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781849803885.
332.6730951 CHE 134491
This book provides a remarkable background of information
on the evolution of China-s FDI policies over the last 30
years. In this book, the author presents a compelling and
thorough analysis of the leading theoretical explanations
of FDI and a series of rigorous empirical examinations of
the location determinants of FDI. He provides a
comprehensive analysis of the differences in investment
and production behavior between the major investors as
well as an in-depth investigation of the impacts of FDI
on China-s economy.

** Investments, Foreign --China.
   23 Bleischwitz, Raimund (ed)
International economics of resource efficiency : eco-
innovation policies for a green economy / Raimund
Bleischwitz, Paul J J Welfens and ZhongXiang Zhang.--
Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, 2011.
xxx, 394p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9783790826005.
333.7 BLE 133813
Human societies face a threatening future of resource
scarcity and environmental damages. This book addresses
the challenge of turning these risks into opportunities
and policies. It is a collection of high level
contributions from experts of sustainable growth and
sustainable resource management. Focusing on economics,
sustainability, technology and policy, the book
highlights system innovation, leapfrogging strategies of
emerging economies, possible rebound effects and
international market development. It puts natural
resources centre stage and will make an important
contribution to achieving the goal of a 21st century
Green Economy.

** Natural resources-Management, Sustainable development.

24 Cato, Molly Scott
Environment and economy / Molly Scott Cato.-- London:
Routledge, 2011.
xx, 263p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415477413.
333.7 CAT 134456
The book provides a stimulating introductory insight into
the history of thinking that has linked the economy and
the environment. It begins by introducing readers to the
pioneers of this field, such as Fritz Schumacher and Paul
Ehrlich, who first drew attention to the disastrous
consequences for our environment of our ever-expanding
economy. Part two of the book describes the main academic
responses to the need to resolve the tension between
economy and environment: environmental economics,
ecological economics, green economics, and anti-
capitalist economics. Part three is structured around key
themes including an introduction to economic instruments
such as taxes and regulation, pollution and resource
depletion, growth, globalization vs. localization and
climate change. Each key issue is approached from a range
of different perspectives, and working policies are
presented in detail.

** Environmental economics, Economic policy .
   25 Ekins, Paul (ed)
Environmental tax reform (ETR) : a policy for green
growth / Paul Ekins and Stefan Speck.-- Oxford: Oxford
University press, 2011.
xxxiv, 371p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780199584505.
336.2783337 EKI 134089
The book explores the implications of introducing ETR on
a much wider scale throughout the European Union. A
unique modeling exercise, using two macroeconomic models,
delivers varied and complementary insights into the
economic and environmental results of a large-scale ETR
in Europe, and its effects on and implications for the
rest of the world. The modeling suggests that such a
policy has a key role in the achievement of Europe-s
targets to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions, and, if
implemented with cooperative policy in other countries,
could significantly reduce global emissions. The book is
essential and hopeful reading for anyone who has wondered
how, with today-s intensifying environmental challenges,
economic growth could become more environmentally

** Environmental impact charges-Europe.
   26 Krugman, Paul R
International economics : theory and policy / Paul R
Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld.--8th ed-- New Delhi:
Pearson, 2009.
xxviii, 706p. 26cm.
ISBN : 9788131725634.
337 KRU 134430
The book integrates the latest research, data, and policy
in hot topics such as outsourcing, economic geography,
trade and environment, financial derivatives, the sub
prime crisis, and China-s exchange rate policies. This
book is divided into trade and finance. Within each half,
core theory chapters are followed by a series of
application chapters that confront policy questions using
the newest empirical work, data, and policy debates.

** International economic relations, International

27 Volz, Ulrich (ed)
Regional integration, economic development and global
governance / Ulrich Volz.-- Cheltenham: Edward Elgar,
2011. xviii, 369p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781849809146.
337 VOL 133826
In this book, the contributors expertly provide a
comparative perspective on regional integration in
different regions of the world while at the same time
analysing the various facets of integration, relating to
trade, FDI, finance and monetary policies. They provide a
comprehensive treatment of the subject and offer new
perspectives on the potential developmental effects of
regional integration and the implications of regional
integration for global economic governance.

** International economic integration, Economic
development, International cooperation , International
organization, Regionalism.

28 Fornes, Gaston
The China-Latin America axis : emerging markets and the
future of globalisation / Gaston Fornes and Alan Butt
Philip.-- New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012.
xiv, 183p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780230574878.
337.5108 FOR 134476
The impressive growth of trade and investments between
China and Latin America in the last few years has
attracted the attention of the business world and policy
makers. The book explores and analyzes this relationship
in detail. It studies the trade, investment, and business
of the main players at both the country/region and
company levels in the current context of globalization
and the growing importance of emerging markets in the
world economy.

** China --Foreign economic relations --Latin America,
Latin America --Foreign economic relations --China.

   29 Lusk, Jayson L (ed)
The oxford handbook of the economics of food consumption
and policy / Jayson L Lusk, Jutta Roosen and Jason F
Shogren.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
xix, 901p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780199569441.
338.19 LUS 133847
This book provides an overview of the economics of food
consumption and policy and is a useful reference for
academics and graduate students interested in food
economics and the consumer-end of the supply chain. The
first section covers the application of the core
theoretical and methodological approaches of the
economics of food consumption and policy. The second part
concentrates on policy issues related to food
consumption. Several chapters focus on the theoretical
and conceptual issues relevant in food markets, such as
product bans, labeling, food standards, political
economy, and scientific uncertainty.

** Food consumption -- Economic aspects, Food consumption
-- Government policy.

30 Sen, Anindya
Microeconomics : theory and applications / Anindya Sen.--
2nd ed-- New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2007.
viii, 290p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780195686463.
338.5 SEN 134426
The book focus on the topics including: Application of
new tools- game theory concepts, new theories-
contractual theories of the firm, asymmetric information,
examples of topical interest- trading permits in
pollution, industrial securities in India, relevant real
life applications- saving and borrowing decisions,
efficiency wages, insurance, exhaustible resources, trade
union bargaining, etc.

** Microeconomics.

31 Cameron, A Colin
Microeconomics : methods and applications / A Colin
Cameron and Pravin K Trivedi.-- Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2009.
xxii, 1034p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780521848053.
338.5015195 CAM 134479
This book provides the most comprehensive treatment of
microeconometrics, the analysis of individual-level data
on the economic behavior of individuals or firms using
regression methods for cross section and panel data. The
book is oriented to the practitioner. A basic
understanding of the linear regression model with matrix
algebra is assumed. The text can be used for a
microeconometrics course, typically a second-year
economics PhD course, for data-oriented applied
microeconometrics field courses, and as a reference work
for graduate students and applied researchers who wish to
fill in gaps in their toolkit. Distinguishing features of
the book include emphasis on nonlinear models and robust
inference, simulation-based estimation, and problems of
complex survey data.

** Econometrics, Microeconomics-Econometric models.

32 Basu, Kaushik
An economist-s miscellany / Kaushik Basu.-- Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2011.
ix, 200p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780198072508.
338.9 BAS 132135
This eclectic collection of popular writings - short
essays, two translated Bengali short stories, and a play
presents reflections on the world of academe, politics,
and policy by a distinguished economist-cum-policymaker.

** Economic policy, Economic development, Economic
development -- India.
   33 Montiel, Peter J
Macroeconomics in emerging markets / Peter J Montiel.--
2nd ed-- Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
xiii, 763p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780521514729.
339 MON 134480
This textbook describes how the standard macroeconomic
models that are used in industrial countries can be
modified to help understand this experience and how
institutional and policy reforms in emerging and
developing economies may affect their future
macroeconomic performance. The book contains extensive
material on themes such as fiscal institutions, inflation
targeting, emergent market crises, and the Great
Recession numerous application boxes, end-of-chapter
questions, references for each chapter, more diagrams,
less taxonomy, and a more reader-friendly narrative, and
enhanced integration of all parts of the work.

** Macroeconomics, Developing countries-Economic

34 Immervoll, Herwing (ed)
Who loses in the downturn? economic crisis, employment
and income distribution / Herwig Immervoll, Andreas
Peichl and Konstantinos Tatsiramos.-- Bingley: Emerald,
xvi, 286p. 23cm.
(Research in labor economic , 32).
ISBN : 9780857247490.
339.22 IMM 134057
This book contains fresh knowledge on the effects of the
economic downturn on employment and income distribution.
It contains 9 original research papers from both Europe
and the US, including illustrations of forward-looking
simulation methods that can be used before detailed data
on actual household experiences become available. These
papers offer new insights into issues such as how wages,
employment and incomes are affected by the crisis, which
demographic groups are most vulnerable in the recession,
how well the welfare system protects the newly unemployed
and how consumption and income poverty change over the
business cycle.

** Financial crises--Social aspects, Income distribution.

35 Thomas, Lyn (ed.)
Religion, consumerism and sustainability : paradise lost
? / Lyn Thomas.-- New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
xiii, 200p. 22cm.
(Consumption and public life / Trentmann, Frank (ed.) and
Wilk, Richard (ed.)).
ISBN : 9780230576674.
339.47 THO 133829
In this book, a complexity is addressed in an analysis of
the interconnections between religious and consumption
practices and cultures, and the ways in which both are
responding to the ecological threat posed by continuous
economic growth. International in scope, the book
combines empirical and theoretical work in its attempt to
interrogate the traditional opposition of spiritual and
materialistic values, and to explore the interplay of
religious and consuming passions in contemporary

** Religion -- Economic aspects, Consumption (Economics)
   36 Greenberg, Michael R
The environmental impact statement after two generations
: managing environmental power / Michael R Greenberg.--
London: Routledge, 2012.
xv, 229p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415601733.
344.73046 GRE 134091
This book discusses the author-s experiences with
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and its impact
on the environmental protection. It deals with an ethical
position about the environment, and the law required some
level of accountability in the form of an environmental
impact statement, or EIS. According to author EIS mean
that the analysts did more than adequate job of measuring
impacts on cultural artifacts. After forty years of
thinking about and working with NEPA and the EIS process,
Greenberg decided to conduct his own evaluation from the
perspective of a person trained in science that focuses
on environmental and environmental health policies. This
book of carefully chosen real case studies goes beyond
the familiar checklists of what to do, and shows students
and practitioners alike what really happens during the
creation and implementation of an EIS.

** Environmental impact statements-Law and legislation--
United States, Environmental impact statements -United
States--Case studies.
   37 O-Leary, Rosemary (ed)
The future of public administration around the world :
the minnowbrook perspective / Rosemary O-Leary, David M
Van Slyke and Soonhee Kim.-- Washington, D C: Georgetown
University Press, 2010.
xiv, 322p. 23cm.
ISBN : 978158901712.
351 OLE 134487
This book provides critical examination of the field of
public administration yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The
book begins by examining the ideas of previous
Minnowbrook conferences, such as relevance and change,
which are reflective of the 1960s and 1980s. It then
moves beyond old Minnowbrook concepts to focus on public
administration challenges of the future: globalism,
twenty first century collaborative governance, the role
of information technology in governance, deliberative
democracy and public participation, the organization of
the future, and teaching the next generation of leaders.

** Public administration
   38 Van Wart, Montgomery
Dynamics of leadership in public service : theory and
practice / Montgomery Van Wart.--2nd ed.-- Armonk: M E
Sharpe, 2011.
xii, 547p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780765623652.
352.39 VAN 133488
This book sets the standard for instruction in college
and professional courses on leadership, management, and
organizational effectiveness. The book includes key
sections on leadership assessment, characteristics,
behaviors, styles, leadership theory, and evaluation and
development. The book has special focus on organizational
leadership from individual prospective and emphasis on
collaboration, networking, diversity, citizen input etc.

** Leadership-Handbooks, manuals, etc , Public
administration-Handbooks, manuals, etc.
   39 Wodarski, John S
Research methods for evidence-based practice / John S
Wodarski and Laura M Hopson.-- New Delhi: Sage, 2012.
viii, 179p. 23cm.
ISBN : 978141299098.
361.3072 WOD 134455
The book begins with an introduction and rationale for
using evidence based practice and the basic roles of an
evidence based practitioner. Next the book covers
evaluating research into practice generalizations. Then
the authors cover designs for evaluation of practice,
traditional designs, application of statistical
techniques in evaluation of practice and advanced
statistical techniques in social work research. Next the
book covers the research process in preparing for
research, developing and formulating quality proposals,
developing management information systems for Human
Services and emerging trends and issues.

** Social service --Research, Evidence-based social work.
   40 Brooks, David B (ed)
Making the most of the water we have : the soft path
approach to water management / David B Brooks, Oliver M
Brandes and Stephen Gurman.-- London: Earthscan, 2011.
xxii, 273p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781849713085.
363.61 BRO 133830
This book looks ahead to provide the context within which
to consider our use and management of water as we enter
an increasingly uncertain future. The book provides a
timely review of how political economies worldwide have
been introducing soft path approaches. It is immensely
strengthened by authors who introduced the idea to the
water sector and diffused it among water scientists,
engineers and planners. It offers details regarding soft
path water planning possibilities for rich nations and
poor nations alike.

** Water resources development -- Environmental aspects,
Water-supply -- Management -- Environmental aspects.

41 Walker, Gordon
Environmental justice : concepts, evidence and polotics /
Gordon Walker.-- London: Routledge, 2012.
xv, 256p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415589741.
363.7 WAL 134090
The book explores the diversity of ways in which
environment and social difference are intertwined and how
the justice of their interrelationship matters.
Environmental Justice offers a wide ranging analysis of
this rapidly evolving field, with compelling examples of
the processes involved in producing inequalities and the
challenges faced in advancing the interests of the
disadvantaged. It provides a critical framework for
understanding environmental justice in various spatial
and political contexts. This book is helpful to those
studying Environmental Studies, Geography, Politics and

** Environmental justice, Environmental policy,
Environmental law.

 370   EDUCATION  
   42 Skubikowski, Kathleen (ed)
Social justice education : inviting faculty to transform
their institutions / Kathleen Skubikowski, C atharine
Wright and Roman Graf.-- Sterling: Stylus, 2009.
xxiv, 243p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781579223618.
370.115 SKU 134484
This book grew out of a project involving deans and
directors of teaching centers and diversity offices from
six institutions to instigate discussions among teachers
and administrators about implementing socially just
practices in their classrooms, departments, and offices.
This book presents the theoretical framework used, and
many of the successful projects to which it gave rise.
The book discusses social justice education, political
activism, contemplative traditions and system analysis.
It demonstrates how theoretically, disciplinary and
individual classroom praxis, intra and inter-
institutional collaborations can challenge and change
liberal arts colleges whose mission statements
increasingly call for diversity. It offers learning
environments that are active and engaged, open to
controversy and safe for disagreement.

** Social justice-Study and teaching--United States,
Educational sociology-United States, Critical pedagogy-
United States, Education, Higher-United States.
   43 Herring, James E
Improving students- web use and information literacy : a
guide for teachers and teacher librarians / James E
Herring.-- London: Facet Publishing, 2011.
xv, 143p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781856047432.
371.3344678 HER 134471
This book offers teachers and school librarians the means
to exploit the internet effectively both as a learning
and a teaching resource, in particular to hone their
skills in accessing the most relevant parts of the
internet to provide suitable information sources to aid
students- learning. It offers valuable insights into
information literacy and provides helpful examples of the
most effective ways of teaching information skills.

** Internet in education, Libraries and the Internet,
School libraries.

   44 United Nations
International trade statistics yearbook : 2006 / United
Nations.-- New York: United Nations, 2008. 2v. 29cm.
V.1 : Trade by country V.2 : Trade by commodity.
ISBN : 9789210612463.
382.021 UNI 133871,v.1(Ref.), 133872,v.2(Ref.)
This book provides the basic information for individual
countries- external trade performances in terms of value,
as well as in volume and price, the importance of trading
partners and the significance of individual commodities
imported and exported. This edition shows annual
statistics up to the year 2006 for 174 countries or
areas. It contains two volumes. Volume I contains
detailed data for individual countries or areas. Volume
II contains commodity tables showing the world trade of
certain commodities analyzed by regions and countries and
special tables A to K.

** Commercial statistics--Periodicals.

45 Ajakaiye, David Olusanya (ed)
Trade infrastructure and economic development / David Olu
Ajakaiye and T Ademola Oyejide.-- London: Routledge, 2011
xviii, 349p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780415669139.
382.6096 AJA 134460
This book is aimed at articulating appropriate structural
and policy measures for eliminating the constraints that
African countries face and thus ensuring that they can
derive maximum benefits from all available market access
opportunities. There is evidence that most African
countries face external market access barriers in their
major export destinations which are generally less
constraining than those confronting countries in other
developing country regions. Yet, they have generally not
been able to take full advantage of the special
(preferential) market access opportunities available to
them. This suggests that improved external market access,
whether reciprocal or preferential, would not, by itself,
be sufficient for strengthening African export

** Economic development -- Africa , Africa -- Commerce ,
Africa -- Commercial policy , Africa -- Economic policy.

46 Heetkamp, Anne van de
Origin management : rules of origin in free trade
agreements / Anne van de Heetkamp and Ruud Tusveld.--
Heldelberg: Springer, 2011.
xviii, 237p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9783642198076.
382.71 HEE 134557
The book describes a holistic approach that allows
internationally operating companies to benefit from
reduced import duty rates within Free Trade Agreements
(FTAs). The book provide a comprehensive treatment of
origin management for a professional audience, this book
outlines the underlying theoretical concepts and
legislative frameworks, and presents practical
implications and guidelines for a successful origin
management program as part of a strategic sourcing
initiative. The authors advocate an approach that
involves sharing and distributing information and
resources throughout the company and the supply chain,
resulting in competitive advantages, synergies, and a
central information point for all origin associated

** Certificates of origin, Free trade, Reciprocity
(Commerce), Foreign trade regulation.
   47 Rana, Aradhana
English communication made easy / Aradhana Rana.--
Kolkata: Ane Books, 2011.
xvi, 379p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9789380156095.
425 RAN 133955
This book is practical guide for anybody who can read
basic English and cannot speak well. It can serves as a
guide for English teachers to adopt a new teaching style,
to improve students their oral communication along with
written communication. It makes learners conversant with
grammar and teaches them to speak without thinking of
grammar rules. This book provide means to effective
communication in English and it include the teaching
syllabi of English language which teaches spoken English.

** English language-Spoken English, English language-
Study and teaching.
   48 Wilcox, Rand
Modern statistics for the social and behavioral sciences
: a practical introduction / Rand Wilcox.-- Boca Raton:
CRC Press, 2012.
xx, 840p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781439834565.
519.5 WIL 134287
This book provides a graduate-level introduction to
basic, routinely used statistical techniques relevant to
the social and behavioral sciences. It describes and
illustrates methods developed during the last half
century that deal with known problems associated with
classic techniques. Espousing the view that no single
method is always best, it imparts a general understanding
of the relative merits of various techniques so that the
choice of method can be made in an informed manner.

** Social sciences --Statistical methods, Psychology --
Statistical methods.
   49 Saunders, Mark
Research methods for business students / Mark Saunders,
Philip Lewis and Adrian Thornhill.--5th ed.-- New Delhi:
Pearson, 2011.
xxxi, 614p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9788131761045.
650.072 SAU 134303
This book brings the theory, philosophy and techniques of
research to life and enables to understand the practical
relevance of the research methods. A highly accessible
style and logical structure have made this the student
choice and run-away market leader.

** Business -- Research - Methodology, Business --
Research -- Data processing, Management -- Research -
   50 Lind, Per
Small business management in cross-culture environments /
Per Lind.-- London: Routledge, 2011.
xvii, 343p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780415678186.
658.022091724 LIN 134457
This book is to take the cross-cultural context as an
opportunity to analyze and discuss the key concepts of
small firm management in different parts of the world.
This textbook covers important topics, such as: the
global economic development process, entrepreneurship,
the role of government, SME growth and collaborations in
a global context. .

** Small business -- Developing countries, Small business
-- Cross-cultural studies, Small business -- Developing
countries -- Case studies, Small business -- Cross-
cultural studies -- Case studies.

51 Deresky, Helen
International management : managing across borders and
cultures : text and cases / Helen Deresky.--6th ed.-- New
Delhi: Pearson, 2011.
xv, 492p. 28cm.
ISBN : 9788131759318.
658.049 DER 134300
This book explores the dynamic global environment of
business management, by exploring political, legal,
technological, competitive and cultural factors that
shape corporations worldwide. In this edition, cross-
cultural management and competitive strategy are
evaluated in the context of global changes.

** International business enterprises --Management,
International business enterprises --Management --Case
studies, Industrial management.

52 Beaton, Neil J
Valuing early stage and venture-backed companies / Neil J
Beaton.-- Hoboken: John Wiley, 2010.
xiii, 192p. 25cm.
ISBN : 9780470436295.
658.155 BEA 134483
The book demonstrates appropriate and defensible ways to
prepare and present business valuations for such
companies. The book provides guidance on practical
applications and technical models dispelling commonly
misused practices used by companies and business
appraisers. This book offers state-of-the-art valuation
techniques that can be used to value early stage and
venture-backed companies. It provides a detailed analyses
of unique early stage company valuation approaches along
with examples of generally accepted allocation models
that address complex capital structures so common to
early stage companies.

** New business enterprises-Valuation, Small business-
Valuation, Private companies-Valuation, Business

53 Bhattacharyya, Dipak Kumar
Performance management systems and strategies / Dipak
Kumar Bhattacharyya.-- New Delhi: Pearson, 2011.
xxvii, 354p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9788131754221.
658.3 BHA 134302
This book provides extensive theoretical and application-
based knowledge to successfully implement performance
management system and strategies. It enable to
effectively measure and rate the performance of people
and scientifically base their strategic HR decisions
like promotion and rewords, training design, sustaining
an environment of motivation and effective work culture
for mutual benefit of the people and the organizations.

** Performance management.

54 Viardot, Eric
The timeless principles of successful business strategy /
Eric Viardot.-- Heidelberg: Springer, 2011.
ix, 90p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9783642212352.
658.4012 VIA 133840
This book presents ten lessons that detail the main
elements of corporate strategy. Recognizing that each
firm is unique, the book resists the temptation of quick
fixes, instead offering lessons to be pondered and used
on a case-by-case basis.

** Business planning, Strategic planning.

55 Murer, Stephan
Managed evolution : a strategy for very large information
systems / Stephan Murer, Bruno Bonati and Frank J Furrer.
-- Heidelberg: Springer, 2011.
xxiv, 264p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9783642016325.
658.4038011 MUR 133555
Many organizations critically depend on very large
information systems. The dynamic interplay of an equal
partnership with the business and a height ended level of
agility are crucial factors for managed evolution
strategy is described in detail. The dynamic interplay
allows IT to develop and implement a vision, and gives
it the freedom to drive a company forward. The book
provides theoretical explanations and practical examples
to show how an agile information technology, guided by
trusted relationship with the business, can ensure a
company-s long term success.

** Management information system, Information system.

56 Cawsey, Tupper F
Organizational change : an action-oriented toolkit /
Tupper F Cawsey, Gene Deszca and Cynthia Ingols.--2nd ed.
-- New Delhi: Sage, 2012.
xv, 492p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9788132108733.
658.406 CAW 134288
Bridging current theory with practical applications, the
-toolkit- combines conceptual models with concrete
examples and useful exercises to dramatically improve the
knowledge, skills, and abilities of students in creating
effective change. The Second Edition: Takes a pragmatic,
action-oriented approach, emphasizes the measurement of
change, demonstrates principles and applications using
real-world examples, exercises and cases, offers an
integrated organizational change model so students can
see the connections between topics and chapters. .

** Organizational change.

57 Coombs, W Timothy
Managing corporate social responsibility : a
communication approach / W Timothy Coombs and Sherry J
Holladay.-- West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012.
xii, 180p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781444336450.
658.408 COO 134462
This book offers a strategic, communication-centred
approach to integrating CSR into organizations. The book
guides readers in a focused progression providing the key
points they need to successfully navigate the benefits
and implications of managing CSR. Chapters are organized
around a process model for CSR that outlines steps for
researching, developing, implementing, and evaluating CSR
initiatives. It emphasizes stakeholder engagement as a
foundation throughout the CSR Process Model. It
discusses ways to maximize the use of social media and
traditional media throughout the process. It offers
international examples drawn from a variety of industries
including: The Forest Stewardship Council, Starbucks
Coffee, and IKEA. .

** Social responsibility of business, Business

58 Hewison, Robert
The cultural leadership handbook : how to run a creative
organization / Robert Hewison and John Holden.-- Surrey:
Gower, 2011.
ix, 211p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780566091766.
658.4092 HEW 134087
Leadership has never been more important to the cultural
industries. The arts, together with museums and heritage
sites play a vital part in keeping economies going, and,
more importantly, in making life worth living. People in
the sector face a constant challenge to find support for
their organizations and to promote the value of culture.
Leadership and management skills are needed to meet the
mission of creative arts and cultural organizations, and
to generate the income that underpins success. This book
defines the specific challenges in the cultural sector
and enables arts leaders to move from administration to
becoming cultural entrepreneurs, turning good ideas into
good business. This book is intended for anyone with a
professional or academic interest anywhere in the
cultural sector and enable to show creative leadership
at any level in a cultural organization.

** Arts-Management, Cultural industries-Management.

59 Western, Simon
Leadership : a critical text / Simon Western.-- New Delhi
: Sage, 2008.
vi, 234p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9781412923057.
658.4092 WES 134481
This book provides a critical review and analysis of the
key debates within leadership, and challenges the notion
of the individual or -hero- leader. The author develops
the idea of leadership as a distributed process between
lots of agents in an organization. In doing so he
provides a new framework which readers can use to
understand and implement this -distributed- type of
leadership. Chapters include vignettes and case studies
to support readers- understanding of ideas, and
pedagogical features emphasize core learning points.

** Leadership, Industrial management.

60 Wilcox, Martin (ed)
The CCL guide to leadership in action : how managers and
organizations can improve the practice of leadership /
Martin Wilcox and Stephen Rush.-- San Francisco: Jossey-
Bass, 2004.
xxvi, 285p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780787973704.
658.4092 WIL 134472
The book examines the skills to successfully give and
receive feedback, make use of coaching, work with
difference, deal with change, achieve work-life balance,
and address the larger issue of expanding the leadership
capacity of a organization. It offers suggestions and
ideas on topics such as: Creating a leadership pipeline,
Developing teams, Redefining accountability, Leading
transition, Keeping your executive career on track,
Selecting successful executives, Developing and retaining
emerging leaders, Understanding the black experience in
corporate America. .

** Leadership, Executive ability, Creative ability in
business, Executives --Training of, Organizational

61 Lal, Rajiv
Marketing management : text and cases / Rajiv Lal, John A
Quelch and V Kasturi Rangan.-- New Delhi: Tata McGraw-
Hill, 2005.
xiii, 812p. 24cm.
ISBN : 9780070603950.
658.8 LAL 134431
The book contents: Creating value in both market-driven
and market-driving processes, choosing the right target
market by focusing on the right set of customers,
communicating the value proposition through integrated
marketing communication plan, getting connected with the
customers, both through -bricks- and -clicks-, pricing to
capture value, i.e. -pricing right-, branding and
creating brands, managing relationship with customers for
profits, sustaining value through constant innovation and
need-based change.

** Marketing -- Management, Marketing -- Management --
Case studies, Marketing.

62 Lovelock, Christopher
Services marketing : people, technology, strategy /
Christopher Lovelock, Jochen Wirtz and Jayanta Chatterjee
--7th ed.-- Delhi: Pearson, 2011.
xxi, 683p. 27cm.
ISBN : 9788131759394.
658.8 LOV 134268
This book contains four parts. Part I explains the nature
of services, how to understand services, how consumer
behavior relates to services, and how to position
services. Part II covers the development of the service
concepts and its value positions. Part III focuses on
managing the interface between customers and the service
organization. Part IV addresses four key issues in
implementing and managing effective services marketing.
They are building customer loyalty, complaint handling
and service recovery, improving service quality and
productivity, and striving for service leadership. .

** Marketing -- Management, Professions -- Marketing,
Service industries -- Marketing, Customer services --

63 Bostrom, Magnus
Eco-standards, product labelling and green consumerism /
Magnus Bostrom and Mikael Klintman.-- New York: Palgrave
Macmillan, 2011.
xvii, 247p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780230321724.
658.802 BOS 134093
This book provides a social and policy-oriented analysis
of the challenges for green consumerism through green
labeling. Using a variety of theoretical perspectives and
a rich empirical base, this volume provides a balanced
and in-depth analysis of the potentials,
conditionalities, debates and drawbacks of green
labeling. This book focuses on a neat, compelling and
important question: why trust labels and how does labels
work? It shows how labeling has come to be central in
environmental and other arenas worldwide, and takes us
behind the scenes into the way labeling systems are
maintained and made to work. The book offers a social and
policy-oriented analysis of the challenges for green
consumerism through green labeling.

** Eco-labeling, Green products, Green marketing.

64 Usunier, Jean-Claude
Marketing across cultures / Jean-Claude Usunier and Julie
Anne Lee.--5th ed.-- New Delhi: Pearson, 2011.
xvi, 479p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9788131763384.
658.84 USU 134301
This book examines how multinational companies can adapt
to international diversity. By comparing national
marketing systems with local commercial customs, the
authors use a cross-cultural approach that provides
essential information on how marketing strategies can be
implemented in different national context.

** Export marketing , Intercultural communication ,
International business enterprises.

 700   ARTS  
   65 Suchy, Sherene
Leading with passion : change management in the 21st
century museum / Sherene Suchy.-- Walnut Creek: AltaMira
Press, 2004.
xix, 267p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780759103658.
708.0068 SUC 134485
This book study on 21st century leadership and change
management using museum as a case study organization. The
book offers a rich insight into a decade of change in the
1990ès through personal interviews with survey and
feedback from seventy two museum directors or associates
and other professionals in the Australia, Canada, England
and United States. It uses case study method from the
museum sector and incorporates emotional intelligence
competencies to encourage individuals to develop the
fourfold leadership role.

** Art museums-Management, Art museums-Administration.
   66 Cohen, Tom
Theory and the disappearing future : on de Man, on
Benjamin / Tom Cohen, Claire Colebrook and J Hillis
Miller.-- London: Routledge, 2011.
176p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415604536.
801.95092 DEM 134459
This book includes both a transcript and facsimile print
of a previously unpublished text by de Man of his
handwritten notes for a lecture on Walter Benjamin. This
volume presents de Man-s work as a critical resource for
dealing with the most important questions of the twenty-
first century and argues for the place of theory within

** De Man, Paul --Criticism and interpretation,

67 Dutoit, Paul
You can present with confidence : how to speak like a
pro, dazzle your audience, and get the results you want
every time / Paul Dutoit.-- Austin: Greenleaf Book Group
Press, 2010. xii, 170p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9781608320370.
808.51 DUT 134473
This book focuses on the number-one hindrance to
effective speaking - fear. The author zeros in on the
five great fears that any presenter must overcome: fear
of other people-s opinions, fear of losing concentration,
fear of not having enough material, fear of audience
questions, and fear of losing the audience-s attention,
Breakthrough techniques for making maximum audience
impact. The book addresses all of the important aspects
of public speaking. In addition, the author includes
contributions from renowned experts who detail valuable
tools for beginners as well as seasoned presenters,
created by an author with a powerful platform.

** Public speaking, Business presentations.

68 LeMenager, Stephanie (ed)
Environmental criticism for the twenty-first century /
Stephanie LeMenager, Teresa Shewry and Ken Hiltner.-- New
York: Routledge, 2011.
xvii, 291p. 23cm.
ISBN : 9780415886307.
809.9336 LEM 134092
The book focuses on recent eco-critical concern for the
long durations through which environmental imaginations
have been shaped. Contributors also address problems of
scale, including environmental institutions and
imaginations that complicate conventional rubrics such as
the national, local, and global. This collection brings
together a set of scholars who are interested in drawing
on both the sciences and the humanities in order to find
compelling stories for engaging ecological processes such
as global climate change, peak oil production, nuclear
proliferation, and food scarcity. The book offers
powerful proof that cultural criticism is itself
ecologically resilient, evolving to meet the imaginative
challenges of twenty-first-century environmental crises.

** Ecocriticism, Environmental protection in literature,
Environmental policy in literature, Nature conservation
in literature, Ecology in literature.

   69 Roy, Kaushik (ed)
Partition of India : why 1947 ? / Kaushik Roy.-- New
Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2012.
xliii, 276p. 22cm.
ISBN : 9780198077602.
954.0359 ROY 133848
This book analyses two important dimensions of the
Partition-timing and causation. The essays by prominent
scholars study the long- and short-term causes of the
Partition, beginning with the elections of 1936-7 and the
subsequent formation of Congress government in most
provinces. They outline the major debates and their
changing nature over time. The volume ends with the
analysis of events that led to the acceptance of the
Partition plan in 1947 by all major parties. The
Introduction examines contours of the debate and also
situates the Partition in the context of current

** India -- History -- Partition, 1947.




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